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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
do you play bad lucarios?

Because the good ones usually save their double jump until right before they ES, meaning if you're just jumping out there for no reason, that gives us plenty of time to just jump and grab the ledge, giving us a free ticket back to the stage lol.

I'm under the impression the Lucarios where you live aren't very competent, if all it takes is one fair for them to be gimped. Find better competition before you make an analysis on this matchup.

Renegade kept batting me away from the edge with fairs and I didn't hit blastzone until 160% lol.
Ah, that's why I called it a mixup, though. And anyways, you might not have any choice but to jump before you can ES to the edge. It all depends. Also, lawl @ you actually supporting my fair tactic by saying it was done to you.

P.S. Super Theory Bros. Brawl.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
For my take on this, it's really much harder to gimp Lucario than a simple walkoff Fair and edgehog. Timbers is right in saying that competent Lucarios will save that second jump, then Up B only if necessary. They might also get you with a charged Aura Sphere they may have if you aren't careful. That said, you might catch them with a ledgedropped or ledgehopped Dair or maybe even Aether, but a Dtilt is probably a no-go.
Actually, dtilt can be a viable option at times vs. Lucario.... It takes a second for Lucario to snap the ledge depending on how high above/below the stage he is..... (At least as far as I can remember...)


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Also, lawl @ you actually supporting my fair tactic by saying it was done to you.
I thought ike boards cleared the idiots out several months ago.

I was just making a point that I was able to get back to the stage every single time I was hit by an fair, until my percentage was too high to avoid blastzone. Fairs can't and won't gimp Lucario.

It's not a tactic you idiot >_>

Colaya said:
Actually, dtilt can be a viable option at times vs. Lucario.... It takes a second for Lucario to snap the ledge depending on how high above/below the stage he is..... (At least as far as I can remember...)
Luc's sweetspot is huge, which can give both the Lucario and the opponent the impression that it's impossible to hit him thanks to auto sweetspot. This isn't true, however. The Lucario player can "overshoot" the ledge, peaking his head over the stage for a split second before he snaps down to the ledge. So yes, you can hit him with a dtilt, but you'd have to be very strict with timing.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
I thought ike boards cleared the idiots out several months ago.

I was just making a point that I was able to get back to the stage every single time I was hit by an fair, until my percentage was too high to avoid blastzone. Fairs can't and won't gimp Lucario.

It's not a tactic you idiot >_>
Oh, so it's down to personal insults now, is it? You imbecile.

And I was just misinterpreting what you said, unless he kept hitting you with fair every time you came close to the stage, in which case it really is a viable tactic. Really, the way you said it was rather ambiguous.



You imbecile.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
C'mon guys, why can't we just be friends?

Alright I finally have something to contribute, thanks to my experience from Dguy (who happened to hand my *** to me very good...) Lucario will have an easier time getting back to the stage than Ike will. Of course that was about a month ago, where I had no idea that if if I kept aiming high he would just hit me with an Aura Sphere if I tried to recover with Aether when he was ledgegaurding me.

Timbers is right, you're much better off waiting for Lucario to come close to the ledge and follow-up with whatever, he's too floaty and has so many options that it doesn't matter that ES doesn't do any damage. To be honest, ES will only be used as a last means of getting back to the stage when he has nothing else to use.

Edit: Hey Light, congrats on getting the 1,000th post on your guide.

Further Edit: Timbers...how did you know that the Ike boards were looknig up Lucario...?! To my knowledge, Light hasn't given teh word to the Lucario boards yet...and yeah...are you psychic?


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
I thought ike boards cleared the idiots out several months ago.

I was just making a point that I was able to get back to the stage every single time I was hit by an fair, until my percentage was too high to avoid blastzone. Fairs can't and won't gimp Lucario.

No offense, but you must be exaggerating the percent you were at the very least... 160%? xD Even when Ike's fair is fully degraded, I don't think Lucario could live an offstage fair at %160... o-o

Anyway, yeah... You can't really gimp with fair... Only fully kill with it... xD You could only gimp Lucario if you caught him after/during his second jump, but by then Lucario's already back at the stage usually...


