Can you explain it to me, please ? For the small amount of ICs I've played (e.g Smasher89 and Daümling at BEAST2) I didn't feel like it was to their advantage at all.
i'll tell you my thought process as i approached the matchup. i had gained some experience playing vs marth, dk, and ganon, and i started to discover how to play defensively with ic's. basically, desynching and using nana's blizzard is a solid go-to strategy against characters without projectiles.
when i played against puff, i noticed that the biggest reason i (and many other ic players) get hit is because of one major mistake: wavedashing forward too much. generally puff tries to zone with fair and bair. hbox made it a point that zoning with bair is her best strategy. keeping that in mind, i focused on a few of the characters' fundamentals.
puff stuff
1. puff focuses on strong horizontal/diagonal aerial movement and horizontal hitboxes
2. on the other hand, her vertical speed is slow. her uair is pretty good, but she can't really challenge people below her
3. so, she is weak against
3a. fast GROUND movement, i.e. falcon, fox, luigi, marth's dash dance
3b. strong horizontal ground zoning, i.e. she is not great at challenging young link's straight bomb throw or falco's laser. these force her to jump high in the air. she can't even short hop past these things.
3c. getting outranged, i.e. marth
4. puff is light
ic's cover all these weaknesses:
ic's vs puff stuff
5. ic's wavedash FORWARD is not "bad" against puff, but wd AWAY is really amazing. even if puff's air movement is good, it is still way too slow to catch ic's
6. after getting away from puff, ic's can easily initiate the blizzard desynch. nana's blizzard basically creates a wall that outranges puff's bair and all of her low to ground stuff, and leaves
popo free to do whatever he wants. this is very important! this basically breaks the matchup that the blizzard BEATS BAIR and lets POPO DO ANYTHING
6a. popo's options if nana's blizzard hits include: wd forward grab, wd forward fsmash/usmash, ice block, wd away for more space, roll away, etc. whatever you want to do to keep momentum
6b. popo's options if nana's blizzard hits nothing: short hop ice block to keep camping if puff is far away, walk or short wd forward to inch the blizzard toward puff safely (and perhaps do another attack such as short hop ice block to keep a continuous desynch going), uair if puff tries to get over blizzard from above
6c. if puff tries to go over blizzard from above, or try to approach ic's from behind, ic's can just quickly wd to the other side of the stage. puff takes FOREVER to get over ic's while avoiding popo's uair
7. ic's
damage output is a hard counter to puff's lightness. if you think about it, their double attacks outdamage even ganon. i know i listed desynched blizzards as the go-to strategy, but there will always be those times where ic's can get a random wd forward fsmash or a uair. all their attacks do like 20% against puff, and she will die at 70%.
8. ic's first weakness against puff is being at a close range where ic's can't just run away from her without risking getting hit. however, i found a simple strategy to counter this! believe it or not, it is
ic's dair. here's why
8a. it comes out faster than puff's good aerials
8b. think of its speed and usage as similar to fox's nair, except even better against puff because it does like 18% and its trajectory is very low. as a results KEEPS HER CLOSE so you can do more dairs. if ic's hit a quick shffl'd dair, they can basically keep chasing puff with dair until she decides to DI away, in which case ic's can go back go running away and setting up defense.
9. ic's one and only REAL weakness against puff is if puff gets an early lead. of course, if i start the match with blizzard defense this almost never happens, because puff has an incredibly hard time getting through it. if puff gets a life lead, she is good at setting up her own bair defense and she can jump really high to avoid ic's uair pokes. as you can see, this matchup is very gay LOL.
and i didn't even talk about grabbing puff LMAO. that's like a free 25+ damage, or death if you handoff/wobble/grab her at good percent. actually though, ic's don't rely on grabbing puff in this matchup because it's not necessary to do damage. it's best used for a surefire kill.
this is why i wanna play hungrybox, because recently i've never lost to any other puff. i want to play against a puff who can get the first hit against me, and also have good defense to fight ic's approaches. it'd make for a great match!!
this strategy is not the only way to fight puff, but in my opinion it's the most effective. chudat fought puff by spacing against her, using a lot of WD back while facing away from puff and punishing puff's aerials on shield with ic's bair. in his old early sets vs mango's, he would do very well. in fly's more recent set where he beat hbox, he would do this a lot too. so this is a good way for ic's to initiate offense. however, i think with the blizzard defense strategy, ic's barely even need to space and they'll **** all of puff's options lol.
just to demonstrate how good it is, try this with your ic friends
have your ic player do a basic desynch of nana blizzard and popo short hop ice block. and see how hard it is to get through with puff. LOLOL. and then apply the fact that popo doesn't have to keep repeating that, he can actually do whatever he wants.
there are other nice things that ic's have on puff. for example, they can punish puff's short hop bair on shield by wding out of shield and fsmashing or something. however, other characters can do this too and i think i covered most of the matchup-specific stuff. i'm sure your ic friends can figure out the rest on the fly
speaking of fly, he would probably have more to say about the matchup too. he always says that he doesn't believe that blizzard is as strong as i say it is, but different things work for me and him. i'll always stick to that strategy until someone can actually defeat it. *cough* i wanna play hungrybox
while he's at it why not have him explain why dk fox is in dk's favor
or sheik samus is in samus favor
or falco ganon is in ganon's favor
>implying puff beats ic's
yeah, this is very dumb. i can, however, explain to you why dk fox is in fox's favor, etc. but i don't think you need those explanations since you pointed out that they are so obvious.