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Peach Interview Thread! Finally Interviewing Dark.Pch

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Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
What're your favorite aerials and why?
Your favorite ground moves?
F tilt or F smash?
If you could increase the knockback of any attack, what would it be and why?

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
-non-question- So like, when will the OP be updated?

At Kyon:
- What do you like the most about the Peach boards
I love the way we are so active and how united we can be sometimes. I believe we are more of a family than most other character boards out there.

- What do you like the least about the Peach boards
There are a few things I don't like. At times I feel that this board is quite bias. I see a few things that happens here that doesn't seem fair. In one way I can see it as favoritism but I feel that a lot of Peach players aren't being appreciated or looked at enough because they don't have a name out there yet. Like right now in the critique thread if someone were to post up a vid and ask to critique it and it were say Praxis or Edress most of us would jump to the thread and be quick to look at it and have much to say while others like Model Paris that nothing at all was said and its been quite a few days. His vid to me was very good and he landed some great usmash's and the mk wasn't bad ether. I just think more equality is needed. Normally when new peach players come in i try to make them feel at home. I sure didn't feel equal when I first got here. Maybe if this happened we would have better Peach's and be placing higher.

- If you could replace one of Peach's specials, what would it be and what would it be changed to.
It would most likely be none. However I wish toad was faster and once she hits with it there was no lag afterwards lol.

- What's your favorite aerial move
Has to be Bair. In melee its like god sent to me but im upset i cant use it as much in brawl like i want it to be.

Toad. what do you think about him, and should he change to something else?
No and I just answered this in Air's question lol. Just faster to come out and faster when done.

how do you take such fabulous photo's?
I live with a photographer so if i ask he can help =)

do you have a messy room, or a neat and orderly one?
It can be messy because i work and go out but as soon as im actually home I super clean it.

what kinda books do you read? if none, why not?
Manga, Manga, oh btw Manga!

What do you think of my Peach??
I think its good but you are very daring and it can be used against you a lot against top players.

Would you ever date a gay smasher??
Yes of course! Why wouldn't I? it would makes things easier and more fun.

How would you feel if a bunch of Peach players showed up to MLG Dallas and we all placed Top 8?
That would be amazing and the world would know Peach!

Do you think Peach's metagame is slowly, but surely getting better? Or do you think it's been the same for a long time??
I think its getting much better however it could be going alot faster.

How do you feel about the Marth matchup?
I feel that its very even but if taken lightly it will always be a bad MU. Im glad there are different styles that can be used in this mu for something so hard at times =)

Have you played any of the top 4 Toon Links? (Hyro, Jerm, Jash, -Ensis-)
No I don't think I have.

How do you feel Peach fares against a high leveled TL?
I feel it can be even if we are good at power shielding and have a good use of grab and bair game.

Are you coming to MLG Dallas?
Most likely.

What has been your best tournament experience so far?
Pound 4 hands down!

Do you ever do low tier? If so, what character(s) do you use?
Lucus if possible Ness cause I love Shaky, and Link.

If you had to pick a high tier character to main, which one would you choose.
Most likely Snake

What's your favorite color?
Orange, Black, and White

What's your favorite season/temperature?
Fall and around 80 with a nice Breeze


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
I vote myself.

In reality I vote for Kyon, but it would be nice to be known a bit more. *Hint hint*


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
We're interviewing Kyon right now...
If you wanan ask him something, ask him lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX

Do you love me?

What did you do to get a name out there? I still don't and people think I suck, because they play me over wifi.

How many Mexican Peach users do you know?

What are your hardest Mid too Low Tier match ups?


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I can answer the second one.

Go to tournaments and beat decent players.
In fact, come to my tournament I'm hosting this Saturday


Like Xyro said, noones going to recognize you if your sitting at home playing with hamsters and stop signs all day.



The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
k, I sorta understand.. how far is Laredo from Katy?


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
You can skip any of the below if you've answered them already.

Your opinion on the MK match-up?
Is Peach viable alone?
What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
What does it take to become a the best Peach?
What is your mindset when you play?

Why did you choose your Peach color?
Pan, Club, or Racket?
Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?
Your favorite Pokemon?

Who is your all time favorite Peach player?
What do you like most about the Peach boards?
Who is your favorite Peach poster?

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Kyon: can I join the Peach Back Room?

What're your favorite aerials and why?
Air asked me his somewhat too lol, Bair. In melee its like god sent to me but im upset i cant use it as much in brawl like i want it to be. I feel its under rated.

favorite ground moves?
Most likey Dash attack and Ftilt

Ftilt or F smash?
As much as I love ftilt it's all about the Fsmash and the sweet spot Tennis Racket!

If you could increase the knockback of any attack, what would it be and why?
Id say For brawl Fthrow and Ftilt i find these 2 moves not so hard to land. This is brawl so grabbing isnt so hard and if we had the ftilt likes snakes utilt people would be stupid afraid of it.

Will you MM me at MLG Dallas?

