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Match-Up Chart (Outdated); please refer to the new chart.

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t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Bottom 4 characters are definitely Pichu, Kirby, Ness and Bowser in some order.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I think Ness is a bit underrated. He might be 4th worst, but is he really as bad as the other 3? His fair and dash attack are good, he can DJC attacks, his back throw is very powerful, he can combo with uair, his fsmash is powerful and disjointed, etc.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I think Ness is a bit underrated. He might be 4th worst, but is he really as bad as the other 3? His fair and dash attack are good, he can DJC attacks, his back throw is very powerful, he can combo with uair, his fsmash is powerful and disjointed, etc.
His only ranged moves are Yo-yo (awful), F-smash (telegraphed to high hell), Fair (CCable to high hell), and Dash Attack (CCable to high hell).

Awkward double jump is bad against characters that camp with platforms because it's super telegraphed.

Arguably the worst recovery in the game. Seriously. You can trade 8% and kill him. The priority of his Up+B doesn't matter because most people edgeguard it with invincible ledgehop aerials.

B-throw isn't really that strong because it's extremely DIable. People (non space animals) can often recover without their double jump up to like 100%+

Having such terrible grab range makes shield opponents problematic because he has trouble getting in and grabbing them. Also makes it extremely difficult for him to punish pressure on his shield.

His upside is his decent combo game with DJC Uairs and stuff.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Ness is overrated by a lot of people. His recovery is the worst in the game and I'd love to see any Ness play against any top level player. It doesn't matter what character you are. You can **** his whack *** recovery up.

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
Ness is better than Kirby.

His only ranged moves are Yo-yo (awful), F-smash (telegraphed to high hell), Fair (CCable to high hell), and Dash Attack (CCable to high hell).
Fj f-air and sh f-air are still good anti-air moves. Dash attack is ccable and shield grabbable but it at least gives him a way to get in on characters that completely outrange him, which Pichu and Kirby and many other low tiers notably lack.

Having such terrible grab range makes shield opponents problematic because he has trouble getting in and grabbing them. Also makes it extremely difficult for him to punish pressure on his shield.
N-air out of shield is only a frame slower than his grab, but he's bad at punishing pressure either way. His shield game is far from the worst though because if he manages to shield a punishable move he can djc aerial into other stuff.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
His only ranged moves are Yo-yo (awful), F-smash (telegraphed to high hell), Fair (CCable to high hell), and Dash Attack (CCable to high hell).
That's why fair is used as an anti air and dash attack is used when reading a dash away or if the opponent is just stupidly dd baiting. You can't just disregard moves cuz there are ways to beat them.

Awkward double jump is bad against characters that camp with platforms because it's super telegraphed.
this is so upsettingly true. There isn't much he can do to platform camping. He can however waveland onto platforms and djc dance on the edge of a platform to remain mobile and punish his opponent when they come down. However you're right, this doesn't really fix the problem

Arguably the worst recovery in the game. Seriously. You can trade 8% and kill him. The priority of his Up+B doesn't matter because most people edgeguard it with invincible ledgehop aerials.
Yea... though noone knows how to gay ness's recovery properly. It's pretty funny actually.

B-throw isn't really that strong because it's extremely DIable. People (non space animals) can often recover without their double jump up to like 100%+
Yea. Though it def has it's uses in getting people off stage since his edgeguarding game isn't too bad.

Having such terrible grab range makes shield opponents problematic because he has trouble getting in and grabbing them. Also makes it extremely difficult for him to punish pressure on his shield.
Nah... ness has a pretty long/quick wd which helps him stay mobile on the ground. So if someone's camping sheild then his mobiity could make his terrible grab range useful.

Also, nair oos is decent vs sheild pressure or just simple wd away. Oh you said punish... well lol

anyways i think ness is underrated tho not by much. His double jump allows for alot more mix-up potential then people think.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I think he belongs right where he is. 4th from bottom as far as match-ups go. This is the match-up thread.
but I think its pretty solid bowser pichu kirbs ness are bottom 4.

roy and then yoshi are next.

I think ness is over rated, but if his MUs are accurate then I guess he goes there, assuming the other ones are correct.

I don't play him cuz im use to better characters so i wouldn't know his MUs.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2007
ness's recovery is not that bad if you can sweetspot the ledge.

plus if he gets hit out of his first jump at mid percent he can just jump back to the stage


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
That's why fair is used as an anti air and dash attack is used when reading a dash away or if the opponent is just stupidly dd baiting. You can't just disregard moves cuz there are ways to beat them.
I didn't mean to disregard the moves entirely. I was simply pointing out the bulk of his ranged repertoire is either extremely punishable from shield, slow, or crouch cancel fodder. People tend to build up his ranged game to be more than it is. His grab range is additionally very poor and grab is usually a big part of answering crouch cancel, which makes it very effective against him. The fact that they have obvious counters works against him.

