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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
ur avy gives me an idea. there shud be a garchomp texture for yoshi.
Ha, that'd be pretty awesome. I honestly think that Yoshi should be a Pokemon. I mean... he says his name over and over and that's all he says. He's already got a bunch of Pokemon moves: egg bomb, lick, body slam, head butt, skull bash, iron tail, tail whip, double kick.... It fits =b


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Ha, that'd be pretty awesome. I honestly think that Yoshi should be a Pokemon. I mean... he says his name over and over and that's all he says. He's already got a bunch of Pokemon moves: egg bomb, lick, body slam, head butt, skull bash, iron tail, tail whip, double kick.... It fits =b
Don't forget Hyper Beam.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Man I am so going to tank on Ohio's next PR update. 3 losses to unranked players in bracket, failure to beat any ranked players to compensate for that, and sub-par placings (no higher than 5th-7th throughout 3 events, something like that).



Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
**** happens KB, i am the most inconsistent ever, i go from 3rd place to getting 66th the next tourney lol. its just how i play, go big or go home.


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
Im awfully consistent :l. Got 17th everytime, with exception of my last one (9th). At my next tourney (FINALLY A TOURNEY) I supposed that's not going to change ;_;. Not that I wont try though.



Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
well, numbers don't rly matter, just fun and improvement. just do your best and since it seems like tourneys for you are few and far between you should get to MM a lot and check off names off your hitlist haha.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Man I am so going to tank on Ohio's next PR update. 3 losses to unranked players in bracket, failure to beat any ranked players to compensate for that, and sub-par placings (no higher than 5th-7th throughout 3 events, something like that).

eh dont worry about it, i think it happens to everyone from time to time. you'll figure out what you're doing wrong and start placing well again.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
I got 4th at the tournament I went to yesterday. I lost to a pit player which got first and Hrnut. In this game I find my three hardest mu's to be diddy, pit, and d3. I think I need help with the Pit mu if someone that's very good at it doesn't mind. And I don't need no 2 sentence crap. Thank you. I'll post results later.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
take pit to small stages, get in his face, don't get his by his Bair, Sdi his side B behind him and Bair, Ftilt is good in this MU, and don't worry about turnips too much, they aren't that great in the pit MU. pretty much go super agro on pits *** and don't give him room to be gay. can't really give u a definitive answer to what to do since all of us peaches seem to play differently, but being campy and defensive is a sure way to lose this one, so work on your aggro game.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
Might not post this right since I am on my phone, will fix to be proper later.

17/29 - MAS: Bad Santa (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=292861), Racine WI, 12/4/10

This was probably the best I have done in tourney in a long time, ignoring that I only got one win. I went all Bstick Peach, mostly to experiment with it.

I faced Fatboy aka kirbycpok first (2nd in PR in WI after Hunger), and I beat his DDD in an extremely tense match (lots of hype due to me sliding all over). He then went MK and Delfino, and I stayed Beach, to see how I'd do. The match was far closer than any I have had with Fatboy, and it came close to last hit. The third round, I knew I was going to lose with Peach (I was so nervous and shaky) but I wanted to go all the way. I got 2 stocked because I couldn't control Peach from the nerves. Wanted to switch to Oli, but I just had to finish the experiment, next time I would go Oli Game 3.

Afterward, Fatboy told me that all of the sliding around with my Beach really threw him off, since he whiffed about 6 grab opportunities from me barely sneaking away last second. Just as I figured. I also had a hilariously ghetto CG on him, in which I kept catching him landing with MK after jumping away with a pivot grab.

In losers, I beat a guy that doesn't have much experience, and I pretty much made short work of him...

I then played a good friend of mine, Akashi. He has lots of experience against me, and he is an amazing player (if I remember correctly, he's 6th on IL's PR). He went Marth. First game, we went Smashville. I got a really good turnip combo early first stock with a ditto face of all things, so he lost about 70 health in a matter of 5 seconds, and got gimped by the ditto face when I threw it down to stuff his recovery. I won that match. We went back to smashville, and it was close, but he commanded the lead the whole time. Third match, he took a stock off of me early, but I almost brought it back thanks to a gimp.

I also won about 3 MMs and did lots of experimenting with BSticking against people. A lot of people were complimenting my new playstyle, and were saying I improved a lot.

I have to retrain myself to use SStick though, and train myself to better switch between the two. I still try to SLIP N SLIDE (free pull w bstick) even when I have SStick, so I wind up dsmashing.

