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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Oh god. Now every time I check this thread, I'm going to have to see that picture until 39 more posts happen.

Well it's not as bad as that one time the top post on the page was NK posting something about '*** crusties.' What a disgusting individual.

P.S. 1,500th post.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
I remember playing Clod Zero first round, getting 3 stocked both times, and then losing to IceNinja the next.

And I still remember watching those vids. and Chris losing to PHD cause he got tech chased the whole time.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
they're done for until another person joins the CS club at SJSU. But there are plenty of other tourneys around norcal.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
you should host more cause i'm starting to play melee more competitively and now everyone's switching to brawl......brawl is fun but i like melee much much more, and i want melee oriented tourneys


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
someone else should take over this thread.. i vote for sheridan.
I agree 100%.

Now pretty much since the very brief "revival" of NCB, I've been sort of biting my tongue, but now that it looks like NCB are done for good... I honestly didn't think whiteboyninja was the right person to manage/host NCB. I'm not trying to kick a man while he's down or anything, but it just seemed like someone who is going to host something as big as NCB shouldn't get frustrated so easily. It seemed like every post he made was reviving some dead arguement (or at least one that wasn't even been taken very seriously, like the whole crew thing).

And banning Boback = not cool. It's the internet man, you're going to get cussed out eventually. And it could be worse... we could be in SoCal. Our **** talk fails horribly in comparison to SoCal's. I'll definitely concede on that fact.

And about the return of NCB, we have to realize that NCB is Nor Cal BiWeeklies. Not SJSU biweeklies. We can move NCB (since right now... it seems totally necessary). If we can have someone at SJSU join CS and help keep a strong hold on NCB, that'd be great, but we can always just attempt to move it to a more convenient and easily attainable location. Yea, but thats just me talking outta my *** lol. After about a year or so, I'm thinking of transfering to SJSU (if I'm not interested in Stanford, or something big happens), and if thats what happens, I'll be happy to join CS JUST for the sole idea of being able to hold NCB at SJSU.

Losing NCB is a huge blow because, like everyone says there's just NO tournaments going on that are on a somewhat stable schedule. I can only think of WWJasonD's tournament in Antioch which I believe he is going to try to turn into a biweekly, and thats it. SJSU is done, SFSU seems done and I can't even think of any other places (sorry if I'm missing anyone).

But due to the lack of tournaments, when there actually are tournaments, attendance is usually surprisingly good, which I guess is a plus. I hosted a tournament at my house, expecting it to be pretty small, and about 30 people signed up for Brawl and 20 people signed up for Melee. Now, my place is pretty **** small to be honest, and this was the first tournament I've ever ran, and it happened to be in a location, which I'll admit, is pretty **** unknown to most people in the bay area. But the fact that so many people showed up for something so small and with absolutely no credibility shows how easily we can turn NorCal's tournament scene around.

All we need is a bit of stability when it comes to hosting tournaments, and NorCal will be just fine. We have the attendance, we definitely have the talent, we just need the tournaments.

Out, from Seattle.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
forget cs, play sc instead

though in reality i was thinking of starting cs again when my new mouse gets here just to see how much of a difference it makes


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
I just watched some socal crew battle where the whole time mikehaze was playing hugo they were making fun of his shirt the whole time, so socal does have some trashtalking skills.

I agree with a lot of what naota said, except for the whole "only tournament with regularity" thing. My tournaments have been happening on the 3rd saturday of every month for 8 months in a row. And I know there are some other tournaments around the area, but I dont know their schedule.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
WOW. F'ing JTB...I saw the post count and I was glad to be rid of the giant face on the first post in the page, but then you do this.
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