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Metaknight Johns just got taken to a whole new level


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
If you think you can stall with this GO TRY IT!!

if you still think you can stall with this tell me and I'll personally add you to my list people with no logic.
The point I'm trying to make is let's all go back to melee, and ban brawl as a whole!!!


3 days ago before hungrybox figured out how to counter tornado spam and kyon owned with peach and pikachu, i.e. the game got competitive, I would've agreed with you.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Actually the people running Evo decided to do items on their own, because they feel brawl is a new game and they want to take it in a new direction, in spite of the overwhelming evidence provided by the community. Years of tournament results with and without items helped prove items were broken and not suited for competitive play. Also, all those stages came out the same way, from years of debate and testing in tournaments. Nobody ever just looked at a stage and said, "yup it's banned", it only comes from lots of collected data. So i don't know exactly what point you're trying to make, but oh well.
The point I am making is that we don't necessarily have to wait for someone to win a tournament with something for it to be considered to be banned. There is an abundance of evidence.

I like Queen's idea.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2007
Sarasota, Florida
It's been publicly known for HALF A DAY

Let me use an example here:

Waveshining was not mastered in half a day. Thousands of players can consistently waveshine, and not make mistakes 90+% of the time.

If you think it's "too hard" to be used to stall, you're dead wrong. People CAN and will learn how to use it properly for their intended results.

CaptainCrunch, get over your god**** self.

My personal belief on the matter falls in line with Frames. Allow it until it's been proven to be gamebreaking. Today it's the fun new trick with MK that's silly and ********. In a month things may end up back the way they have been before this technique. But if you think it's entirely useless at this point, you're severely underestimating people's desire to win.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
That is the entire point. Hit the enemy first, do this technique until time runs out.
If you can do this, I will give you $5. No questions asked.

Doing this technique for 7 minutes without messing up would be like multishining for 7 minutes without stopping once.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
The point I am making is that we don't necessarily have to wait for someone to win a tournament with something for it to be considered to be banned. There is an abundance of evidence.

I like Queen's idea.
Well that's the thing, my whole point is that there is no evidence other than people just trying it at home/making hypothetical situations.

Look at wobbling, people knew that Ice climbers had an infinite grab combo, but it was only when Wobbles got 9th at NCT2, his first major tournament, that people begun banning it. Landing a successful wobble guarantees a stock taken off AND can be used to stall, and yet it is legal in nearly every major tournament. All this can do is make MK stall, it doesn't even have the same benefit of killing the other opponent. Yes it can be used to stall, but stalling is banned anyway, if you know someone is stalling against you, then say something. Otherwise, too bad.

And yes, maybe we should just ban brawl altogether.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
For brawl, everything is allowed, there is nothing banned yet.

For melee, wobbling is allowed until 250 (finch is right that is better), any glitch is banned (freeze glitch, etc.) any type of stalling is banned (rising pound/wallbombing)


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
If you can do this, I will give you $5. No questions asked.

Doing this technique for 7 minutes without messing up would be like multishining for 7 minutes without stopping once.
I wish I had worded it like that sooner. That's exactly what I think.

In any case.

On the off chance that some ridiculously fast fingered guy can hold this for more than say 15 seconds we'll just ban the usage of the tactic for stalling and allow it for battle purposes.

Just handle it the same way as jiggly's rising pound

Problem solved.

What I don't want to see is it being banned before someone can find an applicable way to use it.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
I wish I had worded it like that sooner. That's exactly what I think.

In any case.

On the off chance that some ridiculously fast fingered guy can hold this for more than say 15 seconds we'll just ban the usage of the tactic for stalling and allow it for battle purposes.

Just handle it the same way as jiggly's rising pound

Problem solved.
Try holding the invincibility for 15 seconds yourself... you'll be crying when your thumbs get numb


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Actually, I can do it for about 30 seconds if I REALLLY mash as fast/hard as i can.

But I don't feel that it is applicable in Tournament matches. Maybe as a joke in friendlies.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I love the people that wanna get pooped on by this technique before banning it.
I would love to see a little poke poke to downB stall. I would lol thoroughly.
It is hard to do, I tried to do it tonight, and my longest one lasted about 6 seconds, but I agree with whoever said it, that everyone is seriously exaggerating peoples desire to win.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
Wow, I thought everyone knew about this already.

I've been doing this since 64.

Also, wtf @ Snake and MK being compared to Akuma(SF2 Akuma).

Akuma is unstoppable in SF2.

He's like Melee Falco combined with Brawl Falco.

Akuma SHLs and Laser Locks infinites FTW.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
man this thread made me laugh cause i saw this yesterday.

