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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I believe that I am washed up. I'm nothing like I was nearly a year ago. I tried many things and nothing works. I am out of ideas and have no clue what to do anymore. Which is why I dont think I am gonna be entering tournies anymore. I can't win and make it far. I'm no competition when it comes as a Peach player or a player in general.
Though there is one thing that might end this crap problem that I have. But I can never seem to get it at all.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Errrrr, maybe we should go back to what the thread is about and discuss/post tourney results. :p

All the best Peach stuff could eaasssily be shifted to the tactical discussion thread. :bee:

@ Dark, can you try to be a little more friendly with Meta? I know you don't really like what he has to say but he was just trying to be nice and give help and you were just mean in your responses. /: at least acknowledge what he says and if you don't agree with it just say it nicely.



Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
I believe that I am washed up. I'm nothing like I was nearly a year ago. I tried many things and nothing works. I am out of ideas and have no clue what to do anymore. Which is why I dont think I am gonna be entering tournies anymore. I can't win and make it far. I'm no competition when it comes as a Peach player or a player in general.
Though there is one thing that might end this crap problem that I have. But I can never seem to get it at all.
You're being too negative. Anyway it's alright, I'll try to get tourney vids up soon.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
For any of you who were bugged by my sig, take it up with Y.b.M. since he's the one who made/designed it.
He will be receiving a very stern letter.

Those sigs are just ****ing horrid. :laugh:


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
This was a pretty bad tournament from me, but its fine. I had to go against HRNUT first round and lost 2-0, nothing new. And then I had to go against a MK which i haven't lost to in tourney, and it went third game, and I just lost. But I'm fine, my mistake. But, this tournament was just aggravating :/ I know that Kyon is like levels above me in skill and everything, but every single time I played a friendly, or did friendlies for doubles, someone would always say 'Your Peach is good, just Kyon's spacing and Peach is ********' or 'I need you to be my Kyon and follow up my grabs (for doubles)". I'm really happy for the attention he's getting, just being compared to him at the tournament numerous of times kinda demotivated me and instead of me playing my tournament matches, Kyon should play them instead.


I'll do better at the next tournament, and I just need to find a new style.
I don't think that I've compared you to Kyon except when including you two as a somewhat-singular entity (e.g. good Florida Peaches), but I apologize if I have. You're a very good player.

If I may be so bold as to give you advice, after playing you in the last tournament, I realized that you have a significant cognitive weakness that I could really take advantage of due to your character disadvantage: You are prone to playing aggressively. You are used to pressuring your opponent and Peach can't do that very well against MK. In addition to this, you are inclined toward staying in the air and because of that you were neither able to beat my tornado approach, nor were you able to punish my tornado when you popped out. My personal suggestion for remedying this is to practice tornadoing a level nine Peach, and seeing when the Peach pops out. It may sound odd, but it's very helpful when you can tell when a character is going to pop out. Note that you don't need to DI tornado; most characters automatically pop out of tornado at medium and above percents.

Not only did you have these gameplay issues, but you were getting upset by the match on Brinstar and I took full advantage of that (I'm not actually sure if that is ethical or not :ohwell:). You pretty much lost the match when I gimped you ~63%, and I took the match slow -- intentionally much slower than it needed to be. I did this because you were becoming frustrated, and I knew that this would help me a lot in the second match, which it did. In the future when you're in a situation like you were on Brinstar, it's better to use that game as a breather so that you can pay special attention to your opponent's habits, prepare your strategy for the next stage, and to calm yourself before you quickly forward the map for the next game. This allows you to be a step ahead of your opponent in strategy, in reading, and can allow for a better mindset.

