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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
any dair approach is generally crap.

i wish the electric scribbler took out the mjg at mlg so i could've shown ya'll how it's done . :p


Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Looks good to me. I really find the d3 mu very dumb..... id rather play mk than him seriously. But then again I haven't played against a d3 in a while. Gotta learn my camp game again.

I will be updating today.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
When you lose to good Yoshi, typically, you lose to his gay counterpick and your initial surprise at a good Yoshi player.

(I just lost to one this weekend and I'm mad about it). Would've had him on a normal (not Norfair) stage. I didn't think to ban norfair because I nearly always ban Cruise when the char I'm playing will take me to a gay stage. he had 6 ledges to throw eggs at me from...not fun. it's my own fault i guess, i threw away the first match when i should have been more cautious until i figured him out, jv 2-ed him on my cp (the same neutral we started on). i wont lose to anymore yoshis though, unless its polt (i assume he's a good deal better than the rest of the good yoshis).

i also talked to a friend before i even went to the tournament, and he said that there wasn't anyone going that i couldn't beat, and i told him that arty was going and i couldn't beat him. sure enough, who do i get to play in losers but arty (he plays falco in case you guys dont know him, i assume you guys know him as the falco that beat dojo at columbus). despite misconceptions, i really am not that good against falco and i did not beat him.

i got 13 of 71, which isnt terrible, but could've been better. the only good person i beat at the tournament was a mk from minnesota, so at least i'm still beating mk. i swear...if i could have a bracket full of mks i'd be so happy.
here is the results thread.

i got third in doubles, as usual...someday i'm getting first, but i fear i'll have to be teaming with some high tier charmkto do it.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
while nicole was wrecking kids dreams last weekend, i got **** on by brawl by some random and i'm super salty, right after nearly taking a set from hylian.........so yes, very salty lol. gj nicole, altho im sick of hearing people say how much different i play than u lol. are we really polar opposites???


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
When you lose to good Yoshi, typically, you lose to his gay counterpick and your initial surprise at a good Yoshi player.

(I just lost to one this weekend and I'm mad about it). Would've had him on a normal (not Norfair) stage. I didn't think to ban norfair because I nearly always ban Cruise when the char I'm playing will take me to a gay stage. he had 6 ledges to throw eggs at me from...not fun. it's my own fault i guess, i threw away the first match when i should have been more cautious until i figured him out, jv 2-ed him on my cp (the same neutral we started on). i wont lose to anymore yoshis though, unless its polt (i assume he's a good deal better than the rest of the good yoshis).

i also talked to a friend before i even went to the tournament, and he said that there wasn't anyone going that i couldn't beat, and i told him that arty was going and i couldn't beat him. sure enough, who do i get to play in losers but arty (he plays falco in case you guys dont know him, i assume you guys know him as the falco that beat dojo at columbus). despite misconceptions, i really am not that good against falco and i did not beat him.

i got 13 of 71, which isnt terrible, but could've been better. the only good person i beat at the tournament was a mk from minnesota, so at least i'm still beating mk. i swear...if i could have a bracket full of mks i'd be so happy.
here is the results thread.

i got third in doubles, as usual...someday i'm getting first, but i fear i'll have to be teaming with some high tier charmkto do it.
I'm pretty sure more than half of Nicole's posts are from accidental double posts due to evil internet.


Just call me "Rowan"
Aug 19, 2007
Louisville, KY
lmao, is that yoshi a small nervous looking white kid named hadesblade?

That's who beat me in losers. He caught me by surprised by hugging the ledge and plucking eggs at me all day. Once I chose a bigger stage to CP it was pretty much even until a bomb-bob blew up in my face. He's pretty legit.

Thanks for the heads up Nicole :). At least I know what stage I should ban when I run up against yoshi.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida

That's who beat me in losers. He caught me by surprised by hugging the ledge and plucking eggs at me all day. Once I chose a bigger stage to CP it was pretty much even until a bomb-bob blew up in my face. He's pretty legit.

Thanks for the heads up Nicole :). At least I know what stage I should ban when I run up against yoshi.
Time for you to learn the Yoshi MU from me, meta, and LLOD.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
lool i beat him over a year ago. same **** happened to me. i got sooooooooooo lucky against him round 3. 100% last stock comeback + him suiciding. xD

hell, i didn't even know eggs did like 8 damage >_<

i forgot that he moved out of arizona.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
Didn't poltergust knock you out of a tourney once? :p

Anyways, where have you and silly kyle been tourney wise Ill? I haven't seen your peaches in any of the results for a good couple weeks now.

King Beef seconded Metaknight last tourney >.>


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Well, he has to make up for his lack of skill somehow.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Didn't poltergust knock you out of a tourney once? :p

Anyways, where have you and silly kyle been tourney wise Ill? I haven't seen your peaches in any of the results for a good couple weeks now.

