- If you're about to be KOed upwards (because of good DI), it's better to dair sometimes (C-stick), as long as you can move before you get blasted sideways. In the same situation, you can Uair, fast-fall.
- If you're only being blown sideways, Uair into air-jump is the best you have. Since Fox is already using his air-jump, I always Uair to air-jump Fair because it's obviously better.
- Also, hold the control stick towards the stage the entire time.
- If the move the opponent landed will not KO Fox anyway, it's good to Uair, then \/B, because in knock-back, \/B makes Fox gain a bit of altitude. It doesn't stop momentum though, it in fact aids it so you have to be sure that the opponent's connected move won't KO.
As for a question of my own:
How do you "jab, jab, cancel"? I wasn't about to read through the entire thread for this, and the first post only contains two of the answers (and one of them was wrong, Fox \/b does have invincibility from frame 1 or 2, to 3). I also searched "jjc" and the page didn't find anything.
I want to 2nd jab cancel because it says in uzi's guide that Fox has jab, 2nd jab, \/b, dash attack/dash usmash on Mario and I'm having really big trouble against that character (like "makes you rage-play Meta Knight" trouble).
Oh wow, I can finally jab as Fox! I felt that my Fox is incomplete because I didn't know how to 2nd jab cancel/jab cancel 2/however you want to call it. Now I can think about the moments JC2 comes into the picture, and have an extremely quick move besides the small-ranged shine. Maybe this is what Fox needed against some low tier chars that he has to fight up close against.
\/ Thank you.