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Peach Weekly Match-Up Discussion - Forever Outdated :(


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I do want to say I appreciate the input as a Kirby player though, it helps a ton! I can't get onto the next matchup until it's been a week. If discussio kinda desists I might change it a day or two early though.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but if you hold Down+Jump(Float) when kirby uses sucking move(Neutral B >_>), when you come out, you'll float right on top of his head so he'd be open for an attack.

Sorry if it's mentioned :/.
This only works if you break out or if he sucks your power. If he spits you back out he's not open.


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
To explain the u-tilt: Kirby's u-tilt facing backwards has insane priority.... ....and will even cancel a Snake's u-tilt. How many of peach's attacks can do that?
Peach's slap, dtilt, ftilt, and fsmash will clank with it. Technically her usmash and utilt(maybe? this move is kinda weird) would as well, though that's never going to happen due to the position of the hitboxes :p. Priority is kinda misunderstood in this game (still <_______>). Ground A move priority in Brawl is determined by damage. If an attack does over 10 damage more than another attack it will override it; otherwise they will clank. Snake's utilt does only 13 damage (very low considering the knockback (:urg:) it has ), so it's actually pretty easy to clank with.

Yeah...that seems pretty effective. But Kirby's legs are disjointed, so Kirby's aerials > Peach's.
Hitboxes and hurtboxes can't been seen in Brawl, so how do you know that kirby's hurtbox isn't in his legs? What kind of testing has been done to prove this? How do you know peach's aren't :/? Her bair has been said to be disjointed due to it's ability to hit through a lot despite it's range.... I'm not sure if it actually is though. (note to self: look into it)


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Well it's been an interesting and informative read. I don't have a whole lot of experience with Peach, and absolutely 0 experience against her offline.

I'd agree with 50-50 or 55-45 Peach's favor. She is hard as hell to approach with her floating attacks and turnips. I can see toad edgeguarding being useful too, though a smart Kirby can sweetspot the ledge pretty easily. I also think Peach would be easier to gimp offstage than you suggest, though I could be wrong.

Please tell me that Peach has a huge advantage on wifi though, I got owned so incredibly hard by a dude on allisbrawl yesterday :'( I felt helpless...
Admittedly I didn't know the matchup well, and I counterpicked Battlefield in my ignorance, but still...


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
Please tell me that Peach has a huge advantage on wifi though,
Wifi is NOT kind to peach :X

I got owned so incredibly hard by a dude on allisbrawl yesterday :'( I felt helpless...
Admittedly I didn't know the matchup well, and I counterpicked Battlefield in my ignorance, but still...
Lol, you lost against Rowan, don't be so hard on yourself :p


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Well it's been an interesting and informative read. I don't have a whole lot of experience with Peach, and absolutely 0 experience against her offline.

I'd agree with 50-50 or 55-45 Peach's favor. She is hard as hell to approach with her floating attacks and turnips. I can see toad edgeguarding being useful too, though a smart Kirby can sweetspot the ledge pretty easily. I also think Peach would be easier to gimp offstage than you suggest, though I could be wrong.

Please tell me that Peach has a huge advantage on wifi though, I got owned so incredibly hard by a dude on allisbrawl yesterday :'( I felt helpless...
Admittedly I didn't know the matchup well, and I counterpicked Battlefield in my ignorance, but still...
Actually, WiFi is pretty nasty to Peach. xD She's got nearly guaranteed 50% combos on a lot of characters that are way, way harder to land under lag since you have to guess where they'll end up instead of following, and it's hard to time tricks like the slap-grab and her recovery requires a lot of precision.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Lol, you lost against Rowan, don't be so hard on yourself :p
How'd you know? o_o and is he rly gud or something?

I just played him in a TON of games, and in the Kirby vs. Peach ones, I did far better, but I still can't beat him. I get him to his last stock pretty much every game, but it's incredibly hard to rack up damage on the last stock and finish him. It's also surprisingly easy to die to fair, or sometimes fsmash/utilt/whatever else she uses.