1) MetaMcCloud strikes again
2) Wobbling is actually allowed? I'da sworn FL hated wobbling juts like everybody else

3) @DooDah: Velvet is garbage tier. It's all about Mercedes and her short hop blaster.



Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
This is so fun to do... Im def gonna abuse this if I can get consistent with it, seems unlikely for now though. But yeah this move is a good analogy to fox's jc shines, it is just as hard and difficult to do them for a long time.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
FRAMES. We simply do not know if this will break a tournament or not. The fact is that it *HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BREAK IT*. So why not let it wait until *AFTER* the nation's biggest tournament to avoid cheese for *JUST THIS WEEKEND*.

All I'm saying, is ban it for this one weekend. We can find out if it's broken later, but don't find out during the nation's biggest tournament. Ya hurd?


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
It won't break the tournament because no one can do it for longer than 20 seconds without breaking their C-stick OFF of their controller.



Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
FRAMES. We simply do not know if this will break a tournament or not. The fact is that it *HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BREAK IT*. So why not let it wait until *AFTER* the nation's biggest tournament to avoid cheese for *JUST THIS WEEKEND*.

All I'm saying, is ban it for this one weekend. We can find out if it's broken later, but don't find out during the nation's biggest tournament. Ya hurd?
On the contrary, I think the nation's biggest tournament is exactly the time to test it. Think about it. If it's really broken, then somebody should be able to win against the biggest names in the country. This gives a chance from people from all over to help test this and prove whether or not it IS in fact broken. My money will be that a big name will still win this tournament, I don't believe the outcome will be influenced by this technique, and if it IS, then it will be proof enough to warrant a ban.


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
I really think the only people that can do this and successfully use it for a long period of time right now are the horny highschoolers that practice this motion every day. They can't whoop my MK, so I ain't scured.

Oh, and I think Frames wants me to win. Sorry, Frames, I'm bad at doing this. I've only done it like once across the stage and at most I'll only be doing this to show off. This garbs should be banned. It has one use and that is to stall. You can't at like it's another form of movement or something like wavedashing was because you can't even get hit when doing this.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
i think that i might of found a way to make doing this easier, when i confirm it i might reveal it, it'll be so broken and dumb, i might let a few select people know...i really hope it doesn't work though.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
On the contrary, I think the nation's biggest tournament is exactly the time to test it. Think about it. If it's really broken, then somebody should be able to win against the biggest names in the country. This gives a chance from people from all over to help test this and prove whether or not it IS in fact broken. My money will be that a big name will still win this tournament, I don't believe the outcome will be influenced by this technique, and if it IS, then it will be proof enough to warrant a ban.
two thumbs up. large sample size of pretentious cacks and cacky veterans, and top tier players are too good for gimmicks, I bet theyve already dissected this ish.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Miami, Florida
Well after playing around with it some more...Diddy's bananas do interrupt MK while he is invisible so you guys might want to take note of that. Also I find it to be a very useful technique to travel from one side of the stage to the other pretty quick too. Pretty good mind game if you ask me since I've already been massing down B before this was discovered ^_^


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
My 2 cents:

A pretty similar thing came up in the MTG tournament scene about a year ago. Without going into too many specifics, the wording on a card was changed, creating a highly degenerate combo literally 3 weeks or so before a major tournament (one with 800+ participants and over $10000 being given away in prizes). The powers that be allowed it on the grounds that a venue like this was the perfect place to test to see if it did indeed break the format, since with many thousands of dollars on the line it gave plenty of incentive to test to find the optimal build for the combo and/or to punch holes in it to see if it was in fact as ridiculous as claimed.

This has happened many, many times over the course of MTG's lifespan. And in literally all but one case the new (seemingly) degenerate thing has been allowed for at least one tournament (usually more) to test to see how it holds up under fire. In the particular case I cited from last year, the card was in fact deemed broken and banned. Even so though, allowing it that one time didn't make for a bad tournament, much less cause the end of tournament Magic like some people here seem to be thinking this will do for smash. On the contrary, there was more testing and innovation prior to that tournament than there probably has been for the last couple of years in that particular format.

So I'm with frames on this. Worst case scenario, the guy who puts the most work into winning this tournament given the suddenly changed environment will win it. This, to me, doesn't sound like a particularly bad thing. Sure, it may eventually come to pass that the tactic is found to be too overpowering and needs banning, but until that actually happens (somthing that, from what I've heard about this, I doubt will be the case this tournament, at least) then there's no reason to ban it.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Well after playing around with it some more...Diddy's bananas do interrupt MK while he is invisible so you guys might want to take note of that. Also I find it to be a very useful technique to travel from one side of the stage to the other pretty quick too. Pretty good mind game if you ask me since I've already been massing down B before this was discovered ^_^
1 more reason why diddy ***** mk

but what do you mean? Me and HRNUT were playing around with it yesterday, and we set a banana on the ground and he did the invisible thing and moved over the banana and he didnt come out of invisibility. do you mean throwing the banana at empty space where he is stops it?

