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MLG Orlando 2010 - April 16-18th ($7,000) - RESULTS THREAD IS UP!

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Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
but the point is that you have 9 stages to work w/ for different matchups >___>

my point was only w/ the MK matchup

for snake, he will strike...fd/ps1/sv

so you strike halberd/lc/yi/dp which leaves you with castle siege or bf, both of which aren't bad at all vs. diddy kong

for ddd, he will strike bf/ps1/uhh dunno the third

the point is that you will always strike to a stage that is equal or only very slightly advantaged for the other


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
So both characters' best neutral stages are being struck, leaving with a somewhat balanaced stage? I never thought that was the point of a starter match. Oh wait...
Somewhat? Neutrals are god **** balanced. It always comes down to battlefield, smashville, or final destination with a standard striking system. It's just a characteristic of them, and in no way should anyone ever have to struggle on the first match because of a stage hindering them, lol. Why are you defending a side that favors certain characters over others for game 1?


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
wyatt give an example of what you think is overly skewed, i'm not really seeing it

the 4 best stages for DDD on this list are, unquestionably


leaving YI, LC, BF, SV, PS1

out of those 5 stages the DDD will usually strike BF, LC and YI

leaving SV and PS1

voila, you end up on SV or PS1, stages that would/could have been struck to in your original system

snake's best stages are


leaving YI SV/BF PS1 DP and CS

snake is a good character so he happens to be good on lots of stages, unfortunately he's not quite as good on YI, DP, PS1 and CS. that leaves SV/BF and PS1, stage that would/could have been struck to in your original system

also w/ EC-style logic i don't understand why you guys even have the two extra neutrals on there if you think it's always going to go to BF/SV/FD

i realize that my order is reversed but w/e the DDD or snake will strike those 3 first and then you strike the 4 i put


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
First of all, DDD would not prefer to play falco, ice climbers, or diddy kong on FD, so scratch that out. They would then attempt to strike smashville and battlefield (this also occurs with metaknights and warios). What does that leave you? Crap. The best result is ps1 being the starter stage, however he has a wall infinite and is harder to kill vertically, despite him already living to insane percentages.

Snake would not want to fight me or a good falco on final destination, smashville, or battlefield because these are their best choices. This leaves yoshis island, ps1, halberd, lylat cruise, delfino plaza, and castle seige. Snake is generally harder on all of these stages, unfortunately.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Somewhat? Neutrals are god **** balanced. It always comes down to battlefield, smashville, or final destination with a standard striking system. It's just a characteristic of them, and in no way should anyone ever have to struggle on the first match because of a stage hindering them, lol. Why are you defending a side that favors certain characters over others for game 1?
By the old striking system leading to BF, SV, or FD, you are skewing the first match towards yourself. Just because the new system doesn't give your character that much of an advantage first match doesn't make it bad. WHen you are saying that I'm defending characters over others for game 1, that is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING TOO! Please don't be biased, it sounds ignorant.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
If your character is only good on 4 stages in this entire game, chances are your character is getting unfairly boosted by allowing only those 4 stages or so (aka, Diddy Kong)

There are also more match ups in this game then only top tiers.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i was talking as a general case in that post, sorry if that wasn't clear

vs. Falco

DDD strikes FD/SV/BF

Falco strikes DP/YI/LC/PS1

leaves CS and Halberd, both of which are okay stages for Falco...Halberd is actually a counterpick for Falco in many cases

Ice Climbers...DDD strikes the 3 best IC stages as you said

Ice Climbers strike LC/YI/CS/DP

which leaves...halberd and PS1, both stages which are fair for ICs (low ceilings on HL means you don't have to CG as high, PS1...lain does okay on there lol plus the transformations promote nana survivability)

Diddy...DDD strikes the 3 best

Diddy Kong strikes HL/LC/CS/DP

leaves PS1 and YI. not the best options unfortunately, but options that could have been reached in the original sets


against falco snake strikes the three

falco strikes DP/YI/LC/PS1

leaves HL/CS

HL is good for both snake and falco, CS is not as good for snake

vs. diddy he strikes the big 3

diddy kong strikes LC/HL/DP/YI

leaves PS1 and CS, snake doesn't want to risk walkoffs on CS so it goes to PS1, which doesn't hurt Diddy too bad

vs. ICs he strikes the big 3

ICs strikes LC/YI/HL/DP

so it leaves PS1 and CS, both are okay for the ICs. vs Snake MU


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
If your character is only good on 4 stages in this entire game, chances are your character is getting unfairly boosted by allowing only those 4 stages or so (aka, Diddy Kong)

There are also more match ups in this game then only top tiers.
thank god for sensible players.. this^


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
if Your Character Is Only Good On 4 Stages In This Entire Game, Chances Are Your Character Is Getting Unfairly Boosted By Allowing Only Those 4 Stages Or So (aka, Diddy Kong)

There Are Also More Match Ups In This Game Then Only Top Tiers.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
To put it more eloquently:

Using nine diverse Starters with Stage Striking will stimulate the most fair stage selection for the first game when considering the 1,200+ possible match ups that exist in Brawl.