And we're relatively lagless, with little input lag, so that's a plus.

Anyway, it's ridiculously hard to combo Peach to build damage. Throw combos don't work on her more than 2 hits if she DIs out of it, and what's worse, due to her lightness she can get out, and her dair comes out so fast she's more likely to end up comboing her than you are to combo her.

I also found it's way harder to gimp her than I thought, due to her floating ability. Grabbing her power is a definite must for Kirby though, I found that it countered him very well when he was being aggressive.

My vote is a definite 55:45 Peach's favor on this matchup. Pretty even, but she has some very good things going for her that leaves Kirby with few options.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
lol Asdioh just ask Kel to play Peach during a friendly at the next MWCE and he'll do it
you'll lose but that's because it's Kel's Peach, which is hella good


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I've played Kel's Marth, which owned me (though it's supposedly Kirby's worst matchup) but not his Peach.

He claimed to main Peach, then he went MK at the last tourney. So yeah >_>


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I learn this match a lil in Peach Favor due to the fact she has a projectile. I say like 55-45 Peach


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Next up is Wolf. IMO, the key to this match up is your back air. It seems to beat his aerials, but this just my observation based on the few Wolf's I've played. I like to edgeguard very aggressively with neutral air as well. (Melee style, where i float out and neutral air, like we used to do on Falco and fox in melee) I get the feeling Wolf has the advantage here though.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I play Wolf myself and...if he has the advantage it can't be too big...60:40 at the very best...

Peachs bair beating Wolfs? Not sure about that but there are better ways to defeat him, if you know how Wolf works. Most of Wolfs attacks have little startup lag but long ending lag (fsmash has only 5 startup but over 9000 cooldown for exapmle), so he relies a lot of punishing but he is also very vulnerable to any mistake he makes...

I'd say the best way to defeat him is to bait out a Shine with your turnips. That's not reliable but safer than your aerials imo. Shine has long ending lags so try to bait it with a fake'd glide toss and try to exploit the lag - Wolf is vulnerable to Edgeguarding but as a Peach you should never - and I mean NEVER - try to gimp his forward B or you'll get spiked. If you gimp him, it's almost always UpB.

Patience is the Key here, since it's hard to get around agressive bair / ftilt spacing but Peach can do it with turnips -> attacks. It's also worth noting, that you should always DI away from him wen using an aerial (don't know if that's standard for Peach but it's a must vs Wolf) 'cause his spacing can be tough to beat...


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Peach can beat his bair with her. Its all about timing, or in any case, you trade hits.

I got a lil more info and strat to wolf now thanks to playing Peachkids wolf. He is not my hardest match up anymore. He switched places with DK. But wolf is still a pain for me. I can kick his azz now though so thats good at least.

I usuallu Dair out of my shield (with no FC) I can move alot fast in the air like that and if he blocks it, I can roll away or attack on the ground. I tend not to FC so much against wolf. And it helps my speed. Since his attacks are fast and have range. So I do lots of short hops to dairs. And it gets his shield good enough to stab it, and if it does not, you can break free if you space it and not get punished out of the shield.

The common/typical thing I noticed from wolfs are, they will space a bair air on your sheld then reverse Fsmash. This usually gets people. so what I do is stay in my shield, and let the Fsmash come out. then attack out of my shield. He also does spaced attacks in front of him to a dsmash. so I aim my shield to the groung to protect my feet. Wolf attacks are goog at stabbing the shield. So you need good shield control. As in learn to aim your shield well so wolf can't stab it.

Attacks I notice that stab your shield.

- Jab (s)

His spacing is what annoys me, with his bair air then follows up with Fsmash. For that, I decided to play more defensive then aggressive against wolf. I usually bait him to attack. For his back ait, I get close and wait for a Fsmash, then punish. or try to get him with turnips.

Killing him is a problem. His F-B is hard to deal with and leads to a spike. And his up-B is not like Fox and falcos. It has priority as well. But its easier to snipe him with a turnip I think. What I do to deal with his F-B is I will stand a few feat away from the edge. And most of the time, wolf can't sweet spot the edge. So he has no choice to F-B to the stage. From there I se up a FC>Nair when he lands near me. Or a F/Dsmash.

