its like 0.23 seconds, while many other pros are under 0.2
It's always been bad for me, but it was MUCH WORSE before I started. I couldn't even chain grab when I was 15 cuz my reaction time was MUCH worse. Doing something over and over made me a lot better at it
I agree, it does hold me back. Intelligence wise, I think I'm way way up there (higher than my current ranking is, even though I'm like 5th atm or so), since every strategy I used comes off prediction and theorycraft that I make up, which takes intelligence to do both, but I still managed to figure out creative ways to get good JUST FROM TECH SKILL PRACTICE + THEORYCRAFT (mostly these 2, since I got almost NO human competition). And yes, reaction time DOES hold me back, and as I age, it will probably only get worse and as a result I will get slightly worse.
So, knowing that, simply play to your strengths. If you can't react to all situations, just guess, and cover it with a strong option. If your hands are fast or you like practicing tech skill, focus on that to get better, if you are smart but not technical, adapt a slow but focused spacing style, if your reaction time is good focus on reacting, but if it's not, then cover as many options as possible with a strong option (that kills, or combos into other powerful hits) and do that based on guessing so that you never get into habits that can be studied (I randomly guess a lot so as not to fall into patterns that can be studied. I learned to mix up a lot better within past 3 years). There is still A LOT more than can be done even while having limitations. Look how good Broly is. He got me to 1 stock in some marth dittos USING HIS FACE to play the game. And if you want to laugh at that, you should money match him, cuz he'd destroy most of you cuz he's SUPER SMART and was able to overcome many limitations MUCH MORE THAN PEOPLE THINK. Obviously it will hold him back, but unless you have some RIDICULOUS handicap like that, you can probably get MUCH farther than 99% of you think you can from effort ALONE.
Turn situations into 50 50s, and constantly make up new tricks every few weeks or months so the player can't just make 1 counter strategy to your strategy since you'll always be using new strats and it won't work out that simple.
Natural talent definitely matters, I already know that, but I STILL THINK IT'S OVERRATED. People LITERALLY give up when they could probably get 5 times better than they actually are from - PURE EFFORT ALONE -. My own experiences make me to believe that the rock lee motto is, for the most part, true. Maybe not 100%, but you're dismissing it as if some people can't be equal to others which is JUST NOT TRUE, unless they have vastly different intellecets, Super eye powers (Sasuke), one guy is 2 feet taller than the other for basketball, or things like that. You can still get MUCH better than you think your limitations are through ONLY effort. If you just listen to the ways I got better you can understand. Think about all the possible situations, ways to counter things, WAYS TO COVER AS MANY OPTIONS AS POSSIBLE, and practice tech skill vs level 1s. Experiment in friendlies. That was, for the most part (outside of spending hours doing theorycraft like drPP does cuz I was bored), what I did to get good during my prime years.
tl;dr - obviously natural talent exists, but it's not nearly as important as most people think. Using the Rock Lee motto, I was able to rise to the top when I cared about Melee most, and reach godly levels in Brawl and be a ~3 year champ. 99% of my practice was against level 1 computers.
I reached my prime in each game within about 2-2.5 years each AND I STILL THINK I COULD HAVE WENT WAY, WAY BEYOND THOSE LEVELS. When I stopped playing, lost controllers or controllers got worse, and stopped caring nearly as much (lost motivation), my skill declined. Besides controller problems, this entirely makes sense. There is no way it's coincidence every single time for 7 years.
I don't think I'm anything special, except just a regular smart guy that played a lot of video games. If I can do it, almost anyone can. They just have to really try. Try the methods of practice that I have suggested; they will probably help you. Or message me if you need to get better I can tell you lots of random things probably.
If you think you hit your limit, you are truely holding yourself back. That's a mindset for failure.