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Peach Interview Thread! Finally Interviewing Dark.Pch

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Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Oh my God I'm so sorry guys! I've been at orientation and there's virtually no wifi :mad:

I vote for Kyon and I'll tally up the votes and confirm whoever won.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Lol, what White Peach said.

Also, how do you feel you stack up as a player in your region? In other regions (if you've been to them)?

What is your best/most favorite matchup as Peach?

From what I've seen, you have a knack for taking advantage of your offensive momentum (which is fantastic), but how would you say you approach matches against better players in general? Are you conservative? Opportunistic? How would you describe your mentality?


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
*How do you use turnips effectively?

*Did you know that you can cancel a dash w/ a turnip by pressing down on the control stick, then w/ the c-stick in the direction you want the turnip to travel?

*Did you know you can "shutter step" turnips?

*Why do you say turnips are Peach's best move?

*Do you think Peach can win a national?

*What will a top tier Peach playstyle look like in your opinion?


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Do you have any specific goals for improving your tournament placings/playstyle/general skill?

Why are you convinced that a high level Peach can beat a high level MK who knows the Peach matchup?

What's your most difficult matchup? (exclude MK)

How do you like teaming with a Diddy? Do you guys ever have any serious problems killing?

Which matchup do you know the absolute best?

How do you keep positive outlooks on the match you're playing if you start losing by a significant amount? Or are you actually able to stay positive?

Can I somehow access your awesome awesome texture that Peachkid made for you, and put it on my wii?

How many more questions can I ask?

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Im going to try my best to answer these honestly and the best I can.


Why do you come off gloomy, when we all know you're a happy sunshine ***** who likes to laugh and get loud? :D
I'm going to have to say I guess when we are in person I feel a better connection with people and I cant really be loud online lol. But there are a lot of things said online that ether aggravate or makes me not want to say anything. Horrible logic can be a strong cause of this. As long as you know how I am offline gurl its all good. Which we as in (hiROI, Peachkid, yourself, Mikey, Silly Kyle and me need to all go to a Tourny and have a ***** fight once and for all. Plus Ihop and movies and the club so we can talk bad about people and the way they look including ourselves. XD

Lol, what White Peach said.

Also, how do you feel you stack up as a player in your region? In other regions (if you've been to them)?
I feel i stack up pretty well here. I get mad respect when I play and they know I do well especially with the character I use and teams. Which is the one thing I wanted the most. There are quite a few people that hate playing me in tournament though cause they usually always lose or is my partner/good friends. I haven't been anywhere else except pound 4 as of now but I'd think id do ok but not be top still. Because there is so much I need to learn still. I do know alot of people feel if they go to other regions they feel that it looks easier here and harder there. I've also thought of this as well. Leon is an example but I try to steer away from that because every Peach plays different and our play style may work in one place but another's may crash.

What is your best/most favorite matchup as Peach?
My favorite MU is Snake and Olimar. I feel that fighting snake gives Peach the most challenging winnable MU she has. I still say her and snake is 45:55 only Because of her lack of kill power and he lives a lot longer and if he camps you should be winning. However.... Aggro snake and grabbing you from left to right is the hardest kind of snake I've ever played. And I like watching Olimar players fail when we nair there moves and theres completely stops as ours wins and hits lol.

From what I've seen, you have a knack for taking advantage of your offensive momentum (which is fantastic), but how would you say you approach matches against better players in general? Are you conservative? Opportunistic? How would you describe your mentality?
I feel that Peach when the game first came out till today is an in your face character. I feel she is at best when she is always close and personal and giving so much pressure especially shield pressure! OMG feels so good. against most better players its good except for mk players. Which i feel becomes easier with turnips. I seem to sandbag a lot though cause I tend to not want to always be serious like all the rest. I do try to be an opportunist when i can if I can get the gimp or the easy kill then get it! It usually works against every character except mk cause one simple SL and there I go. My mentality as of now is dont fall behind and always have 20% or less than my enemy unless there over 100% then it should be much more. And no matter what don't let your partner down.

How badly do you want me?
Not very much since you never talk to me very much the time at MLG I actually met you. Made me sad actually. I feel your sexy when you smile though.