This, as opposed to using five similar Starters with stage striking.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
By the old striking system leading to BF, SV, or FD, you are skewing the first match towards yourself. Just because the new system doesn't give your character that much of an advantage first match doesn't make it bad. WHen you are saying that I'm defending characters over others for game 1, that is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING TOO! Please don't be biased, it sounds ignorant.
You say much of an advantage over myself, while the matter is that I'd have an even advantage, as well as other characters as opposed to being disadvantaged by starting on legitimate counterpick stages. It is bad when stages that favor specific parts of the cast over others are allowed in game 1. I'm defending neutral-based characters, as if they have skill boosters or anything of that sort on standard, flat terrain. You are defending others who have advantageous characteristics according to this stage list during the first match. It screws people over, and every game is important, especially game 1.

AZ what are you even talking about? I think you've completely lost it.. bonkers. Diddy kong's matchups don't change on neutrals to make them in his favor, WTF. I'm going to get gnes in here.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I'd have an even advantage,
1. this is a self contradicting statement.
2. It really sounds like you are trying to get the stage list changed so that your character can have an advantage. because the stage list you are endorsing is highly beneficial for your character.

as well as other characters as opposed to being disadvantaged by starting on legitimate counterpick stages.
you do realise that the fact that you might have even a small advantage in game one means that your opponent is at a disadvantage right?

You also realise that FD and SV are diddys go to cp stages right? I mean you have to know that, I got that information FROM YOU.
It is bad when stages that favor specific parts of the cast over others are allowed in game 1.

once again, you want sv and fd to be 2 of the only 3 neutrals allowed when they both CLEARLY favor a group of characters, one of which happens to be your main...

I'm defending neutral-based characters, as if they have skill boosters or anything of that sort on standard, flat terrain. You are defending others who have advantageous characteristics according to this stage list during the first match. It screws people over, and every game is important, especially game 1.
The point is, that youre asking for a stage list that favors certian characters, the very thing you SAY your arguing against..


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
You would think that the SBR would try to push for the "SBR Ruleset" at MLG events but i guess not.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
No I haven't lol

Though I wouldn't exactly say that the BBR supports 9 starters. The current BBR ruleset supports 3, 5, or 7 starters

I'm personally against 9, though I'm content with 7. But tbh I would say the starter list is hardly the biggest issue at hand here.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
there was a post earlier saying that the only input from the BBR in this ruleset was the 9 starters and that everything else was pretty much decided by mlg.

I think it also said that the ruleset v3.0 would have a 9 starter stage list.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
No I haven't lol

Though I wouldn't exactly say that the BBR supports 9 starters. The current BBR ruleset supports 3, 5, or 7 starters

I'm personally against 9, though I'm content with 7. But tbh I would say the starter list is hardly the biggest issue at hand here.
what would you think is the main issue here chibo?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
there was a post earlier saying that the only input from the BBR in this ruleset was the 9 starters and that everything else was pretty much decided by mlg.

I think it also said that the ruleset v3.0 would have a 9 starter stage list.
Ruleset 3 wont be out for over 2 months, and frankly I do not know if it is correct or not. It might or might not. I haven't read up on the topic much.

what would you think is the main issue here chibo?
The biggest things (in no order) imo are:
-Legality of Green Greens
-Legality of Norfair
-Having an LGL
-If a LGL must be enstated, then why does it apply to all characters and not just MK
-Some grab release infinites are banned while others are not (example, why can't Marth GR infinite Lucas/Ness while Sheik and others can? What about GR stalling with Wario from characters like Bowser?)
-Some "infinites" are allowed like DDD on various characters are not allowed yet others are (like DDD on DDD or Zero Suit on ROB)
-Basing a lot of rules off of seeding such as who strikes first (esp at Orlando where it's all seeded randomly)
-Picking the stage bans before match 1 even occurs
-You can not use modified controllers and yet controllers without shoulder springs are allowed


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Alright- I need help :/

My plane comes in at 1:25 P.M. on Thursday, but GDX will be at work so he can't pick me up T.T can ANYONE give me a ride then?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Chibo, we can both see the BBR.

Don't make announcements as to what the BBR does and doesn't support. You making the statement "the BBR doesn't support 9 starters" when we're talking about 9 starters on a day to day basis in the BBR is misleading and causes unnecessary confusion. It'd be one thing if you said "we're discussing it, but you'll see our conclusion when we release our updated ruleset". It's another when people are talking about MLG's ruleset, which has 9 starters, and then you say "I wouldn't say the BBR supports 9 starters". That gives the impressions that we are in fact against 9 starters, which we are most certainly not. Furthermore, it veils the fact that we have near 100% agreement on what the 9 starters would be if we did have 9 starters, and MLG is currently using that list.

So please, let Pierce and Ankoku make their announcements when they're ready and don't take it upon yourself to speak for the BBR, especially when it's in contrast to an MLG decision. It creates unnecessary confusion and strife.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I said the reason of me saying that was based on the current public BBR ruleset and admitted that I hadn't read much on the issue.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I really don't know, I'm not going atm unfortunately (though still trying to find a way)

I would imagine that the shuttle would run on Thursday, I would expect most ppl to fly in then.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
there should be a shuttle, regardless, when you touch down at the airport ask the help desk.

there's always some sort of transit coming to and from, tell them where you need to go and you'll definitely find a way.
otherwise post in the atlantic south social forums and i'm sure somoene can help you out~
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