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OFFICIAL AZ Power Rankings & Social Thread (Updated: 11/27/13)

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Lol, Tim! :-p

Well I just want to say that I don't only judge people by friendlies. I definitely look at tournament results to back the things that I say.

When it comes to my recent tournament results, I have pretty much placed Top 5 every single time. It really depended on which pros were present, but no one else besides the people I listed above me have outplaced me.

I'm also not claiming you can't judge people's skill level, Tim. I know you're an experienced player who has a lot of knowledge about this game. I was talking to Xander and what I believe to be a ton of BS, like some of the things that go on during Melee matches! :-D

As a player, I am trying to gain a stronger mindset during my matches. I'm still a relatively new player and have been playing competitively since last year, so I apologize for any of my silly antics. But I just need to put myself out there as a Peach player because I don't believe I get enough credit for the hard work, dedication, and improvement I have made in a short amount of time.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Lol, Tim! :-p

Well I just want to say that I don't only judge people by friendlies. I definitely look at tournament results to back the things that I say.

When it comes to my recent tournament results, I have pretty much placed Top 5 every single time. It really depended on which pros were present, but no one else besides the people I listed above me have outplaced me.

I'm also not claiming you can't judge people's skill level, Tim. I know you're an experienced player who has a lot of knowledge about this game. I was talking to Xander and what I believe to be a ton of BS, like some of the things that go on during Melee matches! :-D

As a player, I am trying to gain a stronger mindset during my matches. I'm still a relatively new player and have been playing competitively since last year, so I apologize for any of my silly antics. But I just need to put myself out there as a Peach player because I don't believe I get enough credit for the hard work, dedication, and improvement I have made in a short amount of time.

I DEFINATELY agree, that you don't get enough credit as a Peach player, that I will most DEF agree on... I also agree on that both you and Joey, both have amazing adaptation/learning speeds, that I sure wish I had, when I started playing!...

As for you getting out there: GIMME FOOTAGE for a combo video and BOOM IT'S DONE!! woot OH YEAH SON!, and like I I understand where your coming from, which is why I didn't exactly retaliate, in a disrespectful manner, like I had thought I wanted to, (i've been through this before, so I know exactly what you mean)

Anyway, I'm best Bottom Tier player in AZ

**** TAJ's mewtwo (<3 Tony <3)...........................................................................................................nah I'm just the best! FOOD CONTEST!?!?! MM!?!?!?!?

My Random Note: For those of you telling me Joey's Cocky.. etc.. YES, I KNOW.. HE GOT IT FROM ME.. I'M A COCKY ****IN PERSON, however you receive it wrong.. Joey shows confidence with it, and yes even though he shows his cockiness in rather sometimes, disrespectful ways, it's how he makes himself confident... Some of you tell me, it's ok to be confident, but not cocky, IMO this is an exasperation of your imagination. IT'S theoretically IMPOSSIBLE, to be confident without some form of cockiness, in any way/shape or form, Period! (If I said, I can JV 5 stock Axe's Pikachu easily with my YOSHI) GUESS WHAT I'M A ****IN DO IT, CUZ it's what I believe, (even if I know I can't) it's simple motivation like this, that boosts our morale, which in hand make us better players, so either

A.) get used to it: "ignore falls under this category as well"
B.) suck it up:


Yes I have the Best Yoshi, get @ me!

Hopefully we got all this resolved, and i'm sorry if I caused unecessary havoc.. :(

BTW: Tucson, I will "most likely" be in Tucson every week on Fridays, not 100% confirmed yet, but this i'm pretty sure! so get @ me. I train for only 1 meal a day (which is about idk only $30 worth of McDonalds, but I guess that's alot huh!? XD

so free it is! lol, also trying to train/teach people Halo, that'd be ncie too, or Pokemon.. man anything! get @ me.. and the food part's a joke.. but if you dont mind buying me food i LOVE YOU!!


