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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
kb are you sure that focusing on a diff. character is the answer? perhaps you are doing worse because you have recently been losing faith in peach and focusing on other characters.

i'm not saying that peach doesnt benefit from a secondary (i have though about it many times myself) but when you take focus away from your main they do suffer (or your new character becomes your main). i have put some amount of time into my diddy, mk, and zamus but i would never take the time to learn any of their remotely difficult AT's because that would take time away from peach. if you've spent alot of time recently seriously learning and polising other characters, it might not be peach that is to blame for your recent losses, it might be the lack of practice and time you've spent on her. even the best of us need to practice her a fair amount - she is just that kind of character.

of course you know yourself the best. but its easy to blame losses on the character instead of ourselves, i see it happen all the time even to the best players. but when i see other people doing great things with characters like wolf, toon link, sonic (etc), i really find it hard to blame peach. i also see players blame their characters when there's absolutely nothing wrong with their chars (ie. snake, falco, olimar). i just think that blaming your char is a bad mentality to get into - you dont need to be optimistic but you just have to realize that every char has flaws and what you really have to think about is how much you cant accept those flaws. if you feel like you can work aroudn them and that the character fits you in alot of other important ways (ways that other chars cannot), then you might want to rethink switching.

you know my feelings about peach, but dont think that i cant understand where you're coming from. i just dont think you should give up on the char that you enjoy playing that has gotten you all the recognition in the community. at least dont give her up until you feel that you really REALLY have practiced with her, focused on her, and tried to keep your attitude about her positive (dont be a defeatist about peach's abilities before a tournament).
Personally taking time away from my main hasn't hurt her at all. There's a lot of universal or semi-universal things to learn about brawl by playing other characters just coz with other characters ya might have to use certain things more or exploit **** about the way they work. They might use mix-ups or have certain aspects of their baiting that Peaches don't think about or use certain ways to combo, camp or recover.

For me, playing other characters seriously which means doing research, playing the character, hanging out in the other boards, asking better players for advice, practicing with them, and all that good stuff helps me as a player.

But at the same time Peach is by far my best character. I feel like I've gotten a ton better and that if I get just a little bit better I can make upsets happen. Tyrant is like the only smasher out here on the WC that rly makes me feel kinda helpless but everyone else I feel like I can definitely beat with just a little more improvement.

That being said, KB should do what he feels will make him better at Brawl because there's is no way imo that people that it's mainly Peach's fault that he's losing to people that he's previously beaten. Not putting words in his mouth or anything coz I didn't really read through either of these posts but if he wants to play someone better then it's all good but the focus just needs to be on learning and improving and not just getting a high tier near as good as his Peach.

k i'm done. time for work.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
I prefer not to focus specifically on another character but just play Random when I want to keep things fresh

Helps stop you from constantly going into 'autopilot' mode when playing Peach because she doesn't work like any other character does. So when you start using something else, you have to start getting your brain back in gear and I find that can really help refreshen your Peach playing

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
kb are you sure that focusing on a diff. character is the answer? perhaps you are doing worse because you have recently been losing faith in peach and focusing on other characters.
I do, and I understand why you would think using other characters is what started to make my Peach skill deteriorate, but it's actually the opposite. I've juggled multiple characters since I started playing Brawl and every single character that I eventually learned to use at a decent level (which is everyone but Bowser and Luigi, basically) has given me something more to contribute to my Peach play; it was never just working on Peach alone. I've been the jack-of-all-trades type ever since Melee in 2006 so it's nothing new to me. It's just no one knows or remembers that I do use multiple characters because my Peach has been the one that I prefer to use the most and is the one that stood out the most, which is fine.

I believe maining a new character will give me not only a fresh start in working further on the depths of that character's game (which is kind of exciting and is rekindling my interest in Brawl), and whether I'll finally be able to beat the people I've tried so hard to beat as Peach or not...I'll enjoy eventually having another "real go-to" character under my belt as a result of the hard work I plan to put into it. I guess that in itself is a goal for me.