Can I has your Peach videos and call them my own? <3
But...... I threw those bombs...... my name is on it and no one would believe its you. I don't even know you very much at all which needs to change.


Most likely not hunny since you already know my ex's friend doesn't even like me. I know your satisfied with what you got from that night. You already know whats up in the next year and 1/2.

What do you think of me?
To be honest you at one point i looked up to you but it has changed quite abit and i no longer do. I know i complain but you do more than I do. I dont like when you say your doing good and your Peach is doing good then you go to a tourny and you fail and you crash super hard and go back to square 1. Keep moving forward only and I know things will go well for you. I still care about you Dark but your attention grabbing methods can be annoying at times and they always work because someone new comes in and eats it all up like a buffet. If you didn't want us to care about you or the situation you wouldn't post it here. I know most of us here do care but bring a more positive talk and attitude with it and I bet things change. Also you have to except what others think about Peach and the things she can do. No person is always right with her which is why I love Peach.

*How do you use turnips effectively?
I don't really know how to answer this question because everyone plays differently. However I do feel that turnips are pure defense that leads to an onslaught of offense. There like a gate key to happiness.

*Did you know that you can cancel a dash w/ a turnip by pressing down on the control stick, then w/ the c-stick in the direction you want the turnip to travel?
No but I do now XD

*Did you know you can "shutter step" turnips?
I might but explain how to do so please to confirm.

*Why do you say turnips are Peach's best move?
Because you get different random results from them. Most of them are more positive than the rest of her move set. Plus like i said before after its thrown the rest of her moveset gets unlocked and the true darkness of her moveset is unleashed aka being safer. and putting the pressure on. Also in teams sometimes just throwing turnips makes things so much easier and you win alot more. Only works is your partner is aggro of a very safe aggro.

*Do you think Peach can win a national?
Yes I feel that she can but mostly (not only) with the help of another character. Not for Mk or anything but as most Peach players know. He is a hard working character which takes alot out of you. She is a draining young woman. So i feel taking a break from her in tournament for a sec helps you refresh yourself so you can go back in and reck. I know if I'm ever in winners finals or grand finals also losers finals however its all Peach no matter the character and if I've gone that far I should win.

*What will a top tier Peach playstyle look like in your opinion?
It would look like a Praxis mixed with Nicole, Mikey, and KB.

Do you have any specific goals for improving your tournament placings/playstyle/general skill?
Yes as of now I have 2 which was given to me by Riddle. If it works stick to it. And never actually go for a kill move unless your sure its going to lannd or be used without negative feedback.

Why are you convinced that a high level Peach can beat a high level MK who knows the Peach matchup?
We have seen other characters do it and Peach isn't and no were near a bad character so why not? Its going to take alot more than someone telling me she cant to believe that. If you would play an mk and get not one hit in then I will submit to her not being able to win which will never happen cause of turnips =) aka I wont change what i think.

What's your most difficult matchup? (exclude MK)
As of right now it would have to be Diddy and Dk. For some reason I still dont see what I should be doing to Diddy and for Dk is by far the weirdest lol.

How do you like teaming with a Diddy? Do you guys ever have any serious problems killing?
Teaming with GDX is great and so much fun. I dont feel killing is too much of a problem in this team since Diddy is a character to me the can get a set up to a kill move easy. (Bananas) also i can land upsmash easier in teams. And he likes dairing people lol.

Which matchup do you know the absolute best?
There is none that I know like that sadly. All characters still surprise me to this day. Wish i could do Meta Knight like Praxis does Game and Watch XD

How do you keep positive outlooks on the match you're playing if you start losing by a significant amount? Or are you actually able to stay positive?
I try to stay positive but its Peach herself that keeps me positive because she can easy rack up damage fast and catch up. And i think to myself that it isnt impossible because she has a quite a few momentum shifters. The Stitch Face, Beam Sword, Saturn, and most of all Bomb.

Can I somehow access your awesome awesome texture that Peachkid made for you, and put it on my wii?
Just ask Peachkid to give it too you. If he doesnt have it I will give it to you instead

How many more questions can I ask?
As many as you like =^-^=


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
You haven't been to many tourneys as of late, why is that? Is everything ok with your personal life?

