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Peach Weekly Match-Up Discussion - Forever Outdated :(


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I'm thinking of wrapping up discussion now with Peach's favor of 55 to 45, today's the last day. I want to be punctual this time, we had PLENTY of discussion so should be good to end it now.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Who is the next most seen character after wario? I think who ever that is should be the character we talk about next.


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Athens, GA
I'd like to see Kirby discussion personally. The little guy is really good and largely underrated.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
His bair and fsmash are too good. At least you can get out of his grab combos with footstools, or DJ float. The most he can get is just the throw to uair.


Mar 10, 2006
That Fsmash can kill at like 50% depending on the character's position. ESPECIALLY lightweights.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Use this game's ez-mode pivot grab if you want to get any grabs at all on Wario. Pivot grabs have disjointed reach, typically much farther than standing/dash grabs and Peach's is no exception.

I haven't taken the time to really look into universal ATs yet. Anyone wanna point me to a pivot grab tutorial? Thread? Something?

Or lesser yet, just give me some button sequences to work with.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007

I haven't taken the time to really look into universal ATs yet. Anyone wanna point me to a pivot grab tutorial? Thread? Something?

Or lesser yet, just give me some button sequences to work with.
Isn't this in the manual? Dash, turn, z. Dash, z, turn. Both work.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
There you go, straight from the Dojo



Kirby is...irritating to say the least. F throw --> Uair --> possible repeat is one way Kirby can get damage up to around 40%. His Bair is bull**** good and his Side B Hammer is RIDICULOUSLY strong. Seriously, that thing kills at very early percents and it's not even that slow. His Dair can be a semi spike and he can also Kirbycide with you very easily because vertical recovery isn't Peach's strong point.

However, Peach has a better projectile and Kirby's attacks aren't huge. He is very light and if he tries to use Up + B as an approach, he's just asking to be perfect sheilded ---> punishment or Toaded.

I think currently, this match up is 50:50.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
True but its range isnt the best. On the ground anyways. Still something to watch out for though.

Any thoughts on him copying Toad?
A smart Kirby who's bothered to learn how to use different specials can potentially be lethal. As far as I'm aware, Toad works the same for Kirby it does. Toad can really screw you over whe used against you (it did to me a few times anyway ~.~) so be very careful. Hopefully the Kirby won't know how to use it xD

The hammer is kind of crappy on the ground but it can be spaced to a reasonable degree since Kirby swings it twice. It's a very good 'surprise' move and it comes faster than you might think


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I have plenty of Kirby experience. Here is how I handle the matchup:

-I float a heck of a lot. There isn't much Kirby can do to knock you out of it. I float and float backwards if he tries an aerial.

-If he down B's, I'll stand NEXT to it and charge a forward smash.

-Back air is really effective if you find his aerials outprioritizing/beating you when you're trying to down air or forward air approach.

-Kirby can only really kill Peach on the ground. The aerial hammer can pretty easily be avoided if you know its range. Kirby really needs Peach on the ground to get a kill. And they love to use forward smash for it, so wait for it, and use it again them. Hence at high percents AVOID THE GROUND.

-Don't recover much from under, his Spike will ruin you. You want to get under his backside and up B to avoid its sweetspot.

-I toad his final cutter move.

-Turnips are great way to edgeguard. Time your float edgehog at the end of it, and if got onthe stage, jump onto the stage with neutral or forward air.

-He's pretty light so up air kills can happen quite frequently. if he always stones, pretend to go for it, and stand NEXT to the path under him instead and like I said charge that forward smash.

The Great Leon

Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
as for kirby ducking under stuff, you just have to switch up your gameplay. it might feel dumb only using like dtilt and dsmash, but sometimes you just gotta >_>

and this is a yes


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008

Peach cannot hold a candle to Rosalina.

C wut I dide dere!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2008
I think I'm most traitorous Peach out of all...

bc... if Rosalina makes it into the next SSB with a new moveset, etc I'm totally switching >_<


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
That picture scares me...

I read the title and expect some semblance of discussion, and all I see is that disturbing picture *shudder*.