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
wall of text. I dont need humility. IT TROLLS NOOBS. HAHAHAHAHA, Seriously, my Pichu is ****. ***** people. Also Im better than all of Tucson cept for Jackie and Chris. Deal, sniggies.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
Some of you tell me, it's ok to be confident, but not cocky, IMO this is an exasperation of your imagination. IT'S theoretically IMPOSSIBLE, to be confident without some form of cockiness, in any way/shape or form, Period!
i love reading your huge *** walls of text, vman, but this is definitely not true lol. you absolutely do not have to be cocky to be 100% confident in yourself.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
wall of text. I dont need humility. IT TROLLS NOOBS. HAHAHAHAHA, Seriously, my Pichu is ****. ***** people. Also Im better than all of Tucson cept for Jackie and Chris. Deal, sniggies.
Bring it, Elvis! I'm better than everyone in SV. Get at me! (<3 SV)


why is timmy above me on xander's list

Xander's list sucks

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
id bet 50 dollars on Silly Kyle against Nicknyte


why does everyone in arizona say friendlies don't matter and then proceed to use friendlies as evidence only when it supports something they're trying to prove


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ

why is timmy above me on xander's list

I'm alot more consistent then you give me credit for, seems ever since I came back from the military and since you beat me in one tournament, seems your ego has risen, and that's a good thing but it's whatever. I don't lose to the players you do, I play much more consistent, but if you wanna go based off that tourney match. That's fine by me. :) You improved ALOT so for you to say that, I can live with, even if it's incorrect, but if the rankings are off recent tourney results than Tai is 110% correct, after all there's only been one in the past what 5 months? lol AZ sucks

idc where I am on AZ's rankings, mostly everyone in AZ don't know what they're talking about. :(

I'd love to see Joey vs you/gamer/jetfour, to give him the opportunity he's been waiting for but of course he never gets to cuz they're not tournament so you all "don't try per se" against him, so he can win all day vs you, and still mean nothing, which I suppose is understandable since it isn't tourney. Then again even then, you'd all still ignore his progression.

@Pandaxen - don't really worry about it, I don't really expect anyone outside of SV to understand, and sure ^^

@Jane -literally you can't have that without a form of being cocky, sure whether it's expressed is much different, but a form of cockiness is there in all of us in being confident, it's just expressed differently.


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2010
a house, Arizona
Vman, thanks a million. I don't play Melee often cuz I have no one to play with, and don't try to get better cuz I don't have anyone telling me I'm getting better. So, thank you. I appreciate it.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Ok. I wanna make sure I start this off fresh. Ya'll about to spend 5 minutes reading this wall of text. Ya'll may hate me, ya'll may love me, but overall, I'm awesome, and aint a Gotdaymn thing yall can do about it. :colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful::colorful:

Now, when I was a nub, I didn't speak, I didn't even care to know people. All I cared about was ****ing and watching anime with my non-existant girlfriends Washu and Haruhi. That was a sexy mental threesome. Greatest thing was, I didn't even have to pay for any dinners and they never nagged me after work. It was good times. Everything was great till I saw that black mothersucka named KillaORZ. That weak piece of smash residue inspired me to get into this game. Why?


Would I win? Prolly not. Who cares? In the love of money, imaginary beaches take a back seat trip. So I, being 17, freshly graduated from high school sought to make friends that would help me to earn money. I first encountered pro smash with Turnip Tosser and Mr. J. Back when WE were the smash scene, when Axe and Vectorman were barely learning how to press b with Falco! They were scrubs to beyond knowledge! But it was good. I was legitly the best smasher in Southern AZ.


Now, I know you thinking, Sean was always the ish, but yall don't understand.

July 12th.

This is the day we were born. Him in 87' me in 88'. This is motive enough to take his title. Why haven't I beat him yet? He's got one more year of experience forever. *MASSIVE JOHNS ARE DELICIOUS*

Its ok tho, because the thing I want yall to know is that who is best doesn't matter, it is what you think of your own ability. There is no AZ power ranking because it died when beach players started complaining on who was best. It wasn't brawl, it was because no one could get along. I remember when Gamer was Runner up for 25th!. Top 10? That is sad we can only get to top 10. 25 was legit. Bet yall didn't know that! Give the ranking a rest, and make yall rankings local. Cause, I will kick the living hell out of all of Tucson in a match of melee if I really cared enough, with pichu no less :D This game isn't important.