You've fought M2K and Ally and you've actually got video proof of winning a match against, although admittedly you did win via a Bob-omb for both the last stocks and the video descriptions say you got owned in the other matches...regardless, its stil a very impressive feat. What was it like fighting them?

Who would you use if you didn't use Peach?


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
As long as you know how I am offline gurl its all good. Which we as in (hiROI, Peachkid, yourself, Mikey, Silly Kyle and me need to all go to a Tourny and have a ***** fight once and for all. Plus Ihop and movies and the club so we can talk bad about people and the way they look including ourselves. XD
That would be so fun, minus the club. You don't want to see me inebriated like I was at Las Vegas. Giving $26 to the dancer ($1, $5, [I didnt have a $10 bill] and $20 and ask him to be creative for me lol :p), then getting sandwiched by very nice gay guys who probably thought I was a woman (they thought my coworker and I were a lesbian couple--I had eye makeup on, the first time I wore makeup.) Then out-pretty-ing all the club ******** (the club had ********, it was hilarious) in my boy clothes and more drunk dancing while propped up against the wall (I continued dancing with support of the wall while my 2 coworkers went to the bathroom.)

Yeah, this grandma shouldnt go clubbing with you x)

What are your life goalssssssss? (Personal and occupational~)

Do you follow any kind of regular workout routine, or have any kind of physical activity that you particularly enjoy?

Instead of clubbing, I think we should do a Peach-Player Charlie's Angels-style picture in a crappy photo booth for funsies. How you would fit all of us in there would be part of the fun. Not a question, more of a statement for you to question. :)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
how would you feel about paying for me to go to apex? or perhaps opening a Get Raz to Apex fund where you all kind of donate a dollar or whatever to get me there? i'm pretty broke right now but I wanna meet all of ya'll haha. =(


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
Pardon if these are strange questions, but how well did you manage with your friendlies/tourney set vs. Nick? I saw your last game against him at Zero Ping and I was disappointed I arrived at the venue too late to see some more games. I was his tournament match before ya, but I didn't stick around for your set to see those games either lol. After playing against number two in the state along with others that day would you say you've been enlightened to the potentials in your Peach play that can help you place further in the future?

Edit: I'm not quite sure if these questions ask what I'm truly curious about so I might try asking some more stuff later if it comes to me with better phrasing lol. *goes back into lurking


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
-non-question- So like, when will the OP be updated?

At Kyon:
- What do you like the most about the Peach boards
- What do you like the least about the Peach boards
- If you could replace one of Peach's specials, what would it be and what would it be changed to
- What's your favorite aerial move


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Toad. what do you think about him, and should he change to something else?

how do you take such fabulous photo's?

do you have a messy room, or a neat and orderly one?

what kinda books do you read? if none, why not?

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
What do you think of my Peach??

Would you ever date a gay smasher??

How would you feel if a bunch of Peach players showed up to MLG Dallas and we all placed Top 8?

Do you think Peach's metagame is slowly, but surely getting better? Or do you think it's been the same for a long time??

How do you feel about the Marth matchup?


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Have you played any of the top 4 Toon Links? (Hyro, Jerm, Jash, -Ensis-)

How do you feel Peach fares against a high leveled TL?

Are you coming to MLG Dallas?


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I get votes from everyone that ISN'T a Peach player or nominates at the WRONG time. ;/


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
What has been your best tournament experience so far?

Do you ever do low tier? If so, what character(s) do you use?

If you had to pick a high tier character to main, which one would you choose.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite season/temperature?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
-non-question- So like, when will the OP be updated?
I've been busy at orientation and I'm busy getting ready for my driver's test next month, spending time with friends going to college in a week or two, and getting ready for a trip that I leave for Wednesday. If you could update the OP I'd love you even more <3

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
You haven't been to many tourneys as of late, why is that? Is everything ok with your personal life?
I haven't been to many tournaments as of late cause I don't have the money to and or no ride to get to them. I live wimates and barely get enough money to support myself. My mom helps me alot now. Especially since I came out to her.

