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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
Rosa doesnt deserve brawl, shes kinda like Midna, but not as important.

Rosalina SO deserves a spot in SSB. She would be a perfect addition. But, if not an actual character, you could make her in CaC with the dress, crown, wand, hair, and the luma. Also, i guess i shouldve put midna on.

UH...WTF, U SOB? Sonic needs more characters(okay maybe not Rouge) but silver needs more publicity. hes only been in 2 GAMES(not including those ssabmud(read that backwards)cameos)!! Plus, TELEKINESIS!!! That'd be so perfect! Also, I think he deserved to be in Brawl. I even had an FS Idea 4 him! Also, i didnt put Shadow on there for a VERY obvious reason; but looking back, it'd be the same as Daisy's case, so i probably shouldve put him on the list.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Rosalina SO deserves a spot in SSB. She would be a perfect addition. But, if not an actual character, you could make her in CaC with the dress, crown, wand, hair, and the luma. Also, i guess i shouldve put midna on.

UH...WTF, U SOB? Sonic needs more characters(okay maybe not Rouge) but silver needs more publicity. hes only been in 2 GAMES(not including those ssabmud(read that backwards)cameos)!! Plus, TELEKINESIS!!! That'd be so perfect! Also, I think he deserved to be in Brawl. I even had an FS Idea 4 him! Also, i didnt put Shadow on there for a VERY obvious reason; but looking back, it'd be the same as Daisy's case, so i probably shouldve put him on the list.
your just 'tarded seriously, no other sonic characters even deserve it besides tails and knuckles, you don't put people in a smash game because they NEED publicity, sorry, but no. they get into smash when they earn their right to be in.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 13, 2007
Yep. I had it coming. Stupid apathy.
you know what, the only reason silver was in brawl as a cameo, was be cause of PUBLICITY. If he had not been a cameo i wouldnt have started this. Also, M&S cameo-reason:pUBLICITY sonic rivals 2 cameo reason:pUBLICITY Also, how does Tails even deserve a playable spot. At most an AT, but no more. All he can do is build stuff, fly using his tails, and throw fake rings. Knuckles, Yes. He deserves a spot because he ACTUALLY FIGHTS, not like that ***** Tails.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Ugh, there is NO third-party series in existence that deserves more than one character in Smash Bros. There might be certain companies that have series that have been important enough to Nintendo that could warrant more than one character for that company (Mega Man and Ryu for Capcom, and Simon Belmont and Snake {though he only got in due to a personal relationship}, and Slime and Chocobo for Square-Enix). However, since there are so few popularly requested third-party characters for Smash Bros. in general (the only one that is popular is Mega Man, as for Geno, he is simply only recognizable among forum-goers).


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Its PK Floss, nub.

Trust me, I main Ness, I know his moves...

Anyway, the only thing I would want changes of Ness' specials is that
B.PK Fire go farther/ have less ending lag
C.Psi shield have less ending lag.
I'd change PK Fire into PK Rockin', but it still had the same function as PK Fire. Same applies for Lucas.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Most of these I agree with, but I picked out ones I don't, so here we go:

PT: I think Squirtle and Ivysaur are basically fine as they are. It's Charizard that needs work. In particular, more range on all but his Forward aerials, and slightly larger
Bowser: Rather than making him faster, I propose to make Bowser even tougher. Basically, just increase his launch resistance. It should be at the point where if he's under 50 or so%, nothing but a charges Smash Attack would send him flying. Basically, I want him to be the tank (which is what he should've been to begin with, rather than a "punching bag").

YA RLY Not a good Smash Bros. character, though.
Squirtle needs a tad more weight. I really don't see him being that light
Ivy needs his ^b to have more range in exchange for being a tether.
Agreed for charizard. Make his jumps bigger to sacrifice for only having 3.

Bowser isn't a punching bag >=(
Keep his CG. It isn't cheap and most of the time a jump release can ruin it/ make it hard to follow up with another. Speed isn't a necessary for bowser, I don't even know why someone would bother bringing that up. Though being a heavyweight bowser needs some more kill power. His moves aren't near as good as other heavies (and even GAW).

Rosalina SO deserves a spot in SSB. She would be a perfect addition. But, if not an actual character, you could make her in CaC with the dress, crown, wand, hair, and the luma. Also, i guess i shouldve put midna on.