i'm not saying that peach doesnt benefit from a secondary (i have though about it many times myself) but when you take focus away from your main they do suffer (or your new character becomes your main). i have put some amount of time into my diddy, mk, and zamus but i would never take the time to learn any of their remotely difficult AT's because that would take time away from peach. if you've spent alot of time recently seriously learning and polising other characters, it might not be peach that is to blame for your recent losses, it might be the lack of practice and time you've spent on her. even the best of us need to practice her a fair amount - she is just that kind of character.
I disagree and my portion above is my answer why. I believe it is player dependent in terms of who can handle practicing other characters without letting it affect their main character of choice. Some who do it may even build their character more because of it, as I have done. Azen could do it; and although I am no Azen by any means...I believe I can too. I just think a new main as a focal point will either truly show my potential as a player or hinder me in the long run, but either way it will be fun. And yeah trust me I know Peach is a high maintenance character; I've put hours upon hours of practice into her, and I still continued to do so before and after every recent tournament. I've never slowed down in that regard.

of course you know yourself the best. but its easy to blame losses on the character instead of ourselves, i see it happen all the time even to the best players. but when i see other people doing great things with characters like wolf, toon link, sonic (etc), i really find it hard to blame peach. i also see players blame their characters when there's absolutely nothing wrong with their chars (ie. snake, falco, olimar). i just think that blaming your char is a bad mentality to get into - you dont need to be optimistic but you just have to realize that every char has flaws and what you really have to think about is how much you cant accept those flaws. if you feel like you can work aroudn them and that the character fits you in alot of other important ways (ways that other chars cannot), then you might want to rethink switching.
I always blame myself for a loss to some extent, but less as much nowadays simply because I do still put in a ton of work with Peach and my results have been reflecting that work less. There's only so much I'm willing to pile on to myself before I eventually start to realize "...maybe I've hit a plateau with this character, or maybe I need to see if I can do more with a new one with an equal or greater amount of effort put forth". Other character mains of overall better characters are spoiled and I'm not sure why some of them would be complaining, but that's their problem.

You make a good point and I agree, every character has flaws. Some just weigh heavier on characters than others though. I've worked with Peach's flaws on my shoulders long enough to know that I am truly tired of playing Peach against MK and putting in double the work to remain on the ground as much as possible in order to prevent having to play like a fly trying to avoid a fly swatter all day while in the air, or putting up with Snake having easy field control all day, and Falco to a lesser extent. I want the feeling of truly going toe-to-toe with those characters, for starters. Peach's flaws are becoming more than I'm willing to deal with anymore. She's a great character and can truly shine in a lot of matchups; but when it counts, and against the best players of the best characters that are inevitable encounters late in the bracket...it becomes nothing more than a double-triple effort struggle on the Peach player's part, and I'm not attracted to the idea anymore.

you know my feelings about peach, but dont think that i cant understand where you're coming from. i just dont think you should give up on the char that you enjoy playing that has gotten you all the recognition in the community. at least dont give her up until you feel that you really REALLY have practiced with her, focused on her, and tried to keep your attitude about her positive (dont be a defeatist about peach's abilities before a tournament).
I understand, but I won't let something as trivial as the community recognizing me as a "decent Peach", or a "Peach that is part of a 'newer generation of Peaches' that don't quite stack up to the top Peaches of the past" (despite, and with all due respect to them, them having "dominated" during a time when the majority of players were either so focused on MK or just didn't play the game as well in general) affect my decision on this. I appreciate the consideration you've given me though, Red. :)

for the record, i disagree with kingbeef, i feel peach is a very tourney viable character, and i can tell you every loss ive ever suffered was NOT because of my character, rather it was the result of not knowing a matchup, or simply just me being ********. when i lose to somebody because i don't know the MU or whatever, then i'll sit there and practice until i know what i need to do. maybe your problem is that you just aren't doing enough homework with your peach and you are gettin wrecked for it. She is a character that requires alot of upkeep and maintenance to stay sharp.
That's fine, feel free to disagree with me. I hope you do well while continuing to main her, sir. I have simply advanced beyond the phase of blaming myself entirely for my losses. After a certain point and after attending so many tournaments, I eventually felt it was necessary to start considering the factors beyond just me and my opponent, and rightfully so...Brawl has a lot of factors to look at.

I have been doing my homework extensively and even a little extra credit ever since I started using Peach. I just believe that I'm taking the SATs with a permanent marker/highlighter in hand: signifying the necessity to over-commit in a few matchups and with little-to-no room to afford making a mistake. It grows tiring so I'm going to try a different utensil and study for the test in a different way now, that's all.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Personally taking time away from my main hasn't hurt her at all. There's a lot of universal or semi-universal things to learn about brawl by playing other characters just coz with other characters ya might have to use certain things more or exploit **** about the way they work. They might use mix-ups or have certain aspects of their baiting that Peaches don't think about or use certain ways to combo, camp or recover.

