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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Uni takes up the time I don't donate to smash. It's pretty sad. :laugh:

I'm not being serious though. I'm just frustrated atm. My tech skill seems to have vanished. Again. But I'll be fine in like an hour. :laugh:

I might get into Pokemon again, though, Garchomp being banned and Latias being unbanned makes me interested to see where the metagame is wafting around right now. I'm playing Emerald on an emulator. I need to get a DS so I can get Pearl.

Oh, I also like to draw stuff.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
first the dude jabed, if he had grabed he would have beaten the rest, and ask bernard we found a better use of this downthrow.......downthrow shine shine kills at 0% on yoshies story :D

kyle wat the hell i thot we were busing
0% with no DI? or what?

oh yeah, sorry >_< i guess i forgot cause we hadn't really planned anything out. that and cause i can't keep straight what's going on with who with so many tourneys happening so close to each other.

:( sorry...i think eric still has spots in his car though...


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
emo david

what are your other hobbies?

Uni takes up the time I don't donate to smash. It's pretty sad. :laugh:

I'm not being serious though. I'm just frustrated atm. My tech skill seems to have vanished. Again. But I'll be fine in like an hour. :laugh:

I might get into Pokemon again, though, Garchomp being banned and Latias being unbanned makes me interested to see where the metagame is wafting around right now. I'm playing Emerald on an emulator. I need to get a DS so I can get Pearl.

Oh, I also like to draw stuff.

il beat u in pokermanz =] =]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
yo my charizard will take you down

Level: 69 (lololololol)
Name: Charizard
Types: Fire, Big, Angry
Laser Eyes: Yes
Swords Dance


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I have a team comprised of 6 Bidoofs.

If I could teach my sexy bidoofs any move...

Double Team

So first, spam Flash so he's blind and ****. Then camp him with double team so he can't hit you. Then spam ember or tackle until you win. If you face a stupid Rock Pokemon like Onix or something...GGs. Onix > Tackle/Ember


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
alright here is what I know so far about ACTUALLY playing pokemanz.

-Gyrados (Ice Fang, Waterfall etc etc)
-Tyranitar (lol Earthquake, lol crunch)
-lol Gengar

yea. im so pro.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
can blissey learn spore, confuse ray, double team and toxic? =D

have any of you ever thought about pokemon in a practical sense? it gets really funny. onix. what could possibly ever beat onix? it's like a 50 foot snake made of ROCK. good ****ing luck, squirtle. you spit some water on that rock snake monster. it'll roll over in its sleep and crush you instantly.

and then there are weird discrepancies in stats. lv. 100 caterpie would always be faster than a lv. 1 pidgeot (hope i'm still spelling that correctly). how does that work? caterpillar moves faster than bird of prey? imagine watching a caterpie beat a taurus in a foot race.

why is slowpoke still alive =P with its delayed pain response and overall stupidity that species really should have died out long ago. or, uh, "fainted permanently."

So. who's coming to my house tomorrow?


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
kk i have ninjask eved in speed, use substitute and speed rasiign moves along with the ablility that raises his speed, then baton pass to my starmie.

my starmie is now faster than all your pokemon, and i sweep everything with pshychic, icebeam, surf and thunder.

then if you sumhow kill that, il bring otu my other sweepers. or my 2 walls.

Shuckle ev trained in defense. double team a bunch, then toxic and just sit there. ORR double team alot, powertrick then earthquake and yoru dead. holding a quik claw to hopefully go first with the first double team.

or my umbreon will subsitute, then toxix, then subsitute, then use its healing moves to reagian hp. rinse and repeat. holding leftoveres.

everything iis eved lvl 100 and shiny.



Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
wigi, how did you get six shinies in the same game?

you can also give pokemon obscene names. "Pen1s used harden! Pen1s used water gun!"


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
can blissey learn spore, confuse ray, double team and toxic? =D

have any of you ever thought about pokemon in a practical sense? it gets really funny. onix. what could possibly ever beat onix? it's like a 50 foot snake made of ROCK. good ****ing luck, squirtle. you spit some water on that rock snake monster. it'll roll over in its sleep and crush you instantly.

and then there are weird discrepancies in stats. lv. 100 caterpie would always be faster than a lv. 1 pidgeot (hope i'm still spelling that correctly). how does that work? caterpillar moves faster than bird of prey? imagine watching a caterpie beat a taurus in a foot race.

why is slowpoke still alive =P with its delayed pain response and overall stupidity that species really should have died out long ago. or, uh, "fainted permanently."

