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Peach Tournament Results (UPDATE! 2/16/12)

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Rick I was playing smash against a friend of mine's Wario. He decided he will try to time me out but ended up killing me 2 seconds before the time was up on SV so I went back there. Camped the first 30 seconds untill I got a 30 plus lead. Insted of running away like I normally do. I just stopped... and pulled turnips over and over. Him knowing why I do that cause it beng my I guess trademark he approched. All I did from then on is shutter step sidesmash, bair, turnip, jab and grabbed. But in a reading motion. He couldn't do anything against it. As I gave him more damage he got more aggro. As I took stocks away he got frustrated. Normally when a player has a 2 stock lead they tend to..." feel they have the game" which is when everything goes wrong. I decided to not to that and continue what I was doing and got a three stock win. We all need to learn once we have the lead there really isn't a reason at ALL for us to get crazy and attack or maybe even run away.... Reading gets the game done as long as you have the tools to back up the reads which I believe Peach has.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
lol beef, i don't play diddy.

I play snake loool

I've been pretty inconsistent though. I find a lot of stuff with Peach that's new to me so I've been messing around a lot with options and new gameplay. Before I was overly gay with Peach and I lived forever but now that I've been experimenting n stuff I notice that I've improved but also that I die too early.

I'm just trying to find a balance so I'm hoping there's gonna be a big tourney in socal soon where I can make it all come together.

I need vids or sumtin.

edit: and kyon the not approaching at all when you're winning is basically socal smash XD

edit2: and a friend brought this to my attention but we probably all need to communicate more like in xat or on aim or in some kind of board activity. the only peach I rly talk to is metatitan lol. anyway my friend anuar says that we just should. the main reason for this view is taking a look at the snake boards and how they just get work done haha


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Thats the kind of thing I'm talking about Kyon - reading and playing safe and to do this, you need to run away once you get the lead

Again why Turnips are so good - Peach can act very quickly after she's thrown one and the Turnip forces the person to react to it. They have to deal with not only the Turnip but whatever Peach is going to throw at them next


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
that thinking is good in theory and sometimes it's good in practice but you're forgetting a couple things.

some characters have great mobility and speed in the air or otherwise but the main problem is that turnips have no priority so some characters can just come at Peach with a high priority move to cover the turnip throw + whatever else she does after such as tornado, DDD/Kirby/Wolf/etc. bair, several peach moves, marth's nair/fair, etc.

turnips are very good but I'm just sayin that you can't just throw together a turnip throw + a move and expect it to work.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Shield the move/move out of the way or wait until its over and then throw the Turnip

I'm not saying spam Turnips and moves straight after all the time because thats horribly predictable. Just that its an option, a choice you have. It depends on whether its the right choice though and in that situation, it'd be the wrong one


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
i dunno nicole, i think i use every single one of peachies moves, maybe a few of them too often XD, but i do think that being flashy while playing peach can certainly help alot, as long as your still in control of your character, it helps with the mindgames and forcing the opponent to make a mistake and leave an opening for you to punish.

but i am curious, how were you handling shaky? cuz when i play a ness i use alot of retreating Bairs and turnips all day long and i grab ALOT, since its not terribly hard to gimp ness with a well placed turnip, i'll usually throw him offstage and most of the match takes place out there rather than onstage where ness works his magic.
i grabbed him maybe twice a match. he's ****in' tough to grab. did alot of ftilt to get him out of the air, did a fair amount of uair. after i baired through his fair a couple times, he didnt fair much anymore, so i didnt bair as much. i kept my turnips going, faired him a bit, pressured his shield (cause ness can't seem to do alot about that). i dunno, i dont ever have any real game plan while playing ness, i just watch what he's doing and do what i think will work.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I feel soo forgotten... again :'(. I'll be decent someday, just you all wait~

Also, yes, we should all xat chat more and just discuss peach and get to know eachother. :D


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I was watching some vids of me I have saved on my wii. I was upset about them. I won all the matches but the way I played got me ticked. I was playing my friends falco which is good. But I saw my self playing so typical. Everytime I was landing from the skies I would always wanna dair. And I was floating alot against his falco. Which is stopped. I also rushed him alot. I pretty muched played a typical Peach. Just about everything a Peach starting out would do I did.

