Smash Champion
I mean, yeah, discuss it here if you want. I ain't (can't) stoppin' dat ****, but at least get some of this feedback to the developers somehow.
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Jesus christ. Well, they definitely killed the support/carry lane. Either that or the carries are gonna have to start speccing regen. Then again, that just might happen due to the strength of what's basically three solo lanes...probably just that the client loads the skin selection data/interface before registering which character you are
so you can pick "skin_002" for teemo really quckly, and it will see "skin_002" and see that you are playing soraka and give you a soraka skin instead
edit: WOW shurelia is at it again lol
gg soraka
if anyone ever plays her again they should just build abyssal/deathcap, and initiate battles by spamming starcall lol, that might actually be good
I read the log. I agree with parts of it.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1102898
"Soraka and Sona changes (SUSTAIN NERFSSSSSSSSSS)"
High level play discussion between myself and dan for those who want to **** their eyes!
DanGR (3:48): w/e
did you see the soraka changes?
shurelias a *******
HiyaShaya (3:50): no?
DanGR (3:50): http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1102898
she's ****** soraka
HiyaShaya (3:50): keikaku doori
holy **** 75 pages
DanGR (3:51): read astral blessing change
gonna make soraka ****
HiyaShaya (3:53): zomg, max mres debuff is now 120 instead of 160 ****ING NERFS
DanGR (3:53): <.<
HiyaShaya (3:54): lol
DanGR (3:54): Q change did nothing no one gonna level it anyways
HiyaShaya (3:54): meh theheal change... kinda ****ty
the reason its strong right now is because of the ****ing armor buff
being op as ****, now its 125 armor...
DanGR (3:54): and on a 20 sec cd
HiyaShaya (3:54): TRUE, but its too strong atm anyway
DanGR (3:55): shes gonna suck balls early
HiyaShaya (3:55): infuse buff... lol.
***actually no, a nerf, no longer doubles on yourself trololol
DanGR (3:56): ya so basically
*** late game
onvm tought you were talking about soraka
***half ap ratio on soraka heal double the cooldown 5 more base heal
***wooptee doo
HiyaShaya (4:02): that ****ing armor buff
is ridiculous though how the **** are you meant to ****ing KILL HER or the ranged carry she's supporting with them having 125 armor bonus* that equates to so much ****ing higher scaling on her heal
DanGR (4:03): if you heal urself then you're doing it wrong, and
HiyaShaya (4:03): its like orianna's shield giving a shield in hp as well as armor/magic resist
DanGR (4:03): you burst the carry down with ap when they have a soraka
HiyaShaya (4:03): ****ING AP
DanGR (4:03): you realize
DanGR (4:03): they're halfing the ap ratio right?
HiyaShaya (4:03): yes, but generally soraka doesn't need to buy ap anyway
***she -can- and that makes her impossible to beat late game
DanGR (4:04): she does need it late
HiyaShaya (4:04): but thats a good thing, because late game soraka with a death cap is gg. you cannot win fights against her team shes broken in that regard.
but yeah, they're gonna kill her viability with those huge changes
DanGR (4:04): they should hit the late game then
HiyaShaya (4:04): iguess tarics gonna get owned too, maybe nidalee too
DanGR (4:05): ya
HiyaShaya (4:05): **** YEAH NIDALEE NERFS
DanGR (4:05): .
HiyaShaya (4:05): <3
DanGR (4:05): what they need to do to nidalee is nerf the ap ratio of heal or uh the att spd or something
if they **** her heal she'll be **** in lane because she has no spells she can use to harass. hit the later heal amounts keep the base on it at lvl 1 nerf later amounts if they touch cougar i want spear buff for harass and make it do less damage at max range
ANYWAYS, i have no say and most people suck vs nida anyways
no one dodges the pounce or swipe
HiyaShaya (4:09): HOW DO YOU DO THAT? ..........
DanGR: gank early cuz she has no escapes till 6
***also dont pick stupid **** in champ select that isnt viable anyways
HiyaShaya (4:11): hHAHA
DanGR (4:11): most of the people that complain are veigar mains and crap
HiyaShaya (4:12): a nidalee can snowball quite easily in terms of control. early game rage blade?
DanGR (4:12): ya
HiyaShaya (4:12): gg tower
gg harassing her
gg trying to hurt her
gg because she will out damage you
DanGR (4:12): thats a problem with rageblade
***not nidalee
***2300 free gold in stats?
HiyaShaya (4:12): lol
***rageblade ezreal all day
DanGR (4:13): GRB is ALMOST efficient enough to get on casters
***that dont autoattack
HiyaShaya (4:13): I'm aware.
DanGR (4:13): **** RIOT
***nerf grb
HiyaShaya (4:13): Rageblade+ Ezreal
DanGR (4:13): change it
***make it 4 stacks
HiyaShaya (4:13): does more damage than bloodthirster
DanGR (4:13): and give less a bonus
HiyaShaya (4:14): but
***nerfing rageblade
***kills any sort of hybrid potential in this game
***know why rageblade is ****?
***its got soooo many free stats
***err not rageblade*
***hextech gunblade
DanGR (4:15): buff all the people that need grb
***or something
***in return for nerfing grb
HiyaShaya (4:16): some points are coming up about soraka
***36 mr in 5 seconds
***125 armor
***much stronger silence
***IMO they're killing sona harder than soraka
DanGR (4:16): who uses q?
