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Official Brawl Tier Discussion (OP Updated)

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Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
You're better off tossing the Bair out then then go into the jabs/grabs since the opponent will think the cooldown time is in effect.
Considering that at that point all you can do is jab and grab isn't very good either.
I don't see how one move isn't subject to power shielding but another is. Back air is a good "get off of me" move, even if you don't connect with it it gives you distance if you're in a disadvantageous situation. If you turn around and jab or grab you're given plenty of options since a jab sets up a majority of ike's moveset even if it's blocked. I honestly don't get why you keep underestimating the utility of ike's jab.

In what way?
During spring dropping Sonic is in no way compromised because he should not be within range of the aether.
If the ike knows you're coming sonic will be hit before he can get out of range, his up B is good but spring gimping ike is just not that great an option. I've had it happen to me maybe 3 times since january, generally the result is some damage and me making it back to the stage, at the very best I threw it before the sonic got it off and did up to 22 damage to him in return.

Retreating with Fairs? not vey intimidating since i can just rush forward and powershield the move then rush forward and attack before you can use the IASA frames. (bit more character specific but you undertand my point?)
Goes back to my first point, I don't see how this is power shielded because it's not intimidating (a retreated aerial isnt meant to be anyway) but the back air didn't fall into this category. I'm not trying to scare you in a match if I'm spacing you out, by all means run headfirst into my front air, if you manage to power shield it reliably then more power to you. Nair's range of motion makes up for it's lack of range in distance, which is still silly because nair's distance isnt even all that bad anyway.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I don't see how one move isn't subject to power shielding but another is. Back air is a good "get off of me" move, even if you don't connect with it it gives you distance if you're in a disadvantageous situation. If you turn around and jab or grab you're given plenty of options since a jab sets up a majority of ike's moveset even if it's blocked. I honestly don't get why you keep underestimating the utility of ike's jab.
The jab sets up assuming it hits. somenoe should be expecting the jab because its not like Ike can follow up with a large amount of moves after an aerial.

After the aerial its either jab or grab maybe a Nair but not much afterwards so there isn't much to watch for.
The follows up are assuming he manages to land the jab.
I am pointing out the difficulty in landing the attack not following up with it afterwards.

If the ike knows you're coming sonic will be hit before he can get out of range, his up B is good but spring gimping ike is just not that great an option. I've had it happen to me maybe 3 times since january, generally the result is some damage and me making it back to the stage, at the very best I threw it before the sonic got it off and did up to 22 damage to him in return.
Might I ask what sonic you were playing? In no way at all is spring gimping placing Sonic in danger. sonic should never be hit by the ^B at all because he can drop it out of Ike's range so that spring will still hit Ike without placin him in danger.
We can play if you want tomorrow and I'll show you what I mean.

Goes back to my first point, I don't see how this is power shielded because it's not intimidating (a retreated aerial isnt meant to be anyway) but the back air didn't fall into this category.
I had not mentioned powershielding the bair simple as that, I thought it was insinuated earlier.
I'm not trying to scare you in a match if I'm spacing you out, by all means run headfirst into my front air, if you manage to power shield it reliably then more power to you. Nair's range of motion makes up for it's lack of range in distance, which is still silly because nair's distance isnt even all that bad anyway.
Never said you were trying to scare. The point is that the fair on its own is not the most reliable aerial. It has startup tme and despite the IASA frames it does have some cooldown.

The Nair is better overall (i said it had lesser range not crap) however it has its faults too.
His aerials are good for defensive but they are not hard to get by.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
The jab sets up assuming it hits
Uh, no. If they jump backwards you follow with a nair or an fair, if they jump up you can throw aether, if they shield it you grab them out of their shield. If they jump forward you follow with an up tilt. You can hold the jab button just to see if they're going to attempt to spot dodge, repeating the first jab over until it connects with something, be it a shield or the player. The jab never has to connect to give you options as an ike player. Ike's first jab is 4 frames, 1/15 of a second and cancels into his entire moveset seamlessly, not to mention itself to restart the string. Ikes who rely on the first hit of the jab to actually connect are mediocre ikes, sorry.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Uh, no. If they jump backwards you follow with a nair or an fair, if they jump up you can throw aether, if they shield it you grab them out of their shield. If they jump forward you follow with an up tilt. You can hold the jab button just to see if they're going to attempt to spot dodge, repeating the first jab over until it connects with something, be it a shield or the player. The jab never has to connect to give you options as an ike player. Ike's first jab is 4 frames, 1/15 of a second and cancels into his entire moveset seamlessly, not to mention itself to restart the string. Ikes who rely on the first hit of the jab to actually connect are mediocre ikes, sorry.
By setups I mean what he can do after he hits when the attack hits afterwards my apology I am speaking generically when I mean specifically.

If they jump backwards and you try to follow with a Fair or nair they can airdodge and avoid the attack.
If they jump up thats usually not too good an idea due to aether as you said.
If they shield it they can grab you right before you can grab them.

If they jump forward and get Utilted they deserve it for being stupid.
Yeah it can restart but if you restart into the first jab again it exchanges with the opponents grab and results in you being grabbed.

Ike's jab is great but I am not too sure about a few of the things you said.
The best thing todo in such a position is go for a grab (if close enough) or caway into the air and airdodge the Fair/Nair that may follow.

I am unsure of a few things though, for example being grabbed before the second jab or grab comes out.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Weeklies have been on hiatus for a while now. I've heard of 3 or 4 held on weekends but I havent looked into a couple of them because honestly screw traveling to LI for one of them. Uh just PM me or something if you dont have AIM or MSN, my contact info should be up on my profile.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
By setups I mean what he can do after he hits when the attack hits afterwards my apology I am speaking generically when I mean specifically.

If they jump backwards and you try to follow with a Fair or nair they can airdodge and avoid the attack.
If they jump up thats usually not too good an idea due to aether as you said.
If they shield it they can grab you right before you can grab them.

If they jump forward and get Utilted they deserve it for being stupid.
Yeah it can restart but if you restart into the first jab again it exchanges with the opponents grab and results in you being grabbed.

Ike's jab is great but I am not too sure about a few of the things you said.
The best thing todo in such a position is go for a grab (if close enough) or caway into the air and airdodge the Fair/Nair that may follow.

I am unsure of a few things though, for example being grabbed before the second jab or grab comes out.
Pretty much everything Ryko said was right. Jab can lead into all of Ike's move set and this air dodging thing can only be done if you see the aerial coming. The same thing could be said about Ike if he sees your air dodge coming he can just dash and grab you out of it, or start his aerial later on.

If your jab gets shielded you can side step the grab that is coming, and if your in a lower port I think you would be the one who gets grabbed because it can come out pretty soon.

The jab sets up assuming it hits. someone should be expecting the jab because its not like Ike can follow up with a large amount of moves after an aerial.
After the aerial its either jab or grab maybe a Nair but not much afterwards so there isn't much to watch for.
The follows up are assuming he manages to land the jab.
I am pointing out the difficulty in landing the attack not following up with it afterwards
Fair, Nair, and Bair can all be followed up with other aerials even if they get shielded. Unless its like DDD or olimar who can grab you at that distance.

