This is why planking is often banned in brawl (take a picture, I never use the B word). There is a time limit on matches for a reason. You play to win, but sometimes some sort of line must be drawn.
And that line is why some things are banned. But if something isn't banned, then do it. If it's truly overpowering, then it getting used will help in it's banning.
If you DON'T use it, then you make it impossible for us to tell whether it's banworthy, and therefore it won't get banned, hence the problem with planking.
No one is forced to do anything. Some players deserve the money and some players deserve the respect. Campers are disliked at times because waiting and letting your opponent make a mistake is sometimes synonymous with admitting that you are more likely to make a mistake than your opponent. If your opponent feels that this is the case (it's not always the case of course), he might be willing to express his opinion, and here we are. This happens more often than you'd think.
BS, this is melee, f***ing up defensively is as easy as f***ing up offensively.
Even if it wasn't, it still is nothing of the kind, a person doesn't need to be more likely to make mistakes to camp, it could just put them in a better position and they're taking advantage of that.
If a person feels that they won't make mistakes and are too aggressive because of that, there's a word for that, overconfidence.
Ultimately, it's the most irrational way to met out respect, respect is for the people who play to win and do it the best, if they're refusing to play to win, they're handicapping themselves with an arbitrary set of made up rules, why is that worthy of respect?
Wrong. Sometimes you can clearly see that the person that lost a match has a great deal of skill, and often it is obvious that the winner got very lucky. This is common sense.
Granted, there are some exceptions (for example, being particularly good at a given match-up) but in general you are more skilled then somebody if in general you beat them.
Saying, "I'm more skilled, but I lost because he camps", is just a John, if he beats you reliably, including through camping, then he's more skilled then you.