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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Just call me "Rowan"
Aug 19, 2007
Louisville, KY
Just waiting on you Draik so I can update the opening.
I'm done :D (finally)

My final words:
DAAAANG! Peach tanked in results since 2008 D: What happened guys? I understand 2010 was a real slow year for peach, but goodness; she hasn't been represented nearly as much as the past 2 years. O'well at least she went up 1% in top placings between 2009 and 2010. lol.

Anyways, incoming rant. I got really annoyed trying to find the date for some of these. Some of these results I had to end up guessing when it was held. Please follow the format guys D:

So what 'really good' results has Peach had in 2010?

I'm kind looking at the later half of the year but has she had any big tourney success? I can't think of any in the US
IMO, the best of last year was KB's 17th out of 117 placing at SiiS3. That's pretty damn good really. Great job KB.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
nice update, I have a big tournament this saturday.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Same here Ill. Good luck at yours, let's do well bro.

@ Rowan- There's an error in your list (October has my School is in Session 3 result listed a second time when it's already listed in September xD). Other than that the OP looks amazing!


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Taking into consideration I've only been playing for 6 months I feel as though I did pretty good.

I want 2011 to be a big year for Peach. Good luck King Beef and everyone else who has something this month / weekend.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Taking into consideration I've only been playing for 6 months I feel as though I did pretty good.

I want 2011 to be a big year for Peach. Good luck King Beef and everyone else who has something this month / weekend.

sorry, it had to be done


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010

I beat Kilik (Sheik) 2-0 3 Stock Round Two

Beat Infinity (Power Ranked Diddy/Metaknight) 2-0 Two stock round one

Lost to Razer (#2 In State Snake) 0-2

Beat ShadowPj (Toon Link) 2-1, 3 Stock Round Three DISGUSTING

Beat Fliphop (Power Ranked Diddy) 2-0,

Lost to Trela (0-2) I suicided one time both matches :(.


in doubles, I teamed with Esca (a super underated Pit/Metaknight)

Beat Infinity + Denti (Metaknight + Olimar) 2-0

Beat Sync + Player 4 (Metaknight + Metaknight) 2-0

Beat Ozz + Fliphop (Metaknight + Diddy) 2-0

Beat Trela + Jerm (Lucario + Toon Link) 3-1 (Winner's Finals)

Lost to Razer + Gnes (Snake + Diddy Kong) 2-3 (Grand Finals) SO CRAZY

2nd in Regular Teams/???

Then I proceeded to Win Mid Tier Doubles with Esca, (I won Mid Tier singles the tournament before this one, so I'm undefeated in any Mid Tier event.)

Beat Smoom + SVEN (Peach/Sonic + Fox) 2-0

Beat a team I can't remember 2-0

Beat Ozz + Gnes (Fox + Kirby) 3-1 (Winners Finals)

Beat Ozz + Gnes (Fox + Kirby) 3-2 (Grand Finals)

1st Place/???

I was doing really well, I think I could have done better vs Trela in singles if I didn't self destruct, but overall I did amazing. Alot of people were extremely impressed and almost all my videos were recorded and will be uploaded later. This tournament was stacked with great players too, so I'm really happy with my results. Results page will be up later.

Sweet! I made like 92 bucks and started 2011 off right!


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Ill i challenge you to mid tier MM best of 5, cant use same character or stage more than once, aka Razor challenge. CP procedures work the same way as regulation rules, loser gets to CP stage, winner picks char, loser picks char.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I sded also no johns

/6 in the morning salt
you didnt SD on FD wahahahahhahhahha

Ill i challenge you to mid tier MM best of 5, cant use same character or stage more than once, aka Razor challenge. CP procedures work the same way as regulation rules, loser gets to CP stage, winner picks char, loser picks char.
Ok, but you gotta come to WHOBO 3.

I'll probably use Peach / Luigi.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
WATO 13.5

5th out of 16

I am proud of my performance. I got kicked out by 1st and 2nd place. But omg, in losers, I had to go against Hungrybox, and I ALWAYS GET 2-0ed and get like two stocked both games. LOL NOT THIS TIME. It went last game and I cped Brinstar. And it ended up being last stock both of us over 150% so, that is just marvelous. And then we both ended in the platform on the right, and i accidently rolled to the left when I meant to spotdodge and he usmashed me :( BUT STILL, SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT ON MY PART. And Brinstar relieves so much stress against DDD.


Hopefully this improvements stays with me throughout the year. And I have vids :)


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Kyon got third at that tournament.

Lol who is Gallax?


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
lol my performance is really meh compared to you guys. I need to work harder against SFL in the end.

17th out of 36

There were 8 pools of 5/4 players(I had five). Top three made it out to bracket.

