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Meta Knight Officially Banned!

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da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
It would be still in evo now if smash community had gotten behind the idea of having smash in EVO as opposed to being childish about the situation and boycotting the event simply because they had items in the ruleset.
Mar 15, 2008
It would be still in evo now if smash community had gotten behind the idea of having smash in EVO as opposed to being childish about the situation and boycotting the event simply because they had items in the ruleset.
Well, let's hope the new Smash game can save us. But yeah you have a point.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
With Criteria.

I don't really care for people banning stages because they're "gay". In fact there should probably be a lot more stages in place. There's no real criteria that emphasizes stage bans.

In any case I'm straying from my original point. This was about MK breaking the CP system, but I don't believe the one who brought it up was talking about stages. They were talking about Counter picking with characters against MK.
if we're talking purely from a character CP standpoint, MK has close to zero bad matchups

in which case you just pick your best character to fight against him without thinking of counterpicking.

Well, let's hope the new Smash game can save us. But yeah you have a point.
Let's hope the community give importance to EVO to the point they allow their ruleset to be changed this time around


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
well just saying, if evo allowed items... most competitive smashers just wouldn't go. not because they're salty, but because they just don't want to pay money to play in a tourney with items.
Mar 15, 2008
if we're talking purely from a character CP standpoint, MK has close to zero bad matchups

in which case you just pick your best character to fight against him without thinking of counterpicking.

Let's hope the community give importance to EVO to the point they allow their ruleset to be changed this time around
You have a point. It's as almost as awesome as my new avatar.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
*sigh* Are people really complaining about SRK and EVO again? You know, SRK doesn't hate Smash. Really, it's true; take it from the guy who personally moderated a Brawl thread on SRK. Really, SRK doesn't think that Smash is inherently useless. It really is the community they dislike, and honestly, we only have ourselves to blame.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
This post is golden, I don't know how I missed it on the previous page.

Now tell me, doesn't banning MK decrease the skill required to be good at the game? how will people learn how to deal with planking now since except other characters planking?

is banning MK scrubby or not? if not what is the difference?

Have you ever considered that those good players and your state don't know or don't want to deal with planking because of you, and have a LGL rule because of that?
I believe I understand the mechanics of planking enough to have made a sound decision, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong at this point and if I was I would change my stance to anti-ban straight away.

but because of it I don't want any of these criteria getting more importance than others, but the staff said they're working on it.
Definitely, the URC should take everyone's criteria into account and either use or create one that they feel is the best of all worlds, and then follow it to the word.
Mar 15, 2008
*sigh* Are people really complaining about SRK and EVO again? You know, SRK doesn't hate Smash. Really, it's true; take it from the guy who personally moderated a Brawl thread on SRK. Really, SRK doesn't think that Smash is inherently useless. It really is the community they dislike, and honestly, we only have ourselves to blame.
You're half right sir. I have been on 8wayrun.....and they freaking hate the game. I tried starting a competitive brawl thread there and it turn into nothing but a flame war against brawl.
Mar 15, 2008
thats essentially the same thing

and KASR, its funny that you bring up 8wayrun, since one of the dudes that runs that site streamed a brawl tourney today.
LOL yeah...well I been a member of a site for a while. The community over there is crap. they are more banhappy than you guys. And the head admin for the site is a freaking crybaby. He was always *****ing about Talim in Sc4. It was annoying. It made you wonder why was he still playing her. BTw, his name is Jaxel.

No, they don't hate it -_-

What part about "They don't hate the game" don't you understand? >.>

Many of them play smash casually, and they like it as a casual game, but not as a tournament game.
LOL, I just trying to have a little fun. Relax man.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
they dont hate the game outright, they just hate the game when its played for money. conceptually, thats not really all that different...


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
It's cool to count our haters outside the community, but if we really care let's try to do something about it

If we don't we can just laugh it off

Eon the Wolf

Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2009
Grove City, Ohio
Just wanna say...Love your image thino. <3
Should probably get off me arse and fix mine so the white border isn't there...but I cba...
Honestly, I don't understand all the hatred for smash comp...Find me another fighter where the way of defeat is knocking them out of bounds and I'll be impressed. I think it's silly to count out a style of fighting that's so unique, just because we choose to remove items from the equation. Other fighters adjust round amounts, or in some game's cases, equipment or the like...Why can't we choose to remove items that we've believed/deemed/found to be a potential/guaranteed unbalancing aspect...?
(I don't mean games where it's 'out of bounds OR loss of health' ala the Soul series, I mean EXCLUSIVELY 'out of bounds'. Also, yes I realize brawl also has timing out, but practically every fighter does...:/

EDIT: Impressed was probably the wrong word...I meant if they could find another fighter, that DIDN'T include items, that had essentially the same combat system as smash, then I'd gladly say 'Okay, maybe this is better suited for comp play'. But as far as I know, not a single other fighter has been made even remotely like that of the smash series....


