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Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2011
Portland OR
Alright, I have a question.

So, I just started getting really into Melee and I main Samus. A huge problem I have been having is I am blatantly better at Final Destination than any other neutral stage. I just played a level 9 Fox on Battlefield and got beat, but then I did the same thing on FD and didn't lose a single stock.

I am just a noob, but it certainly seems Samus is much better on ground than in air. This explains this problem to some extent, but I must be doing some pretty obvious things wrong. Advice?


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Alright, I have a question.

So, I just started getting really into Melee and I main Samus. A huge problem I have been having is I am blatantly better at Final Destination than any other neutral stage. I just played a level 9 Fox on Battlefield and got beat, but then I did the same thing on FD and didn't lose a single stock.

I am just a noob, but it certainly seems Samus is much better on ground than in air. This explains this problem to some extent, but I must be doing some pretty obvious things wrong. Advice?
that's a pretty broad question
but yes, samus is better on the ground than in the air, you have a lot more options to work with while on the ground, whereas your air game should be very precise and situational

but i suspect that you probably have spent more time playing FD than BF/YS/DL

as you play more, and as you start playing people, you'll realize that the better you all get at shutting down options, platforms become a way to give yourself more options

it's not something that i'd care to go in depth with, but know that FD is probably not samus' best stage vs. a lot of chars.

start playing more people, if you can, and watch video's and see how players use platforms to their advantage, come up with specific questions and ask them in the samus boards and we'll be able to help you


Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2011
Portland OR
that's a pretty broad question
but yes, samus is better on the ground than in the air, you have a lot more options to work with while on the ground, whereas your air game should be very precise and situational

but i suspect that you probably have spent more time playing FD than BF/YS/DL

as you play more, and as you start playing people, you'll realize that the better you all get at shutting down options, platforms become a way to give yourself more options

it's not something that i'd care to go in depth with, but know that FD is probably not samus' best stage vs. a lot of chars.

start playing more people, if you can, and watch video's and see how players use platforms to their advantage, come up with specific questions and ask them in the samus boards and we'll be able to help you
Alright thank you, I will start from there.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
u can slide a bit by smashing or holding left or right during shield stun. its not yet a huge part of the mèta game but subconsciously people make use of it. its similar to smash di and auto smash di but its during shield stun.

peach and puff are excellent support characters if u have an aggressive point character like fox, falcon, falco. ganon is decent too, but its about team chemistry 4 sure.

im not a samus pro or anything and rock lee/3/swd definitely knows more about samus than I, but I kinda think that one thing to keep in mind about fd is that it limits everybody's options for approach. in a similar way that m2 can use fd to focus counter attacks, I think samus can too. just so long as u aren't getting camped and they will approach, samus can benefit from the stage because of how strong she is on the ground.



Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
I am having a problem against a Fox main who doesn't use any advanced techniques. It's bothering me because he can beat me and I to use advanced techniques. I'm also a Ness main. I do use Captain Falcon, Falco, and Marth as well. The problem? My opponent who is the Fox main often times will camp when he plays against me. How do I deal with a campy player who uses no advanced techniques AND can still somehow beat me? He's always jumping in the air, too.

I've worked hard to learn some skills so I can be really good and yet this guy who uses no skill just somehow beats me anyway. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :(

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Ness is hard to play if you dont have really good movement/spacing. If the fox player holds down and spams the Cstick you're gonna have a hard time. I would work on just reading his habits and abusing them to get in favorable positions. If he is jumping, hit him when he comes down. If fox trades 1 hit of his dair with your uair.... youre doing great lol


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
Ness is hard to play if you dont have really good movement/spacing. If the fox player holds down and spams the Cstick you're gonna have a hard time. I would work on just reading his habits and abusing them to get in favorable positions. If he is jumping, hit him when he comes down. If fox trades 1 hit of his dair with your uair.... youre doing great lol
That sounds just like him. But my main problem is his campy playstyle. I will take these words into consideration, though. So thank you. :)


I have a white controller that's maybe 8 months old. Yesterday the L button started to stick. Like, I SHFFL an arial and falco is lightshielding on the first open frame. Also if I try to dash after a WD I end up lightshielding for a frame and then rolling. So the L button is slowly releasing after the initial press. If I press L with a different part of my finger it doesn't happen as often but still does.
I'm freaking out because I have a tournament in a week.
Is this fixable/how should I go about resolving the issue?


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
everyone should buy a triwing already they're like a dollar
i don't have a link to any though but on ebay/amazon/whatever they prolly sell them


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
fox has been known to occasionally grab somebody during the bounce of a missed tech, or something rather. ppl claim he has grabbed people off the ground. but no u cant grab missed techs, jab reset or tech chase or grab them as they get up.

and im not sure what u are asking as far as CGing.

edit: that definitely says CCing lmao. full crouch. just holding down on c stick or control sticks is asdi down and its only reliable at low percents. when u full cc u can withstand much higher percents.



Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
^he's asking about the crouching animation though
let's say ur standing still
and you press down
how many frames before the true, full CC takes effect, because there is frames of crouching that you go through, just not sure how many and how they act in terms of CCing goes


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
^i could say the same thing but as a rule when someone asks a specific question like that it's pointless to give opinions/thoughts on the matter unless u can back it up w/ frame data


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
yea true that. my B,

it does seem like the difference is holding down while doing an action vs standing. u go into crouch right away and skip the rest of the animation if u were just standing when u get hit.


Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Dave's Stupid Rule. Means that you can't select a stage (as a counterpick) that you have already won on during the set


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2006
Shanghai, China
It's not like I don't want to go to these tournaments because they are far, it's my parents.