Pool 8
1. Chaz (8-0):marth: I lost 2-0. Marth is such a pain for me and he's the best in the state lol. PR'd #9 I lost on FD and Frigate.

2. 2link (6-3) <-My match record

3. Kuro (4-4):pit::snake: I won 2-0. I nearly timed his Pit out, but his mistakes let me end it early. He picked Snake second game(A MU I'm very familiar with.) and takes me to Yoshi's Island(My favorite CP stage). He made it all too easy at that point lol. I was kinda running the timer, but it was just mostly me keeping safe really.

4. Albert (3-6):metaknight: This man was tough. He's a Marth/MK, but he went all MK against me >.> . First game on SV he was taking pretty well in the beginning. I adapted and brought the game close, but lost(I missed a friggin' bob-omb that would've taken his last stock). Second game I went to trusty old Yoshi's Island. Again the game was kinda close, but I snagged it with Usmash. Third game I decided to forgo Dave's Stupid Rule and go back to SV(Because I felt confident I could take the set based on my earlier performance.) The game again was close, but Usmash again saved the day leaving me to win 2-1. Damn that thing is so sexy. I love it x3

5. Loli (0-8) :pit: 2-0'd, Poor loli lol. She was actually helping me run the timer camping the ledge like she was despite me having a stock/good percent lead. Again it didn't come to that and I ended the game early.


17: Radix :diddy: I lost 2-0 T.T . I actually forget the first game. He obv won it though D:. Second game I CP to Frigate(My second go-to). The game was close and the timer was being ran from us playing so safely. In the end I just couldn't manage that clutch and he took the game.

13: Ryder :marth: yeah, Marth >.> again I got 2-0'd. Second game I had a bad SD. First time I played him last month I did win games against him, but I guess he's learned since then. Oh well, better luck next time I guess.

I always seem do better when I'm losing(Albert set), but sometime I just can't manage to bring it back enough for it to matter(radiX set). My losses were due to inexperience and poor adaptation/bad mistakes during games. All of these sets were saved and I'll post them in video/critique when I record them. In the end I'm happy I got second seed and made it out of pools. Number 17 unfortunately follows me everywhere though. I'll beat it eventually.

@Ill: Gallax is a CFL(Kyon's FL region) player and places very well. Very good, he tutors players over there. He plays a bunch of characters like Meta, Snake, Marth, Pika, and whoever else you see in the results lol. He's very familiar with Kyon's play and is tough obstacle for him(Kyon). Gallax is one of those people circling just outside the PR, but just not at that level yet.(SFL has 8/10 of the PR players and he doesn't come down here).



The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
after you spotdodged while holding a grenade.



Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Got gayed. Did terrible. PISSED OFF.

The tournament KB Rowan and I went to had no ledgegrab limit. Everyone was mad, everyone got timed out, and alot of stupid stuff happened and the results (whenever they get put up) will illustrate that.

How do you guys get people to actually fight you?

I had to play GIMR (GW), who I beat the first match, lost to on Brinstar (shocker), and I tripped into a killmove on the last match on my 2nd stock. He ran away the whole rest of the match and planked me a fair amount. So I got timed out there. I don't really blame him for playing that way, but of course I was pretty mad about it at the time.
Then I had to play Cook and I ragequit because he could pick Ganon and beat me, because he plays off of player habits instead of playing matchups and I don't. I play him practically everyday, and it sucked.

I think I could have done pretty decently and I did well in my pool, I even beat Blue Rogue (a Wario!) one match and I didn't play gay either, I just played the way I wanted to and tried to watch him and make good decisions. I would have had him but I didnt realize Wario can fart if you try to jab -> grab him. But I was happy that I didn't get ***** by a Wario who I know knows the Peach MU. It was just super frustrating and disappointing that out of 110 people I had to play the one guy who can beat me no matter what, and that I tripped and got timed out because of it. I also got to fight 0 MKs the entire tournament. Dumb.



Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Well done Ill and Kyon/hiROI, some really great results there. Keep up the good work 2link, who's Legion btw?

That sucks Nicole, where you guys come in the end? Was this the same tourney where M2K got 104 ledge grabs in one game?

Unfortunately, you can't get people to fight you very much in Brawl lol. Playing to win sadly


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2008
Soon to be Miami??????
Well done Ill and Kyon/hiROI, some really great results there. Keep up the good work 2link, who's Legion btw?

That sucks Nicole, where you guys come in the end? Was this the same tourney where M2K got 104 ledge grabs in one game?

Unfortunately, you can't get people to fight you very much in Brawl lol. Playing to win sadly
Meeeeeee :):):) hehe


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
lol isn't Legion that chick who got in a lil tussle with M2k?
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