For me, playing other characters seriously which means doing research, playing the character, hanging out in the other boards, asking better players for advice, practicing with them, and all that good stuff helps me as a player.

But at the same time Peach is by far my best character. I feel like I've gotten a ton better and that if I get just a little bit better I can make upsets happen. Tyrant is like the only smasher out here on the WC that rly makes me feel kinda helpless but everyone else I feel like I can definitely beat with just a little more improvement.

That being said, KB should do what he feels will make him better at Brawl because there's is no way imo that people that it's mainly Peach's fault that he's losing to people that he's previously beaten. Not putting words in his mouth or anything coz I didn't really read through either of these posts but if he wants to play someone better then it's all good but the focus just needs to be on learning and improving and not just getting a high tier near as good as his Peach.

k i'm done. time for work.
Haha it's all good homie. I won't even be picking up MK or any other high tier all like that (besides Pikachu but he takes a lot of work too which is exciting), too many people know how to destroy lower-level MKs anyway. To be honest...and it was kind of out of nowhere, I'm using a lot of Wolf, yes...Wolf. He has the same feeling of coming natural to me just like Peach did when I started using her back then, and I believe that is a good sign and will continue to build off of that. He's fun as hell too so that's a plus lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Well, I haven't gone to a tournament since MLG, but I am trying to get ready for WHOBO.

I was having a bunch of friendlies with my friends for my birthday party. I decided that day to base 80% of my game on reads and the rest on open hits and whiff'd punishment.

I improved LOADS since that day. What ever that could be read and punished is what I went for.

get-up-rolls, landings, of ledge reads... It felt amazing. I felt like God in brawl. lol

What I don't see a lot from Peach players (except Kyon) is taking the opportunity to go and read things that are pretty easy to follow and punish harshly. I still feel amazing right now.



Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)

Is it more expensive than a cheap ticket to The Netherlands?


Probably not but as a student, its more than I'd be willing to pay :p

The biggest hassle is that I have to book the tickets in advance and crap is always popping up in my busy life right at the last second. Plus I don't know my way around London or how the tube works and I'd have to find somewhere to stay which would rack up the cost more

I really want to get myself into the Smash scene here but I really want something to happen in my area (aka the North) first so I can meet everyone

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
4th out of 24 (End of the Year, Beginning of the New Era) 12/11/10


1st in Brawl mid-tier and Melee singles(though neither matter, really), and third in teams. I don't think that's bad at all. For once, I didn't get to face lain, but I did have to do a pretty interesting run. In pools, I faced Sumer's Wolf and MK, PZO's Dedede and MK(I think), Ron's MK, and Scala's G&W and Yoshi. Then, in bracket, Ori's Marth, Boxxy's MK, Sparta Kick's Snake, Omni's Wario and MK, and Boxxy's MK and Snake. Interestingly enough, I seem to be having issues with Snake again, but it's to be expected when I really don't get to practice much against one anymore. Overall, though, I'm really happy with my placing. ^_^


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
4th out of 24 (End of the Year, Beginning of the New Era) 12/11/10


1st in Brawl mid-tier and Melee singles(though neither matter, really), and third in teams. I don't think that's bad at all. For once, I didn't get to face lain, but I did have to do a pretty interesting run. In pools, I faced Sumer's Wolf and MK, PZO's Dedede and MK(I think), Ron's MK, and Scala's G&W and Yoshi. Then, in bracket, Ori's Marth, Boxxy's MK, Sparta Kick's Snake, Omni's Wario and MK, and Boxxy's MK and Snake. Interestingly enough, I seem to be having issues with Snake again, but it's to be expected when I really don't get to practice much against one anymore. Overall, though, I'm really happy with my placing. ^_^

I'm proud of your placing too!!


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Haha it's all good homie. I won't even be picking up MK or any other high tier all like that (besides Pikachu but he takes a lot of work too which is exciting), too many people know how to destroy lower-level MKs anyway. To be honest...and it was kind of out of nowhere, I'm using a lot of Wolf, yes...Wolf. He has the same feeling of coming natural to me just like Peach did when I started using her back then, and I believe that is a good sign and will continue to build off of that. He's fun as hell too so that's a plus lol.
Goodluck, Wolf is a great character. Also, from talking w/ TKD, the character you play doesn't matter as much as how skillful the player is; most matchups between high-tier are even; and Wolf if high tier :cool:


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
um.. the character really really does matter in certain situations.

fox, pit, and sonic are like exceptions to the rule

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I'm not sure about Pit but Fox kills ridiculously early, has an excellent projectile that keeps his moves fresh practically the whole match, and is quick to boot.

