I've been playing as only soraka since the patch yesterday and I think I'm in love with her remake:
She still supports ridiculously well, it's just, her support in lane has shifted more towards an agressive zoning style rather than an eternal sustaining style. And the plus is that she's arguably MORE potent late game since her Astral blessing turns frail champions into tanks with a huge boost of health and +125 armour (!!!) for a few seconds.
Plus, unlike before she actually has FOUR useful abilities endgame instead of 3.
If she doesn't get killed, and you stay front lines against a team with soraka for more than 20 seconds or so, you'll have a HUGE chunk of your magic resist removed.
Starcall actually gets golem at a respectable pace now, and she can farm creep waves rediculously fast late game and for virtually no mana cost.
Seriously, I take back everything I've said about the soraka remake. I've played only 5 games since the patch, all of them as soraka and ALL of them we won at least partly due to soraka's ridiculous harass.