Pool 7: frames, Idea, KnightMare516, KoreanDJ, Mikeman
doable. we shall see. i assume it's top 2 make it out?
edit: is pkm still going this weekend? they have him in pools. him and bam would have the easiest pools of anyone i think.
Pool 3: AJAX, book, Leacero, Oorah-Kabrah, pkmvodka
Pool 4: BAM, Koo, ref, StriCNYN3, Spawn
actually, you know what, i'll just copy all of them. but at the end of this post.
so what time should i be ready for on friday?
i mean, tomorrow =P
Marco come over we're making bacon now.
Grmzo edits his post, having forgotten that he intended to communicate by narrating himself from a third person perspective. He wonders at first what the second person is, considering the possibility that it is the keyboard or simply the target of the first person, in which case the narrative might sound a little too gay and brushes it out of his mind.
He also notes that Saturday is in two days, and throws out a reminder to everyone to confirm if they are still coming to his house on said day, also noting that there might be bacon.
there is a "second person," it was explained to me once, but i forget it and it wasn't very useful anyway.
i think it was...
1st: I
2nd: He
3rd: Kyle
Pool 1: Ame, CopyCat, Wafflekwnt, Azen Zagenite, Alukard
Pool 2: chivalruse, goku, Sheik, Yusaf, DaShizWiz
Pool 3: AJAX, book, Leacero, Oorah-Kabrah, pkmvodka
Pool 4: BAM, Koo, ref, StriCNYN3, Spawn
Pool 5: AelSlam, JFox, TSP, MikeMoney, ChuDatz
Pool 6: Scar, V, I.B., John, MIK
Pool 7: frames, Idea, KnightMare516, KoreanDJ, Mikeman
Pool 8: CHAIN-ACE, koj, toasty, MaNg0, Big D
Pool 9: Dac, JS, PB&J, PimpUigi, vwins
Pool 10: Fedx, House MD, HBK, Chewman, Europhoria
Pool 11: grill, JMan, SOFT, stabby2486, Lovage
Pool 12: FC, Thumbswayup, Teh_Spamerer, Mogwai, PC Dave
Pool 13: AOI, drephen, Spife, Vicious, doyoung2win
Pool 14: bear, Grey Fox, Kyu Puff, M2K, UltimaScout
Pool 15: Falcodada, vidjogamer, Yedi, Hazzard, Aesir
Pool 16: Anon, DIAZ, HungryBox, SwiftBass, Parlnock
Pool 17: Cort, KUPA, Nick_nasty, Ritz, Zhu
Pool 18: Cactuar, KazuTheOtaku, noodles, QueenDVS, DCScribZ
Pool 19: ChRedToAKrisp, SOLR, ZeD, Jiano, DJ Nintendo
Pool 20: DNS, Sanuzi, Stratford, Trademakr, PC Chris
Pool 21: EEVisu, eggm, RedPhauxe, MattNF, Kwan, ArcNatural
Pool 22: Blast, Dan, Omni, Sensei, SoJa, darc
Pool 23: br4n, Malco, Reno, TheManaLord, Zero, ZoSo
Pool 24: Eternal Yoshi, Prince of Fire, Wife, X - Sylar - X, prog, Lite
Pool 25: Dazwa, Deff, FlipDammit, Gheto, Kage, Cash Mooney
Pool 26: DeathKnight, Havoc Zephyr, Jurm, KirbyKaze, SpicierMooMoo, TecZero
Pool 27: Eclipsing binary, KoRoBeNiKi, Meth, Nakamaru, D1, tinky
Pool 28: BEER, Milos, Mommy siafu, unc, Unknown522, Pakman
Pool 29: CamPollit, Kels, Preg, VaNz, cheeburger, CanISmash
Pool 30: Bailey, Boss, Ello, ZeroKoH, Bolt, ColBol
Pool 31: G$, Hector, Niko, RaynEX, Roman, Tailz531
Pool 32: CaptainHappyFace, HIV+, JX, Logik, RockCrock, Hax$$$$