I didn't really understand that 1st sentence of yours I quoted but Ike's jabs can lead into other things even if it gets shielded. If you've spent all this time shielding then he can poke trough you with D tilt.

Landing the attack isn't hard. It comes out faster than human reaction add that to the lag of any move and you have time to hit with it on any attack that is shielded since if the move has more than 2 frames of post lag.

I really think your underestimating Ike's jab because it could very well be the best one in the game. Also you ignored/skipped/missed my 1st reply to you which I was hoping to be responded to. Its in page 988 if your interested, 3rd one from the bottom.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
so... i was wondering the comparison from the SBR tier list to the gamefaqs one, and the comparison between the SBR tier list and which percentage of characters counter ones higher on the tier list than them? Basically i know that the list is based on tournament results, but it is thought of as a "who is better" list among many, so i thought that most characters would fit the list in matchups. Meaning because metaknight is at the top of top, he would counter everyone. It basically fits because he only has one counter, DK.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
I don't see how one move isn't subject to power shielding but another is.
Fun fact...if a move is slower it's easier to power shield.
If the ike knows you're coming sonic will be hit before he can get out of range
And if the Sonic isn't ******** he'll just shield. Sonic is never fully committed in any of his approaches.
his up B is good but spring gimping ike is just not that great an option. I've had it happen to me maybe 3 times since january, generally the result is some damage and me making it back to the stage, at the very best I threw it before the sonic got it off and did up to 22 damage to him in return.
Sonic should never be hit by Ike's up B. If you're up Bing high enough that Sonic can't spring safely, then you are also high enough to simply be edgehogged as you are coming down from Aether.

Goes back to my first point, I don't see how this is power shielded because it's not intimidating
Intimidation has nothing to do with it. It's just a slow aerial and thus subject to power shielding on reaction.

but the back air didn't fall into this category.
This is true, but a shorthopped bair also goes straight over Sonic's head.

I'm not trying to scare you in a match if I'm spacing you out, by all means run headfirst into my front air, if you manage to power shield it reliably then more power to you.
Power shielding is not difficult. And if Sonic is too close to shield directly from a dash, then he can just side B and cancel that into a shield.
Nair's range of motion makes up for it's lack of range in distance, which is still silly because nair's distance isnt even all that bad anyway.
Nair's range of motion and fairs range of motion are very comparable from the front. Nair does hit slightly higher But in general the difference between the two arcs is negligible (from the front. Nair hitting behind you is a nice plus, but not important in this situation, as you will be facing your opponent anyway).


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Might I ask what sonic you were playing? In no way at all is spring gimping placing Sonic in danger. sonic should never be hit by the ^B at all because he can drop it out of Ike's range so that spring will still hit Ike without placin him in danger.
We can play if you want tomorrow and I'll show you what I mean.
If he does it from that high I've got more then enough time to roll onto the stage before it become an issue, without suffering any consequences. Also, you're above me with your ^b expended, your situation isn't particularly good.

If you're planning on using up-b to get out of his range, spring dropping is rather predictable in general, and Ike's ledge-hop to ^b has a fair amount of range. Time it right, and I'll eat spring damage, sure, but you're eat aether.

so... i was wondering the comparison from the SBR tier list to the gamefaqs one, and the comparison between the SBR tier list and which percentage of characters counter ones higher on the tier list than them? Basically i know that the list is based on tournament results, but it is thought of as a "who is better" list among many, so i thought that most characters would fit the list in matchups. Meaning because metaknight is at the top of top, he would counter everyone. It basically fits because he only has one counter, DK.
DK is neutral at best. 60-40 is more likely.

Sure he has good priority, and kills early, but Mk racks up damage so much faster, and DK doesn't have a safe approach on him.

And if the Sonic isn't ******** he'll just shield. Sonic is never fully committed in any of his approaches.
It's a retreating aerial, with sheildstun, the backwards momentium, and IASA frames, it should be safe on block.

Sonic should never be hit by Ike's up B. If you're up Bing high enough that Sonic can't spring safely, then you are also high enough to simply be edgehogged as you are coming down from Aether.
If aether misses or is airdodged, which doesn't really happen. If he's too low, got a continuous hitbox, and going too fast, not getting edge-hogged.

The fact is, spring-dropping is predictable, do it at a safe height, and i'll be back on the stage before it hits me. Do it at an unsafe height and you're eating an aether while you're in ^b animation.

This is true, but a shorthopped bair also goes straight over Sonic's head.
No, it has to be a rising bair, but it goes over NOBODY'S head. This was mentioned before (certain chars you have to space it though).


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Fun fact...if a move is slower it's easier to power shield.
Fun fact: If you fully expect a move to come out you should be able to power shield it regardless of animation because you're not reacting, you're predicting. It was established that if someone is immediately behind ike that the person should expect his back air to come out at the first opportunity. Which means the second you see him crouch to jump your finger should be pressing down that shield button, and considering power shielding is like a within 10 frame sort of deal this shouldn't be remotely hard, Ike's counter starts on frame 10 and shielding is in general a much safer response than ike's counter.

And if the Sonic isn't ******** he'll just shield. Sonic is never fully committed in any of his approaches
Which is fine, the goal was to get back on the stage and your shielding (which aether can and does poke through at the top and bottom of) lets him do just that. If you don't shield the 22 damage is just a bonus.

Intimidation has nothing to do with it. It's just a slow aerial and thus subject to power shielding on reaction.
I don't get how the first response about ike's fair that I said anything to literally mentioned intimidation and power shielding as a reaction practically verbatim, then when I respond relevantly I get 2 "Intimidation isnt the point" responses.

This is true, but a shorthopped bair also goes straight over Sonic's head.
A shorthopped bair can hit olimar on ascent (again, spaced properly by hitting the direction opposite your opponent assuming theyre too far up your butt), wut?

Nair's range of motion and fairs range of motion are very comparable from the front. Nair does hit slightly higher But in general the difference between the two arcs is negligible (from the front. Nair hitting behind you is a nice plus, but not important in this situation, as you will be facing your opponent anyway).
Not necessarily, if I have a speed disadvantage I may just use nair while facing the other way, not to mention rar, a very practical and real tactic for ike.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Pretty much everything Ryko said was right. Jab can lead into all of Ike's move set and this air dodging thing can only be done if you see the aerial coming. The same thing could be said about Ike if he sees your air dodge coming he can just dash and grab you out of it, or start his aerial later on.
you will see the Fair or Nair coming, they do not have their hitbox at such a highspeed as Zelda's Fair or Marth's Fair. Its not hard to dodge because the hitboxes do not linger (though if I am mistaking please correct me)

If your jab gets shielded you can side step the grab that is coming, and if your in a lower port I think you would be the one who gets grabbed because it can come out pretty soon.
Assuming that they do go for a grab. They can always roll dodge from the attack could they not?
This argument feels a bit iffy because its too much of saying what counters what since it sounds more like predicton which is more human factored.

