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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
9th out of 31 (School is in Session) 5/22/10


I went a lot of characters to test how this would all work in the end.

MK/Pit against Clowsui(Falco), barely winning with MK and doing way better with pit. 2-0

Kirby against Judo(Sheik) because he always complains about how "Oh this matchup is so bad I'm never going to win it I trip 5 times in one game." 2-0

Peach against L_Cancel. He's really really good and he's so nice. We went DEAD EVEN game 3. I 2 stocked him game one, he 2 stocked me game 2. Game 3 was just... sooo close. I loved it haha. Best set all day, maybe one of the best set's I've had with an Olimar. 1-2.

Peach against Y.b.M. He understands how to fight Peach, and he just did really good against me. He told me that I should talk to King Beef... xD. Sup King Beef? :p. But seriously, I don't have a clue how to fight kirby at the begining of the match. I figure out mid-way and almost bring it back, but he ends up killing me before I finish it. The two games were kinda close, but I got ***** to say the least lol. 0-2

The brackets here were not as good as they could have been. A lot of good people had to play eachother really early even though they were from the same state. It wasn't that good really. The tournament was great over-all; it was just the brackets haha. Sad that King Beef couldn't go :/


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
I have a pretty decent tournament this weekend. Hopefully I get something going this week. But a Peach will get top 7 *cough Kyon cough* :p


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i got a decent tourney comin up next weekend as well, expecting 30+ ppl, and im expecting to get top 8, i might actually start practicing again lol.


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
I have a pretty decent tournament this weekend. Hopefully I get something going this week. But a Peach will get top 7 *cough Kyon cough* :p
Wroooooong mindset. Bad HiROI.

I have a pretty decent tournament this weekend. Hopefully I get something going this week, so that two Peaches will get top 7 *cough Kyon and I cough* :p
Much better.


Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
but I learned that I really need to learn the Wario matchup. :V

Nair OoS up close against his shield pressure.

Use turnips to condition his aerial movement/edgeguard.

Avoid uair/bair edgeguards from him.

Sneak in a few grab attempts.

Be aware of timer for wafts.

More bair.

There you go.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
A valley in Virginia

Nair OoS up close against his shield pressure.

Use turnips to condition his aerial movement/edgeguard.

Avoid uair/bair edgeguards from him.

Sneak in a few grab attempts.

Be aware of timer for wafts.

More bair.

There you go.
Lol, more like playing Wario more so I get the feeling of the matchup and implement those things.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
4th out of 18 (C3 2010 State Championship) 6/5/10

Only 4th in singles, but I won teams! I even got a cool trophy officially saying I'm the 2010 state champion! I'm gonna pick up so many guys now.

Dark.Pch needs to update this soon. It's almost two months old now...


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
Lol, more like playing Wario more so I get the feeling of the matchup and implement those things.
I was the same way. If you want to practice that matchup, there's nothing wrong with training against a level 9 Wario. They still fall for the same basic principles, and you get to learn the important basic things to do against Wario, such as spacing him away, predicting his movements, and most importantly, grab release stuff.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
i noticed sky hazuki got 33rd at mlg colombus. who is he?
I love Sky but you don't know the full story. My buddy Krystedez just got done beating Larry's Falco and had to play Sky next, but got DQ'd both because MLG told him his match was at 11:30 and declared him late to his match at 11:06 (he was at the hotel room grabbing something), and he said Sky pushed for it to happen and not give Krys the benefit of the doubt for being misinformed by the information desk.

So yeah... :ohwell:

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
CEO2010 Results - Orlando, FL - June 5/6
13th out of 49 Singles and 4th in Doubles

This was an interesting tournament. I found out i need more mu experience with alot more characters. I felt good that I beat Candy in tournament though. I dont think he knew how good Peach Could be against him. The 2 Stitch faces and Beam sword in a row didn't make the game any easier. Just like what Mk says. I have much let to learn.

And the Last MLG Sky did use Peach in the tournament. He just doesn't like Coming on the Peach Boards....


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
^ I dunno if you're referring to MLG Orlando or MLG Columbus, but at Columbus, yeah, Sky used Peach for one match with DEHF cause he didn't want to do the Falco ditto, and it wasn't pretty. His Falco is actually very good, and it took a game off of DEHF, but his Peach looked pretty rusty to me.