EdreesesPieces said:
I have plenty of Kirby experience. Here is how I handle the matchup:

-I float a heck of a lot. There isn't much Kirby can do to knock you out of it. I float and float backwards if he tries an aerial.
Yeah...that seems pretty effective. But Kirby's legs are disjointed, so Kirby's aerials > Peach's. Also, reverse u-tilt will clash with just about anything, and at least trade hits with any aerial Peach throws out

-If he down B's, I'll stand NEXT to it and charge a forward smash.
Except we generally don't try to stone a grounded opponent...the stone is the ultimate ani-aerial attack (it will even beat out a PK Thunder2 from Ness 0_o)

-Back air is really effective if you find his aerials outprioritizing/beating you when you're trying to down air or forward air approach.
RARing a b-air > float > b-air at low percents sounds like it could work...but Kirby's b-air is raapee.

-Kirby can only really kill Peach on the ground. The aerial hammer can pretty easily be avoided if you know its range. Kirby really needs Peach on the ground to get a kill. And they love to use forward smash for it, so wait for it, and use it again them. Hence at high percents AVOID THE GROUND.
Seems pretty true...stay away from the ground, don't get hit by any moves (especially not ones that can gimp/set up for gimps), and don't die. Once you get these three things down pat, victory is assured!
lol /sarcasm...but remember, Kirby's aerial's will outprioritize Peach's 75% of the time

-You want to get under his backside
sai wut?

-I toad his final cutter move.
There are better ways to punish it...that's why we don't use it often

-Turnips are great way to edgeguard. Time your float edgehog at the end of it, and if got onthe stage, jump onto the stage with neutral or forward air.
hmmm...turnip spam ftw?

-He's pretty light so up air kills can happen quite frequently. if he always stones, pretend to go for it, and stand NEXT to the path under him instead and like I said charge that forward smash.
hosnapz mindgamez...you're doing a u-air from the ground! Ness mainers r jealous


Mar 10, 2006
Ásshole much?

They way you put it, it seems like this matchup is 0-100 in Kirby's favor! Okay Edrees, let's round the discussion up please.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Sorry if I made it sound like that.

I'm just trying to say watch out for u-tilt, b-air, and u-tilt -> b-air

And whatever Kirby EP plays def uses stone and FC too much if he's getting predictable

Kirby has no way around turnip spam:ohwell:

And whenever I dont understand something, I get sarcastic...ex:

-He's pretty light so up air kills can happen quite frequently. if he always stones, pretend to go for it, and stand NEXT to the path under him instead and like I said charge that forward smash.
He makes it sound like Peach can jump, fake a u-air to bait a stone (which is then dodged without spot/airdodging) and charge an f-smash before the Kirby gets out of the Stone. If you can, props, cuz you just used some major mindgames right there. But I just dont see this happening...we use the Stone rarely enough as it is.

And btw I (and Kirby board in general) agrees with 50-50


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I agree with 50-50. Those strategies have worked against every Kirby I played. I've played many Kirby's. i've been to like 30 brawl tournaments, every Kirby i've played falls for these. I'm not gonna argue with your post line for line, but if you peach players out there want my honest advice of many many Kirby players acoss many tournaments, I feel those strategies work very well against most Kirbys and to at least give them a chance and see how they go. We agree on the matchup though, i do feel its even, so its no bid deal. I just don't think you've faced a Peach who has tried doing these kind of things. It's possible that they won't work against real high level Kirby's but they work pretty well against the standard and general Kirby player you'll face in tournament so try them out. ^_^

And every Kirby player uses up b plenty of times. And what is honestly a better way to punish it ? You can't really. When you're in the air Kirby ain't gonna use it, and when you're on the ground, the only way to avoid it is to shield or spot dodge, none of which will allow you to punish it.

Also, Toad spores do like 20% damage. AND if you punish with a weaker percentage forward air, back air or whatever, you'll not only do less damage but you'll stale those moves. I suggest Toad.

I personally don't approach matchups like mathemeatical equations, like "up tilt > back air" or "e = mc^2." IMO this is a recipe for losing your options, and options are what you need to win matchups. I'm saying back air is generally good move against Kirby's aerials and telling people to TRY using it in their arsenal more in the matchup than they do normally. Just throwing a mathematical statement out likes its absolute truth gets Peach players nowhere and eliminates them from trying to use a stategy that I feel works quite often. Can you explain why up tilt beats back air? I just don't see Kirby players using an up tilt when Peach is using a move from the side.