No. Rosalina= peach clone with radishes changed to stars. She's not even important and only plays a cameo. If we were to add every cameo (like midna) then we would have the whole series clogged with 1-timers. SSBB needs characters that are going to stay, not removed the next game >_>

UH...WTF, U SOB? Sonic needs more characters(okay maybe not Rouge) but silver needs more publicity. hes only been in 2 GAMES(not including those ssabmud(read that backwards)cameos)!! Plus, TELEKINESIS!!! That'd be so perfect! Also, I think he deserved to be in Brawl. I even had an FS Idea 4 him! Also, i didnt put Shadow on there for a VERY obvious reason; but looking back, it'd be the same as Daisy's case, so i probably shouldve put him on the list.

- Read Rosalina and Midna

you know what, the only reason silver was in brawl as a cameo, was be cause of PUBLICITY. If he had not been a cameo i wouldnt have started this. Also, M&S cameo-reason:pUBLICITY sonic rivals 2 cameo reason:pUBLICITY Also, how does Tails even deserve a playable spot. At most an AT, but no more. All he can do is build stuff, fly using his tails, and throw fake rings. Knuckles, Yes. He deserves a spot because he ACTUALLY FIGHTS, not like that ***** Tails.
That is a pathetic reason not to include him. A better one would be that Nintendo would NEVER include 2 3rd parties form the same series.
Silver is for PUBLICITY. He's never been in a Nintendo game so he's auto cancelled.

@ princesspeachluver13: ...Uh, you spelled "imbecile" wrong. Also, you're dumb.

Agreed >_>


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2008
I wouldn't mind taking a few characters away even though it seems adding more characters opens up options for gameplay and such. I hope the character count never exceeds 40.

I wish the "create a stage" feature would have more options. I hate the looks of the default three looks, and I'd like more pieces to screw with.

Also allow diddy to have 3 bananas at once. lol jk


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Character additions ARE Smash Brothers. If you remove the character additions, fans will see the game as adding little to nothing. Really, if you take away the fact we got Dedede, MK, Diddy, Wario, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, we'd all be spitting on it and calling it a terrible game, casuals included. That'd be Melee 1.1.

The same would happen to SSB4 if it doesn't get the "front runners" who didn't make it to Brawl, like Brawl got the "frunt runners" who didn't make it to Melee.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Character additions ARE Smash Brothers. If you remove the character additions, fans will see the game as adding little to nothing. Really, if you take away the fact we got Dedede, MK, Diddy, Wario, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, we'd all be spitting on it and calling it a terrible game, casuals included. That'd be Melee 1.1.

The same would happen to SSB4 if it doesn't get the "front runners" who didn't make it to Brawl, like Brawl got the "frunt runners" who didn't make it to Melee.
Exactly, when it all comes down to it (I'm quoting SamuraiPanda a bit here), Smash only needs two things: good multiplayer and characters. If the game is made less casualized and added the Brawl shoe-ins, I doubt many people would be complaining.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
What does Falco need, a pecking attack? For his bread?
Don't even get me started on Leon
lol. I laughed hard at Falco pecking ^_^ but seriously, if Brawl was dubbed down as a casual and made more competitively then yea people wouldn't be complaing as much.

as for Silver, he's nothing but a Psychic freak so NO!!


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
Dear God, i though Wolf's leg in between Foxes thigh was a his naughty bits....*gouges out eyes*

I'd change PK Fire into PK Rockin', but it still had the same function as PK Fire. Same applies for Lucas.
Lucas has enough "HES A WUSSSSSSS" jokes, I dont want a love attack <_<

roy sux my ***************
How long a word could that have been?
*Thinks of all possible words that have 15 characters and couldnt be allowed on the curse filter*

@Whoever was saying Panther, no.
Even though I like him more than Leon(Leons frame is just... eww,so lanky and stuff) he isnt as important.

I might do one of those fancy whatchamacallit wish list for SSB4 later.:bee:

Question: do you think ssb4 will be releaseed on the wii or, another future gen system?

Future Gen
Judging how long it took for Melee and Brawl to come out.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Question: do you think ssb4 will be releaseed on the wii or, another future gen system?
well who knows, it all depends, if it's a remake of Brawl or Meele, then it should most likely be on Wii, but if it' going to be a totally different game I guess, it's more likely to come out on a future gen. Nintendo system, just as long it isn't a DS i'll be happy.

