Would you like to have glory? Fame? Riches? If so, the Pikachu Survivor Game is for you!
The Pikachu Survivor Game is a trivia game that is much like Survivor. There are challenges to win marvelous items such as:
Avenger Guard – The Avenger Guard will protect you from one Pikachu roll. However, if the Avenger Guard is used, it becomes an Immunity for the day and triggers a second Pikachu roll!
Spear of Revenge - Whoever wins the Spear of Revenge gets to select three people who they think would make really great Pikachus. After they’ve been selected, the next Pikachu roll occurs only between those three people, while everyone else gets to watch the pleasure.
The Challenge Trap – This is a mean, mean trick you can use on people that just seem to be winning too many challenges. If you get the Challenge Trap, you can use it at any time you like, but once there are only three people remaining, it will disappear. This is definitely one of those things that can’t be taken into the endgame. When you want to use your Challenge Trap, you will silently and quietly create your own challenge with your own created questions and answers, and then secretly PM it to me. When Challenge time comes around, your challenge will be up there and look like a very authentic one, but anyone who goes for it and submits the answers… will find themselves becoming a Pikachu instead.
Winner recieves a free download of any Virtual Console game less than 2000 Wii Points, bragging rights, and the chance to laugh at everyone else who has become a Pikachu.
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