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
Friends!? More like MORTAL ENEMIES!!!!

Nah, but I'm half trolling, half making a point. But mostly, I'm having quite a bit of fun.

And mindgames, dammit!


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Further Edit: Timbers...how did you know that the Ike boards were looknig up Lucario...?! To my knowledge, Light hasn't given teh word to the Lucario boards yet...and yeah...are you psychic?
Someone posted it in our Lucario matchup thread.
No offense, but you must be exaggerating the percent you were at the very least... 160%? xD Even when Ike's fair is fully degraded, I don't think Lucario could live an offstage fair at %160... o-o
Have you seen Ike's fair becomes when it's been used 5 or 6 times in the queue list lol.

It's pretty **** weak.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
...ah ******, now you're telling me that if Light didn't make the post in your matchup thread and somebody else did, then I'm making a double post!


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
When I have to be at 160% for something to kill me, I'm not exactly shedding tears.

But yeah, it killed me.

This amuses me, everyone that uses that avatar is always so wrong about everything.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
When you stop whining and start contributing to this thread is when I'll care.
And when you stop being a childish elitist who always takes arguments down to the personal level over a theoretical disagreement, then you can have my respect. That is the point at which you will be stuck in my opinion until I see something to make me change my opinion. And that is why I will not simply cater to your every little whim.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
*sigh* and *lol* all thats needed now is that luc will only loose to Ike 1 out of 10 times again.

1st off your using the term DI wrong, timbers. That was in the other page but still funny and stupid since your calling other people stupid.

2nd if you got hit by Fair 6 times in a row off the stage that means Ike just got about a free 60% on you so Ike is crying tears of joy because of it. If any Ike ever lands 6 Fairs on you with out pulling out a AA AAA or AA grab hit AAA on you then he must suck like hell or once again your off stage and just getting smacked in the face.

3rd Fair can gimp lucario all it takes is a nice hit from a fresh one at 80% and your dead.

4th An aimed Ftilt, a dash attack, an Fthrow, a Bthrow an Fair call all put luc in a gimping position.

5th that pic is better. change it yagami.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
theoretical disagreement
theory doesn't work in smash

1st off your using the term DI wrong, timbers. That was in the other page but still funny and stupid since your calling other people stupid.

2nd if you got hit by Fair 6 times in a row off the stage that means Ike just got about a free 60% on you so Ike is crying tears of joy because of it. If any Ike ever lands 6 Fairs on you with out pulling out a AA AAA or AA grab hit AAA on you then he must suck like hell or once again your off stage and just getting smacked in the face.

3rd Fair can gimp lucario all it takes is a nice hit from a fresh one at 80% and your dead.

4th An aimed Ftilt, a dash attack, an Fthrow, a Bthrow an Fair call all put luc in a gimping position.

5th that pic is better. change it yagami.
1. I'm using it correctly. SDI the fair trajectory and then DI back to the stage.

2. When did I say this? I said that fair queue had to have been racked with 5 or 6 fairs. Ike is a heavy hitter. Rotating through his queue can take a while unless you just got done somehow spamming a ton of jab combos because people like jumping into you. From what I've seen, Ike's fair is a primary spacing tool, as well as an edgeguard tool. It doens't surprise me that when Ike's fair is also one of the very few moves he has that outranges Lucario, that it would go stale quickly. I wasn't hit out 6 times in a row, maybe twice? I was hit off the stage, was coming back, got faired back off, came back to the stage, and he read my ledgejump and I died. Not sure how this is so difficult to believe.

I'll assume you've played the Lucario Ike matchup, and you should know how long it can take for Ike to land a hit on Lucario, if Luc is busy playing retreating projectile game. The example was irrelevant to this match, as I was only trying to imply that Luc is capable of making it back to the stage after being hit by an fair at any percent, so long as he doesn't hit blastzone. So yes, 6 Ike fairs prolly tallies to around 60%, but in the time it took for those 6 fairs to land, I've already landed a good 70% on Ike when at those percents.