I don't find Dash Attack particularly threatening during a dash dance camp because of how the move works and because there are obvious ranges where you're vulnerable to it, and various (obvious) counters for each of those ranges. I haven't played a good Ness, though I doubt those really exist.

Fair is indeed a good anti-air.

Yea. Though it def has it's uses in getting people off stage since his edgeguarding game isn't too bad.
I find his edgeguarding game upsetting because he lacks a useful ledgehop to transition from the ledge to the stage, or to setup his aerials. I suppose there are probably tricks to mitigate this, though. I'm not sure how he intercepts a space animal that tries to go as high as possible if there's a platform though. I suppose Bair? His inability to reach top platforms effectively bites sometimes.

Nah... ness has a pretty long/quick wd which helps him stay mobile on the ground. So if someone's camping sheild then his mobiity could make his terrible grab range useful.
I find this doesn't work out in practice because as soon as he WDs in they get a cue to spam shield grab or Nair OoS or move back and then Ness is stuck again or grabbed (because Ness's grab will almost certainly be outranged by the opponent's grab) or whatever.

Also, nair oos is decent vs sheild pressure or just simple wd away. Oh you said punish... well lol
Ness's Nair OoS won't stop Peach/Fox/Falco pressure. And it won't beat anything that Marth, Sheik, and Puff do to his shield either.

anyways i think ness is underrated tho not by much. His double jump allows for alot more mix-up potential then people think.
I suppose if they actually fight him for most of the match this might be a concern.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
ness's recovery is not that bad if you can sweetspot the ledge.

plus if he gets hit out of his first jump at mid percent he can just jump back to the stage
what if he gets hit 2 times? his recovery is the most easily exploitable piece of ****.

IF he can just recover he can...na man kirbs is better.

ness 4 bottom above pichu

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
I think ness is very underrated. Ness's djc is faster than fox's perfect shff, for one. As for covering his body, he is quite capable. His biggest flaw is being prone to getting camped.

and ness's upb is actually fairly decent. It has range to rival fox's with many more angles and he has true sweetspots from above and below the stage. Also, if somehow they ever get hit by your upb...


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I think ness is very underrated. Ness's djc is faster than fox's perfect shff, for one. As for covering his body, he is quite capable. His biggest flaw is being prone to getting camped.

and ness's upb is actually fairly decent. It has range to rival fox's with many more angles and he has true sweetspots from above and below the stage. Also, if somehow they ever get hit by your upb...
so can m2. but his recovery is good.

but ness is too easy to edge guard. bowser is more solid than ness, at least on yoshi's lol.

I really think with a way to make it back to the stage he would be better. his recovery just offsets too many of his strengths.

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
Yea... though noone knows how to gay ness's recovery properly. It's pretty funny actually
lol, I swear it's so hard. Usually if I try to jump out and hit him, I get there a moment too late and die, or he gets saved by the tail or something dumb like that. But maybe I just suck. I think it's better to either jump out and intercept his pk thunder (which requires a lot of time) or edgehog and invincible aerial (which not all characters can do effectively).


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
i refuse to believe that kirby is the worst

i think ness is worse than him
MAYBE pichu but i dont know

i think bowser is good enough to be 5th worst or maybe 4th worst

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Ness's Nair OoS won't stop Peach/Fox/Falco pressure. And it won't beat anything that Marth, Sheik, and Puff do to his shield either.
This actually isn't true at all. Ness is capable of dealing with any shield pressure that can be dealt with (isn't like impossible to escape). because of how quick his djc is, he can move out of the way very quickly simply by djc oos. Which allows him to escape all types of sheild pressure, as well as punish ranged sheild pressure. Of course he will still succumb to it at times, but the tools are definitely there.

i spent the entire afternoon playing mofo and tho i'm not like top level or anything i can easily see that ness has the tools to deal with alot of sheild pressure.

I suppose if they actually fight him for most of the match this might be a concern.
yea... ness can get camped pretty bad to the point where it's hopeless.

problem with ness is that there hasn't been a really good ness to show his potential. like no offense, but simna wasn't really that good.

anyways low tiers are whack, stop wasting yur lives talking about em


nerf zelda's dsmash
Feb 5, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
we did a random char tournament today (which I won yay)

I got ness a lot

his ftilt... is so bad... it lasts a million years, i do it against a shield and get devastated


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
Ness is the worst character, also by far imo! lol

then it's pichu, bowser/kirby (unsure)


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
falco, who counters fox, gets countered by samus, who gets countered by sheik, who gets countered by kirby

so kirby is the best


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I think Falco vs Fox favours Falco 53.28 / 46.72 with the reasoning being that I simply dislike the matchup. I won't elaborate why, or articulate my points, I'm simply going to say I'm right, and that none of you have a chance of convincing me otherwise. Plus I'm kind of famous, and have a high post count, so you should all just believe me.
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