Thats the whole reason why I go to more brawl tourneys, because they are closer.


Practice your wavedash OoS and chaingrabs vs spacies so that when you grab me you can kill me instead of watching me tech away and **** you later. I had like 2 hours of ducks baller marth practice the night before masonfest so i was pretty confident too.

With fox you should practice shffled everything and lasers and thunders combos and etc.

Its really hard to get good at smash without people around, but you should watch videos of pros and practice tech skill and combos vs level 1s. That's what I did to make the most of my time with people, and why i came into u of m better than like half the people i was playing against.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Hey yeah I grabbed a missed tech as Fox the other day!

And just from experience, I think true CC starts frame 1 after you press down.
So I decided to do an experiment to see if this is true or not. To start, I went to super sudden death mode, picked 2 Falcos on Battlefield, and stood them right next to each other. I decided to use Falcos shine for the experiment since I know it comes out on the 1st frame after it is inputted.

When you shine Falco without crouch canceling, he almost dies off the top (barely lives). If he crouch cancels, he only goes about the height of the top platform.

First I tested to see if ASDI has any effect by just holding the Cstick down and getting shined. Turns out it doesn't.

So, I stood both Falcos next to each other, paused the match (since you can buffer moves out of pause), Held Down with one Falco, and down B with the other (so 1 Falco would shine on the first frame, and the other would just crouch on the first frame), unpaused, and it turns out that the Falco that got shined only went the height of the top platform.

So in conclusion...

A true Crouch Cancel does in fact start on the first frame after pressing Down.

Furthermore, it turns out that if you press Down once real quick and let go, you will still be crouch canceling during the full animation of your character's knee bend and full crouch animations even though you're not holding down anymore. You will not be crouch canceling anymore as soon as your character begins to rise from his/her crouch.

Sorry I don't have AR or an emulator to test this out frame by frame, but I did the best I could using pauses lol


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
My friend, weon-x, grabbed a Marth out of a missed tech or something a few days ago. I've seen the space animals one, but Marth was an eyebrow raiser because I was under the impression he had invincibility starting frame 1 of his non-tech rolls (once he can do them; I believe there's a 20 frame waiting period or so after missing the tech before you can action that you're vulnerable for).

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I've played games since the Sega Genesis games and it seemed unnatural to me so I always turned it off when I had the option. I learned Melee with it off so I'd be thrown off if I used it.
Many players do use it though, such as Axe.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I think most like it off.

ive loved rumble in games. but I guess I kinda went with the trend, I use to use it. didn't bother me cuz it was just apart of the game. but since everybody always turned it off I got use to no rumble, then playing with it was annoying. now ive removed my rumble pack.



Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
How do I DI throws? Like you just hold a direction right?

Dumb question but i saw somone live at like 2000000 percent from peaches f throw

and i was like "how the heck.." cause I thought jiggz f throw was the only throw you could smash DI

oh and i saw the cooookiest thing today

I was puff against a friends marth

and he like wave dashing towards the ledge while I was sing stalling and he fell asleep mid air and then it cancled and he was ok again...it was sooo coooky


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

Furthermore, it turns out that if you press Down once real quick and let go, you will still be crouch canceling during the full animation of your character's knee bend and full crouch animations even though you're not holding down anymore. You will not be crouch canceling anymore as soon as your character begins to rise from his/her crouch.
Wait, that's super cool. This game never ceases to surprise

My friend, weon-x, grabbed a Marth out of a missed tech or something a few days ago. I've seen the space animals one, but Marth was an eyebrow raiser because I was under the impression he had invincibility starting frame 1 of his non-tech rolls (once he can do them; I believe there's a 20 frame waiting period or so after missing the tech before you can action that you're vulnerable for).
Yeah, the time I did it I grabbed a Sheik (with Fox). It happened almost instantly after she landed, if that's significant. I'm guessing she was at the peak of that little bounce animation. Characters register as airborne while bouncing, right?


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
What do I do when I've lost momentum in a match? Yesterday, went to a smash fest and when I was playing someone, I would usually get a stock or two lead and then lose the match. This happened probably 4-5 times. I'm interested to hear anyone's opinions on the matter.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
What do I do when I've lost momentum in a match? Yesterday, went to a smash fest and when I was playing someone, I would usually get a stock or two lead and then lose the match. This happened probably 4-5 times. I'm interested to hear anyone's opinions on the matter.
this can happen when u get comfortable w/ ur lead
and ur opponent steps up their game and u don't

it's hard to force urself to play 100% throughout the whole match, in friendlies at least, but that may be whats happening.

i remember one occasion i was fighting this fl fox player, and the same thing would happen, i would get him down to his last stock or two and still have 3 of mine
and he would make the comeback, this happen like 3 times in a row

i attributed it to me becoming lax, and basically deciding that because i was up 3 stocks i was going to win

but on his last stock, he would step up the gay factor, and play really conservative, camp more with lasers, go for safer ****, upsmash me right at kill %, just maximize his efficiency

meanwhile i'm kinda juss fooling around and don't step up my game until he has evened it up, and then it's just like a regular match and he ends up pulling out the win.

basically, no matter how many stocks u have left, how much % u are ahead, none of that matters, ur head needs to be fully focused on what your opponent is doing and how to punish it.

having a stock or % lead means nothing, u honestly shouldn't even be aware of who has the lead because u should be so focused on conditioning and picking up on ur opponents habits that you shouldn't have time to look at the stock/%.

but again, in friendlies it's kinda neither here nor there, but that may be whats happening.

i was able to start beating him after i started taking the friendlies more seriously, and he wasn't able to make such a large comeback against me again, not to say he didn't win a couple taking the whole thing seriously
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