Likewise, besides that, let's remove every single rule meant to keep him in place. What will happen? He'll win more often. He has a different lgl because he's the abuser of it. That's another rule made specifically for him. Well, he has a variation of the rule. Why does no one else have this? Because he abuses it. Thus, he's the one causing the current problem, nobody else.
Actually, before the most recent change, most tournaments did not have separated limits for different characters. In any case, I don't really see the point of ensuring that the rest of the cast has twice the ledge grabs that MK has; it doesn't matter because nobody else really
needs that many. It's a pointless rule that is pretty darn unnecessary, and arguing that MK deserves to be banned because he gets a somewhat different lgl than everyone else is just stupid.
If you hadn't noticed, nobody has special rules. Nobody.
Edited for accuracy.
He breaks stuff under our current ruleset.
No, he doesn't. There are a bunch of top players who use him. He is not broken by any stretch of the imagination, beyond perhaps on Brinstar.
We can't hack the game for major tourneys, due to the Nintendo's EULA actually stating that hacking their system is illegal. So that's out.
Actually, Ninty can't legally go after you for hacking your system. In fact, there's a fairly landmark court case (IIRC it's Nintendo vs. the guys who made Game Genie) that establishes that you are within your rights to hack your system. Nintendo can, as far as I know however, brick your wii and void your warrantee, so...
Now, as I read the current Unity Ruleset... there's 2 Ledge Grab Limits specifically made for him. There's also his stalling tactic banned. Remove the Ledge Grab Limits, and he's going to wreak havoc, which he already does anyway.
Guess what: Now he's banned and the LGL is sticking around.
Gee, I wonder what that means.
LGLs are not for MK alone, they were only for a fairly short time for MK alone, and when we did remove LGLs for other characters,
we saw the results, didn't we?
You'd be surprised. I used to think every ludicrous statement ever made was an "obvious troll" but a lot of people legitimately believe a lot of ridiculous stuff. Don't underestimate ignorance.
Poe's law.