Just about all of wolfs attacks are fast and have priority.and is good at spacing. His Dsmash can kill you at under 100%. And killing wolf is a problem. So what I rely one is racking damagae on him and not use my Kill moves too much. That is a must for me. And Wolf is not that hard to rack up good damage on. So that helps.

Also, you can DI out of the first hit of his upsmash, and wont get hit by the second one. I give wolf the advantage in this fight. But since I had trouble with wolf and now just got the hang of him, and can beat him now, I can't give a rating for this match. Not enough experience.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I Wolf is vulnerable to Edgeguarding but as a Peach you should never - and I mean NEVER - try to gimp his forward B or you'll get spiked. If you gimp him, it's almost always UpB.
Actually, I find that Nair beats his forward B consistently. Even if he spaces it so that it lands the sweetspot, as long as you pressed A you will take no damage and he'll be knocked out of it and sent flying.

Though, Nair is risky offstage.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Dair the crap out of Wolf when you see an opening. Dair him. Go for another. Go for another if he's still stuck. Wolf falls very fast so Dair tears him apart. Tilts work well against him.

Whilst he has a reflector, it's not very good at stopping Turnips. Don't go Glide tossing right into it and end up get hit by your own Turnip. Still make very good use of Turnip

A lot of Wolf's will use their blaster to force you to approach. Try to learn how to perfect sheild his blaster shots and if you're close enough, use them as Toad fodder. Toad is good in this match up, especially against Wolf's dash attack.

Don't go floating like a fool or you'll get sniped down, mix things up.

Peach's Down Smash BEATS Wolf's Down Smash. Remember this because if Wolf rolls behind you and you're at a high percent, chances are he's going to go for a D Smash

Get Wolf off the stage by any means possible. Dair, Fair, F throw, B Throw...just get him off because once he's forced to recover, you have the advantage. Time your ledge grabbing so that the final hit of his Up + B doesn't hit you and cause a possible stage spike

I personally think the match up is even (although I know a lot of people dislike fighting Wolf). Wolf can kill much earlier but Peach can combo the **** out of him and gimp him fairly easily

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
^ What combos are you reffering to?

I also see no mentionings of Wolfs shine counters yet...


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
...Did I put combos? >.> Sorry it's getting late...

What I meant was that Peach can rack up damage on Wolf very easily. Dair works incredibly well vs Wolf and Peach can also chaingrab him (Wolf can break out of it at around 26% I think)

Shine counters? As in jumping in and using your shine to stun someone? Hmm...I'd completly forgotten about them *kicks self*


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Peach's Heart
Fighting against a skilled Wolf player can be difficult,because you can't use aerial attacks from a distance due to his Wolf Flash, and Wolf can abuse short jumps into Dair spikes.
Get in close where many of his attacks lose their effect,and stay on the ground to avoid the Dair spike.
If Wolf uses Wolf Flash,dodge it and immediately dash toward him to keep pressure on him and force him to act quickly.


Mar 10, 2006
I wonder where you took that from.

Wolf is a b*tch to fight, at least that's my case. Wolf spammers are worse, and I have problems dealing with his super fast Dsmash. He also has just a couple ATs that are quite useful.
Everyone say this matchup is even but I see it more as Wolf 55-45 Peach. :ohwell:

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Or: Peach uses an Usmash to finish Wolf off, Wolf uses Shine, Usmash is canceled...

btw, that tactic...read my first post on that page ;)


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
The reflector has 6 invincibility frames on startup, and then the attack comes out. This can be used as a counter-type move.

