This is the only post I'll make on this issue.
High Elo players do not Duo Queue at the beginning of the season because they can't rise up with out it. Rather, they Duo Queue because it speeds the whole damn process up exponentially. If everyone just soloed for 2 weeks, the top would look exactly the same as it did before, it's just tedious and frustrating when everyone's suddenly at the same elo again and you go from playing 2K games to playing games where first pick is 2K and last pick is 1300.
So w/e, it's not that they can't get out of the cluster**** without duo queue, it's that duo queue lets you stack the deck in your favor when everyone's starting fresh to expedite the whole process. Duo queue doesn't disrupt anything once elos have settled in a bit, it just ****s with the beginning part of the season where elos are meaningless.
I realize ELO is a good system..
Hence the not being a proponent of ELO hell.
I'm just saying that duo queue is simply a stupid factor that sort of takes any meaning out of rising through SOLO queue.
I'm just not a fan of it, I know its available to me and I'll be using it to its full advantage this season but to see the pro's begin to lose in the beginning of the cluster**** season say eff it and just start duo queuing is annoying vs watching them carry themselves out.
I guess I was just disappointed is all, I wanted to watch the streams of them carrying themselves out.. not the BigfatGG stomp fest.
Worth pointing out like John just mentioned is the fact that at one point Saint is laughing about how he's lost 4 in a row in vent to HS to which hotshot responds
"Am I going to have to carry you to 2k like I did with Elementz"
Showing that a lot of these "top" players might not have made it as far in solo queue without duo queing with buddies.
Keep in mind I'm pointing out made it as far in SOLO, but its still worth noting and it's basically impossible to ignore the implications of what HS said.