The jab sets up assuming it hits. someone should be expecting the jab because its not like Ike can follow up with a large amount of moves after an aerial.
Exactly which IMO is a weakness.
he doesn't have much that can just go into the jab immediately because at around 30% his aerials hit the opponent too far away tor eally follow up with anythng.
Fair, Nair, and Bair can all be followed up with other aerials even if they get shielded. Unless its like DDD or olimar who can grab you at that distance.
Or characters like Fox and sonic whose Dash shield grab can lessen the push of the attack and then counter with an aerial since they would be in range.
But I play aggressively.
I didn't really understand that 1st sentence of yours I quoted but Ike's jabs can lead into other things even if it gets shielded. If you've spent all this time shielding then he can poke trough you with D tilt.
hat go into a Dtilt while they shield? Hmm not too sure on that it hasn't been done to me and I usually don't do it because I prefer grabbing.
Landing the attack isn't hard. It comes out faster than human reaction add that to the lag of any move and you have time to hit with it on any attack that is shielded since if the move has more than 2 frames of post lag.
Not really, because you know what Ike can or cannot follow up with anticipating the attack increases the chances of shielding or powershielding the attack. Much how people Powershield the lava on Norfair (which is so cool BTW)

I really think your underestimating Ike's jab because it could very well be the best one in the game. Also you ignored/skipped/missed my 1st reply to you which I was hoping to be responded to. Its in page 988 if your interested, 3rd one from the bottom.
I did? Okay give me a moment and I will get to it.
half of the people you mentioned have lost to Ikes of there level.
yes they have but they have beaten Ikes more often than they have lost.
80/20 matchup means you have an 80% chance of winning. So 8 times out of ten you will win.
That doesn't mean you cannot lose it just mans you have a greater chance.
So Ike can still win depending on the opponents behavior but I am willing to bet that they have beaten ike's of their level more often than they have lost.
With close up combat Ike actually has a pretty good game. The jab is great as it can be canceled into more jabs, grabs, Utilt or Dtilt, and it can potentially lead into Fairs, Nairs, and Ftilts if the opponent doesn't react right. Grabs can also lead into dash attacks other grabs and jabs onto other characters. Saying the jab isn't enough to punish close range combat doesn't sound right to me.
The issue is that up your Utilt and Dtilt are more situational. No opponent will jump forward where Ike can Fair and most will react after the firs jab and prevent the next jab/grab.
I believe the Dtilt is slower than the Utilt so it won't link as easily despite having better horizontal range.
Nairs and Fairs do not link afterwards since they aren't extremely fast aerials. they can be dodged upon reaction.

the reason I say jab isn't enough is because while he does have great options out of the jab, he does not have the ability to lead into that jab with ease. So if the opponent doesn't have to worry about all of Ike's moves when they know his followsups focus mostly on one move.

Well his Bair can hit short opponents if he FF a short hop. Aerials aren't Ike's greatest trait but they aren't to bad either. And that bit of someone deciding to attack you while your attacking sounds a bit strange. To me it sounds like your saying someone saw Ike using his attack and decided to jump and intercept it which very few moves can do that I believe. If you are on the ledge you can do a ledge hop Nair/Fair or drop down aether, regrab the ledge
The situation of Ike ledgehopping is very similar to marth with less speed. the opponent can stay just out of range of your attaks at which point you are at a disadvantage due to his lack of options.
As for bair its when it is anticipated.
QD onto the stage, roll, stand up, attack, or jump. Honestly this is a bad position for a lot of characters no Ike and it limits everyones options but Ike still has a few.
Not really, for Wolf, Fox, Falco they have their side B/reflector/blaster which are more reliable than Ike's options.

he is very similar to marth when it comes to being edgeguardedc. If the opponent spaces well, your in a compromised situation.
While opponents are running away from Ike they tend to run out of room limiting there options. Once Ike gets up close the lag from spamming projectiles can be punished.
hey can always jump over him while dropping bombs (Link) or reflectors (Wolf/Fox) or roll dodging. No opponent is going to keep spamming once they have run out of room.
Platforms always help against this as well so the stage can change how effective this strategy is by a lot. As for metaknight and marth being able to break projectiles with there attacks well Ike can do that by PS, or if you really want to do it with an attack you can do it with a jab or U tilt for the stronger projectiles. QD against that spiky thing of DDD's.[/QUOTE
QDing Gordo's sounds risky I've actually been killed by it for QDing. might have been my timing though.
Yeah Ike can destroy projectiles but he can't destroy a projectile then dodge the one afterwards immediately.

So if I double arrow cancel and Ike kills one he is going to be hit by the other.
Or if I fire a laser as Wolf he can dodge but i can fsmash/Dsmash afterwards.
The good thing about Marth and MK is that they can projectiles more easily since they do not need to anticipate and can avoid any other projectiles fired afterwards.
Marth/metaknight can bother be out range by Fair and maybe Nair I think. Marth can be shield grabbed if he gets to close as well.
marth can't be shield grabbed if he spaces the Fair well enough because his aerial mobility an place him out of range right after he attacks.
This is the same for MK.

As for harassing with Fair and Nair they can just bait the attack then afterwards pressure with their respective Fair/Nair while avoiding punishment.
No idea on sonic because I don't fight any but warrio can once again be out ranged (don't know about that infinite thing.) and jiggilypuff isn't much of a problem with her low weight and Ike's superior range.
If they go for diret cmbat though they can easily rush forward and move away from any incoming attack and promptly continue pressuring afterwards. its not like Ike can continue harassing them with multiple Fair/Nairs while in the air/

yeah he outranges them but they are quick enough to make that range less useful.
Olimar does own Ike pretty easily the best thing I could say would be to wait for your chance and get out of his projectile reach to get him to move around.
I recmmend actually Neutral b or fairs. The projectiles have no priority they are just faast.

If he does it from that high I've got more then enough time to roll onto the stage before it become an issue, without suffering any consequences. Also, you're above me with your ^b expended, your situation isn't particularly good.
You are misunderstanding the situation. The spring gimping is done when Ike is below the stage and beginning his recovery not when he has already grabbed the ledge.

Dropping a spring on someone who is capable of ledgehopping is a stupid idea and no Sonic is going to use it.

If you're planning on using up-b to get out of his range, spring dropping is rather predictable in general, and Ike's ledge-hop to ^b has a fair amount of range. Time it right, and I'll eat spring damage, sure, but you're eat aether.
he first 1/3rd of hthe spring jump has invinciblity frames so you'll have to time it as soon as he does the ^B for the aether to connect.

If aether misses or is airdodged, which doesn't really happen. If he's too low, got a continuous hitbox, and going too fast, not getting edge-hogged.
What when aether s done so the sword is at the edge?

The fact is, spring-dropping is predictable, do it at a safe height, and i'll be back on the stage before it hits me. Do it at an unsafe height and you're eating an aether while you're in ^b animation.
Its predictable but very effective.
If I drop my spring its because you are going towards the ledge so you can aether to it safely. if you ^B to avoid the spring you risk missing the ledge.
If you try to get closer you risk getting hit by the spring.
By the time you are on the ledge I have already Daired back to the ground and waiting for you on the ledge.

