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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
He had three or four purples at all times for the last 2 minutes of the match, so I coudln't really get to him. He was right in the middle of the stage and I was near the edge. I wasn't really taking much damage but I wasn't hitting him either.

But yeah, let's not act TOO appalled, everyone, I'm not a robot or anything, it's perfectly possible for me to have played a little stupid while this time-out was going on, out of desperation. I could've played it right, but I played it wrong, and **** happens. He played exactly the way he should've and I didn't. I don't blame him for timing me out, I would do the same for my bad matchups.
I explained a lil method I made up to get at olimar for camping a few times. But people seem to wanna ignore what I say, or if I make a thread about things it's always "Oh, this been know for a while" Yet I seen no one doing it or even mention it. Which gets annoying and makes me wonder why I even bother to help people around here and give advice. But that is not the case here, lucky (I hope anyway)

This will be the last time I bring up this lil trick of mine. If peopel don't atleast take my advice to consideration or work with it, I'm done. This may not be with you nicole, but I am speaking ingeneral. Cause the past few days I been hearing people complain about alot of stuff I been gave answers too or is in my guide. And makes me feel I wrote that thing for nothing.

Olimar can't really camp you with pikmin. You guys use Bair alot to stop them from what I hear. But there is a better and safe answer to this. And it is Nair. Ground float Nairs. You can kill about 2-3 Pikmin. And the thing is, you can do it over and over really quick to kill pikmin. None of his pikmin go through Nair.

Olimars may like to camp, have you get close while taking damage, then pivot grab. So when doing this, don't get to close. Cause you can get grabbed. Now if he wants to play a camping game, you kill his pikmin and he pins himself to a corner. Then you can proceed with the typical play of why Peach beats olimar. So if he is launching pikmin at you, do this. when he hardly has any, you can move in safe.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
When you add your tourny results, I told you guys before, follow the format. I should not have to be checking to find the name and date of the tournies. All that should already be there. I'm not updataing any of your results if you fail to do this. This is getting annoying.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I explained a lil method I made up to get at olimar for camping a few times. But people seem to wanna ignore what I say, or if I make a thread about things it's always "Oh, this been know for a while" Yet I seen no one doing it or even mention it. Which gets annoying and makes me wonder why I even bother to help people around here and give advice. But that is not the case here, lucky (I hope anyway)

This will be the last time I bring up this lil trick of mine. If peopel don't atleast take my advice to consideration or work with it, I'm done. This may not be with you nicole, but I am speaking ingeneral. Cause the past few days I been hearing people complain about alot of stuff I been gave answers too or is in my guide. And makes me feel I wrote that thing for nothing.

Olimar can't really camp you with pikmin. You guys use Bair alot to stop them from what I hear. But there is a better and safe answer to this. And it is Nair. Ground float Nairs. You can kill about 2-3 Pikmin. And the thing is, you can do it over and over really quick to kill pikmin. None of his pikmin go through Nair.

Olimars may like to camp, have you get close while taking damage, then pivot grab. So when doing this, don't get to close. Cause you can get grabbed. Now if he wants to play a camping game, you kill his pikmin and he pins himself to a corner. Then you can proceed with the typical play of why Peach beats olimar. So if he is launching pikmin at you, do this. when he hardly has any, you can move in safe.
Good theory, but I've already tried it against some of the best Olimars out there (most notable being L_Cancel and Logic). Sure, it will work safely if you are at a good distance but it doesn't really solve the issue of a come from behind struggle that Olimar can put someone in since it's still hard to get inside of a good camping Oli's defense.

Anyway, yeah, if you choose to groundfloat nair his pikmin while at a certain distance (as in too close in this case), it makes for an easy grab opportunity for Oli no matter how quickly you autocancel your nair, especially if the Olimar conditions his lineup so that he'd have a pikmin with a longer grab range as a followup. The reason why most Peaches choose bair more often is because it is a safe wall option against his pikmin while retaining a safe float height both underneath his up-B angle and above his grab range on the ground. This limits his options to mostly aerials, mainly fair, respectively. The only other possible main threat for Peach in this situation is a running u-smash with a purple, but with careful observation of his lineup, that threat is hindered greatly.

Again, your strategy holds water but bair is simply a safer option in most cases. However...I feel as if some Olimars are starting to break the matchup down to a possible 55-45 our favor. >.>;


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
This wall option with your bair you can do better with Nair. You are not in the air and you can touch the floor quick and react. Not jump to a bair then wait to touch the floor and then do something. When you kill a string of pikmin, move in some. the range of his grab gets shorter the less he has. So you won't have to worry much about getting grabbed so easy.

And I did this against logic at pound and I was doing fine. sadly I forgot how to play olimar so while shis camping was shot, everything else on olimar was taking me out.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
I will practice groundfloating Nair, I'm guessing you just do the move and then land so that it autocancels and you can do whatever you want. Seems like a good thing that I should work on...