The idea with the stone is that you ARE in the air so Kirby uses it. I'm not on the ground. But after I see the frames of his down b start, I quickly land and forward smash. It just punishes him for it. And if he catches on and waits for your forward smash, he can't punish you for it by waiting in the stone til your forward smash is done- the move has very little cool down time and you can bust out your shield before Kirby can animate himself out of the stone. I never said Kirby players do it a lot, I just said this is how you can combat it. My goal is to offer options and solutions to problems in the matchup, and that's what that effectively does.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ok, this is what I know

His spacing is too. Both his Bair and Fair come out fast. So your Spacing is gonna have to be on point with kirby. He is also kinda hard to hit sometiles cause he is short. So to reduce that, Ground floating to your air attacks would do great. Aslo you can attaick in front of you and above you. Behind as well. Her ground floating has kick azz spacing cover. And if you need to land quick, just let go of your jump andyou can just run or do w/e after inseatd of waiting to hit the floor and even risk getting hit or making a get away before touching the floor. This is a good way to deal with small charaters.

Kirby's, Fair is good for pressure and spacing. And Hard to hit him out of it. So I advise to snip him with a turnip on his head (not attack, his head) to bring him down. of do a falling Dair over the attack. You can do this with his bair as well.

His Dair is a good set up for kirby, with can stab your shild, and he gets a clean Fsmash ( If you trip from it, If not you can shield before his Fsmash hits) of a Dsmash. But there is a way to deal with that. if you are grounded and he Dairs you, aim your shield upward, and move it down as he is attacking it and falling. Then if you sense a smash attack (typical from kirbys after Grounded Dairs) Aim it to the ground and to kirby. ou do this and you will not eat one hit or get shield stabbed. Lots forget you can move your shield in this game. There is a reason for it. Make use of it. (Works wonders aganist Meta, done right, you won't get caught in his tornado.)

Edgeguarding kirby his not that hard if he is not to high up. So snip him with turips and burn his jumps and then let him up-B to his death. Also there is 2 ways to deal whith his Up-B recovery (If he does not sweetspot)

- When he up-B, time a Fsmash, done right you will clap him out of his Up-B and launch him. Worst that could happen is you trade hits., but its worth it, and if he has no jumps if the Fsmash did not kill him, he drops to his death.

- Toad him when he up-B. It works. Its the same when edguarding Ike with his up-B. Kirby gets it too. Now the kirby may catch to be clever and up-B backwards. So he cant get a toad to the face. I think he can grab the edgebackwards from his up-B. But what he failed to realize, he that he is now easier to hit with a Fsmash, he has no protecting from the back.

I advice not being in the air too much. Kirbys are not grounded so much. They start thier set ups in the air. So use turnips To cut that air game down.

Kirby can kill you at good Percents so whatch it when you are in that danger % zone. I would not be too agressive with Kirby. His aprroaches on you are not solid. And not really much to worry about. Those yours are not that godly on him nether for how he moves and spaces himself. But you have more options that he does. So i would stick with being defensive. (thats up to you though, I am a defensive type of Peach, I like to lay it safe.)

And you have turnips. So you wont have to approach him that much to get damage off. You can do it from distance. He can't. Closes then to that is His Up-B and thats not something to worry about.

Your buff kill moves should kill kirby around 100-110, so if you save them, kirby wont be on the stage for long. Just work on racking up that damage on him. then when he hits that danger zone, whip out the kill moves.

Since I came in this kinda late I won't say anymore, it might have been covered. I think this is good enough.

I could agree with 50-50 but I am leaning to Peach's favor more for the fact that she has a projectile, and the ways I said you can edguard him. Also he can't edguard you that well nether. So I say like 55-45 Peach


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2008
Mississauga, CA
I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but if you hold Down+Jump(Float) when kirby uses sucking move(Neutral B >_>), when you come out, you'll float right on top of his head so he'd be open for an attack.

Sorry if it's mentioned :/.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
To explain the u-tilt: Kirby's u-tilt facing backwards has insane priority...It cancels out f-smashes like no tomorrow, and will even cancel a Snake's u-tilt. How many of peach's attacks can do that? And it combos into b-air @ low percents and u-air at slightly higher %s

About the stone thing: oic nao

To Dark Pch. :

Your points are pretty valid

Kirby really doesnt have an answer to ground float d-air, except shield -> punish (or a really well-timed reverse u-tilt)

I disagree with the easy edgeguard part...Kirby can return from the majority of attacks simply by mashing side-B (aerial hammer). Even if he uses all his jumps, you'll need a completely horizontal attack to gimp him, because hammer -> hammer -> FC will get you back from almost anywhere

Ya Toad def destroys up-b

Kirby really cant counter a good spammer on a flat stage...fire away with turnips

To OP (aka EP): the matchup is 50-50 get on with it.
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