3. No. rofl.

4. No. Please stop being under the impression that Ike can gimp Lucario. This "luxury" belongs to only 4 or 5 characters. I'm not accusing Ike of being super duper easy to gimp every stock at 70%, because it's a gross underestimation of his character. I'm pretty sure I know Lucario's recovery properties much better than you do, and I know that one, laggy, blunt hit, isn't going to gimp Lucario. Tested and proven.

5. Yes.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
5th that pic is better. change it yagami.
Hah, that's a pretty direct statement.

As for the recommended picture itself, I'm just not particularly fond of it. I do, however accommodate picture change requests, so tell me which one of the following you guys like:


http://negger.deviantart.com/art/Lucario-88803688 (This is a really awesome one)

http://aonik.deviantart.com/art/Lucario-Oracle-of-Aura-78599599 (Well, this is also awesome)


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Ike can not beat a good Lucario. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not played a good Lucario. That is all. And no, randomikedude4850, you can not beat me. It's nothing personal, but come on guys, don't spread untruths about a matchup. Just because you want your char to have an advantage doesn't mean it does.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
I am in favor of the third.

As far as numbers are concerned, I wouldn't go any steeper than 65:35 Lucario, despite what dguy said lol.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
It's certainly how it's come up. Ike's fair and jabs are both really good, but Luc never has to commit himself to getting in close quarters with Ike, and it really sucks for Ike that his aerials can't swat away projectiles..so we're free to use them as we please no matter how close Ike is lol.

Luc might not have the most impressive gimp game, but he can certainly harass Ike thanks to no auto sweetspot, it makes his uB fsmash and aurasphere prey.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Not entirely, it's just that nearly every board always say that, since we have projectiles, it's a 70:30 Advantage.

At least you guys are saying 65:35, which I can see since I play a better lucario than my friend does.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Most boards are like this, I'm not calling any board out. Ever since Brawl came out, the majority of smashboards members are casual gamers that think they know competitive play but in reality have close to no clue what they are talking about.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Not entirely, it's just that nearly every board always say that, since we have projectiles, it's a 70:30 Advantage.

At least you guys are saying 65:35, which I can see since I play a better lucario than my friend does.
If the only thing Luc had in this matchup was projectiles, it'd be easily neutral. Lucario also being able to harass Ike's recovery to such an extent, as well as being able to play his defensive game throughout it's entirety, and being able to trap Ike (generally any character with poor counter-measures) in his aerial pressure, and the overall auraboost that Lucario can reap from this (it may not get above 130%, but Luc can most definitely abuse the damage output in this match more than he could against an opponent with a more threatening approach) is what I feel makes it 65:35.
Most boards are like this, I'm not calling any board out. Ever since Brawl came out, the majority of smashboards members are casual gamers that think they know competitive play but in reality have close to no clue what they are talking about.
i love dave


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
It probably will. The problem is this board has significantly more fanboys than it has people who seek truth.
That's from your point of view on Ikes. From our point of view on Lucario, you guys make it sound like Lucario is 100:0 Lucario's favor. Every character board has some sort of bias for there character. It always has been like that and it will always be like that. I know Lucario has the match-up in his favor but you Luc mains that posted made it seem like his unbeatable when playing as Ike.

Also, the Ike boards have been dealing with Ike is nothing according to other character boards ever since Brawl's metagames arrived. People assume when you play Ike, it's automatic win. Well Ike can stand up to MK, DDD and others IF Ike plays smart. Some of the other character boards still think Ike uses QD for recovery which shows how much they think of Ike nowadays. >_>

tl;dr Let's just stop the f***ing fighting. Luc has the advantage but it's possible for Ike to win.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Not this **** again, just go to the topic on the lucario boards and read RJ's assessment on it. Guy just placed 9th in a 170 person tournament in NY in case anyone wants to be skeptical of the guy's prowess with the character.


