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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
it's hacked brawl to make it appeal to more competitive gamers

at first i thought it was cute

but then it got old

i would play it, but then i honestly don't think if a game HAS to be hacked to be playable, i would rather not play it at all.. plus, we already have a game that is like melee.. you know, that game 'super smash brothers melee'?

brawl's okay though, brawl+ is okay but realistically i don't think it will ever become a tournament standard, but it would be fun to play around with


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2008
it's hacked brawl to make it appeal to more competitive gamers

at first i thought it was cute

but then it got old

i would play it, but then i honestly don't think if a game HAS to be hacked to be playable, i would rather not play it at all.. plus, we already have a game that is like melee.. you know, that game 'super smash brothers melee'?

brawl's okay though, brawl+ is okay but realistically i don't think it will ever become a tournament standard, but it would be fun to play around with
they can hack brawl to be the most competitive game in the world. and melee would still be better


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
it's hacked brawl to make it appeal to more competitive gamers

at first i thought it was cute

but then it got old

i would play it, but then i honestly don't think if a game HAS to be hacked to be playable, i would rather not play it at all.. plus, we already have a game that is like melee.. you know, that game 'super smash brothers melee'?

brawl's okay though, brawl+ is okay but realistically i don't think it will ever become a tournament standard, but it would be fun to play around with
To be honest, I doubt you've played the updated version of it. I enjoy it more than melee atm because it's a new game to me now, lol. To all those who will refuse to try it just for ****s and giggles: full of fail. I still play normal brawl too, I main Falcon LOL


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
In Melee I play Sheik and Fox.

In Brawl I play Metaknight.

In Brawl+ I play Metaknight.

In 64 I drop the ball entirely though and main Kirby.

I mean, Kirby's only second best. God I feel like I've betrayed myself.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
acutally i haven't played brawl+ at all so i don't really know what i'm talking about
i wouldn't mind playing it. i think i could probably hack my wii and do it whenever i wanted but i'm lazy <_<
it's okay, i main link in brawl D:

hey did they ever fix wavedashing in brawl? <_< like how it completely stopped your momentum when you got to an edge? that was really fail

also, when you hack your wii, do you have to keep your sd card in it? or can you take it out and the hacks will still be there?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada

3 Muirfield Trail, Markham
Kennedy and Major Mac

It's the Angus Glen complex, right across the street from Pierre Elliot Trudeau High School and a Plaza with Pizza Nova and Subway and some random medical offices.

To bus, I'm not sure of the actual buses and schedules, but the TTC and YRT websites are what I used when I used to bus.

Basically, go across to Kennedy and up Kennedy to Major Mac. Or you can go up whatever street you want to Major Mac and go across to Kennedy. Right at Major Mac and Kennedy is my complex, and there's a bus that can take you into the complex from there. Or you can walk through my complex... about a 5-10 minute walk to my house from there, I believe. If you're Mike, it's like a 60 second walk.

If anyone is going to drive, I suggest to take the DVP/404 north to Major Mac, across (east) to Kennedy and just before Kennedy (it's the last turn in before Kennedy, hard to miss) you can turn in on the right. Mapquest can help navigate the little streets to my house from there.

Here's the Mapquest link for my house: http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Markham&state=ON&address=3+Muirfield+Trail

SUPER EDIT: For those commuting, this is the stuff you need.

I grazed the YRT site and found this:


Basically, you just need to find a way to get on that route, which would be any bus that takes you across to Kennedy, north of Steeles. Quote from page:

When this trip arrives at Kennedy Rd and Major Mackenzie Dr., bus will service the
Prospectors diversion

^Which is hawt. Get off anywhere on Prospector's Drive and it's like a 2 minute walk to my house.

EDITEDIT: Alternate route (probably good for Kyle and Stos or anyone else that wants to go on VP up or is taking the subway to VP station):


Take the route from VP subway up to Major Mac (the big A on the right map). From there take:


Across to Kennedy and get off right before Kennedy at Prospector's Drive. You can walk in from there fairly easily by following mapquest or call my cell - 647 293 5693.

Anyone else needs directions, just ask, but the YRT site is a pretty big help. It's going to be an epic journey, but not that epic.
5th to 7th, so Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Can crash if you want.

And Josh, I heard you got cube system links for like 20 bucks? I want one!


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
they are video games, after all. if it's fun, play it. i'm expecting brawl+ to be fun. like josh said...it's fun cause it's a new game, but without most of the stupidness that's bothersome about brawl. there's no need to choose one game over another...

oh yeah, and


what's he doing that i'm not? and don't say camping cause he's not.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
where he's landing in relation to darkrain after his attacks.

he doesn't get comboed into knee / u-smash / f-smash during the 1st game, all of darkrain's kills are from random hits. aside from 2 flubs (one really bad, one so-so) he doesn't get comboed particularly badly game 2. he got comboed into knee twice game 3 and one of them was a dair --> knee on a rest punish iirc. yoshi's there were 2big di flubs i noticed... but he only got punished badly for one of them. i guess that's the platform + it's jigglypuff.

he edgeguards better.

he doesn't always chuck an aerial out, sometimes he sort of just floats there or double jumps there just outside darkrain's range and waits for him to do something so he can punish or whatever.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
where he's landing in relation to darkrain after his attacks.

he doesn't get comboed into knee / u-smash / f-smash during the 1st game, all of darkrain's kills are from random hits. aside from 2 flubs (one really bad, one so-so) he doesn't get comboed particularly badly game 2. he got comboed into knee twice game 3 and one of them was a dair --> knee on a rest punish iirc. yoshi's there were 2big di flubs i noticed... but he only got punished badly for one of them. i guess that's the platform + it's jigglypuff.

he edgeguards better.

he doesn't always chuck an aerial out, sometimes he sort of just floats there or double jumps there just outside darkrain's range and waits for him to do something so he can punish or whatever.
so better combo DI choices, basically.

yeah. i always screw up edgeguarding with puff. and it's so easy too...

mm i noticed i do that, and have been cutting down on it a bit. overall i could approach less =P

He's naked puff, hes floatier and more aerodynamic in the air.
i ain't givin up my flower.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
He's naked puff, hes floatier and more aerodynamic in the air.
Flower Puff learns Aromatherapy so he can sometimes wake up from Rest without taking damage.