Will you MM me at MLG Dallas?
No I don't like or believe in them

Do you love me?
Not completely yet but its getting there.=^-^=

What did you do to get a name out there? I still don't and people think I suck, because they play me over wifi.
To be honest I think it was the Vids with Ally and M2K. And my crazy luck with bomb finish kills.

How many Mexican Peach users do you know?
To be honest I don't know. No one ever comes up and says I'm Mexican

What are your hardest Mid too Low Tier match ups?
Wolf and Ness

IF you got to transform into any of the pharoah's buried in Ancient Egypt, which one would be your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices?
Seti 1st, Tutankhamen 2nd, Ramesus "courage dog!" 3rd

Your opinion on the MK match-up?
Doable just extremely hard. i feel its like D3 if not done correct we get recked.

Peach viable alone?
I believe she is I just feel it may be easier to use another character as well because Peach takes alot out of you and work. Gurl is too technical.

What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
Has a very hard time waiting.

Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
My ability to wait and also not knowing when to say no lol. Kill comes in time.

What does it take to become a the best Peach?
Able to play different play styles, very good spacing and turnip mix up usage. Planning ahead.

What is your mindset when you play?
Right now its try to have fun and reck even if I have to play tag!

Why did you choose your Peach color?
To be honest it was Blue and Green but once I got my new Texture I put it on Daisy and when I play on other Wii's it was a natural reaction so I kept it. Then I realized how much I liked Daisy.

Pan, Club, or Racket?
Smart choice Club, Fun and feels good choice Racket and Pan. I love using the Pan on MK's Tornado

Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?
Mr.Saturn only if he stays out for a long time then its Bomb

Your favorite Pokemon?

Who is your all time favorite Peach player?
Mikey *hugs* And my skank hiROI BFF's

Who is your favorite Peach poster?
White Peach and Peachkid of course!

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
It has helped me met some amazing people and I am able to travel as well. So quite a Positve way

What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?
I'll always play smash but to be honest I'm not sure. Video games are in me forever with the club scene now. Whatever it is i hope its stupid good fun and I still meet cool good people and Hot guys!


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Harsh, oh well... I don't see why not - but whatever.
I guess someone else doesn't like me.

Care to explain why I can't?
Or you can not just assume I don't like you. Cause things like that make me not like others. Your still considered new, and it isn't active just as it hasn't been for a long time. I tried to do something with it but not enough support. If any one else had asked I would have also said no.

Thank you =<.<=


Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Meh...his accomplishments are already up to par with the rest of us (as if that was hard to do LOL), he mains Peach, and he gives helpful input to the discussions here. Time spent here shouldn't be a requirement imo, he's already a good part of this board. Idk.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
Or you can not just assume I don't like you. Cause things like that make me not like others. Your still considered new, and it isn't active just as it hasn't been for a long time. I tried to do something with it but not enough support. If any one else had asked I would have also said no.

Thank you =<.<=

Meh...his accomplishments are already up to par with the rest of us (as if that was hard to do LOL), he mains Peach, and he gives helpful input to the discussions here. Time spent here shouldn't be a requirement imo, he's already a good part of this board. Idk.
I agree with KB. I think Ill knows what he's doing/talking about. I think that the fact the Peach BBR is inactive should be the reason why he should be a member.

Time spent here shouldn't amount to much...Just look at the guy in KB's sig! He has like 3,328 posts, been here for a year, and yet most of the time has no idea what he's talking about because he doesn't go to many tourneys. And probably other stuff.

Just my two cents.

I would love to be in Peach BBR, but unfortunately, I don't contribute much here. Once I promote from my newb status, I'll be helping with advancing Peach's metagame or whatever. Collecting other people's data and taking it to heart is the best I can do.

Oh right and thanks Kyon for taking to time to answer everyone's questions~! When do we get to elect the next victi- I mean interviewee? Because I want the first vote: Ill. XD


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Here is my insite on the matter before this comes to a close (and I know people gonna see me as the bad one for this)

I don't think he should be in wether the PBR was on full blast or not. Here is something people tend to forget. Results don't mean anything. Is who you beat that matters. Remember that tournament where I got third place back in January? Everyone was happy for me getting third. Some hyped me up, others were like you was a beast, etc. I on the other hand was not happy about it. The only tuff person in that tourny was Will (DK who I choked on the last min game five in winners finals. Then just lost it in losers against this snake I beat in winners. Ether way, I did not go on getting happy ane excited about that tournament getting third. It ment nothing to me. Now if I would have gotten third beating some ranked players, THEN it would have ment something and I would have been happy about it. So to me it was a failure on my part since I could have gotten first.

Next would be just how much one knows in the head. Playing facing to stand out and have people go crazy about you means nothing. You aint winning. You aint people ranked players. So all that showing off and fancy does not mean aything in the competitive world. You don't play to stand out and show off to get noticed. You play to win. That is your mission. To win, Not win fans and hype. When you win, everything else comes natural.

I have not seen much from Ill to show me that he knows Peach to a high degree in these boards.

