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Peach Interview Thread! Finally Interviewing Dark.Pch

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Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Because im making a lady gaga peach texture for you ungrateful lot D:<



Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
So im gonna jump the gun alittle bit and say its unanimous? LET THE INTERVIEWING COMMENCE??!!! *dramatically points to the sky* x3


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
is so large, that there is no word in the english language or any language that can do it justice


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Find my massive questions post from earlier and answer those.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
How long have you been a furry for?

Where did you get your sword?

What's your favorite item in brawl?

Where do you think Peach belongs on the tier list?

Why are you so fabulous?


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Opinions on Toon Link matchup?
My opinion on the Toon Link matchup.... hmm... This one is kinda a tough one because I havent played a Toon Link main in awhile... But the way i see it is, basically learn to powershield his **** and punish any feeble attempt to approach. Iirc I think you can dash attack under his zair if he does it at the apex of his jump...or was it pull a turnip... But my over all viewpoint on it is that I think TL has the upper hand. Not by much, but like a 55/45

How do you fight the Peach ditto??
Haha, well to be honest, I just do **** and react off of my opponent. But usually i like to overwhelm my peachy enemy with alot of shield pressure and toss turnips like its going out of style XD

I assume this is what you were talking about Meno. If not I'm so gonna kill you for making me put EFFORT into **** DX
This is a list I'd like answered every interview:

Your opinion on the MK match-up?
Is Peach viable alone?
What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
What does it take to become a the best Peach?
What is your mindset when you play?

Why did you choose your Peach color?
Pan, Club, or Racket?
Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?
Your favorite Pokemon?

Who is your all time favorite Peach player?
What do you like most about the Peach boards?
Who is your favorite Peach poster?

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?

omg this is long
Holy crap thats alot well... Lets begin..

My opinion of the Peach/MK match-up.. 60/40 MK. He has so many tools that just shut key points of peach's game down if she tries to do her usual stuff. He is five bajillion times faster than she is, He covers alot more ground and air than Peach could ever hope, and he can just frame trap her worse than any character i have seen thanks to that **** thing that some peaches call an "Airdodge" but we all know she doesnt have one so...

But just because he can shut her down for trying her usual strengths, she has to turn to another great strength that she possesses. Turnips my friends, Turnips! I honestly love hearing the frustrated grunts from the MK player when they just run into my lovely garden greens and take all 4 damage or even 36 damage! Also now a days when i fight mk and he tries to shield one of my turnips that usually was thrown in the air i just grab him and bthrow him ^_^. Also if he ever tries to ground shuttle loop you, you can punish him immediately :3 which is lovely~

I don't think peach is viable by herself to be honest... Atleast at a major level tourney. Locals and some regionals I think she is very viable. Most new england tourneys are regionals because we get lots of oor players and New england is made up of 6 states that all go to our tourneys. I think shes not as viable in nationals because she is such a mentally demanding character and nobody has gotten to the level of consistency that Edrees had. Going all peach and getting top 3 at locals and regionals, she has what it takes! Nationals however she gets the short end of the stick for peach purists

My greatest weakness as a peach player is my tendency to think in loops, getting distracted and kinda frusterated, and the big N word...Nervousness. In tourney sets, well atleast for singles my heart rate shoots wayy wayy up, and I have been known to hyperventilate due to me being really nervous over nothing. Which is bad considering that I'm asthmatic and partially anemic.

I don't like to make a whole lot of reasons as to why I'm not winning. I just say people out play me and thats that. But I think I get outplayed so much because of that magic N word and stuff... So once I learn to put my nervousness aside and just have fun. I think I will end up doing alot better ^_^ oh and also I need to focus more on singles~

The way my mind works in a tourney is actually an interesting one at that. I have a really bad case of ADHD and for most, taking your focus meds would actually help you.... well on the contrary with me. I actually refuse to take them for tourneys because I actually use a method of reverse psychology to force myself to focus in a fight and I honestly think i do muuuuuuuchhhhh better. But IN match I focus on applying alot of pressure so that I can attempt to get into my enemies head and bait them into something nasty. Or when I'm playing badly my brain shuts off and goes into HURRR DURR FAIR mode.

I chose my lovely Red peach because at first I didnt like how they made the white peach. To me, she looked too pasty and was like a giant humanoid shaped blob running around the screen. Plus, red is one of my favorite colors ^_^.