King Beef seconded Metaknight last tourney >.>
Well I had a 3 month hiatus from tournaments due to personal issues.

So far I've gone to two Brawl tournaments this month. I got 4th out 25 losing to Darklink (#1) and KiraFlax (#2) [very close set, I could have definitely won]

And then I won a local Brawl tournament.

I also play Melee and that was my focus since I wasn't able to travel at all. So I still have some Melee habits that I see in Brawl (like my autopilot downsmash after autocancelling aerials), but I've been playing more lately so I feel back in shape and actually better than ever. Can't wait to compete next month and show my state's best players what's up.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Didn't poltergust knock you out of a tourney once? :p

Anyways, where have you and silly kyle been tourney wise Ill? I haven't seen your peaches in any of the results for a good couple weeks now.

King Beef seconded Metaknight last tourney >.>
I think you're mistaking me for King Beef who lost to a Yoshi at his last tournament.

The only characters I've lost to in tournament are Snake, Metaknight, Diddy, Marth, and Lucario.

I money matched Poltergust and 2-1'd him first round with last match a two stock.
Then he came back and money matched me again.

2-0, 2 stock, then three stock on his counterpick.

I two stocked Yosh twice in a row in a $10 money match at HOBO 28.
I've never lost to a Yoshi.

Houston hasn't had a tournament since MLG Dallas, so I'm preparing for HOBO 29 and WHOBO 3.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
Well I had a 3 month hiatus from tournaments due to personal issues.

So far I've gone to two Brawl tournaments this month. I got 4th out 25 losing to Darklink (#1) and KiraFlax (#2) [very close set, I could have definitely won]

And then I won a local Brawl tournament.

I also play Melee and that was my focus since I wasn't able to travel at all. So I still have some Melee habits that I see in Brawl (like my autopilot downsmash after autocancelling aerials), but I've been playing more lately so I feel back in shape and actually better than ever. Can't wait to compete next month and show my state's best players what's up.
Why aren't those results on the tournament results board sir?

And Illmatic, very nice. Didn't know you had the Yoshi matchup like that


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Yoshi can't handle pressure. He doesn't have an out of shield game.

Just be patient, wait for an opening, and **** him up.

If he's smart he'll just try to egg plank you all day, but all you have to do is run to the other side of the ledge and wait for him.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Different Yoshi's have radically different styles. I'm just fine at the core matchup but, again, style plays a part in everything.

I am 2-0 against Hadesblade in bracket and 1-1 against "the Yoshi I lost to" (MX).

@ Meno- I only used MK in two matches in singles, and one was to win a ditto on Frigate against a Wolf player that I double blinded with Pikachu first game. xD

I only used MK and Pikachu in doubles for the most part (used Peach in games 4 and 5 of losers finals against Judge/Lain, we won game 4 and I stock tanked hard in game 5 with my two stocks left to everyone's one, but still lost due to Pictochat ****** my and Shugo's last stocks lol).


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
MX is a legit Yoshi, he basically helped me on the matchup online.

Oh hey, it's King Beef!


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
this isn't even half the peaches fuujin, but yeah, yoshi is dumb, but its true he can't handle pressure. The only thing is u can't like KEEP pressure on him due to his stupid DJ super armor and his rediculous arial mobility, a good yoshi will get away with much less damage than you hoped to put on him XD.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
I two stocked Yosh twice in a row in a $10 money match at HOBO 28.
I've never lost to a Yoshi.

Houston hasn't had a tournament since MLG Dallas, so I'm preparing for HOBO 29 and WHOBO 3.
Hey now, I got you to your last stock in every game. Granted you had almost no damage on your last stock, but you didn't two-stock me =) I've been two-stocked in tournament/money matches once in my life, and that was when I played Lee Martin's Lucario in pools at WHobo 2. We'll see how you do against me in a week and a half.

Also, are you forgetting when I beat you 8 out of 11 in friendlies at Hobo 27? =)

<3 you Ill


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Hey now, I got you to your last stock in every game. Granted you had almost no damage on your last stock, but you didn't two-stock me =) I've been two-stocked in tournament/money matches once in my life, and that was when I played Lee Martin's Lucario in pools at WHobo 2. We'll see how you do against me in a week and a half.

Also, are you forgetting when I beat you 8 out of 11 in friendlies at Hobo 27? =)

<3 you Ill
LOL Yosh you little namesearching skank <3


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
LOL Yosh you little namesearching skank <3
Heh, I usually namesearch just to bring up the threads that I've been posting to just because it's easier to have that list pulled up, and when I did it this time, I got this one and I was like "???"

I think I killed the chat here though >.>
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