How long a word could that have been?
*Thinks of all possible words that have 15 characters and couldnt be allowed on the curse filter*

y'know the guy could have added extra emphasis on the word like aaaaaaaaaaaaah! for example.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
well who knows, it all depends, if it's a remake of Brawl or Meele, then it should most likely be on Wii, but if it' going to be a totally different game I guess, it's more likely to come out on a future gen. Nintendo system, just as long it isn't a DS i'll be happy.

y'know the guy could have added extra emphasis on the word like aaaaaaaaaaaaah! for example.

Thanks, now I can sleep at night.

*Thinks of people to be on my list that I wont get slapped for having them on'

Edit:Cool, it didnt get blocked out:bee:


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Exactly, when it all comes down to it (I'm quoting SamuraiPanda a bit here), Smash only needs two things: good multiplayer and characters. If the game is made less casualized and added the Brawl shoe-ins, I doubt many people would be complaining.
I couldn't agree more. All SSB4 needs is to expand on characters, and for multiplayer it just needs more stages then the low amount of new ones in Brawl as well as an improved stage builder and better online. If possible, a new game mechanic like smash balls to help mix things up, and you've got yourself a game.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Character additions ARE Smash Brothers. If you remove the character additions, fans will see the game as adding little to nothing. Really, if you take away the fact we got Dedede, MK, Diddy, Wario, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, we'd all be spitting on it and calling it a terrible game, casuals included. That'd be Melee 1.1.

The same would happen to SSB4 if it doesn't get the "front runners" who didn't make it to Brawl, like Brawl got the "frunt runners" who didn't make it to Melee.
I wonder what people would've thought if just Snake or Sonic didn't make it. In fact, think of how much less hype there would've been if Snake hadn't appeared in the first trailer.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Lucas has enough "HES A WUSSSSSSS" jokes, I dont want a love attack <_<
Well, Lucas is a bit of a wuss to begin with. Besides, it's something he actually uses.

Not to mention that he's the only one that is a victim of jokes.

Marth - Looks like a girl.
Ike - Fights for his friends.
Falco - Bread


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2008
Character additions ARE Smash Brothers. If you remove the character additions, fans will see the game as adding little to nothing. Really, if you take away the fact we got Dedede, MK, Diddy, Wario, Snake and Sonic in Brawl, we'd all be spitting on it and calling it a terrible game, casuals included. That'd be Melee 1.1.

The same would happen to SSB4 if it doesn't get the "front runners" who didn't make it to Brawl, like Brawl got the "frunt runners" who didn't make it to Melee.
I was going to say "Well many of the characters are so darn...sucky" then I realized that it's subjective, and furthermore there would be no point in having a game with characters that are of the same skill.

So I agree with you. :)


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I was going to say "Well many of the characters are so darn...sucky" then I realized that it's subjective, and furthermore there would be no point in having a game with characters that are of the same skill.

So I agree with you. :)
Sakurai will never balance the game so long as he's in command. While it would be great if there was no bottom tier victim (Mewtwo/Captain Falcon) and no god (Fox/Meta Knight), it's not worth characters being excluded. I still agree though that this should be made much higher priority, and that Sakurai needs to get some actually experienced Smashers to play test this thing.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
Hay guiz, heres my special awesome list! names in red are locked names in the uber manly Magenta are ones I wish they get in, but I know they dont have much chance.


Mario-Overall move range and a better recovery.
Bowser-Great as he is
Peach-Be able to float longer
Luigi-More range, and no dumb lag on his Up B.
Bowser Junior, a Luigified version of Bowser
Paper Mario, completely original...and stuff

Legend of Zelda!
Zelda-Perfect as she is, maybe fix that recovery.
Sheik-More range or power
Ganon-Overall faster, sword and stuff...
Toon Link-Make him more Wind Waker-ish

Toon Sheik and Zelda

Samus-Faster and more Kill Moves
ZSS-Separate character, fine as she is.
Ridley-Even though I know nothing about Metroid, I know this guy <_<

Yoshi-Give him a better shield.
Baby Mario and Luigi-Yeah, I said it!