Beamsword~ (ITS TOTALLY NOT BECAUSE IM A HUGE STAR WARS FAN XD well it kinda is actually x3 but it has betrayed me the least)

My favorite Pokemon is Snubbull! I love how pissed off it looks. I usually like to think its mad at everything besides the fact its wearing a pink with blue polka-dotted dress XD. And, Snubbull reminds me of Riot's dog, Piper. x3

I dont really have an all time favorite peach player, I love all of ya'll! but if i was to choose which peach i really liked for their playstyle...Edrees.

I love the peach boards because of the strong sense of family we have going on here. Sure we have our times where we get kinda pissy. But hey, that kinda comes with the package for people who main a princess who attacked enemies with her emotions!

My favorite posters are (in no particular order): White-Peach, Mikey Lenetia, Hiroi, and King Beef

Smash has affected my life in nothing but the positive. I have had a really troubled past. Nothing with family, but when i was in middle school... I was bullied horrifically just because I was just alittle bit different. If there is a lowest low on a social hierarchy, i would have been farrrrr past that. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE made fun of me for one reason or another. And because of that I virtually never talked again to anybody but my closest friends... And up until junior year of high-school, I kept such high walls up and virtually didnt speak at all to anybody. That one kid i met introduced me to the smash scene. Since I didn't talk pretty much at all, my friend didnt know my name so he called me "Peachkid" because I played peach. He brought me to a Mass Madness, and even though I was looked upon as a random, I felt really "at home" i guess. I felt like i was able to be myself and not be judged because everyone was so friendly to me. I entered the scene when brawl was on the verge of being released. Maybe a year before it? And I figured, "well i probably wont be very good at melee, so why not be amazing in brawl?!" And then brawl came out and i started posting on the peach boards... And i finally felt like I belonged. But sadly my high walls arent totally knocked down, and i still act differently in situations where im nervous or something. but i swear im knocking this wall down! *has asthma attack*

Just kidding ;P but yeah you guys are awesome

My outside of smash hobbies are: Fencing, Sword fighting, researching astronomy, drawing~, and thinking really deeply.

How long have you been a furry for?

Where did you get your sword?

What's your favorite item in brawl?

Where do you think Peach belongs on the tier list?

Why are you so fabulous?
I have been a furry for about 3 years now but lately I have had a major falling out of the fandom. Idk it just doesnt interest me as much anymore :\ ah well not like its the end of the world right?

I got my two swords as a graduation present from my best friend. He knows I used to fence and I'm actually a pretty decent swordsman IRL so he got me a Katana and a Falchion ^_^

I think Peach belongs maybe just a bit higher. Maybe high or top of Mid? but other than that I really think she is where she should be. Until we get peaches ****** the face of every MK, Snake, D3, Falco ect... Shes not going anywhere

Why am I so fabulous you ask? Hahaha well maybe I'm just a natural at it maybe? ;D who knows?

Oh shoot i forgot meta D:

What are your opinions on the mk MU?
Snake MU?
Falco MU?

Why haven't you been ****** singles :mad:?
Mk matchup, See above post ^_^
Snake match up is what i like to think of as a game of cat and mouse. Peach is the mouse and snake is the cat. You gotta stay away from his humongous hitboxes and captialize on every mistake flawlessly, or your not going to last long at all. Bait everything from Dacuses to utilts. My favorite percent when fighting this ******* is actually when im in kill percents actually. because even most good snakes think they can punish me for dairing their shield~ usually not the case ;D

Falco matchup I think is my absolute worst matchup. I seriously hate this mother ****ing bird with a passion. Never liked him in starfox, never liked him in melee, and i HATE him in brawl down to every last fiber of his being. Hell even the noises he makes are pretentious and make me want to punch a small child/baby. When i fight bloodcross its just a mess of jabs jabs grabs lasers and more jabs. then Death -_-. its my worst match up and i think its one of peach's worsts

I HAVENT BEEN ****** SINGLES BECAUSE I HAVENT CARED FOR SINGLES IN 500 YEARS. but now i kinda care about them and I'm taking a break from doubles soon to really hone my singles game!



Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
next major tournament you're attending (that u'd want us to travel to)?
Pound 5! Pound 5 pound 5 pound 5!

I wont be able to make it to MLG sadly, its sooner than i expected and i wont have enough money to go to it :<

But I'm totally going to Pound. so I BETTER SEE YOU THERE THIS TIME RAZ D:<


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
The same can be said for you going to Genesis 2 PK... xD
I'm actually gonna try and make that one! I'm gonna have to talk to darc before he gets ****faced at his 21st birthday if he plans to go or not X3

I love hitting F5 alot sometimes XD

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Only if there's chicks and Blackjack, Ill. Oh and some Smirnoffs would be cool. I like alcohol that doesn't taste like ****.