So. who's coming to my house tomorrow?
I love you.

Here's my team so far

Ninjask @ Focus Sash
~ Spore
~ Baton Pass
~ Mean Look
~ Fake Out

EVs in speed and HP only. Fake Out if they have a priority move. Works kind of like a suicide lead, only I'm pretty much guaranteed a Mean Look + BP + Spore.

Now I need 5 other pokemon to fill the rest of it. I'm thinking TTar, Latias, Wondertomb, and then I really don't know. How good is Blissey?

Just A Frog

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
Desh's Bathroom
can blissey learn spore, confuse ray, double team and toxic? =D

have any of you ever thought about pokemon in a practical sense? it gets really funny. onix. what could possibly ever beat onix? it's like a 50 foot snake made of ROCK. good ****ing luck, squirtle. you spit some water on that rock snake monster. it'll roll over in its sleep and crush you instantly.

and then there are weird discrepancies in stats. lv. 100 caterpie would always be faster than a lv. 1 pidgeot (hope i'm still spelling that correctly). how does that work? caterpillar moves faster than bird of prey? imagine watching a caterpie beat a taurus in a foot race.

why is slowpoke still alive =P with its delayed pain response and overall stupidity that species really should have died out long ago. or, uh, "fainted permanently."

So. who's coming to my house tomorrow?

i might be able to come =o if its not a only TT thing. would need directions lol, i have a spare last period tomorrow so ill be out at 2:00 ^.^


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
don't worry andy I'll come visit you in the hospitaaaaal.

all dai
I have a team comprised of 6 Bidoofs.

If I could teach my sexy bidoofs any move...

Double Team

So first, spam Flash so he's blind and ****. Then camp him with double team so he can't hit you. Then spam ember or tackle until you win. If you face a stupid Rock Pokemon like Onix or something...GGs. Onix > Tackle/Ember
gen 1:
- thunder wave
- agility
- wrap
- blizzard (90 accuracy in that game)

- amesia
- moves

alright here is what I know so far about ACTUALLY playing pokemanz.

-Gyrados (Ice Fang, Waterfall etc etc)
-Tyranitar (lol Earthquake, lol crunch)
-lol Gengar

yea. im so pro.
you basically said my team....almost
Lock On
Horn Drill
Shadow Ball or i think it was rest.
that doesn't work.

mew gen 2:

- rest
- sleep talk
- horn drill
- fissure
100 accuracy now. GG

anyways, kyle I'm coming with david at like 2 or so. Adam said he is coming as well now that he has proper directions


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
yo who ever cant think of a song for their combo video me and bernard r picking ur songs for u XD, and some one use the i'm on a boat, and have a bunch of combos on rainbow cruise


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
heh, i can't quote stuff cause i had to unplug the internet for a few minutes. but i'll type in the quick reply box so i won't forget what i want to say. this page is full of ugly jpeg artifacts.

just so you all know, people who have said they were coming to my place tomorrow are marco, mike, bernard, ryan, david and adam.


we should be fine for tvs, but if anyone is driving, bring one just in case. the third tv we'd have available is pretty small.

david - i hope you weren't asking me, i don't know anything about competitive pokemon. i mostly just pick the coolest ones. my team would be something like mantine, gengar or haunter, vileplume, maybe dragonair...haven't even thought of their movesets.

frog - of course you can come =P my house is 58 bertha avenue, scarborough, M1L 3M2...busing here is pretty easy, you get to victoria park station somehow, then take the 67 pharmacy north bus, get off at florens...you should see some small apartment buildings on your right and a gas station a bit in front of you and to the right...from here, walk one street east, and you'll be on bertha avenue...then you walk north for a few houses and mine is #58 with the weird metal porch that probably didn't look so bad when the house was made.

so for busing:
- vic park station
- 67 pharmacy north
- get off at florens
- go right/east one street, then north for a few houses

this is honestly about a 2-minute walk from the bus stop.
i hope you're not driving, that would make a lot of this post useless. if you are...well, i don't drive, so it's probably better to just get a map.
oh, and good luck...it'll be like me, you, and then most of the best melee players in toronto =P

Just A Frog

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
Desh's Bathroom
heh, i can't quote stuff cause i had to unplug the internet for a few minutes. but i'll type in the quick reply box so i won't forget what i want to say. this page is full of ugly jpeg artifacts.

just so you all know, people who have said they were coming to my place tomorrow are marco, mike, bernard, ryan, david and adam.


we should be fine for tvs, but if anyone is driving, bring one just in case. the third tv we'd have available is pretty small.