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
Just wanna say...Love your image thino. <3
Should probably get off me arse and fix mine so the white border isn't there...but I cba...
Honestly, I don't understand all the hatred for smash comp...Find me another fighter where the way of defeat is knocking them out of bounds and I'll be impressed. I think it's silly to count out a style of fighting that's so unique, just because we choose to remove items from the equation. Other fighters adjust round amounts, or in some game's cases, equipment or the like...Why can't we choose to remove items that we've believed/deemed/found to be a potential/guaranteed unbalancing aspect...?
(I don't mean games where it's 'out of bounds OR loss of health' ala the Soul series, I mean EXCLUSIVELY 'out of bounds'. Also, yes I realize brawl also has timing out, but practically every fighter does...:/

EDIT: Impressed was probably the wrong word...I meant if they could find another fighter, that DIDN'T include items, that had essentially the same combat system as smash, then I'd gladly say 'Okay, maybe this is better suited for comp play'. But as far as I know, not a single other fighter has been made even remotely like that of the smash series....
Well, as for a platform fighter kinda game, there's TMNT:Smash Up.

I mean it has a health bar, but aside from that it's very similar to Smash, and you can't really claim that just because in Smash you must knock your opponent into the blast zone (getting a 'ring out') that it's unique.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
They don't hate the game, they hate that the game is played competitively and they hate the community.
QFT. This is exactly correct. They still sometimes respect the older games, but they feel Brawl is a joke
which it kinda is imo :x


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Just wanna say...Love your image thino. <3
Should probably get off me arse and fix mine so the white border isn't there...but I cba...
Honestly, I don't understand all the hatred for smash comp...Find me another fighter where the way of defeat is knocking them out of bounds and I'll be impressed. I think it's silly to count out a style of fighting that's so unique, just because we choose to remove items from the equation. Other fighters adjust round amounts, or in some game's cases, equipment or the like...Why can't we choose to remove items that we've believed/deemed/found to be a potential/guaranteed unbalancing aspect...?
(I don't mean games where it's 'out of bounds OR loss of health' ala the Soul series, I mean EXCLUSIVELY 'out of bounds'. Also, yes I realize brawl also has timing out, but practically every fighter does...:/

EDIT: Impressed was probably the wrong word...I meant if they could find another fighter, that DIDN'T include items, that had essentially the same combat system as smash, then I'd gladly say 'Okay, maybe this is better suited for comp play'. But as far as I know, not a single other fighter has been made even remotely like that of the smash series....
My opinion on that is that other FGCs see removing items as going too far from the vanilla settings of the game.

Most fighting games we see played at Evo go directly in Vs. mode and use the default settings of the game (2 rounds to win the match, time limit depending on the game).

That's prolly why they want us to play with items at Evo, and they see removing them as a setting that change too much the way the game is played, and see it as trying to force the game to be competitive.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
My opinion on that is that other FGCs see removing items as going too far from the vanilla settings of the game.

Most fighting games we see played at Evo go directly in Vs. mode and use the default settings of the game (2 rounds to win the match, time limit depending on the game).

That's prolly why they want us to play with items at Evo, and they see removing them as a setting that change too much the way the game is played, and see it as trying to force the game to be competitive.
It's a ridiculous argument, as the game was designed around being able to change all those options, 3 stock 8 minutes no items is as valid a way of playing as 5 minutes coin mode, or 2 minutes timed with all items on high. It's just 1 out of those 3 is way more competitive.....guess which one.
Hint, it's coin mode :troll:

And it's not like they'd think we should play time instead of stock, so idk
Mar 15, 2008
They want us to change our history. We always played smash without items. Why are you changing that? Should we change the health setting for marvel and SF since you wanna change us?


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Every time I read this thread title, my brain replaces the "officially" with "finally". I can't help it.

I guess I don't have a relevant comment on the current topic derailment.

This is like the pro-ban social now I guess.

Eon the Wolf

Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2009
Grove City, Ohio
Most fighting games we see played at Evo go directly in Vs. mode and use the default settings of the game (2 rounds to win the match, time limit depending on the game).

That's prolly why they want us to play with items at Evo, and they see removing them as a setting that change too much the way the game is played, and see it as trying to force the game to be competitive.
Actually...IIRC, default settings for my SSF4 were best of 3...not best of 5 >.>

Well, as for a platform fighter kinda game, there's TMNT:Smash Up.

I mean it has a health bar, but aside from that it's very similar to Smash, and you can't really claim that just because in Smash you must knock your opponent into the blast zone (getting a 'ring out') that it's unique.
...Actually, if it's the only game that does it like that...Yes, yes you can and SHOULD call it 'unique'. The whole reason the word 'unique' exists is that it's 'one of a kind'...aka 'unique'. Unless there's another
probably like this:

Some guy: "Hey guys, why don't we turn of items?"

Everybody else: "We can do that?!?"

And that is the history of Smash folks. Now stop playing with those stupid items.
Until 2004 (2005? Idk Melee vets correct me) the west coast of the US played with items on.
And that's why east coast was, and still is, superior. :troll:
Every time I read this thread title, my brain replaces the "officially" with "finally". I can't help it.

I guess I don't have a relevant comment on the current topic derailment.

This is like the pro-ban social now I guess.
Come on in. The muffins are on the table to your right, and tea is behind them.
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