o.o didn't see the Stos stuff, but caught the generic ZZOMG RaynEX combo.
Yep, you're totally right. Its extremely generic.
Stos' Falcon from his sex in my ayass vidd was in there. Near the end he techs Eugene's knee off the left side of Stadium.
Oh and Julian I don't think I can come thursday. I'll most likely only come one day, but if I can I'll try to come Friday and crash till Saturday.
cool sig I found in the bladebreakers thread:
Darc: I love grabbing
Darc: I grab so much
Darc: I just love taking a hold of something and squeezing it
Darc: then throwing it to the side
Variola: Maybe jumping inside of it and then making it explode.
Darc: yeah
Darc: that's usually how I deal with my women