david - i hope you weren't asking me, i don't know anything about competitive pokemon. i mostly just pick the coolest ones. my team would be something like mantine, gengar or haunter, vileplume, maybe dragonair...haven't even thought of their movesets.

frog - of course you can come =P my house is 58 bertha avenue, scarborough, M1L 3M2...busing here is pretty easy, you get to victoria park station somehow, then take the 67 pharmacy north bus, get off at florens...you should see some small apartment buildings on your right and a gas station a bit in front of you and to the right...from here, walk one street east, and you'll be on bertha avenue...then you walk north for a few houses and mine is #58 with the weird metal porch that probably didn't look so bad when the house was made.

so for busing:
- vic park station
- 67 pharmacy north
- get off at florens
- go right/east one street, then north for a few houses

this is honestly about a 2-minute walk from the bus stop.
i hope you're not driving, that would make a lot of this post useless. if you are...well, i don't drive, so it's probably better to just get a map.
oh, and good luck...it'll be like me, you, and then most of the best melee players in toronto =P
right on :D thanks so much, ill try to be there, ill pm you my cell number lol, if i could get your home number thatd be great.. chances of me getting lost 9/10 :p im surprised i managed to find Peter so easily today, literally got off the train and looked to my left and I see a guy carrying a Wii :laugh:


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
wigi, how did you get six shinies in the same game?
i have a box full of shinies, msot ev trained. i eve trained a few on ym own, then traded a BUTLOAD and keept upgrading, eventually getitng 2 for 1s, ect ect, after i ahd a box or so, i traded whatever to get my desired team, in shinyies.

I love you.

Here's my team so far

Ninjask @ Focus Sash
~ Spore
~ Baton Pass
~ Mean Look
~ Fake Out

EVs in speed and HP only. Fake Out if they have a priority move. Works kind of like a suicide lead, only I'm pretty much guaranteed a Mean Look + BP + Spore.

Now I need 5 other pokemon to fill the rest of it. I'm thinking TTar, Latias, Wondertomb, and then I really don't know. How good is Blissey?
if you ahve wondertomb your invincable. its gay. and very banned. seeing how you can;t hurt them.
yo who ever cant think of a song for their combo video me and bernard r picking ur songs for u XD, and some one use the i'm on a boat, and have a bunch of combos on rainbow cruise
me and andy discuseed this all day.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
right on :D thanks so much, ill try to be there, ill pm you my cell number lol, if i could get your home number thatd be great.. chances of me getting lost 9/10 :p im surprised i managed to find Peter so easily today, literally got off the train and
looked to my left and I see a guy carrying a Wii :laugh:
no problem. i'll pm you back my home # in the reply to yours. oh, and bring money...we generally don't feed people staying over (unless my mom feels like being generous and making something) and there's a domino's ridiculously close to my house.

sorry, who do you play again?

i have a box full of shinies, msot ev trained. i eve trained a few on ym own, then traded a BUTLOAD and keept upgrading, eventually getitng 2 for 1s, ect ect, after i ahd a box or so, i traded whatever to get my desired team, in shinyies.
you have spent a great deal of time on this.

what's so good about wondertomb? i remember thinking one day that the best way to go about things would be to find a pokemon with high defense and special defense, and go from there. is it kind of like that...

oh, and someone remind me why wobbufett is so good too.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
So I didn't make it on Andy's list... huh... :(
aww josh i didn't forget about you =D
i was seriously gonna do yours and ryan's shoutout and other's i can't specifically remember right after but I got so tired
i didn't forget about anyone :p
but i really don't have time to finish them =[ i was gonna sleep at like 6pm cuz i gotta wake up at 4am or something and go.. i'm sooo sorry D:

quick ones!!

josh: you're awesome and we need to play more.

ryan: wheeerree yoouu ayyuuuutt LOL pichu team is so broken. train me more!

ethan: you were a big help at steven's first tournament when i met you =] ty so much. you're really fun to play in brawl and kept me playing **** tier LOL. whenever i was bored you would play wifi with me and it was awesome. so awesome to know you're playing melee. keep on playing both games and ******. i haven't seen you in foreeveerrr. come to the brampton tournament =D

sylar: SATANIC GREMLIN SEX DI?! LOOLLLLLL. you're awesome and mad fun to play with. we need to play more

anyone else? =[ really sorry if i'm forgetting anyone, can't think straight right now
i'm like, hyped up (more maybe kinda nervous) hahah

i'm really tired and hungry lol
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