I'd go with roughly even, Wolf has the advantage overall but toad is a pain and peach can dair wolf to hell and back. Gimping wolf is a great idea, anything with good priority will own sideB.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I am not sure what you are getting at.
Wolfs Shine can be used as a counter attack. It has 6 startup invincibility frames and disjointed hitboxes...However, I wasn't very serious about it tbh. It shouldn't have a big impact on that match-up


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Hmm lets see peach vs wolf. I believe that it is in wolfs favor. Wolfs blaster can stop pretty much any weird floaty thing peach tries to do so peach has gotta try a new strategy. As far as I know wolf can kill peach earlier than peach can kill wolf but peach does have the ability to gimp wolf if the wolf player is being predictible.

Wall of Wolf is really good in this matchup along with 0-lag f-air for wolf as they can smack peach if the wolf player is good at spacing. Now the reflector can be used as a decent counter to a lot of things peach can do so if peach goes to use her floaty thing where she kicks a bunch and tries to follow it up with the f-air thing wolf can use the invincibility frames to stop peachs attack. Wolfs B-air can beat almost all of peachs aerials if spaced right.

Also if you try to chuck a turnip at wolf for an advance a decent wolf would not try to reflect it. I would 0-lag F-air which could grab it and smack peach allowing for easy follow up like throwing the turnip back at her. Plus 0-lag f-air pretty much beats the majority of peachs aerials and grabs the turnip if thrown at wolf. A smart wolf can use this as a retreating tactic as not to get grabbed or something.

In my opinion the peach vs wolf matchup is in wolfs favor because of stuff I listed so its probably 60/40 for wolf IMO.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I really get the impression you haven't played many Peaches. Peach's will not be spacing it in a manner where one attack will hit Peach and grab the turnip. If you catch the turnip, Peach WILL be hitting you before you finish your attack that grabbed it.

Actually, wall of wolf is pretty poor, because Peach's fair outranges everything Wolf has (including Bair). However, laser camping works pretty well.

Reflector works pretty well against Peach's glide toss approach. Peach CAN combo Wolf really, really well out of Dair and has a chaingrab against him. However, I do agree that Wolf has the advantage in the end. Laser messes up float, Wolf kills faster and can camp her to death much like Falco.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
this match up i think is in wolfs favor. a smart wolf can pick peach right out of the sky with a sweetspoted side b. or a auto canceled fair or even his blaster. so it limits peaches maneuverability in the air and forces her to fight on the ground, and wolf's ground game is much better than peaches so it can be tricky. plus his bair can outreach and comes out faster than most of peachs aerials and it is quite spammable (so your really only options when he is bairing you is eather airdodge away or toad him).
and i think it was mentioned alittle earlier, but wolfs shine can beat out a usmash mostly cause it has a few invincibility frames, so if timed right wolf will go right through peach and can get a free hit off her (note im speculating i havent had time to test this). also due to peaches light weight, his smashes are more able for killing her. also if peach fails to autocancel an aerial. wolf has a free fsmash or dsmash depending on the situation. also if peach toads a wolf using reflector, its gonna go right back at her.

but its not like a omg lose for peach is inevitable matchup, peach can do some nasty stuff to wolf as well. she can dair him at least 3 times and still beable to follow up with a nair or uair (at low percents of course) she has the chaingrab to 30 ish percent, utilt out prioritizing most of wolfs air game when hes above her, and on platforms too. and she can be a total ***** to wolf and gimp him at rediculously low percents, all you need to do is get him off the stage, float right next to the ledge and when he recovers just grab the ledge and down goes wolf.

@praxis. even though peachs fair can outreach a bair from wolf. he will be able to bair way her before she hits him, bair has almost no starting lag. but it does outrange his bair by alittle bit

but overall i think this match up is maybe a 60-40 or a 55-45 wolf


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Actually, wall of wolf is pretty poor, because Peach's fair outranges everything Wolf has (including Bair). However, laser camping works pretty well.
Do you have any idea how hard it is for Peach to beat wolfs moves with Fair? Fair is not that fast. While His moves are. So the wall of wilf is not Poor and it is safe for him to use then you going at him with a Fair. That was one of my main problems with Wolf when I could not fight him. That Bair air of his is not that simple to deal with, or else I clap him with a Fair at every time.