At the next tournament that we're at, try playing with a mediocre Meta Knight like me and have Kyon watch and give out tips and the like. I'll also try to tell you some different things that you can do. I actually have learned a lot about various options on both sides of that match-up, regardless of my inability as a player to put it into practice.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Those were some good words xdeath. And thanks. On my part. When I play against you I already know I can't stay the same. You already know what im talking about


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
If I may be so bold as to give you advice, after playing you in the last tournament, I realized that you have a significant cognitive weakness that I could really take advantage of due to your character disadvantage: You are prone to playing aggressively. You are used to pressuring your opponent and Peach can't do that very well against MK. In addition to this, you are inclined toward staying in the air and because of that you were neither able to beat my tornado approach, nor were you able to punish my tornado when you popped out. My personal suggestion for remedying this is to practice tornadoing a level nine Peach, and seeing when the Peach pops out. It may sound odd, but it's very helpful when you can tell when a character is going to pop out. Note that you don't need to DI tornado; most characters automatically pop out of tornado at medium and above percents.
This is advice I always try to give people who ask me for tips about MK, and it's extremely important. Another Peach player in IL (Bo X7) is amazing at the aggressive game, and puts my Peach to shame when watching. But since he's so good at pressuring, he gets destroyed by MKs, because he has the mentality of "as long as I keep the pressure going, my opponent can't do anything" which just doesn't work against MK.

Also, I've noticed that ever since I started playing hyper defensive in tourneys, I've gotten radically better against MK. Chip damage from turnips is extremely important, as is knowing what to do in situations, since the MK matchup is the single matchup for Peach in which pressuring really cannot work.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
against MK, u gotta be on point, even against crappy ones, you have to play very passive and only put pressure on when there is an opening, do NOT try to make an opening, it just gets you killed. oh and to answer your question a few days ago xyless, we don't have anything against illinois tournies, us people in iowa just don't know alot of illinois smashers and we don't go out lookin for tournies very often, jokers thread is pretty busy most of the time and alot of OoS people invite us to come to tournies, so if you want us to show up, just post a link to a tourney in jokers thread and we might bring a van full of people lol.

also i hate D3.....that MU is getting really dumb, well not the MU i guess, its just my friend who mains D3, he knows exactly how to punish things, and if i play defensive, he plays defensive and he knows i don't have that kind of patience lol. so yeah......

also a question about how you peaches perform your Uair string? like control setups and whatnot, cuz i've heard alot of different ways but i use standard controls w/out tap jump and it works for me.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
I've been able to do it with just R set to jump. I play normally, and when I see an opening (SH DAir or someone is above me), I start using R. That way, when my left index finger is on R, it is trained to do only one thing. I can do the UAir string fairly decently (nowhere near frame perfect), and it's getting better and better. It covers the % where DAir combo is less rewarding, and really gives more punch to a situation where I'd otherwise UTilt to clear the space overhead :3 I've also learned the (simple!) inputs for the BAir lock should that opportunity arise. Of course I still need practice with that though x)

Edit: I also have tap jump on (standard setup), there are no changes to my controller setup except for R set to jump. I felt bad that now I have to be one of those guys that wastes a million years making a tag just for a small controller setup change :(((( (Lord knows I'll take forever and ask the person next to me how to make a tag when the time comes xD)

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
This topic is so derailed...

We got bits and pieces of conversations that belong in both the General Discussion and the Tactical discussion. xD


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Nicole is way better. I'd put money on her being the best Peach, except maybe Kyon, Mikey Lenetia, or Praxis. Or Kos-Mos if he played.
False. I am not one of the best, I play in a less talented region, rarely have to play MKs or Snakes, and lose lenty. If any of the other Peaches you listed here came to MO and played in our tournaments, they'd get top 3 nearly every time, which I do not.

@KB, I'm REALLY surprised lain went IC's on you. I guess since you guys had to play best of 5 he wasn't as worried about one match...but still...He definitely hates that matchup and thinks it's in our favor. Maybe he wanted some legit practice? But yeah, good job beating his IC's, I think that is a good matchup for Peach, though other IC's might disagree wtih me.

@People saying DDD is harder for Peach....imo that MU is even, I think it might even be a tiny bit in our favor thanks to the sheer amount of damage we rack on him. I find that both characters have a really hard time killing each other - DDD has quite a bit of trouble hitting Peach with moves that are going to kill her, and Peach just doesn't have the necessary kill power to kill a fatass like DDD.

Don't hate me Air, I haven't had internet all weekend and I didn't get to respond to any of this interesting discussion :dizzy:


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Lol, sorry KB, I was drunk when I wrote that; it was just for the lulz. ;)

But that sig IS ugly. :psycho: Legan's is sooo much better.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Thanks for looking out Nicole, and yeah I'm surprised he went ICs too. M2K was sitting right next to us and said Blue Rogue's ICs are tougher against Peach and I just nodded along. xD He played the matchup pretty well except that he was way too aggressive with his grab attempts and got punished for it.