Like I think I saw a Post from PeachGuard asking how to get noticed or something? He should not be worrying about that usless crap. Worry about stepping your game up, and win. Get better as a player. Fame does not do **** for you. It does not make you a better player or give you mystic abilities to win.

Kyon hit the target with the edreese/Praxis example. People would be all over them Like me on boobs. But if someone else was to post. They would not get much attention. And just to get this out the way, I don't give advice or view the vids in there unless someone ask me too. And I have a reason for that which I am not gonna get into. Like Ill's vids? I never seen how he played. I only do this stuff if people ask me. or else, the others around here can just give advice and help each other out.

Also, regions. If your region/state is not all that good, then beasting there means nothing. But If you travel around OoS and play in other regions and do well, then that shows something. But not everyone can play out thier region/state. So other quilifications may need to apply. But this is indeed an important part of showing how good you really are. I think Kzissle explained all this already.

Long story short, Standing out to have fans/people like you and think you are somebody means nothing in the comepitive world. And does not show how Smart you are. All you get is hype and in some cases, supporters. What you know up in the head, the people that you beat, and the diffucualty of your region shows how good your are. And for results, placings don't show how good you are. Who you beat within those placings show how good you are.

With that said I'm done. Just wanted to through my 2 cents in.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
It doesn't matter.

I don't know what goes on in your back room but ours is nothing special.

It died along with some other great players.


EDIT: Ok Kyon. I at least want some serious friendlies with you then.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX

Air asked me his somewhat too lol, Bair. In melee its like god sent to me but im upset i cant use it as much in brawl like i want it to be. I feel its under rated.

Most likey Dash attack and Ftilt

As much as I love ftilt it's all about the Fsmash and the sweet spot Tennis Racket!

Id say For brawl Fthrow and Ftilt i find these 2 moves not so hard to land. This is brawl so grabbing isnt so hard and if we had the ftilt likes snakes utilt people would be stupid afraid of it.


No I don't like or believe in them

Not completely yet but its getting there.=^-^=

To be honest I think it was the Vids with Ally and M2K. And my crazy luck with bomb finish kills.

To be honest I don't know. No one ever comes up and says I'm Mexican

Wolf and Ness

Seti 1st, Tutankhamen 2nd, Ramesus "courage dog!" 3rd

Doable just extremely hard. i feel its like D3 if not done correct we get recked.

I believe she is I just feel it may be easier to use another character as well because Peach takes alot out of you and work. Gurl is too technical.

Has a very hard time waiting.

My ability to wait and also not knowing when to say no lol. Kill comes in time.

Able to play different play styles, very good spacing and turnip mix up usage. Planning ahead.

Right now its try to have fun and reck even if I have to play tag!

To be honest it was Blue and Green but once I got my new Texture I put it on Daisy and when I play on other Wii's it was a natural reaction so I kept it. Then I realized how much I liked Daisy.

Smart choice Club, Fun and feels good choice Racket and Pan. I love using the Pan on MK's Tornado

Mr.Saturn only if he stays out for a long time then its Bomb


Mikey *hugs* And my skank hiROI BFF's

White Peach and Peachkid of course!

It has helped me met some amazing people and I am able to travel as well. So quite a Positve way

I'll always play smash but to be honest I'm not sure. Video games are in me forever with the club scene now. Whatever it is i hope its stupid good fun and I still meet cool good people and Hot guys!
I'm Mexican. :D

And yes, One of my hardest matchups is with Wolf. The only time I can approach, and do it quickly is when he shoots grounded lasers. Other than that, I think wolf is overall a readable character, but there are just some things you can't do anything about. His stage guarding is a *****.

Ohh and the Mexican question.

I just see a huge trend. Peach players are usually black. XD (No I'm not a racist)

I was just talking to Illmatic about it the other day, and he said I don't fit in (And he was joking, no offence intended). LMFAO.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
The whole PBR debate is pointless because the group itself is dead. Nothing happens there, lol. It's extremely inactive and I don't think anything will ever change that. Imo, I think it's better to post things like that here as it promotes discussion here.

Just my 2 cents. Let's get back to the interview, yes? :p


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
Wait, Kyon's still being interviewed? Actually, do we even have a set time/date when an interview session is done?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Vote for me then. I'll Make you proud. I don't think my name came up once through out this whole voting thing unless I missed it.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
air, metatitan's gonna be gone on vacation for a week in wiscousin. he told me to tell u to take over the interview thread in the meantime.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Yea, Meta just texted me. He said to have me be interviewed again.


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
I am NOT doing the OP AGAIN. That **** took waaaay too long last time and it'll take even longer this time. /:

Sorry Meta. :c

Well, I guess I'll think about it. But I really don't want to. :ohwell:

Edit: OH take over it. Well, I guess I don't have a choice then. Can somebody link me to the page where the interviews started after Praxis'? I've lost track of who all has been interviewed.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
*is getting one step closer for his plan of world domination*

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