Oh, I also ledgecanceled my parasol almost intentionally for I believe the first time ever in tourney play. I really should practice that more.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
I got 4th at the tournament I went to yesterday. I lost to a pit player which got first and Hrnut. In this game I find my three hardest mu's to be diddy, pit, and d3. I think I need help with the Pit mu if someone that's very good at it doesn't mind. And I don't need no 2 sentence crap. Thank you. I'll post results later.
I can sort of give my own input of this. I play a super campy pit.

Anywho, This MU is going to be close to impossible to consistantly be on his ***. Pit WILL camp you, because he can. Turnips arn't the greatest thing in this MU either. Pull them anyway. What you need Pit to do is to stop spamming arrows, and you're going to need to make him shield so you can come in with your pressure game. That's how Peach gets close.

Pit is fast and his dodge roll is good. A good, campy Pit will use the roll when he knows you can't punish it. Approach with caution. If you're not careful then just be ready to say hello to an extra 30% every time you approach.

Pshielding arrows is good, but Pit can keep an arrow charged as long as he wants. If I were you, don't bother Pshielding unless you know when Pit is going to launch his arrows.

Pit's SideB is SO ANNOYING. Avoid this crap. It's dumb. SDIing behind him when he spams this is hard to do. Just get out of it and find another approach.

Oh yeah. In this MU you WILL approach. There is no 2 ways about this. So whenever Pit lets you breath, pull a turnip and get ready to close in on that opening.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
I still wanna learn B sticking though. But me being me, I'm scared of change and having to adapt all over again.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
I just got back from a tourney. I couldn't enter singles due to lack of funds sadly. But I was playing really well and on point today, dispite not being able to play brawl for like... 2 or 3 weeks :D


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
Lol Xyless was Hunger there? I can see him going crazy watching a Bsticking peach lol. Good stuff at the tourney, I wish I could have gone. Idk why Akashi doesn't play Snake anymore, his Snake was soooo good. I only played his Marth once though, and it was new.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
Lol Xyless was Hunger there? I can see him going crazy watching a Bsticking peach lol. Good stuff at the tourney, I wish I could have gone. Idk why Akashi doesn't play Snake anymore, his Snake was soooo good. I only played his Marth once though, and it was new.
Hunger was there, but wasn't watching as far as I know. Maybe he saw my set with Fatboy. Dajayman was there, though, and he was going crazy watching Beach (mostly since Ook wasn't there).

Akashi's Marth is a lot better now, and he prefers Marth over Snake for most matchups.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I think it is time to completely reevaluate my playstyle, my character choice, and the way I think about the game. I feel my edge slipping away after each tournament I go to. After today's event, that makes a total of 5 unranked players that I have lost to in a span of 2-3 months, and 0 wins against any ranked players from any state. 4 out of the 5 people are among those whom I've defeated numerous times before. I've exhausted my patience for trying to muscle through the obstacles ahead of me with sheer will, so I'm going to take a different approach to this game from now on. Just wanted to share my thoughts for the hell of it, lol.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
What does that mean exactly? Dropping Peach and picking up MK? A focus on timing people out? BSTICKING?!?!?


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
^What Meno said

Can you be more specific? I know you've been expressing discontent with Peach for a long time now. So do you mean you'll drop her completely? Making her a secondary?

Playstyles so are you going to try to recreate a new style for yourself? More Defense/Offense? B-sticking?

How exactly are you mentally approaching the game now that makes you feel that you should change the way you go about it?

Eh I guess these are questions for the SD, but I couldn't help but ask.


Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
What does that mean exactly? Dropping Peach and picking up MK? A focus on timing people out? BSTICKING?!?!?
No, not dropping Peach, she will be in my backpocket for Wario, the ICs, and Sonic; I'm not too sure about picking up MK for anything more than the ditto or Snake.

Yes, I will begin to place a lot of focus on timing people out if the opportunity presents itself. I've given hefty leads away on numerous occasions and as a result have been timed out recently, and have struggled to snatch the lead back. I feel that a larger emphasis on timing people out will ultimately make me a more patient, calculated, and ruthless player who plays to win and makes wiser decisions in defensive situations that I have in my control (restricted to in-game only, not to a Cheese degree). I like to win, so I will give it a shot.

Dear god no; I wouldn't ruin my godly DI with something like that. I'll stick to bonewalking.

^What Meno said

Can you be more specific? I know you've been expressing discontent with Peach for a long time now. So do you mean you'll drop her completely? Making her a secondary?

Playstyles so are you going to try to recreate a new style for yourself? More Defense/Offense? B-sticking?

How exactly are you mentally approaching the game now that makes you feel that you should change the way you go about it?