I hear you're the luckiest Peach, Kyon :p


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
^ you mean 49th. Mikey was the highest placing PEACH player. but it was out of 250 or so.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
So did Sky Hazuki use Peach at MLG or not? If not then surely Falco should be there...

Well congrats to Mikey. I don't want to sound like I'm slagging people off but...if a Ness and Ike, heck even a ZSS can place that high...well, I have very high expectations of you Peach's in the future :p


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well congrats to Mikey. I don't want to sound like I'm slagging people off but...if a Ness and Ike, heck even a ZSS can place that high...well, I have very high expectations of you Peach's in the future :p
Peach should have placed high at this if a Ness and Ike did. At this point I see no excuse for things like this anymore. it is not about the character. It's about the player. And EVERYONE needs to step it up. This is not about playing fancy or to stand out to be the best. People need to use thier heads. Understand what your character is and work with the tools Peach has for absolute execution.

And I'll be real, if you like being aggressive all the time, you are finished. If you have lil to no mindgames, you are finished. If you play a typical Peach always in the air or doing the same thing all the time and don't switch up, you are finish. Nothing has changed with how people play her. And that has to end. I have my guide. I made 100's of post about what it takes and mindgames.

This is now on a personal level. as in the problem is the players behind Peach. Everyone needs to work on all these areas. And for those that think I don't include myself, you are wrong. I do talk the talk. Yet I too am a cause for this mess. and I explained my problem. And doing everything that I can to destroy it. And with this training trail I set myself on, I think that stupid habit I have will end. And once it does, I am gonna start doing epic things with this character that I should already be doing at this point. And for me not doing it yet is my fault. I'm the blame for all that I had come to me. But I realize my problem and working on it. I have the mind of a true pro and know what to do and what it takes with Peach to do damage. Ijust lack poorly on the execution to play with the mind that I have

The rest should do the same with yourselves. Cause at this point imo, there is no excuse for perfomances like this at these big tournaments. For the undergods out there that are not top Peach, I offered my help and advice many times. And lately no one has taken any of it. Though if you play for the fun of the game then this is not to you. You guys have all my contact info. And can message me here. I seriously don't care. With my training, best to catch me in the evening where I work out at home in my room. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I don't care how much of a hotshot you may think you are. You aint too hot if you are not beasting to the point you should be by now. I'm even getting help and asked for it my self. But not from a smash source. Cause my problem is different from the rest. It's also part of my trail.

And for the top Peach players, you guys already know the deal. And I gave you all my own dish of lectures. So I am not gonna say anymore too you. Though I have something I want to pont out to mikey and KB which is not even ment to be mean or bash on. People I have a feeling people gonna make drama out of it. And with this trail, I am trying to destroy/aviod it. That's held me back too many times and I have not even realized it till recently.

So I ask this. What do you boys actually plan to do about Peach and tournaments?


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2010
Worcester, Ma
great post dark.pch and very true, we all need to step our ****ing game up lol.
i personally have a lot to work on, i guess ill start with DIing more consistently and working out of pressure (one of my biggest problems).

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
What do I plan to do? I plan to practice with DJ iscaskribble and other good MKs around my state to finally get in the habit of playing the matchup more carefully. I cracked a little under all the pressure (and crowd cheering for me) against Cheese in our third game and started to take to the air much more than my instincts would tell me to do otherwise. He did what he had to do by abusing my habit of going into the air (I just got done fighting his ICs mind you) so I give props to him for that since it's my fault for not adapting enough. I corrected myself on the matchup going into doubles/friendlies/money matches later on and was able to fight MKs correctly.

I'm certainly not proud of my performance at Columbus. Despite getting bracket ****ed and running into M2K 2nd round of winners, there is no excuse for not absolutely outplaying Cheese and making it much farther in the losers bracket like I believe I am capable of doing. But...things didn't happen that way so back to the drawing board I go. I'm watching some older videos of my gameplay to reacquaint myself with the core fundamentals I built on in the first place, because I feel like I lost a lot of that while getting too mixed in with fancy gameplay. Once I get back to playing with more common sense like I used to and less showboating, then hopefully I'll do better.