I will be home later to discuss it somewhat in depth from an Ike player's PoV, 65/35 makes some sense assuming the lucario is fully aware of ike's entire game, but honestly it's likely a 60/40, before someone says "Ike's jab game can't be that good/varied", it can... Sonic is harder to apply that sort of game against than lucario is, lucario's biggest boon is the ability to shoot you straight out of your recovery but honestly there's a really easy usually otherwise completely ****ing worthless response to this sort of thing.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
And yet all Ike needs to do to gimp Luc is to keep sending him back out across the abyss with a walkoff fair. Unless of course Luc dodges and falls to his doom.
This statement really hurts the reputation of the Ike boards.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
This statement really hurts the reputation of the Ike boards.
And the statement below doesn't hurt the reputation of the Lucario boards? [song]Dreamer.....nothing but a dreamer.....[/song]

Ike can not beat a good Lucario. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not played a good Lucario. That is all. And no, randomikedude4850, you can not beat me. It's nothing personal, but come on guys, don't spread untruths about a matchup. Just because you want your char to have an advantage doesn't mean it does.
First sentence: 100% false and fanboyish. I can say Lucario can not beat a good Ike, and it would hold the same amount of weight as that sentence.

Second sentence: 100% false yet a freaking again. Obviously, if you think that, you haven't played a good Ike. Yes, I just use your own sentence against you. Why? So you can see just how stupid your statement was.

Fifth/Sixth sentences: We aren't. I only bothered reading the last two pages, but not once did I see someone say Ike has the advantage. Its you Lucario mainers going "lulz, we r da invincible against da Ikes, 100:0, lulz, we pwnz n008$"

First of all:

1) Any character has the potential to gimp any other character Flipping Captain Falcon could gimp MK if he managed to Dair spike him at the top of his shuttle loop. Highly unlikely? Yes. Still possible? Yes. Anyone saying "X character can never gimp y character" is a clueless idiot.

2) Lucario mainers are by far the most ignorant the Ike boards have had to deal with. And we've dealt with the "We are even with MK" Fox boards. Seriously. Smarten up. Lucario does have that big of an advantage. 65:35 max.

I'll do the rest later. Church.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
First sentence: 100% false and fanboyish. I can say Lucario can not beat a good Ike, and it would hold the same amount of weight as that sentence.
No. Lucario has a significant advantage in this matchup. You can't say the reverse, Ike(of any skill level bottom to top) has no realistic chance of beating a high level Lucario in a tournament set.

Second sentence: 100% false yet a freaking again. Obviously, if you think that, you haven't played a good Ike. Yes, I just use your own sentence against you. Why? So you can see just how stupid your statement was
I've played the best Ike in the world and numerous top level ones. Don't question my credentials. I'm not some random scrub like 99% of the Ike posters in this thread, yourself included.

Fifth/Sixth sentences: We aren't. I only bothered reading the last two pages, but not once did I see someone say Ike has the advantage. Its you Lucario mainers going "lulz, we r da invincible against da Ikes, 100:0, lulz, we pwnz n008$"
The matchup isn't as close as Ike mains think it is.

1) Any character has the potential to gimp any other character Flipping Captain Falcon could gimp MK if he managed to Dair spike him at the top of his shuttle loop. Highly unlikely? Yes. Still possible? Yes. Anyone saying "X character can never gimp y character" is a clueless idiot.
Ike is too ****ty to realistically be able to gimp Lucario. The only time it will happen is if the Lucario player is garbage or makes a serious mistake. It is irrelevant to bring up as it has to do with player skill/error and not character matchup.

2) Lucario mainers are by far the most ignorant the Ike boards have had to deal with. And we've dealt with the "We are even with MK" Fox boards. Seriously. Smarten up. Lucario does have that big of an advantage. 65:35 max.
You're an idiot. I know more about Ike than just about every Ike main in this thread. 65:35 is quite conservative. Please refer to this post.



Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
OK, for Ike, you can't let Lucario live long or he gets super powerful. He has a good projectile, and good range, and can combo. His Dair is great, and watch out for his Side-B grab, it is great. His Fair can combo to more Fairs and eventually a Dair off the stage to gimp Ike. Lucario's recovery is subpar though, but his wall cling helps him a lot. I would recommend counter-picking Battlefield against him, because he can't aid his recovery with the wall cling there and therefore must recover to the ledge or on the stage, and Ike can just Edgehog him if he tries the ledge. Lucario is a better character, I say 60-40 Luc.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2008
At worst 35-65 for Ike. Lucario's floatiness makes him the perfect target for the uair. Ike's superior range can screw with Lucario's spacing on which a lot of his game depends on. Oh and Ike's ftilt=Lucario's fsmash.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Not this **** again, just go to the topic on the lucario boards and read RJ's assessment on it. Guy just placed 9th in a 170 person tournament in NY in case anyone wants to be skeptical of the guy's prowess with the character.