This is what I am talking about. And I do it against alot of people. I don't play with that mind I have. Reason I won these matches playing like this is cause I actually know how to deal with falco when I am not on noob mode. And my mindgames/tricks as a player. But I play like this alot in tourny. My last tourny I was not like this. I lost to Ally due to me not mixing it up more, or else I could have beaten him. He even thought so himself. And that toon link for making reckless decisions.

The vids on my wii are a month-2 months old. But just looking at those matches, even if I won those, made me sick. For with the mind I have, this is not how I should be playing at all. Why I do it is beyond me. But thats why I am in this training for. This is why I lose the way I do. I do excatly what I teach Peach players not to do. I have to defeat myself if I wanna defeat anyone else.

My mind has been calm for the past few days with this training. And I had to analyze these videos that I watched on my wii. I'm about to put this to the test. I am Head to Wes house to train and then possibly head out to bums house for a smash session. I will see if I can execute the mind of a pro player that I have or not. If I still can't do it after today, then I will just have to sit back and figure out what to do next and train more. I might record some videos. This point I have too and see just what am I doing.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
that thinking is good in theory and sometimes it's good in practice but you're forgetting a couple things.

some characters have great mobility and speed in the air or otherwise but the main problem is that turnips have no priority so some characters can just come at Peach with a high priority move to cover the turnip throw + whatever else she does after such as tornado, DDD/Kirby/Wolf/etc. bair, several peach moves, marth's nair/fair, etc.

turnips are very good but I'm just sayin that you can't just throw together a turnip throw + a move and expect it to work.
Yeah that's what I was saying. All of those Characters bair lose to Peach's fsmash. Thus shutter step. Doing the same thing such as throwing turnips wont work forever. That's why I said mix it up abit. Even just running in and grabbing works cause no one expects it.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Turnips as an item are actually pretty bad overall. Peach is just soooooo ****ing good with items that she makes them good. I'd rather have bananas or turnips with faster projectile speed or anything with a little priority.

As for characters with great priority aerials (aka DDD and DK), I try to use turnips like I would use Bair against Marth's Fair for example, hit them in between their aerials. Idk peach just has so many OoS options and that's one of the main reasons I think she's incredibly fun and versatile.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Or make them bigger and faster and not disappear on shield a la melee and I'm even happier :p (Also let my shield protect my bombs, thanks. And Snake's grenades too, **** him.)


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Peach's item game is top tier. Turnips, not so much. They're a projectile with slow speed, can't legitly combo at low %'s (though at mid %'s I believe they do), low priority, and they disappear when they hit a shield.

At least if they had their old priority we could gimp people easier but everything just tears through them. That's why I like the diddy MU, it gives me a chance to use good items.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
I think they work well though. They don't have super stun, or a trip mechanic, but it works well for her in the grand flow of things. At low % (0%) she has DThrow Chaingrab, DAir String, and the harder to perform (imo) low% UAir string. Higher up, (20~30%) the DThrow Chaingrab isnt possible, the UAir string is easier to do, and she picks up that cute stuff she has with turnips. Higher up, (60ish?) she gets all that cute stuff from soft-hit BAirs and I really thing glidetosses come into their own. It's like a trade off where she only has to resort to love taps at high%. Sub 100 she always has at least 2 "tricks" to setup, which isn't bad imo.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Hey guys!!

So I went to a tournament in Tempe yesterday and I placed very high!!

3rd out of 16 (Pre-Devastation Round Robin) 6/12/10


This was the perfect way for me to get warmed up for Devastation, where M2K, Havok, Lee Martin, Dekar, and potentially Ally and MikeHaze will be present. I'm so pumped!!