Nicknyte is :D


Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
who told you that joey was ****** me in friendlies?

i definitely don't remember that. he definitely wasn't getting ***** either, but i'm pretty sure they were in my favor. (i'm speaking only for myself. i haven't seen joey play chris or jackie in a billion years)

THAT IS, talking about my marth

joey beat me in falco dittos and falcon dittos, big deal. i beat joey's game and watch, wanna make a big deal about that?

also, if you wanna say that we john about "not trying" because it's friendlies... i don't think i have ever johned about "not trying" against joey in friendlies (then again, no one ever brought it up until now), but i know tucson does that all the time for chris and jackie. (especially jackie)

joey immediately said he wasn't trying when he got 3-stocked by me 2-0 in tournament! he has made a john almost every single time he's lost to me in tournament (i can list them if you want me to) (which is like, 5 or 6 times)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
who told you that joey was ****** me in friendlies?

i definitely don't remember that. he definitely wasn't getting ***** either, but i'm pretty sure they were in my favor. (i'm speaking only for myself. i haven't seen joey play chris or jackie in a billion years)

THAT IS, talking about my marth

joey beat me in falco dittos and falcon dittos, big deal. i beat joey's game and watch, wanna make a big deal about that?

also, if you wanna say that we john about "not trying" because it's friendlies... i don't think i have ever johned about "not trying" against joey in friendlies (then again, no one ever brought it up until now), but i know tucson does that all the time for chris and jackie. (especially jackie)

joey immediately said he wasn't trying when he got 3-stocked by me 2-0 in tournament! he has made a john almost every single time he's lost to me in tournament (i can list them if you want me to) (which is like, 5 or 6 times)

It is not my place to say, Im only relaying on the information of what I'm told, and even though Joey, may not play all the time, I trust in him to tell me the truth about things, and I know Jeff does too, so see it as you see fit. So whether if Joey did try/didn't try, I guess he's the only one who really knows that, but I'd put $$ on Joey vs gamer/jackie/and you!
AZ as a whole underestimate him, so until you all begin to recognize him, i'll brag about him till you respect him.

As for all of AZ "johning" complaining, that still stands.. AZ as a whole you all do that **** too much.. Yes, even the almighty Tai, you do it alot..ALOT! I had a long *** talk w/you on AIM about what you need to work on just to keep Jeff happy since the rest of you don't seem to know how to, and to think he respects like everybody, yet noone outside of SV can seem to give it back, what a shame.

Anyway, your debate topic should be referenced towards me, since you're better than me in melee now. :) and the rest of Tucson too :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
People did john about my sandbagging all the time lol. It's whatevs. The day I go all Sheik in tournament is the day they'll stop johnning, but I'll probably get ***** anyways since I'm inexperienced and not that good.

Tai's Falcon has gotten significantly better last time I played it. Everyone in AZ should secondary Falcon.

When Kyle played Falcon, all he did was full jump bair. It was amusing.

My Donkey Kong will surpass you, Jeff.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
People did john about my sandbagging all the time lol. It's whatevs. The day I go all Sheik in tournament is the day they'll stop johnning, but I'll probably get ***** anyways since I'm inexperienced and not that good.

Tai's Falcon has gotten significantly better last time I played it. Everyone in AZ should secondary Falcon.

When Kyle played Falcon, all he did was full jump bair. It was amusing.

