It is relevant because people who are religious believe things based on theory (as illegitimate as it may be) rather than on fact. When has planking ever won a big tournament? You are pro-ban for something that has never been proven broken.
Because you aren't good enough to beat it, so even though it's never effected the game at a top level against a good player, you pull for a ban, just like the rest of the pro-ban players. Very few of them are any good at all.
M2K is a very conservative, safe player. Hanging off the edge where one false button push will end your life is not particularly a -safe- tactic.
I would be all for banning planking or essentially ANYTHING if it's proven broken. Proof doesn't matter one bit to you though, since you're a religious nut. I can guarantee you the correlation of pro-ban players and being religious is very notable.
It was the same thing when Brawl came out, and I got into a lot of deep discussions about this with some of my friends and did some research to back my findings. The majority of Melee players who were atheist/agnostic etc when Brawl came out quickly realized Brawl was stupid. This was based on gameplay and evidence. However those who were religious in Melee fell in love with Brawl, stating ("the game just came out, i'm sure the metagame will advance and AT's will be found with time!!")
It's the same concept. Whether or not you have blind faith in Brawl being good and AT's existing, or whether or not you have blind faith that the game is going to degrade to Planking overrunning tournaments, it's still blind.
You just take whatever has happened and curve your blind faith into any argument you want to make without any real evidence or reasoning behind it. So don't tell me my question isn't relevant because it is very, very relevant.
It's very frustrating watching a slew of stupid people argue their point with no logical reasoning at all.
When Jesus proves himself to me, I'll believe in Christianity. When Planking overwhelmingly wins tournaments more than other tactics, I'll agree with banning Planking. It's simple intelligence, and I wish more people had it.