On that note, congratulations to Florida for holding it down both in Columbus and on their home turf. I am now convinced that you all, along with Texas, are the best regions comprised of a ton of skill. EC and WC are great too but I feel that a majority of their skill is shouldered by MK. MW is certainly underrated and I'm glad that players from our home turf showed up and beat some of the best players in the world.

And congratulations to Kyon for beating Candy. That is one hell of an accomplishment and I'm proud of you. Keep it up and continue to rep Florida with the rest of those secret titans down there.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
i totally agree, dark.pch. we need a player like shakey, or nickriddle, or san who plays peach. our character is plenty good, and we need to step it up. we need to learn every matchup and play it as correctly as we can. i have never cared about being flashy in tournament, but i dont think that is our problem. i think we are generally a bit too aggressive and we force the kill when we shouldn't.

i was hoping to do much better, but i had to play a matchup that i hadn't the slightest idea what to do in (peach dittos). and that is my fault for not knowing the matchup. i also lost to shakey, but i could have beaten him if i had been just a little more patient and just let him come to me, as i had the percent lead. i tried to force the kill, and i am known in my region as one of the most patient players. clearly i am not patient enough, and that's something i need to work on. i learned alot from mlg.

we also have to not get discouraged about matchup ratios. if shakey can win against mk's with ness, and san can beat olimars with ike, i know we can beat mks and snakes with peach. and i dont think we need any gimmicks to do that. all we have to do is play cautiously and safe, and if we time them out, then so be it. peach is a precise character that can't afford to take a ton of risks, because unlike ike and ness, peach cannot kill. we can't get flustered if we aren't killing. just stay patient...it's so hard, but that's how we're going to place with peach.

one more thing - we have to use peach's FULL MOVESET. i am guilty of this problem. i have watched other peaches, and i think we are all a bit guilty. peach has an excellent moveset, but we often dont use her moves to their full extent, or use the wrong move in the wrong situation. learn what to punish with each move. dont overextend yourself, and dont try to punish what you can't. use peach's no-lag moves to your advantage. punish airdodges and spotdodges - peach excels at this. punish rolls with bair. predict rolls with fair. all our weaknesses as players, we can try to minimize.

i am continually impressed with our peaches. Mikey is better than I thought he'd be, he is so talented and he plays smart, and his attitude is extremely positive. KB impressed me with his technical prowess and his fast-paced playstyle, but he has to practice the Mk matchup and be ready for people to counterpick Mk on him (because they most certainly will). kyon is always beating tough opponents and plays with some of the best players in the country, his videos are good quality and available for us all to watch on youtube and learn to play smarter - because his opponents are so good, we can see what high level players might do to us, and watching kyon, we can learn exactly what we can do with peach - he is a visual example. and dark.pch is always willing to give us advice on matchups we don't know, though he claims that he isn't a good player anymore, his knowledge is still available. we need to emulate these peaches, they are the best of the best.

let's all train up for apex and/or the next mlg. conciously work on things that you know you need to improve on. try to play matchups that you aren't comfortable with. work on playing patiently and safely. and watch some videos of our best peaches in action. that's the most we can do until the next tournaments.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Thank you KB and Nicole. I've already said once before that I know that Peach can win and beat other players which includes top Mk players. Its all about the mind set and the way we go about things. I go to hiROI's house often and I Do my best to help him get better. I feel bad if he doesn't go good in tournaments because I feel that i didn't do good enough for him.So when I see him do good and place high im so proud of him. So I'm going to try harder to help him or anyone that asks me. One thing I strongly learned from Mikey is that being happy and enjoying yourselves. Letting this game change you, like if you beat a better player that's top may get you looked at as more of a serious player and top but that shouldn't mean you should change who you are ether. Which is why when I talk here its more of what I feel more than what it is. I already know what it is from what you guys say here and all the good info that we have. We all shouldn't be robots like certain people that play this game way too much. Id rather go out to a club with smashers than to play in tournament. I don't even know where I'm going with this. XD all i know is that we need to step our game up and show these other players what Peach can do and learn from each other. Its why I love the Peach Boards. We are a family after all...

