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Peach Interview Thread! Finally Interviewing Dark.Pch

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Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
How has being gay affected you in smash? In real life?
Like I said, IRL being gay has affected me minimally. In Smash, I've only come out earlier this year and again, I'm disappointed that no one cares. All that happened was that I start getting gay jokes.

If Peach was banned... who else would you play?
I've wondered that too - not if she gets banned, but if I need a secondary for MK or something. Well, besides Ivysaur, I could always go back to Olimar and Ness. The rest of the cast barely interests me.

Would you ever consider playing Melee Peach?
I already do! Not seriously, but whenever Melee is on at smashfests Peach is the only one I play.

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Lol :D
Well, not yet. Haha...

When did you come out?
May 1st, 2008? It was on my birthday, I took my three best friends Dan, Dylan, and Natalee out to eat out with me for lunch one school day. We went to Whole Foods, and while they're bumbling around the aisles I ask them to hurry up "I need to tell them something." Natalee and Dan instantly understand and grab their stuff. Dylan is an idiot and has no idea, "Just tell us now if it's so important herpa derp."

Anyways, I sit them down across from me in a booth. They're smiling and have the most expectant faces ever - they know exactly what I'm going to say. After a lot of breathing I squeeze it out. "I'm... gay."

They explode in laughter. Dylan stands up pointing, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Dan is hysterical. Natalee runs over and hugs me. Everyone's smiling, and it was the best day of my life. :)

If you had some advice to give to players considering picking up Peach, what would you say?
Don't float.

long ago in a peach GD far far away
you said you may be "sexually racist" is this still true?
Mostly. I try to keep an open mind and judge what I like on a person-to-person basis, but yea... black guys don't do it for me. Most Asian guys also unaffect me.

which stage's in brawl do you have the underwater theme on?
None. :ohwell:

Dark's version of the Underwater Theme on guitar is still my awesome ringtone.

do you believe in marriage?
I think so. Do you mean... if marriage can last? Or the "marriage is a religious institution and shouldn't be controlled by the government" thing?

whats your favorite flower?
I don't think I have one.

what is the graphic design program like at your school? and was there any other minor you were thinking of having other than photography?
The University of Northern Colorado isn't an art school, so the design program is just a small portion. It has three buildings, but the instructors I've had have all been ridiculous. My Russian Art 2 professor, Svetlana could barely speak English. She literally bumbled everywhere.

do you miss the LGBT thread?
OMG, Yes. I felt it was a really strong community thread, and now I don't have anywhere to talk gay.

if i came to visit what would we do?
Erf. Denver? Denver is horribly boring. Art museum? We have a cool art museum...

peach ditto's, yay or nay?
Yay! I love every single match-up in this game. I'd probably lose though, I haven't played a Peach ditto since... Genesis?

Which of Peach's aerials do you think is the best?
Fair/Bair/Nair all tie. Fair and Nair are strong opposite extremes, and bair is the weaker trade-off.

What's really happening behind the scenes with your open animosity towards the Pan? Is it some sort of scandal?
The Club represents masculinity. The Pan represents femininity. The Racket is the compromise.

The question of "Club, Racket, or Pan" is actually a really strong psychological question and it'll tell you a lot about the person. I reject the Pan and embrace the racket and club equally, with a preference to the club.

What might that say?


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I think so. Do you mean... if marriage can last? Or the "marriage is a religious institution and shouldn't be controlled by the government" thing?
if it can last it think is what i ment.

OMG, Yes. I felt it was a really strong community thread, and now I don't have anywhere to talk gay.
ya it was like a special place, wish we could get another one going.....hopefully w/o all the issues....
Erf. Denver? Denver is horribly boring. Art museum? We have a cool art museum...
i like art museums, i would enjoy going.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
YOU. HAVE. MET. ME. MR. MENO.PERSON.IN.THE.FACE.REGION (and hopefully ill be able to come to supercon)

But I'll throw out a few questions myself

What is the Craziest dream you have ever had that you can remember?

Summoner (Herp derp derp make magical monsters fight for me and cause mass destruction<3 ) or Black Mage (Basically a wizard Ima blow your face up with a giant flying meteor)?

What was your most favoritest tourney moment?


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Yeah Meno, I didnt know you were a gayfer and I still dont get the gayfer vibe from you--at least not over the interwebs~ The slightest "gay" signal I've gotten throughout this entire thread was calling peach a "venomous *****" (which I loved), but that can be construed as just being very good with your words.

