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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
peach/DK is a beastly team, there are SOOOO many easy *** kill setups its not even funny, and in teams peach can afford to go into super **** mode and rack up damage all day long and let DK not stale anything. plus did i mention the infinite super easy kill setups?

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
I won a local Brawl tournament on Friday.

I got 1st out of 23 =]

I won a $25 gift card to Chili's, $10 card to go back to the arcade it was hosted at, and Casino Royale on DVD yay!! <3


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i got ***** at a tourney yesterday, dear god, why do i always have to play against MJG like...first or second round in brackets...everytime. i can't beat that guy he's too good.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
i got ***** at a tourney yesterday, dear god, why do i always have to play against MJG like...first or second round in brackets...everytime. i can't beat that guy he's too good.

Next time you see him, tell him PeachGuard says "**** Gumby".


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
idk gantrain. just pay attention to how he plays and develop counters beforehand. be cheap and study his vids like a pro sports team would haha.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
lol i do raz, he's just....so such a smart player its reaaaaally tough to get him to fall for anything. first match i tried campy peach, but he's better at camping, 2nd match i take him to battlefield and i won, 3rd match he takes me to smashville and avoids me the entire match and it went to 5 seconds before time out but he still won XD.

oh and then right after he beat me, he got to play nicole, i watched the matches, and it just looked very similar to mine, im starting to think i should find a CP to his TL but eh......i like peach too much and i have no idea how to CP him anyway. anyone know of any stages that would be a good CP other than BF?

and peachgaurd, i will tell him lmao.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
hmm i'd like to see vids but you need to figure out a way to control the space because you won a battlefield so it's clear that less space favors you. i wish there were vids so i can potentially help ya out lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
gantrain05 said:
i got ***** at a tourney yesterday, dear god, why do i always have to play against MJG like...first or second round in brackets...everytime. i can't beat that guy he's too good.
he's just....so such a smart player its reaaaaally tough to get him to fall for anything. first match i tried campy peach, but he's better at camping, 2nd match i take him to battlefield and i won, 3rd match he takes me to smashville and avoids me the entire match and it went to 5 seconds before time out but he still won XD.
if you beat him once and then he ran away and timed you out on the second then that means you know how to beat him and he's not "too good for you". Just learn how to squeeze him in on the first match. Don't do campy do what you did in match 2.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
well the only problem is, i HAVE to beat him game one, but he strikes all my good stages right away every time, so bf and yoshis are always his first 2 to go, i can win on my CP but its just.....grrrrr i need that first round win


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Well.. I really don't know what to say, but the obvious.

Power shield his projectiles(mainly arrows). Spot dodge and Toad returning boomerang. It gives you an extra ranged attack. Punish his landings. Toon Link has really bad landing vulnerability. He's weakest off stage. Do whatever you can to gimp him, because it can lead to a free kill. Keep in mind that his UpB doesn't always sweet spot which leaves him more than vulnerable. Kill attacks are super predictable. Uair, Dsmash, Usmash. You shouldn't be getting killed by forward smash, since you can almost always float over the second hit, which matters.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I've gotten really good at TL lately. Need more dash attack and counter-camping :o it's a weird matchup.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
you lost to MJFree?

If there is any matchup Freematic knows it is the one against THE DEMON.

If you want, I will teach you my ways.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I'll write something up later. I have an English essay at the moment..


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
9th of 29.

I lost to the first place and second place people. I shouldn't have lost to Hylian, as I had a 70% lead the last game and 30 seconds left. BUT, like the idiot that I am, I thought, durr, he is at kill percent so I should try to kill him! It doesn't matter that he's the ice climbers and can actually WIN THE MATCH EVEN IN 30 SECONDS!

My own dumb fault. Could've done alot better.

I also forgot how to play against Toon Link, but my matches with MJG were still really close and I took him to 3 games at least. MJ reminded me after the match how to approach him. I know I can beat him.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
lol i do raz, he's just....so such a smart player its reaaaaally tough to get him to fall for anything. first match i tried campy peach, but he's better at camping, 2nd match i take him to battlefield and i won, 3rd match he takes me to smashville and avoids me the entire match and it went to 5 seconds before time out but he still won XD.

oh and then right after he beat me, he got to play nicole, i watched the matches, and it just looked very similar to mine, im starting to think i should find a CP to his TL but eh......i like peach too much and i have no idea how to CP him anyway. anyone know of any stages that would be a good CP other than BF?

and peachgaurd, i will tell him lmao.
You forgot to mention that I went marth on BF lol.

I probably won't use 5+ characters in my upcoming tourneys anymore.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
It's all good Red. We all have those days sometimes. Just gotta take it as a learning experience and keep on rollin.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
hmm i'd like to see vids but you need to figure out a way to control the space because you won a battlefield so it's clear that less space favors you. i wish there were vids so i can potentially help ya out lol.
I actually play pretty gay on battlefield when using TL. I think I demonstrated this vs Lain and at least hylian as well (inb4namesearch).

if you beat him once and then he ran away and timed you out on the second then that means you know how to beat him and he's not too good. Just learn how to squeeze him in on the first match. Don't do campy do what you did in match 2.
I didn't use TL game 2 but yea, I guess I suck. I am pretty sure I ended game 3 with 2 stocks :rotfl:

Well.. I really don't know what to say, but the obvious.

