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Official Apex 2010 Full Results

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Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Nah I have my reasons. You're arrogant as **** yet can't prove yourself. You're not good at all, sorry to say. I lost to the best Ike in the world, so I don't care.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
(D1 on Ryko's account)

OMG smashers are learnin about -teezy NOW?


DIP! Destruction! -teezy.

I will set you guys free in the smashworld as I've done to meatridin', ma d00 (and all other variations), and so forth.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Nah I have my reasons. You're arrogant as **** yet can't prove yourself. You're not good at all, sorry to say. I lost to the best Ike in the world, so I don't care.

I never said you shouldnt of lost to him. I simply said you shouldn't of gotten so pissed off over it, since he is so good.

Im going to stop posting as much. All I do is get people pissed off.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
(D1 on Ryko's account)

OMG smashers are learnin about -teezy NOW?


DIP! Destruction! -teezy.

I will set you guys free in the smashworld as I've done to meatridin', ma d00 (and all other variations), and so forth.
LMAO is that my shirt (Ryko's avatar)? Hahahahahaha G...

D1 I think you're gonna need a thread soon about all the phrases you say XD (and your bro).


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
I love people saying step it up for the top players when themselves they do complete **** =P. Also, who cares about seeding, if you can't beat everyone in the world then you don't deserve to be a champion, simple as that.
remember that part of the thread, when i say the community needs ur mindset?

yea im just going to leave this here.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008

MalCUM- You're a sck trll and hate that you beat Speed, but I respect you as a player and love versing you

Allied- Great seeing you again. You so sexy dude.

Verm- Nice meeting you. Sick Ganon. Wish we could've played.

Pikapika!- You're really good and was fun playing you.

San- Truely the best Ike I've ever played.

Pane- A good Wolf I'm glad to of met.

Ishieymoro- Another good Wolf I'm glad to of finally met.

Speed- Best Sonic.

Shadofiend- 2nd best Sonic.

Trent- Cool dude from Nebraska. Love talking to ya.

Fino- Good Olimar and ice climbers.

Minty- Ily dude.

Ally- Wish you weren't so cold Elliot.

Coney- Good job on commentary.

Tko- Good job running tourney/commentary.

Alex strife- You're the best TO son. Good *** tourney. Loved it all.

Alexoftheaura- Nice Lucario. Work on spacing.

Nintendo master- Nice Lucas, but you ain't no Pinky Sexy Fresh icon_wink

Atomsk- Cool seeing you again.

Bizkit- Always like playing you Kevin. You have the only Snake that frame traps me through ledge guarding. Kudos.

Starlight- Nice seeing you again.

Nicole- Nice meeting you. Hope to see you again.

KassandraNOVA- Nice meeting you.

Jtails- Nice seeing you.

SuperSaiyanRenan- Made my drive funny and exciting. Ah yes...

SnackAttack- Also made my drive funny.

Ganonballer- Glad you had fun.

Tiger- <3 glad you had fun baby.

Rogue Pit- Was fun playing you. Too bad you quit brawl.

Dapuffster- Fun seeing you again.

ToonySonic- Nice meeting you Cody.

Stroumbert- Good Falco. Glad to play you again.

Shugo- You're Falco is the best I've ever played. Way so sexy.

Md/Va- We're one and glad we went to Apex. Good job Md/Va.

Anti- Nice meeting you.

Xzax- Cool seeing you again broski.

Anyone I forgot lemme know.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
shout outs to cable, will and michales. team dk and team dk, uigi with the nasty *** combo on michaeles lolololololol

shout outs to my cousin kadaj, he gets all the ladies.

shout outs to anti for being a ****in boss

shout outs to pp for repping my state, sorry i could not do it in brawl

shout to RAIN for reminding me of kenshin himora

shout outs to japan, where dressing metro sexual is cool

shout outs to keith, my ***** from florida

shout outs to keith #2, my ***** from TExas

shout outs to keith #, which is me.....

shout outs to maria for repping the good girl looks from our state

shout outs to the *****s i beat in pools

shout out to jon numbers, who i was beating but then squardnered cause i thought he was a scrub ( i mean jon123456? who would not walk in the match thinking it's free)

shout outs to malcolm and the rest of my wario **** for the pic

shout outs to kage for being kage

shout outs to ally for scaring the **** out of me when i first saw him

shout outs to m2k for giving me advice so i could take a match of blue rogue

shout outs to apex for being hype as ****

shout out to larry for being first black guy to win a national

shout out to mlg raleigh, cause i refuse to lose in my home town.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
i didn't enter lol only brawl minus and teams with Lord Brandon.