Have you played Okami? It's amazing.

You don't have any gayfer friends? I never did until college (the closet door is shut tightest in highschool lol), but then I divorced my connection to the gayfers after he threw a (full) salt shaker at the back of my head. I was pissed and was going to beat his ***, but I didnt want to get thrown out of school. (He told me not to be a negative nancy which made everyone laugh at me, and I told him to stop being such a ******y ****** in the same tone, and he took offense. Couldnt take what he dished out, that *****.)

Do you think (gently) pulling on someone's arm/leg hair is a sign of affection? Do you think such annoyances are subject to retaliation in the form of a boob grab/poke?

Did you know that I'm using you as my magic 8 ball by having you answer the above question? I don't have a magic 8 ball. :| ALL OF LIFE'S QUESTIONS GO UNANSWERED BECAUSE OF THIS!


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Are you going to ask that for everyone's interviews?


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Oh and what do you think of me meno~ /jumps on bandwagon



Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
if it can last it think is what i ment.
I think it can. It's been done before, and I see it being done occasionally (though it's rare nowadays). I really hope I'm capable of it.

Would you live under the sea if you had the chance and it was realistically and physically possible?
**** no.

Being deep underwater is one of my biggest fears. I think it's called agoraphobia. But deep water and deep space freak me out immensely, though I wouldn't freak out literally. Just be very uncomfortable.

What is the Craziest dream you have ever had that you can remember?
I have this annually reoccurring dream where I'm in one of those crazy people rooms - you know, the ones lined with pillows from floor to ceiling. It's entirely white, but it immediately starts flashing in colors and checkerboard patterns and COMPRESSING me. It's horrifying.

Summoner (Herp derp derp make magical monsters fight for me and cause mass destruction<3 ) or Black Mage (Basically a wizard Ima blow your face up with a giant flying meteor)?
Black Mage.

I like being the one in control, instead of summoning minions.

What was your most favoritest tourney moment?
Supercon 2009. Fino versus Meno money match. I lose the first game and decide to CP him to Jungle Japes. He says he's going to time me out.

Bring it.

Most of the game is him running away throwing Pikmin and sharking with uair underneath the smaller platforms. It's getting close and we're both down to one stock each - one minute left. I'm frantically chasing him around the stage and we steadily get hits in. 50%, half a minute left. 80%, twenty seconds. Ten seconds left, we're both fringing on 100% and Fino is gonna win.

"**** IT!"

I throw out a fair and IT ****ING KILLS.

I go on to lose the set, but in the end, I won. :p

Yeah Meno, I didnt know you were a gayfer and I still dont get the gayfer vibe from you--at least not over the interwebs~ The slightest "gay" signal I've gotten throughout this entire thread was calling peach a "venomous *****" (which I loved), but that can be construed as just being very good with your words.
I try, okay.

I wear small shirts and rock these rose-tinted gigantic white sunglasses I got for my birthday.

Have you played Okami? It's amazing.
I played it once at a kiosk in Walmart.

You don't have any gayfer friends?
Gay friends I have: my ex, uhh, my friend Richard.


Do you think (gently) pulling on someone's arm/leg hair is a sign of affection? Do you think such annoyances are subject to retaliation in the form of a boob grab/poke?
I've never done that, haha. I prefer controlling people's jaws and making them say things like, "Hi. I'm stupid."

What do you think of me?
I think about the Dark that didn't used to care about what people thought about him.

I should ask too.

What do you think of me, Meno? XD

What do you think of them?

Oh and what do you think of me meno~ /jumps on bandwagon

I love your new hair omg.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Do you encourage any of us to B-stick as well?

Highest tournament placing?

Greatest tournament achievement?

Favorite type of guy (personality, race, etc.)?


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Do you encourage any of us to B-stick as well?
No! It makes me special. I also enjoy how everyone thinks it's terrible, so doing well with it makes it like an awesome secret technique.

Highest tournament placing?
According to the tournament thread:
4th out of 39 (C3T) 6/6/09
2 out of 16 (Countdown to Calamity) 7/17/09
2 out of 23 (Midnight Gaming Challenge) 7/18/09
5th out of 40 (Holiday Bash) 12/19/09

We have a really tight top 6ish around here, so placing top 4 is pretty big. I just got back from a nine-person free tournament just now. Got third!!! :bee::bee::bee:

Also, according to my trophy, I'm the 2010 Brawl Teams State Champion. Doubles is basically free money.

