Why are there rules against planking if it's not effective enough to matter?It is relevant because people who are religious believe things based on theory (as illegitimate as it may be) rather than on fact. When has planking ever won a big tournament? You are pro-ban for something that has never been proven broken.
Why haven't any of the top players used it in tournament when they're not likely to win without it? Has it been tried (By someone who knows how to do it properly) and been found to be ineffective?
Why have you not refuted what I actually said but instead resorted to ad hominem attacks on me and ignoring my points in favor of making random ones of your own?
For that matter, when did I say I thought planking should be banned? I couldn't care less either way. I was simply pointing out that a known effective tactic is not being utilized at high levels of play, so somebody involved is not doing everything they can to win. Does that idea bother you? I don't see why it should.
Edit: Did you know adumbrodeus supports things based on theory very strongly? Is he heavily religious, then? Are you going to start responding to his posts that he must be religious and thus doesn't know what he's talking about? You should be careful with your generalizations, I don't think you've got the world pegged as accurately as you believe.