9B didnt come. akira didnt either. trollin. only sweet pea, brood, suinoko, rain, earth, and someone else came.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
remember that part of the thread, when i say the community needs ur mindset?

yea im just going to leave this here.
Yup, You only have 2 chances in a tournament. Kill or be killed. If you **** up, then try not to get so pissed over it, instead try to find what you could of done better and learn from your mistakes. However when you fight in tournament, try to focus on your opponent. I have heard many times that some people have some trouble with their technical skills or their own mindgames. Don't worry about all that.. worry about who's in front of you and try to do everything you can to destroy him. Doing that will allow you to unlock the purpose of every move that you throw out. Like wavedashing at the right moment to better position yourself, into a backjump fair well spaced for example... eventually everything like that will have a purpose. I believe this is the level to be a high level player. Being a Top level player I think would be to stay consistent no matter what.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Centreville, VA
junebug doesnt even give me a shoutout

not cool man! </3

LOL i forgot a bunch of people i think!

prawn: fun MM/randomly walking around the hotel lolololol. i needa practice the ICs matchup. i'll definitely hit you up if i'm in NE.

zucco, one shoutout per person. (smirk)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
This thread: Too much hate, not enough LOOOOOOOOVE.
K time for shoutouts.

Nakamaru: You're the man for haulin us from Pittsburgh to Apex. Eternally grateful (and kinda broke from still owing you some gas money ^.^)

Vudujin: ZOMG your luigi in SSB64 is so boss. Glad I had you rep Pittsburgh instead of me in that bracket, 'cuz I would've been business kicked into another hemisphere. Totally worth the 5 bucks.

The Lake: Platinum hits mah mang. Match off Shiz AND Zhu in the same day? Brinstar is broken. Banjo Kazooie is so much fun!

Emma Watson's Boyfriend: What wHat whAt whaT WHAT? You're leaving PA? or was Naka talking about before the tourney when you rolled out? Will someday beat your falcon, even when you don't SD 2 times from a raptor boost.

Baum/baumfrosh/Matt Gould: What the hell tag did you use? I can't remember. A lifetime of sexual favors is yours for letting us stay at your place (WHICH WAS SO BEAST) you don't even know man, the house was amazing; your parents and yourself were wonderful hosts.

Cobalt: WOODY! *Steve salute's from across the room* Your falco is so technical that you make it to second round polls with him. And almost into bracket. Approved.

Swiftbass: Tim! So nice meeting you man (I don't think we ever played sadface) Always a pleasure learning where Pittsburgh smash is rooted. Your commentary was boss.

Acia/Alica/Alicia: WUTS UR NAME AND HOW IS IT SPELLED ARGH! Wonderful meeting you and playing your falco! I was very impressed at your skill level for only playing for like, less than a year you said? AND you are solely responsible for the one shoutout I have currently ^.^ (if I missed any, lemme know)

Ranmaru: Never got to play you mang, but I've heard the great reputation you have =D

Smashfunk somethinsomethin: Legit playin with you and meeting you at the tourney! You kinda look like Jman just taller. I have a soft spot for funk in my heart.

Epsilon: I've had my Zelda practice playing The Lake all the time ^.^ so sorry I cut our games together to only 2. So good.

Vist: You'd figure I've had enough Luigi practice playing Vudujin all the time? clearly not the case lol. You walked in Friday night and facerolled me. Felt kinda rude after I just walked away, wasmad :'[ No hard feelings! We shall meet again.

Smashmac: Legit doc! I think I only played it once but I loved it!

Pool 15: Blunted Object 10, Sauc3, Mattdotzeb, EWB, No1Special and someone else I can't remember. I was absolutely wrecked by all of you. I embraced every minute of it! Mad Homo.