No Sonic user is going to drop a spring in a position where the opponent can roll back onto the ledge with ease.
Or I can risk eating the aether and drop the spring on you so that hits you and lessens the damage taken and push you away from the ledge.

Which is fine, the goal was to get back on the stage and your shielding (which aether can and does poke through at the top and bottom of) lets him do just that. If you don't shield the 22 damage is just a bonus.
Yes but why would oyou place yourself close where Aether can reach you? Thats like staying near the ledge where Marth can Dolphin Slash can get you. Space it and Ike becomes limited.

Not necessarily, if I have a speed disadvantage I may just use nair while facing the other way, not to mention rar, a very practical and real tactic for ike.
Why though? If the opponent uses any move that has a hitbox out before your Nair/Fair he can hit you.
Or couldn't he bait the aerial and then respond with a counter?
Second part is an actual question.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
clearly this needs videos of proper spring gimps, anyone who gets aether spiked while trying this should quit brawl + life immediately.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
Are people seriously talking about Ike gimping Sonic?
Fucking hell, have they ever played a Sonic who's not being computer controlled? I seriously doubt it.
I don't get the idea of this range stuff either, like Sonic's going to get hit out of his approaches.
Spincharge can turn into a VSDJ away, Spindash is shield cancellable. You can just spring away if you're going to get plucked out of the air.
And these non commited approaches are perfect for baiting out moves from Ike, which are punishable due to Sonic's speed.
There's other discrepencies and random shit flying about Sonic, but there's no point in arguing (Shame on you ShadowLink! >=o) because obviously Sonic can do nothing to any character because of his priority and lack of kill moves.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
If he does it from that high I've got more then enough time to roll onto the stage before it become an issue, without suffering any consequences. Also, you're above me with your ^b expended, your situation isn't particularly good.
Sonic up Bs as Ike approaches the ledge from off stage (as in if he up Bs now, he won't reach the ledge because he's too far). The spring falls slower than Ike, and will be in his way at all times, as he's not close enough to grab the ledge yet and has to get closer. If he airdodges, the spring still hits him because it falls slower than his dodge.

And if I do mess up with my spring placement, I'm still invincible during the first 1/3 of my up B, and I can easily dair back down onto the stage (with no lag btw) before you can even let go of the ledge after you grab it. At that point, I just move out of your fair/aether range and wait for you to get up. So that I can throw you off again.
If you're planning on using up-b to get out of his range, spring dropping is rather predictable in general, and Ike's ledge-hop to ^b has a fair amount of range. Time it right, and I'll eat spring damage, sure, but you're eat aether.
Invincible during 1/3 of up B. As in, goes right through your sword. And why would I spring if you've already grabbed the ledge? If your on the ledge my off stage edgeguarding has already failed, so I'm just going to stay on the stage for an easy ledge trap. Simply watch you get back up, and run in and grab after any of your options. Then downthrow to get you off stage and repeat as long as neccesarry.

It's a retreating aerial, with sheildstun, the backwards momentium, and IASA frames, it should be safe on block.
He was saying that he could knock Sonic out of his approaches with an aerial. I'm saying that he can't knock Sonic out of his approaches because Sonic will simply cancel it to avoid your attack. Yes you are safe, but now I'm closer and my next approach is more likely to work.

If aether misses or is airdodged, which doesn't really happen. If he's too low, got a continuous hitbox, and going too fast, not getting edge-hogged.
This is how it works.
If Ike is close enough to the stage that he can aether and grab the ledge, then I will be looking at how high Ike is. If you're low enough, I will drop the spring on the off chance that it might hit you before you grab your sword after starting aether (it would have to be a little behind you). Afterwards I just dair back to the ground so that even if my spring misses, I'm still safe. If you are high enough to avoid that scenerio, I simply stand out of your aether range and watch how far you drop. If you start aether too high, I run in and edgehog. If you drop low enough that the sword will be swinging at the ledge, I run, jump, and up B above the sword.
The fact is, spring-dropping is predictable, do it at a safe height, and i'll be back on the stage before it hits me. Do it at an unsafe height and you're eating an aether while you're in ^b animation.
So basically, If I mess up a simple edgeguard you get back on the stage right? Well then, I'd better not suck. It doesn't matter how predictable it is, because done correctly there is no way to punish it

No, it has to be a rising bair, but it goes over NOBODY'S head. This was mentioned before (certain chars you have to space it though).
True, you'd have to be right next to Sonic with your back facing to him though. Don't you think Sonic would...shield. Or run away. Or take a general defensive measure considering your that close?


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
I'm wondering where aether spiking and gimping sonic came from, you took a very simple concept of sonic gimping ike being easier said than done and the possibility of a sonic taking some damage and took it to the other extreme, all of you.

True, you'd have to be right next to Sonic with your back facing to him though. Don't you think Sonic would...shield. Or run away. Or take a general defensive measure considering your that close?
No one said sonic wouldn't defend, the point that was being contended is that ike's back air couldn't hit sonic because he was too short, when he obviously isn't. Your response is a non-sequitur, no one is expecting an attack on ike's end to work 100%, when you guys do just that with anything from sonic. Double standard much?

If you start aether too high, I run in and edgehog.
If theyre starting it high there is a decent chance theyre aiming to land on the stage so what good would edgehogging do? You throw aether based on your horizontal distance from the stage, not your vertical. If they drop low theyre probably expecting you to drop the spring and are dropping low to give aether time to start up since the first 6 or so frames of it don't have super armor and it will take time for the spring to hit ike.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
wtf@ all the Sonic action in here.

-Sonic is not too short on the ground to be hit by B-air.
Sonic in spindash, however, is.

-ShadowLink needs to not multiquote one line at a time lol.

that's all.

SERIOUSLY?! 20 MULTIQUOTES IN 1 POST?! Split it up less and just address like 3 points per quote lol.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
Wow why is everyone so heated about this debate. No one really cares that much about wether sonic gimps ike or whatever this is about.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Wow why is everyone so heated about this debate. No one really cares that much about wether sonic gimps ike or whatever this is about.
Haha. Well, rather than actually playing the game, these people believe that if they argue their life away to make thier main high tier, it will in turn make THEM better too. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work this way. Just leave them be, AlAxe.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
wtf@ all the Sonic action in here.

-Sonic is not too short on the ground to be hit by B-air.
Sonic in spindash, however, is.

-ShadowLink needs to not multiquote one line at a time lol.

that's all.

SERIOUSLY?! 20 MULTIQUOTES IN 1 POST?! Split it up less and just address like 3 points per quote lol.
You actually counted?

XD besides multiquoting is fun and there were separate things to address.

Haha. Well, rather than actually playing the game, these people believe that if they argue their life away to make thier main high tier, it will in turn make THEM better too. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work this way. Just leave them be, AlAxe.
Despite the fact you do not know the posters nor their tournament history or anything relevant.; you choose to make a blanket statement and be ignorant and condescending at the same time.

