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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
oh god, how does someone know about that..............

i mean, i have no idea what you are talking about

EDIT: what i do remember on the other hand is MacD's brand vs atlanta..............'s AP janna


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
So I bought udyr yesterday because I needed more junglers and I'm just being kited all day in fights and ganks.

What do?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
double FoN is pretty bad, especially when you also build Atma's with no HP items other than Omen, :laugh:. I mean, yes, you can double FoN and it's not terrible vs. double AP carry solos + Fiddle/Mumu jungle, but to suggest that this is anything but an extremely situational counter is crazy, again, especially with atma's + no big HP items sitting there. also you have ghost mastery with flash smite, lol.

also your teemo runs ardor with 0 forms of AP and 1 mana/5 over utility/greed (both way better on the captian). also running black cleaver with no arpen strikes me as wtfbbq. you ever try bloodthirster in that slot? I think it's so much stronger because you can regain your HP after getting poked and 1v1 people way better and I also think FoN or Banshee's is frequently worthwhile in the 6th slot too. also it runs perserverance over good hands. also I really strongly advocate getting the 15% mpen on Teemo, heavily outdoes the 9 in utility if you ask me.

btw, I'm just joking about not teaming, I'm still open to the idea, I just thought that was the funniest way to be an ******* to you.


Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2007
any team looking for a player

been a while since ive been on smash forums (2 years)

2k elo atm ign authenticluck i play a lot of champs ! trying to get some premade ranked games before the season ends ~.~


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
btw, I'm just joking about not teaming, I'm still open to the idea, I just thought that was the funniest way to be an ******* to you.
Yes, this was obvious ;)

You don't need HP items to make Atma's gold efficient, just fyi. You're more than welcome to try double FoN (I did it first as a joke, but later discovered it's flippin good) and see what you think. Ghost mastery? oops

I've tried both 9 offense vs 9 ultility on Teemo and I didn't see a different. I think 9 utility is better for solo-ing, as 15% mpen shouldn't make a difference (since you aren't doing magic damage). Let's say you are level 9 (max E) with wits end. How much damage is 15% mpen gonna do, to the avg champ, after 3-5 attacks?

EDIT: Looked it up. Max E does 45 on hit + 42 from Wits End. Typical carry MR is 30, after 15% mpen is 25.5 (20% dmg reduction).

Damage with 15% pen and 30 MR: 87 * 0.8 = 69.6 dmg per attack
Damage without 15% pen and 30 MR: 87 * 0.77 = 66.9 dmg per attack

Damage with 15% pen and 70 MR: 87 * 0.8 = 54.5 dmg per attack
Damage without 15% pen and 70 MR: 87 * 0.77 = 51.1 dmg per attack

Oh snap!

I agree with Bloodthirster over Black Cleaver, tho you almost never hit that last slot. And of course, good players can figure out when to use GA over Banshee's since GA isn't "omg required" on Teemo.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
Parsippany, North NJ
thanks everyone for the help/tips.. i hear the community is really elitest but you guys were great, who's a good tank character for beginners, Mundo?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Yes, this was obvious ;)

You don't need HP items to make Atma's gold efficient, just fyi. You're more than welcome to try double FoN (I did it first as a joke, but later discovered it's flippin good) and see what you think. Ghost mastery? oops

I've tried both 9 offense vs 9 ultility on Teemo and I didn't see a different. I think 9 utility is better for solo-ing, as 15% mpen shouldn't make a difference (since you aren't doing magic damage). Let's say you are level 9 (max E) with wits end. How much damage is 15% mpen gonna do, to the avg champ, after 3-5 attacks?

I agree with Bloodthirster over Black Cleaver, tho you almost never hit that last slot. And of course, good players can figure out when to use GA over Banshee's since GA isn't "omg required" on Teemo.
oh, I think GA is the **** on Teemo in most games :p. Like, sometimes I get Bloodrazor, Wit's End, Mallet, GA, FoN as my end build. just depends if you're your team's tanky DPS (no joke, tanky-pants Teemo OP) or if you actually need to put out carry level damage.

and regarding 15% MPen, it's a big difference late game.

Wit's End (42) + Toxic Shot (45) + Bloodrazor

vs. 2K HP carry with 100 Mres: 83.5 Initial Magic Damage vs. 90. Initial Magic Damage (~8% more magic damage)
vs. 3K HP tank with 200 Mres: 69 Initial Magic Damage vs. 76.7 Initial Magic Damage (~10% more magic damage)

And these aren't even counting the damage from mushrooms, blinding darts or the extra ticks of toxic shot.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
please. to get that extra damage through those resists would take a hell of a lot more than 300 gold. and hell, even if it was only 300 gold, 300 gold for 1 mastery point is absurdly efficient if you wanna run those sorts of gold analysis.

also I don't buy xp mastery giving significantly better lane dominance. XP mastery gives you brief little windows of power differential in lane, but I really don't think that does more for teemo than crit chance and a couple extra points of damage/hit because he's an attrition hero and not a burst hero. It's not like Teemo dings 6 before you and shoots a giant arrow in your face or drops a bear on you and then kills you.

also, I know that atma's is gold efficient at just over 1K HP, but it's not efficient enough that I like it with just Omen for bonus HP. Out of curiosity, have you ever tried Aegis on Jungle Ree Sin? Seems to me that it's a very good fit for him, but I rarely if ever see it.

and I have tried double FoN, and again, it's situational at best. I'm well aware that the unique part is 1.75% of your HP in terms of regen, and thus you still get good stats from the second one, but to suggest that it's anything more than extremely situational is absurd.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
also I don't buy xp mastery giving significantly better lane dominance. XP mastery gives you brief little windows of power differential in lane, but I really don't think that does more for teemo than crit chance and a couple extra points of damage/hit because he's an attrition hero and not a burst hero. It's not like Teemo dings 6 before you and shoots a giant arrow in your face or drops a bear on you and then kills you.
I feel like this post basically just told me everything I know about this game is wrong.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
yea, I'd say give it a shot, as the efficiency numbers on it are quite good and reesin does a lot of cute stuff with helping teammates.

8 damage = 328 gold
270 HP = 712.5 gold
30 armor = 500 gold
39 mres = 650 gold
2190 gold in self stats for 1925, all of which are great on reesin + a sexy aura.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
At any rate, I found out I'm among the top 1000 LoL players :)

And to put myself to shame, I also just found out that Kennen chain stunning people has reduced stun duration if applied twice in 7 seconds. That and his ult can only stun someone once, applying a max of 3 marks per person. Balls.

Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
I feel like I learned more from Zac and Mogwai's discussion over the last few pages than I have the entire time I've been playing League. Well...

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Frolossus and I just made sweet love.
RamCait love.

Also, I didn't know I could Powerball and drop wards while in the spin. Being able to place wards all over the place in one smooth motion is so damn cool.
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