sure everyone will play melee with you =D
some people will play brawl with you too.
i ****ing died reading that thing chris.. LOL
Alright guys so I guess it's about time I made this post.. I'm getting surgery on Feb. 16th (Wednesday) so yeeaahhh.. it's coming up really soon and I just thought I'd say bye to everyone (for like a month lol). A bunch of stuff has been happening during the last few months before now. I'm really thankful to everyone- including you guys and girls, my family, and my friends- who helped make it more enjoyable for me.
if you didn't know, I have scoliosis. basically, your spine is like this ---> |
and mine is like this ---> S
LOL so yeah i'm getting surgery for it.
Thanks to all of the Brampton players that kept playing with me, let me hang out at their places til 11pm on a weekday cuz i was bored, and tagged along to GTA events. You guys are awesome and fun to hang out with. I love you guys. <3
Big thanks to the GTA players who inspired and motivated me to get better at this AMAZING game. Thanks so much for giving me advice all the time. I said it before in the Canadian appreciation thread, if it weren't for you guys I probably wouldn't even be playing Smash. My goal in Melee is to be able to match up to your level, and I'll keep practicing and coming until I get there!
I'm really bummed out I can't make it to grmo's tourney, but good luck to everyone that goes and I'm sure it'll be awesome. I'm gonna miss out on playing with Americans and everyone I want to play against. =[ Brampton better represent for me! Jay, I have faith in you. You'll do great. I promise. I hope to see everyone at the Brampton tournament.
But after grmo's tourney, I hear Brampton, some GTA guys, and my friends are coming to visit me in the hospital =D I don't know why but I thought I would just be in the hospital for 5 days alone. A bunch of my family is going to come visit me too. It made me sooo happy to know that people were actually going to come visit me. You guys have no idea how much I love you guys for doing this.
I'm only really going to be away for a week, and probably stuck at home for a month. I could probably have people over too. But I guess it's really important to me or something. I think I might be overdoing it so I guess it's shoutouts time! I'm sooo sorry if I forgot anyone. Please tell me if I did and I'll make one for you <3
Steven: First on my list of single shout outs. =D I haven't seen you in like a week or something. You're my rival in Smash and playing against you always gets me better, even though I might say otherwise LOL. Sorry you just play really gay >=[ Second best in Brampton though. Keep playing Melee please and I'll love you forever. I'll even play Brawl with you. Whenever you ask me to leave you house. Keep being awesome and black.
Chris: Ty so much for being our venue for my first year in competitive Smash. Without that, I would never be as good as I am now, and I'd probably never even meet up with the Brampton crew. You're getting so much better so quickly. Keep power training in the GTA and you'll be better than the rest of Brampton. BOB DOLLAR COMBOOZZ!!!
WiJay: You were my FIRST rival when I started. God**** Mushroom Kingdom II. Stop being so discouraged with your skill in Melee. I think you're the most quickest improving smash player in Brampton. I really do. I love you soo much for driving everyone all the way down to the hospital. I owe you big time. I'll pay for your entrance fee in grmo's tourney? =DD. Do me proud. I know you will. *****es don't know bout our edgecanceling hacktics. OMFG it's toonie tuesday tomorrow. reach? I'll pay for that too. I think practicing Melee alone is boring too, I really only get practice when I play against others, or I get ideas from NorCal vids or something hahah. Go get PacMan status, I know you can do it. Keep on playing with us, come with up to more GTA smashfests and I know it'll happen.
Bren: i would give you first or second shoutout, but you don't live in canadia anymore D: well, I dunno if you even knew I had to have surgery so soon, but yeahh.. you're awesome and made me really love playing Link as much as I do. Link vs Samus on DL64 is almost as fun as the ditto LOL. You gave me my name, my tag, and my heart. I love you Bren. Come back this summer expecting to see a new sexy Andy. I'm growing an afro for you baby. LOL no not really.