Also lets all pay more attention to the things we are throwing and Peach's bair is so much better than we think im telling you!! I been saying this forever.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
dark.pch is always willing to give us advice on matchups we don't know, though he claims that he isn't a good player anymore, his knowledge is still available. we need to emulate these peaches, they are the best of the best.
Tournament performance and placings is what I go by. Not peoples opinions or hype. Cause people still say I am top Peach or even the best. And I don't except any of that. I let my tourny results speak for me. Which is why I said I am not as good as my summer of 09 days. What I did as SNES was great.I let my results reflect what kind of player I am.

But to not bash myself too much. I seriously believe I'm the player of Peach like Nick and Shakey are for thier characters. But with my habit as I explained before. I can't play how I think and know about this character. That's the only problem. Once that ends, good things will come out of me. I know about this character in and out and what it takes to win. I'm a creative player that likes to mess with ones head and based on mindgames with defense. This is a good comination to use with Peach and do well with. The execution is what is holding me back and making me be all washed up. But I will put an end to it all. Only thing as of now that I actually excel at till this problem of mine is done is giving advice and sharing my brain on Peach and mindgames/strats.

In a way, I would call this "Good for nothing"

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Aw, you guys... Thank you for the kind words. ^_^

For Sky, he may have played Peach now and again, but I've only seen once, where he lost to DEHF, and heard of another, where he lost using her. Both times he instantly switched to Falco.

I definitely know I have my matches to learn, as well as my own silly little habits to break every now and again. I was happy to do as well as I did, and was rather comforted to know that I'm not bad against a lot of different characters. As long as I continue to enjoy myself and this game, though, you can very well bet that I'll be learning match-ups I'm both comfortable and not comfortable with. The sheer fact I faced coney(much <3 to him) and kept it as close as I was able to, when I never get to face Dedede outside of in tournament against lain(if we meet) REALLY made me happy. Now, if only I had gotten further... but that's for next time.

We all do have our weak points. It's a common fact, and it's what makes us human. All we can really do is just like what we do every day IRL: try and make ourselves a better us. I could care less about the fact we don't have a Nick Riddle yet. The key word is yet, and I firmly believe in that. Someone is going to eventually emerge that is going to cause so many people nightmares that it's going to be sooooo glorious. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose. ^_^


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
It's all good, I'll try to play the Peach hero one day!

As of now it's not happenin' but maybe one of us will tear **** up at one of the upcoming MLGs.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2008
A valley in Virginia
I was the same way. If you want to practice that matchup, there's nothing wrong with training against a level 9 Wario. They still fall for the same basic principles, and you get to learn the important basic things to do against Wario, such as spacing him away, predicting his movements, and most importantly, grab release stuff.
I am always apprehensive training with CPUs but it is worth a shot. :V Just do not want to run into the rut of doing things that work on CPUs but not on a real player.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i dunno nicole, i think i use every single one of peachies moves, maybe a few of them too often XD, but i do think that being flashy while playing peach can certainly help alot, as long as your still in control of your character, it helps with the mindgames and forcing the opponent to make a mistake and leave an opening for you to punish.

but i am curious, how were you handling shaky? cuz when i play a ness i use alot of retreating Bairs and turnips all day long and i grab ALOT, since its not terribly hard to gimp ness with a well placed turnip, i'll usually throw him offstage and most of the match takes place out there rather than onstage where ness works his magic.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I believe that every single one of us is capable of being "that Peach" for many different reasons.

Dark is very knowledgeable about this character but has difficulty applying what he knows consistently in-game. His matchup knowledge is very deep and I feel it could eventually benefit him one day.

Excel Zero is the most technically consistent of all of us but has trouble with patience sometimes and I feel he dies a little too early because of that. However, his speed and ability to create interesting baits, mixups, and strings at will still make him a very possible candidate for being said "Peach hero".

Kyon is on his own mini-rampage as we speak. Defeating Candy is just his most recent large accomplishment and he continually shows steady improvement after each tournament. If he keeps this momentum up I believe he may be the one to do work and destroy just about every top player he faces at the next national.

I...am extremely streaky in many different ways. Pierce said at MLG Columbus that Infern Angelis (an Ohio Snake and fellow God Kai) and I have an insane amount of potential but we don't have the right people to teach us how to hone said potential. My performances fluctuate from great to not so great that it's starting to become completely unpredictable as to how I will do in a tournament. As it stands, I am also a possible candidate to be said Peach but I lack the consistency and full matchup memory that is required to destroy the rest of the competition. It is something that I will be working on before MLG Raleigh/Dallas and APEX.