And people wonder why 08'ers often are the subject of such scrutiny?

@alaxe: Character matchups are important.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
you will see the Fair or Nair coming, they do not have their hitbox at such a highspeed as Zelda's Fair or Marth's Fair. Its not hard to dodge because the hitboxes do not linger (though if I am mistaking please correct me)
Nair kind of lingers since the move lasts for so long but the Fair would be dodge how ever that wouldn't put Ike in a vulnerable position since he shouldn't be moving towards his opponent if he sees his aerial dodged.

Assuming that they do go for a grab. They can always roll dodge from the attack could they not?
This argument feels a bit iffy because its too much of saying what counters what since it sounds more like predicton which is more human factored.
it isn't really prediction as a lot of the time the Ike's will play it save if they know they are going against a skilled opponent they will start to side step after the 1st jab instead of doing some other follow up then grab the dodged grab. If the character decides to roll instead of side step or shield he can't really punish Ike that way.

Which was my point of jab not being all that punishable.

Exactly which IMO is a weakness.
he doesn't have much that can just go into the jab immediately because at around 30% his aerials hit the opponent too far away tor eally follow up with anythng.
wtf happened here? this was something you said not me. Did I mess up when I quoted you?

Or characters like Fox and sonic whose Dash shield grab can lessen the push of the attack and then counter with an aerial since they would be in range.
But I play aggressively.
That would be if you predict the attack though, I don't think human reaction is fast enough for this.

hat go into a Dtilt while they shield? Hmm not too sure on that it hasn't been done to me and I usually don't do it because I prefer grabbing.
hat? I'm guessing that was jab lol, and yes It can go into a dtilt even though I like jab better as well I was just listing some of the other options Ike has. It actually leads into Dtilt and Utilt pretty easily.

Not really, because you know what Ike can or cannot follow up with anticipating the attack increases the chances of shielding or powershielding the attack. Much how people Powershield the lava on Norfair (which is so cool BTW)
following up with jab after another move gets shielded may not be the best choice and it can be punished but if one of your moves was shielded then there is like a 95% chance that jab will hit you if you are with in reach. If you get hit by other moves it can hit you as well.

I did? Okay give me a moment and I will get to it.

yes they have but they have beaten Ikes more often than they have lost.
80/20 matchup means you have an 80% chance of winning. So 8 times out of ten you will win.
That doesn't mean you cannot lose it just mans you have a greater chance.
So Ike can still win depending on the opponents behavior but I am willing to bet that they have beaten ike's of their level more often than they have lost.
beating Ike's more than loosing to them doesn't really proove anything. There are very few high level Ike's out there and there are a ton of low level ones. I could go out to some EB games and face 20 8 year olds using sonic and say I've beaten them more than lost to them.

I actually don't think Ike has a 80/20 match up right now But ofcourse they have beaten Ike's more than they have lost to them. If the match up is 55/45 then they should still be winning more than loosing. I can win more than just by having his opponent mess up and his chances are hardly ever 1 in 5.

The issue is that up your Utilt and Dtilt are more situational. No opponent will jump forward where Ike can Fair and most will react after the firs jab and prevent the next jab/grab.
I believe the Dtilt is slower than the Utilt so it won't link as easily despite having better horizontal range.
Nairs and Fairs do not link afterwards since they aren't extremely fast aerials. they can be dodged upon reaction.

the reason I say jab isn't enough is because while he does have great options out of the jab, he does not have the ability to lead into that jab with ease. So if the opponent doesn't have to worry about all of Ike's moves when they know his followsups focus mostly on one move.
Ike may not be able to lead up to it but he can use it out of almost every shielded move. Once that first jab hits all of the other options are available, only the 3rd jab can be shielded if the combo hits and I think thats if you do it slower than normal. The Fair and Nair can be used when your close to the edge and Nair is a fast aerial it comes out almost right away like every Nair in the game.

The situation of Ike ledgehopping is very similar to marth with less speed. the opponent can stay just out of range of your attaks at which point you are at a disadvantage due to his lack of options.
As for bair its when it is anticipated.
Staying out of Ike's range pretty much puts him out of the punishing distance. From there you can just climb back up.

Not really, for Wolf, Fox, Falco they have their side B/reflector/blaster which are more reliable than Ike's options.

he is very similar to marth when it comes to being edgeguardedc. If the opponent spaces well, your in a compromised situation.
Ike has his Side b as well and if you are out of his range he doesn't have to worry about it being shielded. Out spacing Ike is also hard. There is maybe like DDD and that might be it.

hey can always jump over him while dropping bombs (Link) or reflectors (Wolf/Fox) or roll dodging. No opponent is going to keep spamming once they have run out of room.
jumping over Ike will get you hit by aether, Rolling will put you in position to get Baired out of your roll/shield. And can fox really move around while he spams? Ike doesn't have to shield its actually better to take the hits and get up close.

QDing Gordo's sounds risky I've actually been killed by it for QDing. might have been my timing though.
Yeah Ike can destroy projectiles but he can't destroy a projectile then dodge the one afterwards immediately.

So if I double arrow cancel and Ike kills one he is going to be hit by the other.
Or if I fire a laser as Wolf he can dodge but i can fsmash/Dsmash afterwards.
The good thing about Marth and MK is that they can projectiles more easily since they do not need to anticipate and can avoid any other projectiles fired afterwards.
When 2 moves clank with each other they cancel out all of the lag completely he can destroy a projectile and then dodge the one afterwards immediately so he won't be hit by all those things you mentioned. If not why can marth do it but not Ike? Same goes for PS. Mk's attacks actually can't break projectiles so go Ike.

For the grodo it should be your timing as thats what your supposed to do Since the QD will have no lag when it hits it.

marth can't be shield grabbed if he spaces the Fair well enough because his aerial mobility an place him out of range right after he attacks.
This is the same for MK.

As for harassing with Fair and Nair they can just bait the attack then afterwards pressure with their respective Fair/Nair while avoiding punishment.
Well neither can Ike, and baiting isn't character specific so thats not really valid.

If they go for diret cmbat though they can easily rush forward and move away from any incoming attack and promptly continue pressuring afterwards. its not like Ike can continue harassing them with multiple Fair/Nairs while in the air/

yeah he outranges them but they are quick enough to make that range less useful.
If an attack is power shielded they can be grabbed and jabbed before they can get out of reach. Plus if they are just rushing forward with aerials it would be pretty easy to smack them with Fair while they are coming at you, since they doing a hit and run.

I recmmend actually Neutral b or fairs. The projectiles have no priority they are just faast.
I heard that fair is actually horrible in this match. I'm not sure but because I don't fight very many olimars unless its wifi. My city is finally getting more tournaments going under way 3 in the next 6 weeks which is ****en fantastic for el paso so hopefully I get the chance.

Sonic up Bs as Ike approaches the ledge from off stage (as in if he up Bs now, he won't reach the ledge because he's too far). The spring falls slower than Ike, and will be in his way at all times, as he's not close enough to grab the ledge yet and has to get closer. If he airdodges, the spring still hits him because it falls slower than his dodge.