However, this is kind of annoying, and by "this" I mean...which one of you Peaches HASN'T lost to a good Olimar? Dark, you lost to Logic. KB lost to L Cancel. I lost to Fino. I think Praxis lost to Wereuop but I'm not for sure on that one. We've all lost to top Olimars, and it's stupid to be accusatory and say that an Olimar can't ever win, or that an Olimar shouldn't be able to time Peach out, or whatever. I am not a top Peach, I do not go to nearly as many tournaments as Fino, or practice with nearly as good people as him. I am not upset with my loss to an Olimar (even though I am very confident in that matchup) who is better than I am and played smarter than I did, and I'd appreciate less **** over this loss. I was happy with 5th out of 30, I know what I need to work on, and I'll see if I can't beat him next time.



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Don't count me out yet. This was at pound when I played him. I was still a rusty scrub and had no clue how to fight olimar. And I been in a rust since december when I came out of my 2 month retirement. Let me play logic again when I fully get my groove back and see if I will lose to him again.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
I'm a fan of Nicole because she breaks it down like a dude ;D

And yeah, instafloat NAirs work like that. You should practice OoS rising NAirs (full hop, short hop isnt really useful), OoS NAirs (instafloat, NAir, FF into something else or chase), and running NAirs (great for giving chase in some cases.)

1:10 Running NAir
2:44 OoS NAir
2:46 Rising NAir

0:12, 1:45 Running NAir
0:50, 3:03 OoS NAir

0:31 OoS NAir
0:54 Rising NAir


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I will practice groundfloating Nair, I'm guessing you just do the move and then land so that it autocancels and you can do whatever you want. Seems like a good thing that I should work on...

However, this is kind of annoying, and by "this" I mean...which one of you Peaches HASN'T lost to a good Olimar? Dark, you lost to Logic. KB lost to L Cancel. I lost to Fino. I think Praxis lost to Wereuop but I'm not for sure on that one. We've all lost to top Olimars, and it's stupid to be accusatory and say that an Olimar can't ever win, or that an Olimar shouldn't be able to time Peach out, or whatever. I am not a top Peach, I do not go to nearly as many tournaments as Fino, or practice with nearly as good people as him. I am not upset with my loss to an Olimar (even though I am very confident in that matchup) who is better than I am and played smarter than I did, and I'd appreciate less **** over this loss. I was happy with 5th out of 30, I know what I need to work on, and I'll see if I can't beat him next time.

Hold on, reading this post more clearly (trying to break Peach in training mode so just read quick and post). I was not getting on you for losing to Olimar. And I wanted to know is how you got timed out by one. Which olimar really has no biss doing. You told me how it happened and I gave you advice to never let that happen again. Man, do you guys only see me as the enemy or something? if I seriously was, you think i waste my time on these boards over and over giving advice? For all that I would of just let you all die and not give a damm.

Most boards don't have someone like me that actually takes time to help people out, give out advice And still continue to try and figure out stuff people have giving up on too help you in the long run.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Hold on, reading this post more clearly (trying to break Peach in training mode so just read quick and post). I was not getting on you for losing to Olimar. And I wanted to know is how you got timed out by one. Which olimar really has no biss doing. You told me how it happened and I gave you advice to never let that happen again. Man, do you guys only see me as the enemy or something? if I seriously was, you think i waste my time on these boards over and over giving advice? For all that I would of just let you all die and not give a damm.

Most boards don't have someone like me that actually takes time to help people out, give out advice And still continue to try and figure out stuff people have giving up on too help you in the long run.
i certainly wasn't targeting you Dark, just that i said that i got timed out by an olimar and like 3 or 4 people acted like it was the end of the world. only kb had my back, which i'm grateful for. i do appreciate your advice and i'm going to practice what you told me. but ****, i post a good placing and the only thing everyone cared about was the 'impossible' happening. and it wasn't just you.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
it wasnt me AT ALL. I saw your good placing. Just like everyone elses good placing. I dont usually say anything about peoples placings (incase you was looking for praise from me) But when I found out an olimar tmes you out, I just wanted to know just how that happen. And you seem to have taking that to another level that I was not even going for. And even gave you olimar advice.

For once I did nothing wrong. But if you wanna assume that just like other people do and see me as the bad one, go ahead. What else is new around here.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
it wasnt me AT ALL. I saw your good placing. Just like everyone elses good placing. I dont usually say anything about peoples placings (incase you was looking for praise from me) But when I found out an olimar tmes you out, I just wanted to know just how that happen. And you seem to have taking that to another level that I was not even going for. And even gave you olimar advice.