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
First thing I can say is please...please...everybody just take a step back and calm down a bit. This reminds me of the first time TL's dsmash kill video came out. lol aaaaaanyways...

To basically ride the fence on this one, both sides of the argument are right here.

First of all, the side wanting to allow the tactic says the following:

Might have some applicable undiscovered use.
Should be tested at a tournament.
Incredibly hard to do for a long period of time.
Not game-breaking until it...breaks the game.

and the side wanting it to be BANNNNNNNED:

Obviously broken for the invincibility.
Could be (potentially) used to stall a match.
Doesn't matter how hard it is...somebody will learn to do it.
Should be banned.

Let me just take parts of both sides and pair them together.

Yes, should MK be able to maintain invincibility permanently for 8 minutes, that's pretty ridiculous in a tournament setting. however, it has been seen that this is incredibly hard to do. My arm starts aching pretty quick with it...and I'm a good masher, so yeah, I believe that. However, what Dguy and others have said before in this thread is true. If a tactic could be used to win a tournament, somebody will figure out a good way to do it...possibly an arm position, or a different control scheme or something... Don't argue with me about how he could...I don't know everything about the game. I'm just stating a fact that some little kid will figure this out somewhere. it just happens.

The move is a broken approach...somewhat...it's a better retreat at the moment, but seriously, the move has been around for what...a day? so it may have uses unknown to us.

Now for the part where all of you kinda take a deep breath.

Frames and I are both very unwilling to ban a potentially useful tactic just because a scary video comes out. This has happened several times so far, and nothing has really been that gamebreaking. So to just blindly ban a tactic because of a video is pretty ridiculous.

However, stalling, as a core tactic, has already been banned for FAST1. Let me talk about stalling for a bit.
first of all, a definition.
Stalling is the use of any move/tactic/whatever that is simply used to run time on the clock. It has no real benefit to either player, except in the case of a win by time limit. For example:

Jiggs Infinite rising pound under the stage
Peach bomber with no intent to come up
IC wobbling past a certain point
IC freeze glitch
M2 Soul Stunner (is this even possible in a tourney setting?)

Do not be confused.
Projectile camping is not banned.
you can run away and fire your blaster as much as your heart desires. Your character was given a long range weapon in the normal realms of the game, and to take away that advantage would be wrong. In the same manner, spamming a single attacking move, such as Tornado (or moves like counter, even) is completely allowed.

Stalling would be defined as any of the following (with a few more because I can't list everything off the top of my head), to any great degree:

Repeatedly flying under the stage with or MK
Sonic's B thing...although it's not that useful
JUST running away...not attacking or getting close
and now this MK tactic used to stall a match.

What exactly constitutes stalling ...and why is it different than a regular mindgame...is an excellent question.

The answer is intent. It's easy to see when a person is using a tactic to confuse...and using a tactic to stall. I'm not going to give a set time limit or anything of the sort, because of course, the time limits would vary between tactics, and I'm not going to spend that amount of time on this.


Report it to the closest tournament director. I've been recruiting these people over in the FAST thread to help out with situations such as this. yell to them during the match. A director will come watch and make a judgment on the said "stalling". he will verbally inform both players.


the first infraction will be a warning, making you stop whatever it is you are using...and the tourney director will stay and watch the rest of the set.
The second time is a single stock loss. You will be forced to run off the stage without inflicting any more damage to your opponent.
The third is the loss of the match, but not the set.
The fourth is the loss of the set.

plain and simple. If you are abusing stalling, you will be punished for it.We're not going to go crazy here, but yeah, it needs to be enforced.

MK's new tactic, by itself, will not be considered stalling...as long as you use it in an appropriate manner. If you are just holding it invincible somehow...or you are using it repeatedly to get away from your opponent, you will be warned and so-on.

Everybody feel better?

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
If you can do this, I will give you $5. No questions asked.

Doing this technique for 7 minutes without messing up would be like multishining for 7 minutes without stopping once.
Multishining requires frame perfect timing for every single shine. Does anyone have the frame data for this MK trick? I highly, highly doubt it requires anything close to that kind of precision.

Also, people saying no one can hit the C-stick this fast--can't you customize the controls in Brawl? What's keeping someone from mapping C-stick up or whatever to, say, X or Y? In which case it would probably be very easy to do this indefinitely. And if you can't map C-stick stuff sorry for being a noob, I don't play Brawl but I still follow it somewhat.
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