John (of whom I can't remember your tag) YOUR 64 DK IS INAPPROPRIATE. I liked your's and Acia's matching gloves on Friday. PM me your tag

T.Webb: Were you the samus I was dittoing with? If not, I made a specific note to write down your tag, which means I enjoyed playing with you! GG's mah friend.

Twin...... 1? Dave, without the hand bandage: Represent the Smash Metal scene! (Was the dude with the LoG shirt on) Boss commentary dude.

Twin...... whichever the opposite of the above is: Kyle with the bandage: I like your fire hat! and Magic, and your commentary.

Irish Mafia: Never got to play you d00d, but 'twas sweet hangin with you Lake and Vudu!

Hbox: I WANT THAT PUFF THING STUFFED ANIMAL! Uber cute. Nice meeting you, and sorry I didn't see you at /Hope. Congratulations on singles victory.

Axe: The best handshake slap low five......thing..... of the entire weekend! I truly envy your skills in this game. You along with many other low tier mains are changing this metagame no question.

Taj: Absolutely loved your trash talk with The Lake! was sad that you left after a few games with him, I wanted to play you! Your Mewtwo is disgustingly good.

Hamburglar: I really liked your work in SSB64! I mean, it worked didn't it? great teaming with you in that game too.

Nintendude: Pikachu N64. All I have to say.

Armada: Supreme work sir. 'Tis a great honor for anyone to come overseas to play this game, and I for one won't let that go unappreciated. Excellent playing.

M2K: Never was able to get in line for friendly's with you, I sure would've liked to learn from one of the best. Represent tri-state area mang. (And SICK comeback against Wobbles by the way!)

Wobbles: I hate it when people boo woobling. I can't Imagine what your feeling, especially in a match as hype as that. Really like your IC's. Stay phresh.

Kage/Dkon: I have the rainbow cruise team match on video teehee ^.^ Hollllly crap. Lovin the Ganon/Fox combo.

Alex Strife and VGBootCamp: Thank you gentlemen for making this tourney the highlight of my summer. It was an unforgettable experience that I'll cherish forever.

To everyone, and to whom I have played and missed in the shoutouts: I really feel that my endeavors last weekend have made me twice as good as the work I've done in the past 10 months or so of playing Melee competitively. Every minute of playing y'inz brought a new challenge, and new learning experiences. I hope to see everyone soon at RoM3 shouldI be able to make it.

Mango: MAN UP.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
This thread said:
Dazwa's seeding-related drama
Hey, everyone, just want to say, I don't care.


I mean, sure, I do care a little bit that I got ****ed over pretty hard by ignorance, but the end result was that

1. I got to play against very strong players, including
a. the guy that won the tournament, Larry
b. someone well-versed in the ZSS matchup, taught me a lot from 1 game, Shadow
c. the 2nd-highest placing Japanese player, Rain, and even take a game off him!
2. I got to transform into Drunk Daz on Saturday night because there was no pressure to perform well Sunday, and I had a great time with my friends as a result
3. I got to commentate for an extended period of time for the first time ever, and I've found that I actually really enjoy it.

So, yeah, sure, Chibo lied, Dazwa died, Doom cried, but in the end I actually wasn't negatively influenced. Doom, I really appreciate the fact that you got my back like a Hayes bro, but it's not really necessary.

To cheer everyone up, here's a .gif showing my exact reaction to hearing my name in that pool

tl;dr - MONEY BACK


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
My SD card got taken out of my wii

I blame Brawl minus

If you have a blue sd card that was just lying around, please let me know, I'm pretty upset that it went missing, I'll never bring my wii to a national again, or a tournament that has minus as a side event, I have a feeling someone jacked it to use it for minus and didn't put it back, MINUS ****ING SUCKS

I'm done ranting now


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
theres a possibility that alex strfie has your sd card. on day 2, my sd card was stolen and someone put a blue sd card in my wii. i gave it to alex and then later on in the day my sd card was found (by flamewavek <3) and i told alex i found it. he still had the sd card. it was blue and had some logo on it that began with the letter L.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
*wanting to do shoutouts, but knows that it's gonna take forever*

Shoutouts to everyone for now lol. I'll try to do shoutouts evenutally!



Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
To cheer everyone up, here's a .gif showing my exact reaction to hearing my name in that pool

tl;dr - MONEY BACK
what a coincidence, i got video footage of my own reaction to both my 1st and 2nd round pools

oh also someone took my SD card for minus as well, not sure if it was intentional or not...one way or another, eh.

also nobody's card got taken for minus. the only cards that were switched out were VGBC cards, and even they were just put back in their original wiis with minus hacks on them.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Tournament's goal is to find who the best player is, get decent accuracy when it comes to top 5-10, and then the rest aren't important # wise. Saying you deserved 13th when you got 25th is... inconsequential, honestly. Anybody who wants to take your results as a measure of your skill can look at who you were eliminated by.

If you do multiple rounds of pools, then every pool after 1 has the possibility of being a death pool. This is because you might have high level players getting a bad beat in one random match of their pool, taking 2nd seed, and then you end up with a pool having two amazing 1st seeds and then an amazing 2nd seed. My Pound 3 pool in round 3 had Azen, Chu, Forward, myself, Swiftbass, Azn_Lep, and Alucard. Why? Because Chu and Forward didn't get 1st seeds in their second round; myself and Azen were the two 1st seeds of that pool.

For this tourney I had to play MANGO as my first match, my only saving grace being his brutal hangover. Why? Because he had a 2nd seed from his 2nd pool and there wasn't anywhere else to stick him.

As for the bracket, people can only seed so well and ensure a high number of great players will make it to big important matches. There are 4 quarter-final matchups and 2 semi-final ones; I don't know what players were "supposed" to play M2K in Anti's place because I'm not into the Brawl scene, but somewhere good players must get eliminated by each other or by crewmates because that's how the tournament works. Sometimes, if you get eliminated at the wrong time, it works out crappy for you, but that's how it goes.

Just sayin'. My goal is "defeat everybody at all times regardless of matchup and don't complain even if I have a pool filled with Peach, Samus and Ganon."


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Kage have my babies.

Better yet, join the Project M team :D
I was getting frustrated in the beginning since I felt like a nub and I don't like being a nub. I mean I refuse to stay at a noob level, fate can be changed! But.. in the end I liked it a lot. How can I join the team?


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
I don't know what players were "supposed" to play M2K in Anti's place because I'm not into the Brawl scene, but somewhere good players must get eliminated by each other or by crewmates because that's how the tournament works.
M2K vs. Anti is the best player in America vs. arguably the second best player in America.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Tournament's goal is to find who the best player is, get decent accuracy when it comes to top 5-10, and then the rest aren't important # wise. Saying you deserved 13th when you got 25th is... inconsequential, honestly. Anybody who wants to take your results as a measure of your skill can look at who you were eliminated by.

If you do multiple rounds of pools, then every pool after 1 has the possibility of being a death pool. This is because you might have high level players getting a bad beat in one random match of their pool, taking 2nd seed, and then you end up with a pool having two amazing 1st seeds and then an amazing 2nd seed. My Pound 3 pool in round 3 had Azen, Chu, Forward, myself, Swiftbass, Azn_Lep, and Alucard. Why? Because Chu and Forward didn't get 1st seeds in their second round; myself and Azen were the two 1st seeds of that pool.

For this tourney I had to play MANGO as my first match, my only saving grace being his brutal hangover. Why? Because he had a 2nd seed from his 2nd pool and there wasn't anywhere else to stick him.

As for the bracket, people can only seed so well and ensure a high number of great players will make it to big important matches. There are 4 quarter-final matchups and 2 semi-final ones; I don't know what players were "supposed" to play M2K in Anti's place because I'm not into the Brawl scene, but somewhere good players must get eliminated by each other or by crewmates because that's how the tournament works. Sometimes, if you get eliminated at the wrong time, it works out crappy for you, but that's how it goes.

Just sayin'. My goal is "defeat everybody at all times regardless of matchup and don't complain even if I have a pool filled with Peach, Samus and Ganon."
Legit post is legit


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
Im gonna miss jerm ultimate razer and gnes a lot. saturday night was hilarioussssssssssssssssssssssssssss lol
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