Anyway, so...I have yet to hear from Quivo about teaming at MLG. Would you maybe be interested in teaming up in case I don't hear from him about it? I'd go MK or Diddy depending on the matchups and stages.

@ Cook- Lol I figured as much. It's all good. And yeah take it up with Y.b.M., he made it not me. =P


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
Thanks for looking out Nicole, and yeah I'm surprised he went ICs too. M2K was sitting right next to us and said Blue Rogue's ICs are tougher against Peach and I just nodded along. xD He played the matchup pretty well except that he was way too aggressive with his grab attempts and got punished for it.
My ASSUMPTION for this is he wants to find a way to make the matchup less in Peach's favor. Normally he never uses ICs against Peach, since his DDD is far better against her.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Lol, sorry KB, I was drunk when I wrote that; it was just for the lulz. ;)
:rolleyes: <-- This face sucks, but I'm rolling my eyes at you.

Anyway, so...I have yet to hear from Quivo about teaming at MLG. Would you maybe be interested in teaming up in case I don't hear from him about it? I'd go MK or Diddy depending on the matchups and stages.
I think I'm teaming with the GREAT LEGAN for that...but I really don't know what STL plans are, so I'm not sure who is all going and who will need a teammate. If Legan doesn't go, I'd definitely team with you (we should go double Peach on bad teams for fun).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Austin, TX
Playing some DDD's can be sooo boring. I've played a couple that do nothing but try to lure me to attempt to hit them by throwing his projectile. That or it's constant bairing from their part. @_@


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
hey beef, if i end up making it to MLG we can team, i always wanted to see your peach in action, i think you'd be pleasantly surprised with mine lol. cuz as of right now i don't think i have a partner.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
7th out of 16 (Untitled) 5/8/10


Stepping out of state for the second time was so much fun. I have never seen so many Meta Knights OMG. O_O

I fought three consecutively before getting knocked into losers to fight Marth and Snake. Despite my somewhat low placing though, I'm glad I got to throw a point at Peach for the rankings, and I'm pleased with my performance. I did my absolute best and lost to who I felt I deserved to lose to.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
7th out of 16 (Untitled) 5/8/10


Stepping out of state for the second time was so much fun. I have never seen so many Meta Knights OMG. O_O

I fought three consecutively before getting knocked into losers to fight Marth and Snake. Despite my somewhat low placing though, I'm glad I got to throw a point at Peach for the rankings, and I'm pleased with my performance. I did my absolute best and lost to who I felt I deserved to lose to.
Thats how you say and do it. If you feel that way then your never upset. congrats
Oct 21, 2009
San Antonio, Tx


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I have some good news...a Peach player finally won a large regional tournament!!! With the aid of Marth, Leon(European player) is our 1st player to ever win something so big! Even though he isn't straight Peach, he's half-half, so that's not so bad right?

Leon-1st out of 72(singles) & 1st out of 32(doubles) 4/30/10 - 5/1/10

Grand Finals: Mr. R(Marth) vs Leon(Peach) 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hHtNdfnBIY
^^^^ Leon's spacing is amazing! He plays pretty basic, but smartly. The video definitely shows how Peach can have difficulty vs Marth.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Can Euro tournies go in Ankoku's thread? I thought there was a seperate rankings for them?

I've never been a fan of Leon's lack of Turnips with his Peach but he did an excellent job winning that set, especially against that Marth which was abusing the hell out of all of Peach's weak points, he really knew how to counter Peach. Loved the 2nd jump use by Leon and the spacing from both of them aswell and something I noticed was how quickly they both built damage up on each other, quite frightening really D;

And the Turnip D Throw to edgeguard on Marth never ever gets old <3


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Finals: Mr. R(Marth) vs Leon(Peach) 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hHtNdfnBIY
Heh, these were entertaining. Specifically his (seemingly) "I don't care if I get hit imma hit you harder" mentality. Got a bit of an ally vibe from watching these.

Can Euro tournies go in Ankoku's thread? I thought there was a seperate rankings for them?
Yeah, they'll be included if they're reported (which they're usually not :I).
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