@ PK- ok gotcha. :3


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Ew alcohol.
Ew drugs.

Gotta keep my body/mind clean yo': so I can wreck the **** outta all ya'll.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I don't do drugs or anything bro. I'm actually just as clean as you are in that regard. I don't even ever want to get a tattoo or piercing lol. And you sure ain't gonna wreck me son. I'll show you some quick vet caliber adaptation. ;)

Oh yeah this is PK's time to shine. :laugh:


Jun 28, 2007
Safari Zone. Shiny, and holding a Lucky Egg.
Do you forgive meeeeeee? :(
Am I one of your favorites?
Tell me how much you love me.
Aren't I the best?

What's your favorite thing about the Peach boards and least favorite.
What year was your favorite time of the Peach boards. ;)
Favorite thread ever produced here on the Peach boards?
Do you ever visit other places besides SSBM and SSBB related boards (light house, pool room, etc)?
Do you like Chansey? :)


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Wow, this is back open? Cool.

How awesome are you at the Snake matchup with the 980123874 Snakes that you have to play against in New England?

How are you so amazing at textures? I have your Doc. Tenenbaum one and it's one of my favorites to use. Your details are so excellent! (i guess this is more praise than question).

Will you make me a texture if I send you the drawing of what I want?

How long have you and Riot teamed together? When did you two start doing really well?

How much better is Watkins now?

What is Peach's absolute worst matchup, do you think?

What's your favorite song?


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Do you forgive meeeeeee? :(
Am I one of your favorites?
Tell me how much you love me.
Aren't I the best?

What's your favorite thing about the Peach boards and least favorite.
What year was your favorite time of the Peach boards. ;)
Favorite thread ever produced here on the Peach boards?
Do you ever visit other places besides SSBM and SSBB related boards (light house, pool room, etc)?
Do you like Chansey? :)
Hahaha I was never mad at you, just alittle dissapointed. But thats just water under the bridge now

I love you so much that i dream about chancey holding me in her egg pouch all the time
And your the worst <3

My favorite thing about the peach boards is the strong sense of family we got going on here. Everyone is so friendly ^_^. But my least favorite thing is all the one liner spam on the SD. I have no gripe against the people who commit spam, but like it does get alittle annoying when what could be interesting posts get drowned out by spam ;_;

Favorite time was 08-09 ^_^

Oh man favorite thread.... Probably the Doubles thread I think. For obvious reasons ^_^. I get to spill my doubles knowledge to the whole world =D

Not often, but i have been on some of the other places before
I hate chancey

Wow, this is back open? Cool.

How awesome are you at the Snake matchup with the 980123874 Snakes that you have to play against in New England?

How are you so amazing at textures? I have your Doc. Tenenbaum one and it's one of my favorites to use. Your details are so excellent! (i guess this is more praise than question).

Will you make me a texture if I send you the drawing of what I want?

How long have you and Riot teamed together? When did you two start doing really well?

How much better is Watkins now?

What is Peach's absolute worst matchup, do you think?

What's your favorite song?
I used to be super duper awesome at the snake match up. I 2-0'd fatal before =D but now not as much so i kinda have to go back to the basics. I think i can fare against snakes pretty well now ^.^

Haha thanks! I'm glad that you like Tenenbaum. Shes my favorite bioshock character and thats on my top 3 personal favorite works of mine. But to answer your question, I think I'm a good texture artist because I pay VERY close attention to details and I notice the smallest mistake and that will set me off to fix things. I make sure all my details are perfect to the T! ^_^

And sure! just send me the picture and I'll get to work after I finish Hiroi's request of Lady Gaga

Riot and I have been teaming for about a year now and during that year our reign of terror has been pretty consistent. We got 2nd at our first tourney

Watkins is alot better! But I havent seen maine come to many tourneys lately... Hopefully I'll be able to play him soonish

I honestly think peach's worst match ups are like... Mk and falco

I have a few favorite songs actually, I'll list a few.

Something Missing (Michi): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygn0bCVQ-0U
A (Rainbow): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BMO41gmZmY

And now to be called a total nerd because most of my favorite songs are from video games XD. I'll list 3

Boss Battle #2 (Arc Rise Fantasia): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl3jeQgR9Sg
Lust SIN (BlazBlue): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8MJxlfC1k8
紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream (Demitori Unplugged remix): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIOZHqSPDFk

*Stretches* not too bad. Anyone else ^_^
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