Greatest tournament achievement?

I've beaten X in a small MM.
Beat Utah's second best, an MK, that same tournament.
Took Lee Puff to game three at Genesis before he went MK over G&W.
Almost beat Doom in one match. :p

Favorite type of guy (personality, race, etc.)?
The perfect guy would be white, attractive, muscular, masculine, and most importantly: a dork.

The level to which I'm attracted to dorkiness/geekiness/nerdiness is stupid. Everything else is minor details. Though as I've said before, I don't go in asking if they "fit my criteria" - I try and judge on a per-person basis.

Anyways, I think my time is up, so I'll wrap up with my own questions Gadiel asked me to answer.

Your opinion on the MK match-up?

Never once throughout my two years playing Brawl have I felt it wasn't doable with Peach. It comes down to turnips. Turnips allow Peach pressure, escape, mobility, punishments, and the option not to approach. Dekar, the proponent saying MK handily beats Diddy, once asked me "What if MK has superior item control?" The beautiful thing is that unlike bananas, turnips are so terrible that if MK grabs a hold of them, he actually becomes worse.

Outside of bananas, err, turnips, Peach can handle him, if just barely. Peach has options and go arounds to everything MK does - but I agree with Edreeses, Peach has to be played almost inhumanly perfect to beat him. 40-60 MK versus Peach. 30-70 Tournament of MKs versus Peach.

Is Peach viable alone?
Nationally, probably not. Fortunately, less than 20 players actually need national level viable characters. Peach can do everything else.

What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
My DI is ****.

Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
A very small skill gap between our top players here in Colorado. About 6-7 players are all threats here, and an interesting rock-paper-scissors mechanic between players plays a large role.

What does it take to become the best Peach?
Now? Not a lot. It's really just a race right now to see who can take out a big name first. Or just getting out of pools at a national tournament. :p

What is your mindset when you play?
I've decided to opt-out of the "play to win" mentality. I go in with "make this as difficult as possible for your enemy." I've discovered if all I care about is winning the watch, I tend to get discouraged and desperate when not winning (it's only natural). I start thinking about the next match, what I'm going to CP SINCE I'M GONNA LOSE, and various other negative thoughts. If I go in thinking "I need to make this as hard as possible for him" I focus more on the gameplay - if I'm losing, I lose, but at least I'm going make it difficult.

Why did you choose your Peach color?
Fit the underwater theme.

Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?

He's basically a Melee turnip with shield breaking capabilities. Do you understand how broken that is.

Your favorite Pokemon?
Dunsparce followed by Bulbasaur.

What do you like most about the Peach boards?
The resulting hilarity after Pound 4.

Who is your favorite Peach poster?
White Peach and Praxis

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
It's been distracting from school at times, but not severely. Otherwise, the people I've met in Smash are invaluable.

What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?
Photography, design stuff, and weight lifting.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
Supercon 2009. Fino versus Meno money match. I lose the first game and decide to CP him to Jungle Japes. He says he's going to time me out.

Bring it.

Most of the game is him running away throwing Pikmin and sharking with uair underneath the smaller platforms. It's getting close and we're both down to one stock each - one minute left. I'm frantically chasing him around the stage and we steadily get hits in. 50%, half a minute left. 80%, twenty seconds. Ten seconds left, we're both fringing on 100% and Fino is gonna win.

"**** IT!"

I throw out a fair and IT ****ING KILLS.

I go on to lose the set, but in the end, I won. :p

That is your favorite moment?



What a ****** <.<



Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Being from a 'crap' region, does it bother you when people think you aren't good, based on your region and the fact they've never heard of any of your guys' top players?

What do you hope to do with your graphic design? I think you're very good at it :bee:

Since you're in art school, does criticism from classmates that aren't as good as you are, annoy you at all? Or do you take their advice as just as valuable as people who are good at what they do? (I used to be an art major, and it pissed me off when people who weren't very good tried to tell me that -I- wasn't very good...sigh)

What's the most annoying kind of person, in general?

What's your least favorite matchup with Peach?


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
nicole's questions kinda sting since i'm an art nub but i dun criticize, i just try to not get intimidated by amazing artists. <_<


next time u'll come to socal? =(


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Being from a 'crap' region, does it bother you when people think you aren't good, based on your region and the fact they've never heard of any of your guys' top players?
Nope. I'm only as good as the results screen tells me I am, so I don't bother with people's judgments or assumptions. I say let people think what they want to think - if I'm good I'll prove it, and if I'm not, I won't. It's all very objective in my eyes.