I will be home later to discuss it somewhat in depth from an Ike player's PoV, 65/35 makes some sense assuming the lucario is fully aware of ike's entire game, but honestly it's likely a 60/40, before someone says "Ike's jab game can't be that good/varied", it can... Sonic is harder to apply that sort of game against than lucario is, lucario's biggest boon is the ability to shoot you straight out of your recovery but honestly there's a really easy usually otherwise completely ****ing worthless response to this sort of thing.
People, read this post and stop arguing.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
theory doesn't work in smash

1. I'm using it correctly. SDI the fair trajectory and then DI back to the stage.

2. When did I say this? I said that fair queue had to have been racked with 5 or 6 fairs. Ike is a heavy hitter. Rotating through his queue can take a while unless you just got done somehow spamming a ton of jab combos because people like jumping into you. From what I've seen, Ike's fair is a primary spacing tool, as well as an edgeguard tool. It doens't surprise me that when Ike's fair is also one of the very few moves he has that outranges Lucario, that it would go stale quickly. I wasn't hit out 6 times in a row, maybe twice? I was hit off the stage, was coming back, got faired back off, came back to the stage, and he read my ledgejump and I died. Not sure how this is so difficult to believe.

I'll assume you've played the Lucario Ike matchup, and you should know how long it can take for Ike to land a hit on Lucario, if Luc is busy playing retreating projectile game. The example was irrelevant to this match, as I was only trying to imply that Luc is capable of making it back to the stage after being hit by an fair at any percent, so long as he doesn't hit blastzone. So yes, 6 Ike fairs prolly tallies to around 60%, but in the time it took for those 6 fairs to land, I've already landed a good 70% on Ike when at those percents.

3. No. rofl.

4. No. Please stop being under the impression that Ike can gimp Lucario. This "luxury" belongs to only 4 or 5 characters. I'm not accusing Ike of being super duper easy to gimp every stock at 70%, because it's a gross underestimation of his character. I'm pretty sure I know Lucario's recovery properties much better than you do, and I know that one, laggy, blunt hit, isn't going to gimp Lucario. Tested and proven.

5. Yes.
1. you never DI back the stage you just move. You thinking your using it right just throws away all your credibility. SDI is something that that pretty much teleports you a bit after your hit its how people teched smash attacks near the lead back in melee. God your stupid. DI changes the direction your sent in for example if you DI Ikes jab attack down you'll die at like 90% if you DI up you'll survive it at like 170%.

2. one of few moves? seriously have you even fought a level 1 cpu Ike? That scenerio isn't difficult to believe in fact its what salty was talking about your the one that said it would never happen.

3. No. Rolf Isn't a rebuttal especially coming from someone who doesn't know what DI is.

4. Stop being under the impression that lucario has a recovery = to Mks. You tested and proved that you could air dodge an Fair? by that logic everyone is ungimpable because everyone has the same air dodge.

@dguy you have set a new record for stupidity on this board and we have RoK. FYI I beat azens lucario onces so unless your better than him along with all the lucario boards I might add a good Ike can beat a good Lucario. He also isn't the best Ike in the world stop living in this fantasy.

I don't even think you guys have said anything that lucario actually has against Ike besides projectiles and someone that qualifies for a 80:20 match up in some of your eyes. AS won't win you this match Flaco's and pits lasers aren't that big of a problem and Ike can hit trough projectiles with his aerials the only one who can't is MK. It is his only character specific weakness it has been tested theres even a thread on it in the tactical discussion. AS won't actually edge gaurd aether every time. If your just standing in the middle of the stage charging it up Ike can aim a little bit under the ledge and then get pulled by the magnetic force.
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