Nicole is one of the most patient and precise Peaches I've seen. It was like watching Praxis play but with a slightly different flavor to it (and a nice ***, courtesy of Atomsk's opinion rofl). Let's just say that after all the talk I did before MLG that I tried too hard to show up, show off, and make everyone "ooo" and "ahh", and I did impress a lot of people...however it was Nicole that came in and did real work. She and her partner took out Vex and Chibo in doubles among other things. She really does know her stuff, and she's surprisingly not that known by a lot of people yet which is why I had to advertise the hell out of her during the tournament, and she did not disappoint. She is also a possible candidate.

Mikey has a ton of experience and poise in his gameplay. He knows how to utilize Peach's moveset in ways that many of us wouldn't even think twice about such as using her moves to get out of situations rather than put our opponents in them. It blew my mind once he made me realize that, and it's something I will try to add to my own game. I believe that if he becomes determined enough during a tournament, his opponents will have a lot to worry about. He didn't almost take a game off of Larry by being a slouch, I know he can do mad work.

Praxis is a beast. Where u been at Praxy?

Raz is a silent threat. He can come out of nowhere and be like "yep, I'm that guy whose Diddy you whooped on last tourney. *BOOM* Here comes Peach son!". I can see it happening. xD

But yeah...a lot of us are capable but we all lack important qualities that the others possess. Like Mikey said, it's what makes us human. So we must practice to become super-human dammit! >.<


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Using all of Peach's moves shouldn't be your concern - using any of Peach's moves at the right time is more important, even if that involves using the same move over and over again. Some characters in this game might as well actually be a move because they use it so often :p

I honestly think that what will help Peach win is a healthy dose of Turnips and constantly running away from her opponents once she gets the lead. I don't mean mindless running and dodging because Peach's airdodge is crap and shes extremely floaty - I mean getting the lead and covering yourself with Turnips to stop an approaching enemy and then using stuff like Fair to bat them away if they get too close. I imagine Peach to be a walking hitbox always on the run xD

Once you get the lead in a match, there is absolutely no reason to put yourself in anymore danger in this game. Every single projectile in this game can be shielded and their effect is completely negated, some you can just using Floating aerials to cancel out. The only projectiles that really force you to approach are Fox and Falco's lasers because Fox's are constant and your attacks don't go through Falco's. Those are the only projectiles that travel quickly across the stage and can't be cancelled out by attacks/put too much pressure on your shield for you to just sit there shielding

Am I saying you should sit at the other end of the stage and simply stand there chucking Turnips until your enemy gets close and then run away and hope you don't take damage? In a way yes, in another, no. If your opponent gets close then obviously you should fight back but always in a fashion thats safe. Peach has one of the best defensive options in the game if you ask me and thats OoS Turnips - a retardedly fast, long ranged attack that can be used to punish anything that even slightly lags near her and/or force the opponent to react to do something about it. Other characters projectiles can't do that, once you use the projectile you have no real control over it. They can't be used OoS, they're not as versatile either and the majority of them have a lot more ending lag than throwing a Turnip does. There's a reason Diddy Kong's bananas are so good apart from the fact they make you trip up

Peach also has something that other characters don't - Floating. With the 'running shield' approach becoming more popular and discussed, its possible people might try and use this more and more. Floating aerials such as Fair allow Peach to stay horizontally in the same place which other characters can't do - if someones right up in their face with an aerial, they have to jump or move out the way, otherwise they'll get grabbed and jumping/moving will cause some characters to miss with any aerial attempts they make. That won't happen with Floating - if you're Floating at head height (which imo you should be) then all your aerials will connect and if the opponent has used a sliding shield approach, they won't be able to grab you or OoS attack you because you can move out the way whilst you have a hitbox covering yourself. Upon landing on the ground, we have a 2 frame jab which leads right from all our aerials very smoothly which helps prevent more OoS attacks

Both of these things alone make me feel that Peach is at least higher tier...I'm just gutted I live here cause I'd love to rep Peach but...well, you guys will have to do it for me :p I appreciate it sounds like I'm heavily theorycrafting here but...give it a try guys, I'd be interested to see how it goes
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