Power shield his projectiles(mainly arrows). Spot dodge and Toad returning boomerang. It gives you an extra ranged attack. Punish his landings. Toon Link has really bad landing vulnerability. He's weakest off stage. Do whatever you can to gimp him, because it can lead to a free kill. Keep in mind that his UpB doesn't always sweet spot which leaves him more than vulnerable. Kill attacks are super predictable. Uair, Dsmash, Usmash. You shouldn't be getting killed by forward smash, since you can almost always float over the second hit, which matters.
Lol. Theory Crafting at best

you lost to MJFree?

If there is any matchup Freematic knows it is the one against THE DEMON.

If you want, I will teach you my ways.
i need his consent.

this is serious stuff.
LOL. Toogood.

9th of 29.

I lost to the first place and second place people. I shouldn't have lost to Hylian, as I had a 70% lead the last game and 30 seconds left. BUT, like the idiot that I am, I thought, durr, he is at kill percent so I should try to kill him! It doesn't matter that he's the ice climbers and can actually WIN THE MATCH EVEN IN 30 SECONDS!

My own dumb fault. Could've done alot better.

I also forgot how to play against Toon Link, but my matches with MJG were still really close and I took him to 3 games at least. MJ reminded me after the match how to approach him. I know I can beat him.
You are right, you will probably beat me eventually. Just remember what I told you.

For the most part, Brinstar, YI and BF (in that order) would probably be the best stages to take TL to. Uh...I would really try staying in TLs face. His CQC game is garbage. Getting back on stage as TL vs most of the cast is a ***** but its not impossible.

Illmatic knows the MU fairly well from playing me in the wifi days and he has jerm now, so yea.

MU is probably 55:45 in TLs favor. MU ratios don't matter but with that said, its definitely not an impossible MU.

I honestly think that approaching on the ground is the best method. Peach gets hit out of the air too easily.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Nooo! :/

I used to play a really great Toon Link, and Pshielding arrows really helped. Punishing his landings is extremely effective. I would always spot dodge the boomerange so I could toad it as it came back. That's how I would get by in the MU. No theory crafting.

C.S. Dinah

Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
Away from you.
Do you really put yourself in that position? Using Toad to counter rangs, something thats external?

You better PS that **** too looool


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Do you really put yourself in that position? Using Toad to counter rangs, something thats external?

You better PS that **** too looool
It gives me a reason to use all my moves. With toad, I get slight invincibility and the chance to counter attack if I'm in range. It's worth it.

C.S. Dinah

Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
Away from you.
It gives me a reason to use all my moves. With toad, I get slight invincibility and the chance to counter attack if I'm in range. It's worth it.
Yeah if you're in range. I dont call something that puts you into an imoblilized state in which sets you up for a punish worth it. Slight invicibility and chance?

Not worth it. lol


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Yeah if you're in range. I dont call something that puts you into an imoblilized state in which sets you up for a punish worth it. Slight invicibility and chance?

Not worth it. lol
Not chance. The boomerange is always going to be going towards Toon Link. I don't think you'd spot dodge the boomerange if it's already at the range of turning back. When you spot dodge it, you should be close. The throw should cause enough lag to get into range. Wait for it to come back. When you toad it, you'll most likely spore the arrows and bombs away, including Toon Link. Worth it.

By the time you toad, you should be in range.

C.S. Dinah

Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
Away from you.
Not chance. The boomerange is always going to be going towards Toon Link. I don't think you'd spot dodge the boomerange if it's already at the range of turning back. When you spot dodge it, you should be close. The throw should cause enough lag to get into range. Wait for it to come back. When you toad it, you'll most likely spore the arrows and bombs away, including Toon Link. Worth it.

By the time you toad, you should be in range.
Toad spores are not going to stop a bomb from hitting you in the face, arrows maybe. Rangs go about in every angle, and theres more to worry about in a match against a Tink. Hes going to just camp maybe take the skies as well. I Dont want to take a chance to Toad a rebounding rang, more of try to close in on him and PS when he does toss it out.

But you're right it could happen :/

Oh GOD Olimars x.x


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
I actually play pretty gay on battlefield when using TL. I think I demonstrated this vs Lain and at least hylian as well (inb4namesearch).

I didn't use TL game 2 but yea, I guess I suck. I am pretty sure I ended game 3 with 2 stocks :rotfl:
Oh just to make myself clear (because it looks a little wrong what I said "not too good") I mean it by you're not "too good for him". He said you're too good for him to beat, and that's what I was trying to refute.

I think you're a great player, results speak for themselves, hope there was no offense in that


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
lol im not denying mjg as a good player, he's definately much better than i am, i just feel lost when im playing that MU lol. i was just wondering what everyones thoughts on the MU was.

i also try not to spotdodge things because it makes me feel more vulnerable, so i usually stick with powershielding and i never use toad, but it might be ok to use just for another mixup option i suppose. i'm probably just playing the MU completely wrong but oh well i'll figure it out EVENTUALLY i guess. until then i'll just be a free win to mjg lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
There is also always the full hop Dair approach. You'll be to hard to hit by much of anything.

Even then, I still don't like to do it. I feel like it's more stalling than anything.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
Oh just to make myself clear (because it looks a little wrong what I said "not too good") I mean it by you're not "too good for him". He said you're too good for him to beat, and that's what I was trying to refute.

I think you're a great player, results speak for themselves, hope there was no offense in that
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up

There is also always the full hop Dair approach. You'll be to hard to hit by much of anything.

Even then, I still don't like to do it. I feel like it's more stalling than anything.
If I see a peach approaching in the air, 9/10 I will use a rising zair to hit her out of the air.
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