against tink , powershields are your best friend , approach with just walking towards tink and powershield his projectiles , but take care about his bombs , they bounce off your shield and can hit you , if they explode at the ground , maybe you can catch them and do some double-jump cancled item throw stuff or something like that , but be carefull
if you are close enough , take care about tink's zair , it outranges us , oos nair should be good , try to stay close to him as long as possible , so you can oos nair his zair and maybe hit him with some fairs , they outrange tink (except zair)
if you wanna juggle him with pk-thunder , be carefull about the space above your head , his dair is fast , but he can't dair through pk-thunder
if you wanna juggle (or kill) him with uair , and he is above you , be carefull about his dair , also , if you are above tink , be carefull about his uair , it goes through our dair and the hitbox stay out for a long time , so also be carefull with airdodges , he can punish them
his killing moves in generall are fair and usmash and fsmash (you can sdi out of it) and at higher % also utilt and dsmash (maybe grabrelease -> dsmash is true , i don't know that exactly , but i'll kill late , so it wouldn't be that bad) , in some situations (if you are at a higher point) uair
be realy carefull at recover against tink , he can throw a bomb , a boomerang or an arrow at the head of pk-thunder , and you'll die , in some situations , he can just dair into the head of pk-thunder , also ness stays at the same point for a while , if he recovers , so if he misses the head , he can spike you , but it's also risky and not that common
if he hits your pkt2 with an projectile at the first half of your pkt2 , the (already bad) range of it will be halved , in some (maybe most) situations , recover from an higher angel to the edge is safer , but , if you miss the edge , and you land onstage , ness gets punished , if we miss the stage and don't land onstage , we are dead (obvious)
gimping tink with ness shouldn't be that easy , but i don't know anything about that ._.
stages against tink should be brinstar (its small , one of ness's best stages , but it's banned in my area , so i'm not that sure )
delfino (also one of ness's best stages , walk offs can be great , because tink's grabs are slow , ness's are the fastest in the entire game , and he has one of the best ranges with his dashgrab (?) , his fthrow has decent knockback at low % , so it can kill at walkoffs , and his bhrow at higher % , you can dair spike him in water (if the stage doesn't interrupt you , and you hit with a dair , he'll be dead at any % , you can just dair him , until he dies , he can't do anything. if you pick delfino , watch out about his dair spikes , he can do the same as you , when you're in the water )
and maybe rainbow cruise? ... (ok , don't pick it , i was wrong ._. , it's banned in my area)
ban against him stages like yoshi's island or lylat , yoshi's island is obvious (its ness) , and lylat is like one of the best stages for tink , he can recover better and the platforms doesn't interrupt tink's projektile game that much , maybe fd , because its a large and flat stage , so it's harder to approach against tink's projetiles
in generall against tink , you MUST powershield against his proctiles , while you're approaching , thats the point against tink ( also for ness)
if someone find something wrong , say it , i'm (like alsways xD) not that sure about everything in that MU