In general he's just more cautious and waits a bit for stuff. Approaching with nothing (for Jiggs that would be ducking and jumping at someone but floating a bit beyond their range, for Fox that would be waveland or just staring at them, etc) is pretty busted in this game.

Oh yeah, he also does Dair --> grab a lot.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
they are video games, after all. if it's fun, play it. i'm expecting brawl+ to be fun. like josh said...it's fun cause it's a new game, but without most of the stupidness that's bothersome about brawl. there's no need to choose one game over another...

oh yeah, and


what's he doing that i'm not? and don't say camping cause he's not.
well, david pretty much said most of it.

but yeah, he also shields less, and doesn't use as much shield grab.

I made that thread :bee:.

Edit: Eric, you have to come, I missed you.

No homo.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i do need to shield less, foxes always get me with upthrow upair. when i shield grab mostly that's being lazy or, less often, trying to get lucky.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
:laugh: lazy kyle, always trying to find the easy way out of things hahaha. So I should be coming to Santana's and if there is a place to crash, I might just crash <333


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
honestly :laugh:

Also LOLLL! <3 Andy, you ******. So I log on today and I get a pm from andy about a warning. I'm like "**** HE'S ONTO ME, FOR ALL MY SPAMMING!"

Turns out he gives me a warning for disrespecting mods, since I forgot to mention him on the list of AN smashers. Rofl that made my night. <3 Andy.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
lol @ hbox di

nair -> uair x4 -> knee
heh yeah. to be fair, it's weird DIing against falcon, since he can pretty much get you either way...but still, that's too much.

santa probably has room. he didn't set a cap on a number of people anyway. and i'm sure there's lots of floor space. not to talk for him though =P

hey santa, should i bring a sleeping bag? i mean, i know it's always better, but...do i need to?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada
heh yeah. to be fair, it's weird DIing against falcon, since he can pretty much get you either way...but still, that's too much.

santa probably has room. he didn't set a cap on a number of people anyway. and i'm sure there's lots of floor space. not to talk for him though =P

hey santa, should i bring a sleeping bag? i mean, i know it's always better, but...do i need to?
D-Throw -> Knee is an inescapable combo for Falcon. It's so hard for anyone to believe.

Anywho, I STRONGLY recommend sleeping bags, I don't have enough stuff for like 15 people. There's floor space and about 6 or 7 couches between the basement and upstairs. And there's a lot of maybes for me to set a cap, but I figure there shouldn't be more than 20 people. We're about 17ish now with maybes.

And Eric, get your *** to this thing. I haven't been pika gimped in far too long.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i'm pretty sure it's only inescapable against jiggs at certain percentages, and i don't know what the numbers are.

and i'll get a sleeping bag, it's convenient cause i can borrow one off my friend who i haven't seen in a while. i can also borrow his ipod.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
The range where you can be rested for trying if you're just ever so slightly, slightly, slightly off is like 50 - 60 or 60 - 70 or something. I don't remember which though.

And if you're slightly off it's much larger.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
D-Throw -> Knee is an inescapable combo for Falcon. It's so hard for anyone to believe.

Anywho, I STRONGLY recommend sleeping bags, I don't have enough stuff for like 15 people. There's floor space and about 6 or 7 couches between the basement and upstairs. And there's a lot of maybes for me to set a cap, but I figure there shouldn't be more than 20 people. We're about 17ish now with maybes.

And Eric, get your *** to this thing. I haven't been pika gimped in far too long.
I call a big couch


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
The range where you can be rested for trying if you're just ever so slightly, slightly, slightly off is like 50 - 60 or 60 - 70 or something. I don't remember which though.

And if you're slightly off it's much larger.
i keep forgetting to do this. is at higher percents, or lower percents, where it becomes 'less of a combo'/more easy to rest them out of it? sounds like higher. bernard should've been reminding me of this whenever i played his falcon :mad:

sots is my only friend on MSN :(
same, pm me and i'll add you too...i'm not on very much though.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i'll probably sleep on a carpet.

at the moment i'm planning to come thursday afternoon/evening. my class that day ends around 1 so probably the earliest i could get there is between 2 and 3, but it depends how much time i spend eating and generally sitting around at york first.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Man, I missed you guys. haha

So many bad americans...
Just because I **** them doesn't mean they're bad. ManaLord is actually pretty **** good. He needs a bit of cleaning up but he's good.

Or maybe Bernard is just good? Your negativity is really sucking Mike ;p
I agree with this.

edit: apparently there's a live action cowboy bebop movie scheduled to come out in 2011. keanu reeves will be playing spike. ...
Holy **** that sounds sex.

banana thong
I love those.

Congrats Bernard, you rock etc. How much did you win?
about half a thousand American. When I converted it back to Canadian I got like an extra $84 Canadian or something.

Whats so funny, scrub? :laugh:


I'll bring my sleeping bag to Santana's now that I actually bought one. Oh and I was watching the news this morning @ the bank while I was depositing my winnings (>_>). Seems like York U students are back to school.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Well at least Peach can't do **** about Down Throw -> Knee.

Ryan, you're coming at 1, right? Come at like 1:30 if you can. I gotta sleep ;o

EDIT: When's everyone else coming Thursday?

And I need to get some mad cereal and milk into the house.
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