Donkey Kong
DK-Fine as he is
Diddy-Great as he is
Whatchamacallit Kong-Whatever Kong is important now

Kirby-Keep as is
DDD-Get rid of that chain grab, less range on Waddle Throw, and less chance of getting that spiky thingy

Fox-Great as he is.
Falco-Arwing FS, and less power on his moves.
Wolf-Him actually grabbing the ledge with his Up B
Panther.... I just like him.

Ness-PK Teleport, and faster bat., PK Fire go farther and less ending lag
Lucas-his grab snake go farther, less lag on his move, PK Fire go farther
Claus-With a sword!
Pokey-Hes the Earthbound Bad Guy after all.

Kumatora-I hart her

Pikachu-Good as he is, maybe a better up smash and a weaker down smash....
Jiggles-Faster, stronger and more priority
Mewtwo-More power, smaller and knock back on his moves
Lucario-Fine as he is
*Insert 5th gen pokeymanz here*

Pokeyman Trainer-Better recovery on all of them, and more stamina on them all.
Plusle and Minum, *puts up flame shield*

Captain Falcon-Make him like in Melee, except keep the sweetspot on the Knee like in Brawl
Samurai Goroh-ANOTHER Sword person..or something
Pico...what, I like Pico!

Fire Emblem
Ike-Good as he is, maybe make his moves SLIGHTLY faster
Marf-Good as he is

The old guys
Mr.G&W-Nerf his aerials and smashes
Iceys-Give the partner better AI
Pit-Keep as is, maybe nerf those arrows

Wario-Nerf some of those aerials slightly, make his fart attack charge up faster.
Ashely-This ones wishfull thinking also.. <_<
Jimmy T-Hes popular...right?

Sonic-Give him more killing power
Tails-Not that Sonic is going to get another rep anyway
Knuckles-See above

Snake-Weaker tilts, and make him lighter.
*Insert random MGS character because I know nothing about his franchise*-Hes not getting a new one anyway, lol.

New Franchises
Captain Rainbow-Or atleast a costume for Falcon
Lip-Just cause.. <_<
Little Mac-Though I dont really feel for him, his game is supposed to be really good, or something
Isaac-From Golden Sun, only if GS3 comes out.

Yes, I know this si WAAAAAAAAAAAY to many people, but thats my prediction/wish list(mainly wish)thingy.

*Drops flame shield and runs away*


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
It'd take too long for me to decide my own perfect little wishlist. But I love how you think a second MGS character is likely. Mother getting a single nother character is ridiculous, two is pushing it for a series that's dead with only 3 games. But you think 4 characters is LIKELY?!? Same case goes for 2 warioware characters, they aren't getting a single character addition. Two new Sonic characters is very questionable, but not nearly as much of a glaring flaw as the other things on your list.

But seriously, that list is utterly ridiculous. HOW DARE YOU! BLASPHEMEY!


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Hay guiz, heres my special awesome list! names in red are locked names in the uber manly Magenta are ones I wish they get in, but I know they dont have much chance.


Yes, I know this si WAAAAAAAAAAAY to many people, but thats my prediction/wish list(mainly wish)thingy.

*Drops flame shield and runs away*
That list is pretty far-fetched.... xD But I like seeing Sothe on there....

Yeah, he doesn't have a very high chance, but I thought of something... What if the made a Sothe/Micaiah team? o-o The "character" itself would be called the Dawn Brigade, and you could make either person the lead at the start of the match...

Each character would have it's own moveset, and you could alternate between them... The thing is, they can be separated and one of them can be killed, so you can't switch to the other until the leader dies so that you both respond.

Another interesting idea is if you could switch to the other character at any time (besides when the character is dead, of course)... For instance, the opponent knocks Sothe of the stage, but you currently have Micaiah as the lead. You push down B, so you switch to playing as Sothe, who is currently off the ledge, so that you can recover less predictable as the computer would...

Whenever the leader Up B's, however, and the other character is near you, he/she just disappears until you finish your Up B (so their Up B's actually work independent of the other... =P).. Also, whoever the leader is would have a marking above his/her head as to not confuse the player... Oh, and you can't switch leaders, unless the character that you're currently playing is standing on the stage, otherwise, you'd just switch right before you died...

Anyway, yeah... Just something I came up with... It's an interesting idea that kind of combines the ideas behind the Ice Climbers and Zelda/Sheik... =P

EDIT: If anyone likes my concept, I might write more on it... xD Just for fun... =P
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