Eh I guess these are questions for the SD, but I couldn't help but ask.

I'll keep her as a back pocket option and utilize her strengths where they are most effective. It's her rightful place as a mid tier "low kill power" character imo.

Yeah more or less. I'll be going into matches now with a different goal in mind, which is to have the advantage going into the match as much as possible. I have never felt as if I've taken advantage of additional character/stage advantages and disadvantages enough, so that will be a big focus of mine going forward. Preferably more defense, this is Brawl. NO, NO B-STICKING...lol

I am going into too many matches right now thinking of how I am going to outsmart/outplay my opponent from a more creatively aggressive standpoint (kind of like how Europe would go about it). I used to primarily be a Melee player, so there is always a little desire within me to want to take too much from a little earned momentum, which is not common nor recommended for Brawl. I do know when to back off and reset a situation, but my fingers aren't so quick to cooperate with my common sense some of the time, and I often get momentum reversed back onto me...or get KOed while trying to do too much. I will work to change all of that; if a character change is what I need to help me along in that direction, then so be it.

The SD can blow me, lol. This topic is perfectly fine here. I am an active contributor of placings for our character, this current topic pertains to my decisions about my future as a player and the effect it will have on my usage of her. A small, educated conversation about it isn't going to kill any small children.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
kb are you sure that focusing on a diff. character is the answer? perhaps you are doing worse because you have recently been losing faith in peach and focusing on other characters.

i'm not saying that peach doesnt benefit from a secondary (i have though about it many times myself) but when you take focus away from your main they do suffer (or your new character becomes your main). i have put some amount of time into my diddy, mk, and zamus but i would never take the time to learn any of their remotely difficult AT's because that would take time away from peach. if you've spent alot of time recently seriously learning and polising other characters, it might not be peach that is to blame for your recent losses, it might be the lack of practice and time you've spent on her. even the best of us need to practice her a fair amount - she is just that kind of character.

of course you know yourself the best. but its easy to blame losses on the character instead of ourselves, i see it happen all the time even to the best players. but when i see other people doing great things with characters like wolf, toon link, sonic (etc), i really find it hard to blame peach. i also see players blame their characters when there's absolutely nothing wrong with their chars (ie. snake, falco, olimar). i just think that blaming your char is a bad mentality to get into - you dont need to be optimistic but you just have to realize that every char has flaws and what you really have to think about is how much you cant accept those flaws. if you feel like you can work aroudn them and that the character fits you in alot of other important ways (ways that other chars cannot), then you might want to rethink switching.

you know my feelings about peach, but dont think that i cant understand where you're coming from. i just dont think you should give up on the char that you enjoy playing that has gotten you all the recognition in the community. at least dont give her up until you feel that you really REALLY have practiced with her, focused on her, and tried to keep your attitude about her positive (dont be a defeatist about peach's abilities before a tournament).


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
for the record, i disagree with kingbeef, i feel peach is a very tourney viable character, and i can tell you every loss ive ever suffered was NOT because of my character, rather it was the result of not knowing a matchup, or simply just me being ********. when i lose to somebody because i don't know the MU or whatever, then i'll sit there and practice until i know what i need to do. maybe your problem is that you just aren't doing enough homework with your peach and you are gettin wrecked for it. She is a character that requires alot of upkeep and maintenance to stay sharp.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
i had a tourney. idk how i did it was a hard tourney for me. easy for others coz the seeding was rushed but i lost to CPU (my friend that came in when nicole made those aura comments in her interview) and Futile. I got 2-0'd by CPU's DDD but it was a rly fun set. Long but it was pretty intense to just read the **** out of each other. I'm pretty proud of how I can figure out options on the fly when **** looks baaaad coz at one point he 0-150% to death'd me very first stock round 2 but i brought it back to even by last stock lol.

Vs futile (that old school socal wario that ***** everyone) i got 2-0'd also both games last hit. First game on YI he just edeguarded me and all I could do was parasol into fart. 2nd game on PS1 I was 3-stocking him but then he brought it back. I wasn't approaching or anything but he caught on to me and just did me dirty. It was so annoying but whatever, I know what I could've done differently. I just gotta adapt much faster than I do now.

It's chill though coz I played CPU and Futile within the same week in tourney like 5 months ago and they both double 2-stocked me so this is cool I guess lol.

Hmm, I did some mms too and I did alright but I'm tired of typing.

At any rate I improved a lot so I'm hoping that I'll bring the heat next tourney.

dunno wut i got yet prob like 17/84 or 25/84

i think 25 not sure but it's not up yet.
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