And if I do mess up with my spring placement, I'm still invincible during the first 1/3 of my up B, and I can easily dair back down onto the stage (with no lag btw) before you can even let go of the ledge after you grab it. At that point, I just move out of your fair/aether range and wait for you to get up. So that I can throw you off again.
Why would Ike let go instead of getting back onto the stage? Ike's aether has a good number of SA frames so he can just use those to get rid of the spring. Plus if you do that aether isn't the only way of grabbing the ledge again I don't think anyone would use it for that unless they are aiming for you.

He was saying that he could knock Sonic out of his approaches with an aerial. I'm saying that he can't knock Sonic out of his approaches because Sonic will simply cancel it to avoid your attack. Yes you are safe, but now I'm closer and my next approach is more likely to work.
how much closer can you get? we aren't playing on eldin. Your also closer to ike's range so he can approach now since there is less room to cover.

So basically, If I mess up a simple edgeguard you get back on the stage right? Well then, I'd better not suck. It doesn't matter how predictable it is, because done correctly there is no way to punish it
This isn't all that easy to land on Ike. Aether isn't going to dodge it its going to take the hit and keep on going. You really better not suck because being predicable with a recovery move than can take hits and still go on makes it very hard to land. This is the same reason foxes shine spike doesn't work well either. My friend probably lands like 5 shine spikes every match and he is lucky if 1 of them kills me.
I'm wondering where aether spiking and gimping sonic came from, you took a very simple concept of sonic gimping ike being easier said than done and the possibility of a sonic taking some damage and took it to the other extreme, all of you.

I think it was from light
Wow why is everyone so heated about this debate. No one really cares that much about wether sonic gimps ike or whatever this is about.
I like these discussion.

*Hey look a guy who likes discussing things I don't I better call him a noob.* Haha. Well, rather than actually playing the game, these people believe that if they argue their life away to make thier main high tier, it will in turn make THEM better too. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work this way. Just leave them be, AlAxe.
god this is just stupid and based on absolutely nothing besides you not liking to discuss match ups.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Or I can just drop a spring as Sonic.
There's where it started. It arose from the subject of how useful Aether's SA frames are.

In any case, this kind of over blew a simple spring gimp, but the discussion as a whole is quite interesting.

I came here to answer Shadowlink's points, but it seems it was done, much thanks.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Nair kind of lingers since the move lasts for so long but the Fair would be dodge how ever that wouldn't put Ike in a vulnerable position since he shouldn't be moving towards his opponent if he sees his aerial dodged.
Except no opponent is going beyond Sh distance from Ike. Even if you do stop moving away upon seeing the dodge I am already on the ground rushing you. if I don't rush things end up neutral so at best and most often, you'll start from square 1. Not bad at all though so I agree.

it isn't really prediction as a lot of the time the Ike's will play it save if they know they are going against a skilled opponent they will start to side step after the 1st jab instead of doing some other follow up then grab the dodged grab. If the character decides to roll instead of side step or shield he can't really punish Ike that way.

Which was my point of jab not being all that punishable.
Hmm okay.

wtf happened here? this was something you said not me. Did I mess up when I quoted you?

That would be if you predict the attack though, I don't think human reaction is fast enough for this.
It doesn't need to be. Ike's aerials do not come out extremely quick you can react to it and counter afterwards.

hat? I'm guessing that was jab lol, and yes It can go into a dtilt even though I like jab better as well I was just listing some of the other options Ike has. It actually leads into Dtilt and Utilt pretty easily.
Hmm okay.
What options does Ike have though once they roll dodge away?
following up with jab after another move gets shielded may not be the best choice and it can be punished but if one of your moves was shielded then there is like a 95% chance that jab will hit you if you are with in reach. If you get hit by other moves it can hit you as well.
not really. Any move that activates within 4 frames will clank with a jab anything less will either clank or result in me hitting you.
beating Ike's more than loosing to them doesn't really proove anything. There are very few high level Ike's out there and there are a ton of low level ones. I could go out to some EB games and face 20 8 year olds using sonic and say I've beaten them more than lost to them.

you misunderstand. it isn't that they are facing mutliple ikes of varying skill levels. they face those Ikes within a set.
3 matches isn't too much to figure out if you are at a disadvanage or not.
I actually don't think Ike has a 80/20 match up right now But ofcourse they have beaten Ike's more than they have lost to them. If the match up is 55/45 then they should still be winning more than loosing. I can win more than just by having his opponent mess up and his chances are hardly ever 1 in 5.
I never said his matchups were 1 in 5.
I gave the example of 80/20 as a method of exaggerating my point from earlier.

Ike may not be able to lead up to it but he can use it out of almost every shielded move. Once that first jab hits all of the other options are available, only the 3rd jab can be shielded if the combo hits and I think thats if you do it slower than normal. The Fair and Nair can be used when your close to the edge and Nair is a fast aerial it comes out almost right away like every Nair in the game.
Ike's Nair is not as fast as most Nairs. for example Sonic's Nair beats Ike's out in terms of speed.
Its a quick move but in comparison to others, its actually rather average.
Fair as i said can be dodged on reation and avoided . I don't really hink Fair is a good offensive move IMO.

Staying out of Ike's range pretty much puts him out of the punishing distance. From there you can just climb back up.
Actually you cannot. you ledgehop up I rush and grab you.
You Roll I smash you.
You try to ^B i shield the hit on the way down and punish.

it looks like you are out of punish range but you aren't.
You are in still a great deal of danger of being knocked off the edge.

Not really, for Wolf, Fox, Falco they have their side B/reflector/blaster which are more reliable than Ike's options.

Ike has his Side b as well and if you are out of his range he doesn't have to worry about it being shielded. Out spacing Ike is also hard. There is maybe like DDD and that might be it.
No Fox , Sonic, Falco and a good amount of other character can do it.
Go ahead and Side B I can shield it and punish you afterwards.
At such a distance where your Fair cannot touch me you are going to be easily shielded and predicted because of the lack of options.
jumping over Ike will get you hit by aether, Rolling will put you in position to get Baired out of your roll/shield. And can fox really move around while he spams? Ike doesn't have to shield its actually better to take the hits and get up close.
No Fox is going to use grounded lasers against Ike.
If I leap over you and drop a bomb the aether will miss and hit you reducing any damage that may be done.
I don't need to roll you're on the ledge. I'll wait if I have to.

When 2 moves clank with each other they cancel out all of the lag completely he can destroy a projectile and then dodge the one afterwards immediately so he won't be hit by all those things you mentioned. If not why can marth do it but not Ike? Same goes for PS. Mk's attacks actually can't break projectiles so go Ike.

yeah I made a mistake on MK sorry.
When two moves clank erially they do not cancel they continue.
For example if Sonic's Fair hits MK's side B it goes clank clank clank clank then Mk gets hit.
or if Sonic Fairs a missile the Fair continues even though he cancel a hit in his Fair.
On the ground this is true, however I can just bomb then arrow so if you smack the arrow you get hit by the bomb. Or I can arrow, Zair then bomb.
Or if I am falco I can just SHDL

mart can do it because aerailly his attacks start and finish up more quickly than Ike's.
On the ground its the same thing for him as it is for Ike though he tends to have etter mobility.