I'm very thankful to have some awesome videos recorded yesterday too... so I will try to get you guys some footage as soon as possible.

I really need the help from all the Peach players on here on how I could fix upon my mistakes.

So basically we had a massive round robin, and the top 4 people were then put into a double elimination 4 person bracket. I made it to loser's finals, and lost 2-3, getting timed out the last match. I will definitely have to get those matches up. I also finally beat Kira, the #2 player in AZ, 2-0, and I have videos of those matches too.

I also want to say that Meta Knight should be banned!!

1) MK
2) MK
3) Peach
4) MK


OMG!! In doubles, I teamed with HadesBlade, one of the best Yoshi players... and we did surprisingly well. Doubles was also a round robin... and our Peach/Yoshi team had to fight 3 double MK teams. So effing stupid... but we did work for our D/F tier team against S/S tier teams.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Went to my second tournament (first as all Peach) and placed 7th/62 at Hobo 25.
It was June 12th, I went all Peach, pretty fun got to meet alot of awesome people.
I lost to Dphat PR'd 4th (MK) and Razer PR'd 2nd (Snake), so I have to learn to read their playstyle better for next time.
I money matched a couple of TL's and got $10.
Overall I think I did well, placing 7th with just wifi experience was pretty suprising, and being able to walk out with only losing ten bucks was cool too, for the future I think I could place higher, and my goal is to place in the Texas Power Rankings.

oh yeah - besides the dair Peach is FAR better offline, holy **** - that ***** can move, shes fast as balls ;d after I understood that I used it to my advantage.

Here are the results :

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Going all Peach is the way to go!! Great job, Illmatic!!

Haha, it's surprising what a beast Peach is offline compared to wifi. You're such a warrior for playing it so diligently... I don't have the patience or resolve to play wifi a lot.

You can totally make it to the Texas PR at the rate you're going!! Keep it up :)

Any videos??


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2005
San Diego, CA. (619)
Went to my second tournament (first as all Peach) and placed 7th/62 at Hobo 25.
It was June 12th, I went all Peach, pretty fun got to meet alot of awesome people.
I lost to Dphat PR'd 4th (MK) and Razer PR'd 2nd (Snake), so I have to learn to read their playstyle better for next time.
I money matched a couple of TL's and got $10.
Overall I think I did well, placing 7th with just wifi experience was pretty suprising, and being able to walk out with only losing ten bucks was cool too, for the future I think I could place higher, and my goal is to place in the Texas Power Rankings.

oh yeah - besides the dair Peach is FAR better offline, holy **** - that ***** can move, shes fast as balls ;d after I understood that I used it to my advantage.

Here are the results :
A few of us saw that result, that's awesome man. What's it like vs. Dphat MK and Snake? How do you think Peach fares against them


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Going all Peach is the way to go!! Great job, Illmatic!!

Haha, it's surprising what a beast Peach is offline compared to wifi. You're such a warrior for playing it so diligently... I don't have the patience or resolve to play wifi a lot.

You can totally make it to the Texas PR at the rate you're going!! Keep it up :)

Any videos??
Thanks alot man, I appreciate the compliments. :D
Sadly I only got to record a set of me vs Xyro on livestream, because a retired Wario main (phantom~x) was hogging it for friendlies the whole time, and the fact that I only got the TV with livestream ONCE through the whole tournament.

I'll look for the set and upload it up here.

A few of us saw that result, that's awesome man. What's it like vs. Dphat MK and Snake? How do you think Peach fares against them
Thanks :D
Dphat was just an extremely smart player, on my first round I played like I regularly do, I killed him first (what basically makes or breaks the MU in my opinon) but he killed me quickly (which messed me up) and then after that he just spaced very intelligent tornado's and shuttle loops basically lol. I just need to work on predicting my opponents moves and punishing it after they are finished, he had to tornado at least 35 times the match.
Then on my counterpick (castle seige) I tried to use the stage to my advantage, it came down to the last stock, last hit, but of course MK's downsmash da bess and it killed me.