What do you hope to do with your graphic design? I think you're very good at it :bee:
Thank you. :)

I was the photography editor for my highschool newspaper; the job was "Manny, we need a picture of Y and an illustration for X in the next half hour." It was frantic and I loved it and I was good at it. Getting a similar job in the real world would be ideal.

Since you're in art school, does criticism from classmates that aren't as good as you are, annoy you at all? Or do you take their advice as just as valuable as people who are good at what they do? (I used to be an art major, and it pissed me off when people who weren't very good tried to tell me that -I- wasn't very good...sigh)
The level of the person's own art pieces doesn't matter as long as the advice they give is insightful. So I accept critism as long as they're being honest. Sometimes though, terrible artists give terrible advice to other people during group reviews and I'm like "omg noooooo that's sooo wronggggggg."

What's the most annoying kind of person, in general?
Hrm, I really haven't had to deal with annoying people since I got out of highschool. In college though, PEOPLE WHO TALK DURING CLASS. I never really minded it before, but once I'm in classes that I'm PAYING FOR having people talk when the instructor is talking is absolutely juvenile. I guess overall, high school people. I'm long gone past them.

Also: emos.

What's your least favorite matchup with Peach?
Honestly, I love every single match-up. :bee:

There have been times though, like at my tournament just recently, against characters like ROB and Toon Link that I feel "locked out" and I get incredibly discouraged.

next time u'll come to socal? =(

Maybe next summer? Money is a huge problem now, but I'm gonna visit LA at least at some point in the future to see my Gran Gran and sister. Possibly winter break if I win the lottery.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Who is your favorite Peach poster?
White Peach and Praxis
AWW! You put me first and it's not even alphabetical!

Also, just because you don't give off the gay vibe doesn't mean you have to try to. Rock what you got~


Yeah, I'm sure you'll be someones DREAMBOAT (you have to scream it obnoxiously to get the right effect) soon. Or just be that kind of person that dates and breaks up (eventually) and everyone remembers you as the one that got away. But don't let your head get too big, Moozle is gonna be a heartbreaker when he stops being 14 :D


I kind of feel bad saying these things because I FEEL LIKE YOUR GRANDMA :D



Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
White-Peach you confuse me XD

Meno, what country do you most want to visit?

Would you go to space if you could?

What is your favorite cereal?

What is your favorite stage (sorry if this has already been asked)?

Did you have a glamorous weekend in Wisconsin like I did?


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Meno, what country do you most want to visit?
I really wanna go everywhere. The typical stuff like France and Japan, but also the Middle East and Alaska.

Would you go to space if you could?
Hell yes. I really really like heights and views. Space is the ultimate isn't?

What is your favorite cereal?
Hrm. Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Fruity Pebbles.

What is your favorite stage (sorry if this has already been asked)?

Peach naturally does well on the flat transformation, and she's flexible enough to handle the transformations so much better than the rest of the cast.

Did you have a glamorous weekend in Wisconsin like I did?
I'm leaving this Wednesday. :D


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Yeah Meno, I didnt know you were a gayfer and I still dont get the gayfer vibe from you--at least not over the interwebs~ The slightest "gay" signal I've gotten throughout this entire thread was calling peach a "venomous *****" (which I loved), but that can be construed as just being very good with your words.

Have you played Okami? It's amazing.

You don't have any gayfer friends? I never did until college (the closet door is shut tightest in highschool lol), but then I divorced my connection to the gayfers after he threw a (full) salt shaker at the back of my head. I was pissed and was going to beat his ***, but I didnt want to get thrown out of school. (He told me not to be a negative nancy which made everyone laugh at me, and I told him to stop being such a ******y ****** in the same tone, and he took offense. Couldnt take what he dished out, that *****.)

Do you think (gently) pulling on someone's arm/leg hair is a sign of affection? Do you think such annoyances are subject to retaliation in the form of a boob grab/poke?

Did you know that I'm using you as my magic 8 ball by having you answer the above question? I don't have a magic 8 ball. :| ALL OF LIFE'S QUESTIONS GO UNANSWERED BECAUSE OF THIS!
LOL. Greatest read in the history of Smashboards. I thank you heavily for enlightening us with this.
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