Zack: **** you son, i know you don't read the boards, and steve or chris will probably tell you about this. LOL jokes, I love you, come play with us more, and get the **** out of brampton to smash for once. go to your first tournament dammit and I know you'll do good. You deserve last shoutout, but you're lucky you're from the original brampton crew >=[
Warren: stick to one good character LOL. you're getting good fast, but you gotta take in our advice if you want to improve. it was fun playing against you. You made my love playing Captain Falcon. keep on playing and I know you'll become amazing. When I get a good new laptop, I promise I'll play GunZ with your pro ***. Do you even come to swf?
Xavier: I haven't seen you in forever D: I love you though. You also made me love Falcon. You play amazingly smart. You're awesome at getting grabs. Just play with us more and you'll be amazing. Do you even come to swf? LOL **** useless shoutouts.
Vik: come to more events plz so I can **** you more LOOLLL man I haven't played you in ages. we need more super smashfests in Brampton. keep on going to GTA stuff that the rest of brampton aren't ever invited to you jerk LOL
Abel: almost forgot about you lol. Stop making johns and get the hell over here to play so I can **** you. LOL. mann you have your own ride now and everything. no transportation johns. haven't played you in a whhile. visit swf?
Mike: WHHEEERREE DID YOU GOOO?! I think he died along with the thursday smashfests =[ i only played you once in a while and everytime i did, you would get better. how do you do it?! you go to notre dame right? say high to d-pryde for me and ask him to sign my scar. LOL
LL62: come to brampton smashfests and show us where you ayutt. I haven't seen you since summer LOL
Josh's group: Josh, yo ima raep yo **** next times i see you so be prepared. i don't play this game but i'll show you wut's wut. Vega, it's been a while since we played man, i'm sure your falco's gotten pretty **** and I wanna play you
i think i'm missing a bunch of brampton, but they're like inactive or something on the boards.
****, there's so many of you GTA players..
Berny: Amazing fox player and representing Canada. I'll be able to beat your Fox in a legit match one day! hahah. You're a fun guy to play with. Keep being awesome.
David: The most lovable guy in the GTA. Hands down. You always give me advice to improve and you're really fun to hang out with too. I need to play against you more.
Adnan: I haven't seen or played you in soooo long, but you deserve a shoutout for being one of the most friendly guys in the community. Always welcomed new players to the scene and helped them get better and involved. I need to play you. Maybe at the Brampton tournament?
Stos: CAN'T forget about my link brother, stos. Always inspired me to keep maining Link. I hope I can make my Link as fast and technical as your Link. You're amazing at pressuring people with Link. Keep on ****** with this low tier and repping the canadian link. arrows ftw. We need to get like a milli link matches recorded next time we play. ty for busing it to the hospital for me with everyone, ilu<3 LOL
Imadh: I haven't really played you lately =[ You're one of the players that really helped me at the start. Your Marth is incredible. My goal was actually to get to your level, but then I didn't play you as much anymore =[ I still need to get to your level. I want to train with you next time I see you. =D
Mike: You helped me a lot when I started too. You taught me a lot about Link and you made me love the Link ditto. I haven't played you recently either, so let's get some matches in next time. =D
Kyle: Your Jigglypuff is ridiculous. Resting me off of my own bomb? WHAT THE HELL?!
Dzenan and Coolhat: Keep playing please =D you're both awesome.
peterx: i don't really get to play against you too much, but your falco is super technical from what i can see lol keep working on it and get back at berny for what he did to you hahah.
grmo: you're awesome. i haven't seen you in forever. we need to play more. I'm sooooo sorry I can't make it to your tourny =[ come to the hospital with stos and we'll all play bomberman hahah
josh: you're awesome and we need to play more.
ryan: wheeerree yoouu ayyuuuutt LOL pichu team is so broken. train me more!
sylar: SATANIC GREMLIN SEX DI?! LOOLLLLLL. you're awesome and mad fun to play with. we need to play more
ethan: you were a big help at steven's first tournament when i met you =] ty so much. you're really fun to play in brawl and kept me playing **** tier LOL. whenever i was bored you would play wifi with me and it was awesome. so awesome to know you're playing melee. keep on playing both games and ******. i haven't seen you in foreeveerrr. come to the brampton tournament =D
wow i'm tired. i'll finish this later. wow i typed a lot lol
<3 you all.