Sonic...we all know the story there. Eats the **** out of that clock. Don't get killed or lose the lead. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
Great placing Mikey :) I play Sparta Kick online all of the time, and his Snake is pretty brutal. In my opinion Snake is one of Peach's hardest matchups.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
@ PeachGuard- He's not, lol. He's just a really balanced character like Peach is, but with a more reliable kill move and a moveset made for spacing and punishing from good distances. He's pretty agile too. :3


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
@ PeachGuard- He's not, lol. He's just a really balanced character like Peach is, but with a more reliable kill move and a moveset made for spacing and punishing from good distances. He's pretty agile too. :3
Yeah lol..

I've used him before. I'd call him a near perfect character...

But then you try to recover...

So God help you.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
@ PeachGuard- He's not, lol. He's just a really balanced character like Peach is, but with a more reliable kill move and a moveset made for spacing and punishing from good distances. He's pretty agile too. :3
Wat? Since when is Wolf high tier?
According to TKD- Wolf is high tier. I'll take his word than most anyone else in the Brawl community until I learn this game for myself :p

In his tier list- Peach is grouped w/ Rob & Kirby.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
According to TKD- Wolf is high tier. I'll take his word than most anyone else in the Brawl community until I learn this game for myself :p

In his tier list- Peach is grouped w/ Rob & Kirby.
If anything, Wolf is mid or slitghtly below mid tier, because of the lack of use from him and his limiting recovery.

If I were you, don't drop him at all. He's a great character.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Wolf is amazing. btw.
I used him for a few hours against my friend last week and I felt I did better with wolf than I do Peach.


Recovery wasn't an issue for me either. If I continue with this game I'll probably use wolf and use Peach as a secondary.

EDIT: And yeah I'm 100% with KB. That dsmash is a really nice thing to have. It feels great being able to kill. And he's just incredibly fun to use.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
@ PeachGuard- He's not, lol. He's just a really balanced character like Peach is, but with a more reliable kill move and a moveset made for spacing and punishing from good distances. He's pretty agile too. :3
Wolf is the most balanced character in the game in my opinion. His problem is in his weight and fall speed because those make him susceptible to chain grabs from D3, Wario, and Pikachu. Also Sheik tilt lock.

The reason he can still compete with those characters is his sheer aerial mobility is almost as good as Wario's (Except he falls faster so land behind stuff is so good).
Yeah lol..

I've used him before. I'd call him a near perfect character...

But then you try to recover...

So God help you.
He recovers much easier vs Mk's then Peach. He can scar through any terrain by just holding down.
If anything, Wolf is mid or slitghtly below mid tier, because of the lack of use from him and his limiting recovery.

If I were you, don't drop him at all. He's a great character.
I think he's the best of all the mid tiers. His only bad matchup in mid/low tiers is Sheik, which is only 45-55.
Kain and Seagull are my inspiration. :3
Thank you :).
Wolf is amazing. btw.
I used him for a few hours against my friend last week and I felt I did better with wolf than I do Peach.


Recovery wasn't an issue for me either. If I continue with this game I'll probably use wolf and use Peach as a secondary.

EDIT: And yeah I'm 100% with KB. That dsmash is a really nice thing to have. It feels great being able to kill. And he's just incredibly fun to use.
Always could use another W0fl:bee:.

I kill mostly with Fairs and fresh Bairs these days, but Dsmash is his best kill move.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
omfg i cant play wolf worth ****

or Ike, holy **** you don't wanna ever see em.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
lol i agree ill. i can't play heavy fastfallers. i just like...die off the edge.

also, seagull i REALLY dont think that wolf recovers against mk better than peach. this is mainly because practically every peach that i ever see recovers incorrectly, and because i personally never get gimped by mk (i do take some damage off the edge, but what char doesnt?). i dont know that wolf has a particularly hard time or anything, i just think peach has a really easy time compared to the vast majority of the cast (since she has a superior horizontal recovery to most chars).

wolf is really good though, he would be high tier imo without ddd in the game. his bad matchups have little to do with the character he's playing, and have everything to do with getting gayed over.
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