For once I did nothing wrong. But if you wanna assume that just like other people do and see me as the bad one, go ahead. What else is new around here.
Calmate nene, I'm sure it was hard for her to differentiate between who was grilling her loss to an Olimar and who was sincerely giving advice at that point in time. Everyone knows you didn't do anything wrong. Simple miscommunication. xD


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
i certainly wasn't targeting you Dark, just that i said that i got timed out by an olimar and like 3 or 4 people acted like it was the end of the world. only kb had my back, which i'm grateful for. i do appreciate your advice and i'm going to practice what you told me. but ****, i post a good placing and the only thing everyone cared about was the 'impossible' happening. and it wasn't just you.
I'm sorry if I offended you by those questions. Fino just texted me that and I was wondering which Peach was it. You did an amazing job with that placing and I congratulate you on that. Forgive me on my unacceptable questioning.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
i love how my guess about the purples was correct.

and no1 is dissing u for losing nicole.

it's just strange that that match-up ended in a time-out since both chars die so easily haha


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I'm dissing and I blame you. :mad:




Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
i love how my guess about the purples was correct.

and no1 is dissing u for losing nicole.

it's just strange that that match-up ended in a time-out since both chars die so easily haha
This match didn't make much sense when I watched it...

All I can say is that I hate playing against both characters

Oh...Top 5 payout would have been terrible for only 30 attendees and a $5 entry fee


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i certainly wasn't targeting you Dark, just that i said that i got timed out by an olimar and like 3 or 4 people acted like it was the end of the world. only kb had my back, which i'm grateful for. i do appreciate your advice and i'm going to practice what you told me. but ****, i post a good placing and the only thing everyone cared about was the 'impossible' happening. and it wasn't just you.
i always got your back u crazy hooker! i just hate seeing u lose to fino when u play cookie so much >< its ok tho, cuz i lost to cooks olimar in pools, im glad i took a match off him tho since i never ever ever play any olimars lol. also we should have a peachy strategizing session sometimes cuz it seems we both have a lot to learn from each other.

edit: mjg, stop beating me at every tourney we are at, i swear someone is settin me up lol. its ok tho i really like the TL matchup, it makes me think.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2010
South Dakota ;_;
The time out by Fino was a complete stroke of luck from what I heard. Fino happened to land the correct punishing options to peach's safe/smart options early on in the set. Couple that with his stupid random ability to get long strings of purples, it probably helped him get away with a lot of things he shouldn't have. Fino has never come close to timing someone out before, so the fact that it happened leads me to believe that Nichole left very little error in playing safe and made it incredibly difficult for fino to land a ko move.
From what I heard it was fairly even the whole set with neither player really dominating the other. I doubt fino will be as lucky next time. Good job on getting 5th though! =D


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
The time out by Fino was a complete stroke of luck from what I heard. Fino happened to land the correct punishing options to peach's safe/smart options early on in the set. Couple that with his stupid random ability to get long strings of purples, it probably helped him get away with a lot of things he shouldn't have. Fino has never come close to timing someone out before, so the fact that it happened leads me to believe that Nicole left very little error in playing safe and made it incredibly difficult for fino to land a ko move.
From what I heard it was fairly even the whole set with neither player really dominating the other. I doubt fino will be as lucky next time. Good job on getting 5th though! =D
heh, straight from the man himself (though I can't tell if he's being serious or not). but i'm going to assume you are, "amaterasu", though i wouldn't call it lucky...

@hiroi - you didn't do anything, lol.

peach boards, we cool?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Fun fact: According to Kentucky, I look a lot like fino! It's really weird actually, like when they posted a picture of fino, I thought it was a picture of me, until I noticed that I didn't remember that happening at all lol. It was weeird. D:


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
13th out of 28 (Best of Midwest) 04/24/10

Shame, since at least one person who placed better than me only won one game (he got two freaking byes, I got none), but oh well. I feel a LOT better lately for some reason. I lost to a Snake (one that knows me very well, and the first match was very close), beat a ROB (friend of mine), beat a pretty good but predictable Luigi, then lost to Quik, who played as MK instead of Wario (both matches were very close, I CP'd to CS).

Maybe it's because I stopped focusing on ATs and instead now focus on reading opponents and finding weak points and patterns.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
the bye system is never nice to me, last 3 tournies i've been sent to losers first round by the guy who won the tourney lol.


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
I've got 17th. Again. FOR THE 4TH TIME IN A ROW AAAAAH.

Why? Only because of one character: Snake. I. Cant. Stand. Him. I'll have to learn him well as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, I've improved. I think I might have placed high if I wouldn't have encountered two Snakes in brackets. :dizzy: That's my luck ;p. But I have done well overall. I'll place higher next time, I promise!



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
All you gotta learn is how to fight snake. It's a very challenging matchup, but it can be done. Just practice it a lot and you will get it down! :D.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I'm getting s little sick of M2K coming to even our small locals now. He routinely wins them and it screws me out of stockpiling my winnings as extra cash outside of my bank account for extra spending... -.-
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