Well neither can Ike, and baiting isn't character specific so thats not really valid.
True enough on the baiting. you acn get siheld grabbed if they dash shield grab. Or they can shield then just grab you after shielding because thogh you have range, the lag afterwards lets them take advantage more easily.
If an attack is power shielded they can be grabbed and jabbed before they can get out of reach. Plus if they are just rushing forward with aerials it would be pretty easy to smack them with Fair while they are coming at you, since they doing a hit and run.
That depends. some characters ahve faster aerials and a good amount of characters are faster than you aerially so its not a good idea to go for a Fair especially if they are above you. (airdodge to Fair from a Peach showed me this today)
I heard that fair is actually horrible in this match. I'm not sure but because I don't fight very many olimars unless its wifi. My city is finally getting more tournaments going under way 3 in the next 6 weeks which is ****en fantastic for el paso so hopefully I get the chance.
Yay good luck.
I prefer using the Fair since it helps to avoid the beastly grabs.
Its because people believe Sonic users will drop a spring in range of aether which is just silly.
Springs are dropped when Ike is not in a position where aethering will earn him the ledge, not to simply bypass SA frames.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Why would Ike let go instead of getting back onto the stage? Ike's aether has a good number of SA frames so he can just use those to get rid of the spring. Plus if you do that aether isn't the only way of grabbing the ledge again I don't think anyone would use it for that unless they are aiming for you.
I was talking about when Ike is trying to recover, not once he's already gotten the ledge. At that point I would just stand right outside of fair range and wait for you. Heck if you even just stand up I've got plenty of time to run in and grab you.
how much closer can you get? we aren't playing on eldin. Your also closer to ike's range so he can approach now since there is less room to cover.
Close enough that a fair or nair would not be fast enough to stop my approach, and yet far enough that you can't jab me.
This isn't all that easy to land on Ike. Aether isn't going to dodge it its going to take the hit and keep on going. You really better not suck because being predicable with a recovery move than can take hits and still go on makes it very hard to land.
The spring is placed in front of Ike as he is DIing towards the stage in order to aether, not directly above Ike, where he can just SA it. If you decide to aether at that point you will indeed take the hit and keep going, but miss the ledge because you are not close enough. And you can no longer move foward because the spring is just in the way the whole time.

It's actually a rather easy gimp, the only problem is getting Ike far enough off stage for it to work (though a d-throw at the ledge is often enough to set this up).

And even if I mess up and you tank the hit, I'm still safe as I dodge your sword with my invincibility frames, and then I dair back down before you can move, so essentially we're just reset with no negative consequences to me.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Go ahead and Side B I can shield it and punish you afterwards.
You generally don't fire quick draw with the intent to hit someone with it, if you decide to use it at all that is.

The spring is placed in front of Ike as he is DIing towards the stage in order to aether, not directly above Ike, where he can just SA it.
Then wouldnt ike just wait to hold left or right towards the ledge a bit until after he grabs his sword? He'd go up for his sword still to the side of the spring, and its upside down U-ish motion would cause him to go over it. Aether can be moved at multiple points in its animation, why wouldnt he just bunny hop it with aether's motion?

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^Yeah side B from the ledge does not seem like a good idea. At all. O_o

But anyway, what exactly are we arguing about matchup wise? I personally think that the fight is even, if not very slightly in Sonic's favor, but I saw this huge 80/20 exageration and just got curious as to what you guys think of it.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
Ike's Nair is not as fast as most Nairs. For example Sonic's Nair beats Ike's out in terms of speed.
It’s a quick move but in comparison to others, it’s actually rather average.
Fair as I said can be dodged on reaction and avoided. I don't really think Fair is a good offensive move IMO.
While Ike’s Nair isn’t one of the fastest, it is far from being average. Its range and auto cancel make this the safest move for Ike to perform if fast felled. Fair is generally used as an approach on airborne and distant opponents that would be otherwise too far away for Nair to be applied, and it also has a shorter ending animation when landing. Please forgive me but I presume you’ve not experienced a fight with a professional Ike, or one that values the importance of fast falling during the execution of his aerial attacks in his metagame. Otherwise your opinion over Fair would be different. While Ike’s aerial attacks are more predicable than the average and can’t be followed up with anything, it is all about spacing it correctly, landing safely, and repeating.

Actually you cannot. You ledgehop up I rush and grab you.
You Roll I smash you.
You try to ^B I shield the hit on the way down and punish.
And if I ledge hop Uair, Fair, or even better, Nair? What if I only ledgehop and grab the ledge repetitively in order to identify a pattern in your attempts to hold me offstage? Make no mistake, your only advantage in this ledge game is that the bottomless pit of death is at my side.

Go ahead and Side B I can shield it and punish you afterwards.
No self respectable Ike would doubt that! Side B is the most useless move in every Ike’s arsenal and its uses are very limited. We almost never use that.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
I seem to be somewhat lost here... What's being argued right now, exactly? That Ike sucks? That Sonic is good? That Sonic counters Ike? I checked a few pages back, but it's not really clear...


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
tl;dr: A lot of false speculation about Ike, Ryko is countering a lot of the "advantages" that Sonic possesses over Ike. Vice versa in some eyes, but they're discussing certain moves and how to maneuver around them (Ike's air game, Sonic's spring, Ike's SA on Aether, QD, power shielding, etc).

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
And if I ledge hop Uair, Fair, or even better, Nair? What if I only ledgehop and grab the ledge repetitively in order to identify a pattern in your attempts to hold me offstage? Make no mistake, your only advantage in this ledge game is that the bottomless pit of death is at my side.
Uair or Fair? Not so much. Nair? I can run in and stop right out of your jab range and just wait for you to do something. If timed correctly I can even run up and grab after your nair. I'll tank your jab and grab you right out of it.

The advantage I get when your on the ledge is that you cannot adjust your spacing, while I happen to be the fastest character in the game. I sit outside your range and just wait. I will wait all day if I have to.

While Ike’s Nair isn’t one of the fastest, it is far from being average. Its range and auto cancel make this the safest move for Ike to perform if fast felled.
100% true. That thing has almost no lag.

Fair is generally used as an approach on airborne and distant opponents that would be otherwise too far away for Nair to be applied, and it also has a shorter ending animation when landing.
You mean when auto canceling right? 'Cause that thing has quite a bit of lag when you short hop it.

Please forgive me but I presume you’ve not experienced a fight with a professional Ike, or one that values the importance of fast falling during the execution of his aerial attacks in his metagame. Otherwise your opinion over Fair would be different. While Ike’s aerial attacks are more predicable than the average and can’t be followed up with anything, it is all about spacing it correctly, landing safely, and repeating.
Then might I ask if you (not you in particular, just the Ike players in this thread), have fought against good Sonic's? Because if you have then I'd assume your opinion of spring gimping would be different, as SA does not actually get around spring gimps when preformed correctly.

