Smash Champion
sveet already said it very well but i want to as well.Of course it's hypothetical!
What's wrong with a hypothetical viewpoint?
Like it or not, theory (read: conjecture) is a staple part of any competitive game, from sports to chess to FGs. Theory is there to make people think. Just because it's not the status quo or something that shares your personal view out of some cheap sense of vindication, doesn't mean that it should be discredited by the nature of it's composition.
Instead of pointing out the obvious, think about it for a second. Yeah our views differ, that's the entire point, to challenge. Are you going to write it off because it's relatively radical?
F*** it.
gg smash community
think outside the box = idiocy
u r mistaking thinking outside the box and being wrong. one can think outside the box and end up being wrong but they should have a reason for the path they took, u r just saying something with no rhyme or reason (at least not good ones)