On certain characters, Kirby can get a footstool on his opponents when they break out of inhale in the air, provided that Kirby is not moving in a horizontal direction and that the opponent DIs a certain way. This is quite simply amazing since it means that some characters simply cannot avoid dying if they get inhaled then brought offstage (they get FSed if they try to break out, or risk buffering an aerial if we starshot them, which on certain characters will kill them no matter what they buffer, or they get Kirbicided). Of course, a meager footstool won’t kill them by itself unless you managed to fall pretty close to the blastzones. However, I have also found that on every character, we can follow a footstool with a FF Dair which itself can be followed up by another footstool (FS>FF Dair>FS will kill on every legal stage by the way, unless there is a floor of some kind in the way.).
I have compiled a list of all the characters that this does and doesn’t work on, along with which way they have to DI, though more testing is required for this, as I have not had time to test every character (nor do I think I ned to, as for some characters it is pretty obvious what happens.). Anyway… enough rambling. here’s the list:
Characters that I KNOW FS Kirby:
-DK (Yeah, I know, this one surprised me too)
-Peach (though she can be FSed if she doesn't try to FS us.)
-Kirby (the inhaled Kirby seems to get the footstool)
-Olimar (Awww... it was too good to be true.)
Characters that get FSd unless they DI away from Kirby (which, in most cases, is away from the stage as well.):
-Falco (he can avoid being FSed if he doesn't DI and mashes jump. If he doesn't mash jump, or DIs towards the stage (AKA tries to recover), he gets FSed.)
-Wolf (He gets FSed unless he DIs away from Kirby. If Kirby has his back to the stage, then Wolf would have to DI away from the stage, and as a result cannot recover.)
-Ganon (Same as Wolf)
-ZSS (She can also DownB or UpB to avoid being FSed, but she doesn't recover either way, unless maybe if she is within UpB range of the stage. She is also one of the easiest to inhale gay since it is so easy to inhale her out of her recovery, since, as good as it is, it's very easy to predict her trajectory.)
-Bowser (His hurtbox is kind of weird though, so you actually have to start trying to FS earlier than it looks like you should.)
-Snake (Mash jump. If he doesn't DI away, it will result in a footstool. If he does DI away, he can't Bomb jump. Since that counts as a grab release, inhale breaks don't give back his cypher either. Basically, he gets screwed. Also, you need to be moving forward very slightly while he's in your mouth to get the FS.)
-Ike (I remember testing him, but didn't record the results, so I don't remember exactly how you have to DI to get the FS, but if I remember correctly, you had to move forward slightly before he breaks out, then the only way he can avoid the footstool is to DI away, which leaves him unable to recover.)
Characters that either FS Kirby or neither one gets FSd:
-TL (almost certain he FSs us)
-Yoshi (Someone, I think it was Viper, has also told me that Yoshi FSs Kirby, so I’m pretty sure this one is correct, though I haven’t personally tested it.)
-Marth (I’m pretty much certain this ****er FSs us… as if he didn’t have enough on us already…)
-G&W (Same as Marth)
-ROB (He only FSs us if we try to chase him for the FS. otherwise, neither gets a FS.)
-Ivysaur (see Olimar)
-Mewtwo (Don’t feel bad. He’s so broken he FSs everyone out of a FS, and he can even get a Dtilt on you out of it somehow. He’s just that broken.)
Characters that I think can be FSd if you follow DI:
-Sonic (see above)
-D3 (He can escape by doing his UpB.)
-CF (Maybe? Having a hard time figuring this one out.)
-Charizard (See above)