My Donkey Kong will surpass you, Jeff.
Kyle burns' falcon used to just grab, dthrow, and space fsmashes on my badly spaced moves.

i'd get routinely 3-stocked.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
wall of text. I dont need humility. IT TROLLS NOOBS. HAHAHAHAHA, Seriously, my Pichu is ****. ***** people. Also Im better than all of Tucson cept for Jackie and Chris. Deal, sniggies.
I will bet money that at least kyle, and I are both better than you.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
yes tai you are so good you 3 stocked me your the best in the world are you happy? i told you i could really care less about that tourney. is that the kinda praise you wanted? i rather beat someone when theyre at their best than when theyre rusty but a wins a win right? and tai's falcon sucks i beat it with young link 3-0 when he said he was gonna beat and btw i was sandbagging on the pokefloats.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
yes tai you are so good you 3 stocked me your the best in the world are you happy? i told you i could really care less about that tourney. is that the kinda praise you wanted? i rather beat someone when theyre at their best than when theyre rusty but a wins a win right? and tai's falcon sucks i beat it with young link 3-0 when he said he was gonna beat and btw i was sandbagging on the pokefloats.
i apologize for trying to retort when you're going off and telling everyone you're better than me.

i'll never do it again.

my condolences.


Mar 14, 2004
MT. OLYMPUS, Arizona
So whether if Joey did try/didn't try, I guess he's the only one who really knows that, but I'd put $$ on Joey vs gamer/jackie/and you!
I'll put $20 on Tee Aye Eye vs Joey.

As for all of AZ "johning" complaining, that still stands.. AZ as a whole you all do that **** too much.. Yes, even the almighty Tai, you do it alot..ALOT! I had a long *** talk w/you on AIM about what you need to work on just to keep Jeff happy since the rest of you don't seem to know how to, and to think he respects like everybody, yet noone outside of SV can seem to give it back, what a shame.
Ummm, what are you talking about? Unless I missed something, I'm pretty sure Jeff is given the same respect that he gives us. At least whenever I'm present.

Otherwise... man up, no johns, etc. This isn't directed toward anyone in particular, but... It is one thing to be confident, it is another thing to be delusional. You can challenge someone's opinion of your skill, but don't take it personally. Let's treat each other with a little more respect, people.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Don't worry about any of the post at least that I"VE made.... Tony nothing's directed towards you.. your probably the only player Axe enjoys playing with... anyway it's no big deal on anything...

rankings wise, put me at the bottom, just don't want anyone saying anything later on.. that way all oF AZ can be happy, i'm happy to be teaching people, and to me thats all that really matters...

Tai, if Joey did/didn't do what he did, then cool or whatever, etc... I really shouldn't let anything bother me, I already know where I stand at, and if anyone wants to think they are/arent better or w/e.. then that is indeed their right ^^

Anyway i'm off to Yoshi training.. <3 AZ <3

@pandaxen - I know many of you here in AZ do, and i'm sorry for offending those who do, but sadly it's opposite for many


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
tai i havent said im better. i havent said anything actually and the whole reason i did say something cause you were making me look bad by insulting me so i was making it even so there


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ

why is timmy above me on xander's list

Late answer, but obviously Xander thinks i'm better than you if I'm above you on it. People are entitled to an opinion. The rest of AZ says you're better than I am, but no complaining from you then is there?

Its an opinion, we all are entitled to one.
and yes Tai, you most likely misread something I've said, most of AZ does, i'm quite used to it

EDIT: - jus relaying a message for Joey, but Joey would like to play, Tai, Chris, Jackie, Taj, and of course Jeff. if you guys have the time, and can make a trip with Jeff or any of Tucson players can play anytime relatively soon (45 days) would be great, Joey will be moving soon, and he wants to play you guys for one last time..

As for me "vman" I wanna lose to Tai's awesomeness, Chris's Falcon, and Jackie, and Tony's Mewtwo. Axe, lol that kid sucks

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
well, it's just

i think rankings should be based entirely off Tournament/Money matches (and i figured that was the consensus), and the people have to determine the orders off that (meaning they have to consider when the match happened, how X player does against Y and Z, how Y does against Z, and MAYBE some extenuating circumstances)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
I completely agree, but if that's the case, then every other player that placed better/beat me should have the same chance as well, but that's just me tryin to be fair to everyone.
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