I understand wanting to believe that this whole "Rock Lee" thing works in real life. It makes us feel better. We like to think that, as long as you train hard enough, you can become the best at anything.
See man, being 100% honest with you, i TOTALLY disagree with you. I started tournaments in 2005, as a newb that got 3 stocked by Wes. Within a few months, I was able to beat him in sets. By 2006 I could beat all the top players. I've 3-0d KDJ in many fox dittos (the vids may look like it's in his favor but I still have a winning record vs his fox), beat Ken at MLg, and by 2007 I was able to Jv 5 stock players. Like 40 times that year alone, mostly with marth. I've 6-0d PC and 3-4 stocked MANY, MANY top players (i don't want to name drop so I'll just leave it at that), and it was all because of my motivation. When brawl was coming out, I changed to that, but I was the best overall and most accomplished player in that year by far as all of my results since late 2006 to Brawl's release was 1st and 2nd at every small and large tournament.
I switched focus to Brawl. While maining Marth and DDD, I NEVER got below top 2 at any tournament. I won nationals and 6-0d top players with DDD. Hardly anything is recorded of my prime with him so people don't get the full picture but it's no lie. Alongside Ally, I was the top 2 player for 3 straight years (usually 1st, and outside of emo splits and forfeits and besides apex 2012, my lowest ever in brawl was 3rd and lowest in melee since 2008 was 5th). After winning 3 MLGs in a row, (which motivated me to practice and I reached a new level), the 4th MLG I decided to use a backup controller, because I was paranoid that my main purple controller would break, and I forfeit to ADHD cuz I didn't care much and just split with him (being emo cuz i lost to rich). Except, adhd never paid me a single penny, even to this day, which I'm still kind of upset about. I got banned from mlg dallas for a split that never happened as he went on to win 2,500 dollars that tournament. I was saving my controller for mlg dallas, and during a training session 2 weeks before mlg dallas, I was able to 2-3 stock all of WC's best players and i even 3 stocked ally's snake at 30% one of our friendlies w/out gimps (only once ever, but it shows what kind of skill level i had attained at my absolute prime when i had the utmost motivation). It's a shame I got banned from dallas. I had a good advantage to beat anybody at that point in time except rich brown, so I most likely would have won Dallas which would have helped my life and my current bad money situation SO MUCH.
Since being banned from dallas, I've just been an emo, depressed kid. I didn't do anything to prepare for Gen2. I simply saved my best controller, went there, and tried my best. I played really good (because of the controller. I'm serious; that's why).
Then they start talking about banning MK, so I barely go to anything since Gen2 even up to this point in time.
The bad results I've had reflect 2 things. My lack of motivation, and my constantly switching to various backup controllers because I am paranoid of my only good one (my purple one) going bad. I still have this controller, but it's not nearly as good as it was at Gen2 or MLG since it's gotten older and worse. It's probably still my best controller even though it's almost dead though.
Since my first tournament in 2005, the Rock Lee motto has been true with over 90% accuracy almost all the time. There is no way it is coincidence to happen almost every month for 7 years. It's definitely true.
Btw, I did all this through theorycraft and playing computers. If i had a training partner (like how Otori gets to train with Kakera, or Ally gets to play with Holy), I could have probably reached a far, FAR deadlier level, in BOTH games.
I truely 100% believe everything I said and I'm 99% sure it's mostly all true.