Not to mention that Sonic's game revolves around baiting attacks with cancelable approaches, and screwing with his opponents spacing with his speed.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
Uair or Fair? Not so much. Nair? I can run in and stop right out of your jab range and just wait for you to do something. If timed correctly I can even run up and grab after your Nair. I'll tank your jab and grab you right out of it.
I wouldn’t doubt that. But I would never attempt the Nair to jab true combo unless the Nair hit. And with the auto cancel propriety, Nair is a very safe move for recovering don’t you agree?
100% true. That thing has almost no lag.
You mean when auto canceling right? 'Cause that thing has quite a bit of lag when you short hop it.
I mean that its ending lag is shorter when landing than in the air. It still has lag, but there are very premature IASA frames.
Then might I ask if you (not you in particular, just the Ike players in this thread), have fought against good Sonic's? Because if you have then I'd assume your opinion of spring gimping would be different, as SA does not actually get around spring gimps when preformed correctly.

Not to mention that Sonic's game revolves around baiting attacks with cancelable approaches, and screwing with his opponents spacing with his speed.
I agree with you in everything I just quoted. But Ike is still at advantage at the spacing game, and knowing the cancelable proprieties of Sonic’s attack makes his life a lot easier.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
^^Yeah side B from the ledge does not seem like a good idea. At all. O_o
It had been mentioned earlier so I addressed it.
But anyway, what exactly are we arguing about matchup wise? I personally think that the fight is even, if not very slightly in Sonic's favor, but I saw this huge 80/20 exageration and just got curious as to what you guys think of it.
The 80/20 was not towards this matchup it was an example concerning another subject.

While Ike’s Nair isn’t one of the fastest, it is far from being average. Its range and auto cancel make this the safest move for Ike to perform if fast felled.
It does not matter if it is safe for ike what matters is the general speed.
His Nair is an average speed Nair I am not speaking about how safe or is not safe for Ike.

Fair is generally used as an approach on airborne and distant opponents that would be otherwise too far away for Nair to be applied, and it also has a shorter ending animation when landing. Please forgive me but I presume you’ve not experienced a fight with a professional Ike, or one that values the importance of fast falling during the execution of his aerial attacks in his metagame. Otherwise your opinion over Fair would be different. While Ike’s aerial attacks are more predicable than the average and can’t be followed up with anything, it is all about spacing it correctly, landing safely, and repeating.
A shorter animation?
The Fair does not have a shorter animation when fastfalled to that of the Nair.
FF a Nair then follow with a jab.
FF a Fair then follow with a jab during IASA frames. The Nair has a shorter animation and allows you to act earlier than the Fair.

The only time the Fair gives you a quicker time to at is beyond SH height. Which is not going to happen very often since the aerials Ike has are not as effective beyond SH height.
I used Ike and sonic since day 1, I know them very well.

Dark Sonic already addressed your presumption.
Spacing and playing safely is a factor for every single character, because of Ike's below average speed and predictable behavior he isn't as safe as other characters. The Nair is safe but I can think of other Nairs that are safer ad less predictable.

And if I ledge hop Uair, Fair, or even better, Nair? What if I only ledgehop and grab the ledge repetitively in order to identify a pattern in your attempts to hold me offstage? Make no mistake, your only advantage in this ledge game is that the bottomless pit of death is at my side.
You have no been edgeguarded very well.
Go ahead and ledgehop your Fair, Nair or Uair (ick) I can simply stand there and wait for you to land then take appropriate action.
The fact you cannot go beyond SH height let alone the fact I don't have to move much to be in range for attacking you pushes it towards my advantage. Ike is limited on the ledge.

No self respectable Ike would doubt that! Side B is the most useless move in every Ike’s arsenal and its uses are very limited. We almost never use that.
It was mentioned earlier so I addressed it.

I wouldn’t doubt that. But I would never attempt the Nair to jab true combo unless the Nair hit. And with the auto cancel propriety, Nair is a very safe move for recovering don’t you agree?
100% true. That thing has almost no lag.
No. Attempt recovering from the ledge while using the nair. Its a quick and safe move yes, but because of the range I am not going obe too far away where I cannot take action.

I mean that its ending lag is shorter when landing than in the air. It still has lag, but there are very premature IASA frames.
tested it the nair is still shorter.

I agree with you in everything I just quoted. But Ike is still at advantage at the spacing game, and knowing the cancelable proprieties of Sonic’s attack makes his life a lot easier.
knowin the cancelable properties and being capable of taking action is somethign entirely different.

For example from the ASC Sonic has roughly 3 options.
Continue the ASC and pass the opponent to avoid punishment.
Hop after the ASC hits the shield and avoid punishment.
ASC then cancel into a grab.
After every single one he can use his spring to escape.

ike has a big sword but if sonic and Ike face of the one who will be controlling the spacing is sonic not Ike.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
No. Attempt recovering from the ledge while using the nair. Its a quick and safe move yes, but because of the range I am not going obe too far away where I cannot take action.
Well, I was agreeing that it's Ike's safest option, not that it's completely safe. Like I mentioned above I can still get a free grab out of it, to me it just seems a little harder since the window is shorter. My quote was taken a little out of context.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
It does not matter if it is safe for ike what matters is the general speed.
His Nair is an average speed Nair I am not speaking about how safe or is not safe for Ike.
I matters a lot for Ike the safety of his Nair. It is his most used move for spacing

A shorter animation?
The Fair does not have a shorter animation when fastfalled to that of the Nair.
FF a Nair then follow with a jab.
FF a Fair then follow with a jab during IASA frames. The Nair has a shorter animation and allows you to act earlier than the Fair.
The only time the Fair gives you a quicker time to at is beyond SH height. Which is not going to happen very often since the aerials Ike has are not as effective beyond SH height.
I used Ike and sonic since day 1, I know them very well. [/QUOTE]

Sorry, I think I wasn’t clear enough. The Fair’s ending lag in the ground is much shorter than Fair’s ending lag in the air because of the IASA frames. I’m not comparing Fair with Nair at all as they are very distinctive moves.

Dark Sonic already addressed your presumption.
Spacing and playing safely is a factor for every single character, because of Ike's below average speed and predictable behavior he isn't as safe as other characters. The Nair is safe but I can think of other Nairs that are safer ad less predictable.
Please give me a few examples to work with.

You have no been edgeguarded very well.
Go ahead and ledgehop your Fair, Nair or Uair (ick) I can simply stand there and wait for you to land then take appropriate action.
The fact you cannot go beyond SH height let alone the fact I don't have to move much to be in range for attacking you pushes it towards my advantage. Ike is limited on the ledge.

No. Attempt recovering from the ledge while using the nair. Its a quick and safe move yes, but because of the range I am not going obe too far away where I cannot take action.
Of course you can take immediate action after I’ve landed. But then I would have already auto canceled if I used Nair.
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