HiyaShaya (4:16): the fact that its useless
***says something
DanGR (4:17): its useless because soraka is squishy as hell
HiyaShaya (4:17): i see what they're trying to do
DanGR (4:17): not because the damage isnt good
HiyaShaya (4:17): soraka will have to be 'closer' to teh fight
***and not just be trolololol wing and ulting
***once per fight to guarantee victory
DanGR (4:17): so that forces you to build tanky
***and not heal
HiyaShaya (4:17): thats fine
***is it not?
DanGR (4:18): she's support
***she doesnt farm
HiyaShaya (4:18): exactly
DanGR (4:18): they need to make her naturally tanky
HiyaShaya (4:18): tank items are cheaper
***and CDR comes with tanky items
***2.5 second q at 12 magic resist debuff
***have 40% cdr...
***1.5 seconds dshredding 12 magic resist
***thats actually a really strong thing in team fights
***and doing things like baron
***40% cdr also gives her a 2.5 second silence every 6 seconds
***thats also strong
***IMO they're good changes, maybe a bit too much heal nerfing
DanGR (4:19): in return for making her early game ****
HiyaShaya (4:19): mm
***well... armor buff
***makes her save a carry from ganks a bit better
***but stops the carry from being unharassable
DanGR (4:20): how does her lane partner harass 2v1
***with her heal on a 20 sec cd
***tell me that
HiyaShaya (4:20): remember, the other heals are being nerfed too
DanGR (4:21): ok
HiyaShaya (4:21): but her silence got buffed
DanGR (4:21): forget taric sona
HiyaShaya (4:21): meaning she has a reasonably okay form of cc
DanGR (4:21): janna vayne
***how to haras sthat
HiyaShaya (4:21): mm
***janna 2op, only reason she isnt considered the best support atm is because of the heal meta. they'd prob nerf her shield or something. LOL.
DanGR (4:22): probs
HiyaShaya (4:22): to be fair, they'd have to increase the cd on her shield a lot, but then tanky dps hard cc duos will rule the universe again
***i think they're cutting numbers a bit too much.... support + carry is just going to be replaced by support + hard cc tanky dps. but support atm is too strong anyway, people have been -seriously- considering running duo support in games TSM runs zilean in mid and another support at bot
DanGR (4:23): ive seen crs do taric sona
HiyaShaya (4:24): europe runs double support too i've been in games with double support (sona + taric) and they got fb followed by constantly owning soraka + ashe always full health, could never get ganked
DanGR (4:24): counter heals with MORE HEALZ
HiyaShaya (4:24): scale reasonably well with less gold
mm well they nerfed heal debuffs too much IMO if they made executions more viable
DanGR (4:25): they should rework ignite or something
HiyaShaya (4:25): they wouldnt need to nerf the late games of supports this much yeah ignite seems a little UP atm just about anyone bar mages run exhaust instead
DanGR (4:26): reduce the CD by a ****-ton and take away the damage or something I DUNNO something
HiyaShaya (4:26): junglers are running smite + ehaust over flash or ghost which is lolsy
Yea...Soraka in lane isn't going to have much to offer after these changes. She might just be more a liability than anything...but who can tell.Personally, I'm just reacting to the changes Shurelia posted. Double cooldown on her heal would wreck her laning phase really really hard.
Think about it this way. Doubling the cooldown on it is WORSE for laning than just halving the heal on it because of the armor buff it gives. Imagine soraka with half the healing in laning phase. Why would you ever pick her? Her only utility aside from healz is a nasty silence.
They buffed her Q. Isn't going to make a difference laning.
Overal nerf to her E, which is only gonna make her laning even worse.
Not to mention HALVING the AP ratio on her heal. IIRC, good soraka players get AP runes. If you take that into account, the small base heal amount buff isn't even gonna make up for the AP ratio nerf, as far as laning goes.
In return, armor amount increased... yay...
Also, Shaya, we're not high level yet buddy![]()
Cool I added youBowser you play in Europe west yeah?
You should add me.
My LoL name is Demneo.
Farm without spells as long as you can, until 5 or 7 at leastI just bought malzahar....What do?
(I said i was picking up every caster...lol)
Holy crap what?EDIT: Why the crap did Huk leave TL. My hero, gone to the dark side... joining forces with Idra... :'(
Are you talking about when everyone complains about what others pick? or just your thoughts on the team?Anyway, back to LoL, I played a few ranked games yesterday that made me consider not playing this game anymore. I hate when games are basically lost from the character select screen.
Having three good picks, and having the 4th and 5th pick basically ruin the team. Not the skill of those players. Just the characters they pick ruining the team comp. I am all for janky play in normals, but listen to your team when picking in ranked.Are you talking about when everyone complains about what others pick? or just your thoughts on the team?
im the same way espy...except nowadays i just say to hell with it and instalock Maokai because then I can fill the tank and damage role equally since i know few people will ever pick any kind of tank -.-Nowadays when I play a game on LoL, I typically wait to see what the rest of the team picks before deciding on Rammus or Trist.
I just wish I had other champions to play that were fun and interesting, but none of the others come across as such to me.
I have Blitzcrank, Twisted Fate, and Alistar, but I absolutely despise playing as the latter two champs, while Blitz is more or less to just screw around with.
You can't wait to see what your team picks in ranked if your top pick. Even if you ask what people want to play the odds of getting a response is really low. I would happily pick whatever the team needs knowing what people plan on playing. But idiots who either don't say anything and pick who they want or can only play one thing but say something after you have picked annoy me to no end.Nowadays when I play a game on LoL, I typically wait to see what the rest of the team picks before deciding on Rammus or Trist.
I just wish I had other champions to play that were fun and interesting, but none of the others come across as such to me.
I have Blitzcrank, Twisted Fate, and Alistar, but I absolutely despise playing as the latter two champs, while Blitz is more or less to just screw around with.