I kinda need help on how to play ness. Anyone got advice?
my advice is to check the date of the last post in a forum before you post
i haven't played brawl in so long i cant actually help you, but here's some more meta-advice
when asking for advice, be specific. "anyone got advice" doesnt tell the person who's helping you what level you are at, how much experience you have, what terms/techniques you're familiar with, or what areas you're already comfortable with.
but yeah ill tell you one thing to learn as a ness main
use your jumps to draw patterns
you want your opponent to recognize these patterns
you must identify the moment your opponent understands the patterns you have drawn
this is called conditioning
when your opponent does an approach or a dodge or something in response to your patterns
you will be aware of what you have conditioned your opponent to do
and then you will have a better chance of reading his approach/defensive option
for example, say you jump fair, DJ fair, and then retreating fair as you're falling
your opponent might catch on to this movement pattern if you do it enough times
say after the 3rd time you've done this, you start to do it again
short hop fair, DJ fair, but as you're falling, you approach with a dair
as your opponent tried to read the retreating fair, he inputs a dash attack to get under you, but since you've chosen to dair, it will hit him instead
i hope someone else nerdy enough to remember everything about brawl can help u tho