You've fought M2K and Ally and you've actually got video proof of winning a match against, although admittedly you did win via a Bob-omb for both the last stocks and the video descriptions say you got owned in the other matches...regardless, its stil a very impressive feat. What was it like fighting them?
Playing Ally and M2K was the hardest players I ever played. While playing them I felt thinking out of the box was the best thing to do and turnips are very important. I felt M2K was harder however but you can see why. Quite a few times I felt like I was being played into there hands or not able to do anything. Playing them really helped me a lot. I really felt good getting the bomb kills though XD.

Who would you use if you didn't use Peach?
If I didn't use Peach mostly it would be Pika

That would be so fun, minus the club. You don't want to see me inebriated like I was at Las Vegas. Giving $26 to the dancer ($1, $5, [I didnt have a $10 bill] and $20 and ask him to be creative for me lol :p), then getting sandwiched by very nice gay guys who probably thought I was a woman (they thought my coworker and I were a lesbian couple--I had eye makeup on, the first time I wore makeup.) Then out-pretty-ing all the club ******** (the club had ********, it was hilarious) in my boy clothes and more drunk dancing while propped up against the wall (I continued dancing with support of the wall while my 2 coworkers went to the bathroom.)

Yeah, this grandma shouldnt go clubbing with you x)

What are your life goalssssssss? (Personal and occupational~)
Life goals...one of them is to travel over the world. Which I know is very hard to do. A lot of people wish this but a few are able to. Job wise honestly I don't know what I want to do. I've always couldn't tell ever since high school. But what I wanted to do was a cook, baker or a massage therapist.

Do you follow any kind of regular workout routine, or have any kind of physical activity that you particularly enjoy?
I would like to do have a workout routine but im so lazy. I tried to once but I got frustrated at simple things days after xD. I really enjoy swimming but I'm super picky with the water. It has to not be too cold and it has to be blazing hot outside.

Instead of clubbing, I think we should do a Peach-Player Charlie's Angels-style picture in a crappy photo booth for funsies. How you would fit all of us in there would be part of the fun. Not a question, more of a statement for you to question. :)
A photo like that sounds like so much fun! I would love to do that. We should take a close pic like that next time I see you.


caps :C
He asked me first if it was cool and what I thought. I love GDX he is so good to me being nice like that. I think its a good idea. You camp better than I do so it should work well. Treat him right. He likes being more aggro than me so just back him up with turnips and never throw turnips off stage with him there.

how would you feel about paying for me to go to apex? or perhaps opening a Get Raz to Apex fund where you all kind of donate a dollar or whatever to get me there? i'm pretty broke right now but I wanna meet all of ya'll haha. =(
I don't have money for even myself so that's a no but I do feel that I'll see you at MLG Dallas

Pardon if these are strange questions, but how well did you manage with your friendlies/tourney set vs. Nick? I saw your last game against him at Zero Ping and I was disappointed I arrived at the venue too late to see some more games. I was his tournament match before ya, but I didn't stick around for your set to see those games either lol. After playing against number two in the state along with others that day would you say you've been enlightened to the potentials in your Peach play that can help you place further in the future?

Edit: I'm not quite sure if these questions ask what I'm truly curious about so I might try asking some more stuff later if it comes to me with better phrasing lol. *goes back into lurking
It was last stock both times but he always wins lol. I did learn that when something works use it and don't change it up. Seriously people the kill will come just have to wait. Not too long though XD plus I need better turnip game

Can you stop overreacting when I hang up on you after I say I'll call you back? Gurl needs thicka skin
If you didn't say that so often I would get so upset you skank!


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
He asked me first if it was cool and what I thought. I love GDX he is so good to me being nice like that. I think its a good idea. You camp better than I do so it should work well. Treat him right. He likes being more aggro than me so just back him up with turnips and never throw turnips off stage with him there.
cool, thanks for the advice! i think we should work pretty well if i'm supposed to be the campy one :psycho:


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Life goals...one of them is to travel over the world. Which I know is very hard to do. A lot of people wish this but a few are able to. Job wise honestly I don't know what I want to do. I've always couldn't tell ever since high school. But what I wanted to do was a cook, baker or a massage therapist.
It's not so hard if you join the military which I plan to do after going to Montana for a week and living on base w/ my godmother. You can travel on cargo planes for free anywhere around the world, and the military has bases across the globe. It's also a good choice if you want to be a cook or something because after basic, you would have to go to tech school.
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