For his lasers, I don't have a problem with them. For I limit my floating and can use Peach just Fine without floating. My ground game comes in to play here. Which gives me more speed and can abuse his camping since it is slow. He lags when shooting his blaster, even in the air, it does not auto cancel like how Fox and falcos lasers do.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Peach's Heart
this match up i think is in wolfs favor. a smart wolf can pick peach right out of the sky with a sweetspoted side b. or a auto canceled fair or even his blaster. so it limits peaches maneuverability in the air and forces her to fight on the ground, and wolf's ground game is much better than peaches so it can be tricky. plus his bair can outreach and comes out faster than most of peachs aerials and it is quite spammable (so your really only options when he is bairing you is eather airdodge away or toad him).
and i think it was mentioned alittle earlier, but wolfs shine can beat out a usmash mostly cause it has a few invincibility frames, so if timed right wolf will go right through peach and can get a free hit off her (note im speculating i havent had time to test this). also due to peaches light weight, his smashes are more able for killing her. also if peach fails to autocancel an aerial. wolf has a free fsmash or dsmash depending on the situation. also if peach toads a wolf using reflector, its gonna go right back at her.

but its not like a omg lose for peach is inevitable matchup, peach can do some nasty stuff to wolf as well. she can dair him at least 3 times and still beable to follow up with a nair or uair (at low percents of course) she has the chaingrab to 30 ish percent, utilt out prioritizing most of wolfs air game when hes above her, and on platforms too. and she can be a total ***** to wolf and gimp him at rediculously low percents, all you need to do is get him off the stage, float right next to the ledge and when he recovers just grab the ledge and down goes wolf.

@praxis. even though peachs fair can outreach a bair from wolf. he will be able to bair way her before she hits him, bair has almost no starting lag. but it does outrange his bair by alittle bit

but overall i think this match up is maybe a 60-40 or a 55-45 wolf

Atleast Peach got an advantage over Wolf ^_^


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Edrees always has the best **** man, we need something liek this in my thread lol
Edrees our vids are up, crazy matches, everyone should watch, Edrees pulls some crazy *** combo's on me
and I got lucky cuz stupid lucky toadstool jump =[
Boooooooo Sakurai lol


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Edrees always has the best **** man, we need something liek this in my thread lol
Edrees our vids are up, crazy matches, everyone should watch, Edrees pulls some crazy *** combo's on me
and I got lucky cuz stupid lucky toadstool jump =[
Boooooooo Sakurai lol
Hehe i JUST posted the videos in the other thread.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Chainthrow doesn't work as well - he can shine out at the very least quicker than Fox/Falco can do anything. However it will still catch many wolfs by surprise.

Honestly its slightly in Wolf's favor until you get gimping down.

Here's the thing about smash. Low % kills slowly become more and more common as the game's lifespan progresses. The game becomes less about dealing damage -> KO and more about getting the character off the stage asap and gimping them.

Brawl obviously hinders this somewhat, but certain characters still lend themselves towards this abuse. Wolf is definitely one of these characters (at least against Peach). So experiment. Learn to gimp *agressively*. Learn his recovery angles and BE there with a nair. Hell, if you have a turnip in your hand... float out, nair, toss turnip, up + B. Dead as dead can be at almost any distance from the stage when it starts.

Yes, Wolf's bair is an issue for Peach (even if you do have some options, it comes out rather quickly, has good range, and even if you toad it, that doesn't mean he'll take damage) and he can kill alot easier than she can. He also has some range advantages. That's about it. He can NOT lock down your float without leaving himself somewhat open and most wolves don't try to laser when you're close. You might have to use nair and bair more this match, but you still **** up close. Don't forget that your bthrow does the most damage out of all your throws.

Bthrow -> techchase can actually work. Especially if you throw them towards an edge, as most people will roll towards the stage.

Go to Lylat Cruise and have a field day.

I say without gimps its 45:55 wolf's favor. With a strong gimp game its 55:45 Peach's favor. Just play safe and bait.
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