Against Razer it was a bit easier because I know the Snake MU bettter, but Razer plays unlike any other Snake lol - He's FAST. I got d-grabbed like a quarter of my whole first round, and it came to me 110% him like 20% last stock.

On my cp (Rainbow cruise - He banned Brinstar) it was crazy haha, I killed him extremely early with a quick combo when the stage was moving but he came right back and killed me, it was a quick match, last hit, utilt got me.

I'll try to find some videos later.
It was really fun and I'm going to start attending alot more offline tournaments.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
oh yeah - besides the dair Peach is FAR better offline, holy **** - that ***** can move, shes fast as balls ;d after I understood that I used it to my advantage.
Yep, pretty much :p She's much more fluid offline cause its easier to be more precise with her actions...online is so silly :p

Welcome onboard and congrats on such a great result :D
I really hope Ankoku's thread gets updated sometime soon because Peach's have been getting some decent results as of late, I'll be interested to see if she moves up much


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Alright I found some videos of me playing.
This one was my first match of the day - http://www.justin.tv/monsters_arcade/b/265160399

It starts in at 44:00 at first I was playing alrightish but after I got used to offline: :)

Then I found another video of me vs Xyro's Samus here - http://www.justin.tv/monsters_arcade/b/265178232

This one starts in around 58:00 Xyro's Samus was intense at first I didn't know how to play the matchup at all - never played any amazing Samus'.

Sadly I couldnt get any of my other matches in against Dphat, Razer, Fliphop, Rockettrainer, Jon, or Schlike because it wasn't on livestream :(.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
yeah, when i saw your results on ANKOKUs thread i was just thinking "who the hell????" lol i never heard of you before, but im glad we can get a new peach, altho i never thought it would happen thru wifi XD.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I like your peach Illmatic. You have very good spacing w/ the f-smash by the ledge. Try not to be so risky once you reach high %. Share some of your tips Illy! I want to hear your thought process when you play.

Edit: I don't know why most Peach's think the Samus matchup is hard, lol. From my exp. Peach wins @ least 60:40, but Samus's Zair & up-b(maybe) are the only thing that can make up the match somewhat challenging. Samus's missiles are pretty bad. You can cancel out her missiles w/ jab, up-tilt, nair, and pretty much her whole moveset. Watch your side-b usage. It doesn't work too well offline, lol.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I like your peach Illmatic. You have very good spacing w/ the f-smash by the ledge. Try not to be so risky once you reach high %. Share some of your tips Illy! I want to hear your thought process when you play.

Edit: I don't know why most Peach's think the Samus matchup is hard, lol. From my exp. Peach wins @ least 60:40, but Samus's Zair & up-b(maybe) are the only thing that can make up the match somewhat challenging. Samus's missiles are pretty bad. You can cancel out her missiles w/ jab, up-tilt, nair, and pretty much her whole moveset. Watch your side-b usage. It doesn't work too well offline, lol.
Thanks :D.
I really didn't know the Samus matchup at all I haven't played any good Samus' so it was weird at first, but after that I started learning how forward glidetossing could get my closer to Samus sooner, and it started helping alot, I also picked up on how Samus's DI is crap, so I saved my fair for the kill and it would get her at like 60-70% lol.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Guys, how many people do we actually still have repping Peach in tourneys?
This is the list I've got:

Pharaoh.Pch Kyon
Silly Kyle
Leon (split between Peach and Marth though)
King Beef

Sorry if I've missed anyone out but these are certainly the people I've noticed getting tourney results recently...do we only have about 8 people playing Peach in tourneys nowadays? :(


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Your missing Mikey Lenetia, and yah this is pretty sad, maybe if we bring her up a bit on the tier list and prove that if played properly she is amazing more people will pick her up.
I for one though, actually like that noone really plays with her competitively it gives me an advantage when playing my opponent.

I'm just waiting for lloDownedu to get into the tourney scene then ohhh boyyy we'll see some great progress: that is - if he adjusts to offline correctly.
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