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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
May be a second patch or more announced things from this patch gets released within the week?


Apr 10, 2008
May be a second patch or more announced things from this patch gets released within the week?

"For this patch, we’re mainly focusing on bug fixes"

And no bug fixes for Nidalee. :embarrass:


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Speaking of Olaf

I started learning his jungle path yesterday. Scared the crap out of me at how retardedly low on health he gets :< His whole kit is a little intimidating, I feel like it's gonna take time to actually get used to how it balances itself


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I'm actually not sure if I ever reach that much mana but that might be because I opt for a Void Staff after finishing Frozen Heart and Banshee's. After Void I'll get an RoA, but most games don't last that long
I don't do it often at all, it's a once in a blue moon type thing.
I normally don't build Ryze like this, but sometimes I just feel saucy and build him Tear, Boots2, RoA, RoA, Frozen Heart/Banshees. I only try it when I que with friends who I can trust to play a great tank and keep me alive, but it's very silly.
Not that practical because I go like 40 minutes without much/any resistances and become overly dependent on my team's CC to keep me alive while I let my mana get out of control.

Forget who's stream I was watching but they were smurfing and stacked two Rod of Ages on him before the other team surrendered. It was one the funniest things I've watched to see the other team ***** about Ryze nuking them for like a third of their health in one spell. The whole time they could have just focused him down from his like 3000+ health (and no armor/mr items) if they just cooperated but that's what happens with lowbies :awesome: It's where I got the idea from and if it works you just snowball out of control quickly. Takes bad play on the opponent's part though.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
i was gonna buy OLAF. is it worth it? or does he have super dependant runes or something
how easy of a jungle is he?
my rune page is pretty random, with arpen and magic pen together because i didn't get enough of either

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
i was gonna buy OLAF. is it worth it? or does he have super dependant runes or something
how easy of a jungle is he?
my rune page is pretty random, with arpen and magic pen together because i didn't get enough of either
Olaf is by far the least dependent when it comes to runes, Armor pen reds flat hp yellow and MR blues quints could go hp or damage. if your jungling just go with the basic rune package. I however lane cause Brolaf is too awesome to jungle :glare:

Start with DS>boot>Brutal>whatever boot you feel i usually get Berserk>start a warmog = rofl roll your way to the nexus and buy what ever you feel last whisper some more lifesteal or ghostblade:awesome:

arch knight

Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
My Arena
youll do fine i dont even have a full rune page. as long as you play smart you dont need one..

I max E then equal it out between W&Q usually W first since im going for hp damage building. this is my order for laning though not jungle.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
brolaf can jungle with almost any runes. The right masteries are pretty key if you don't have the right runes though.

With the right runes/masteries you won't get low health (including people leashing golem for you).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@Limeee if you want to start jungling but dont have runes buy nunu or ww. WW scales better into late game but nunu is top tier jungler. Both of them can do what ever they want in the jungle even without runes. On my smurfs (no runes or masteries) as nunu i can start blue with boots and health pot.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
(though I'm generally not attracted to Asians anyway).
This is Asia:

I have a hard time thinking that you "generally" are not attracted to any of the female types held within. Maybe I'm just a skeptic. Although, I have a feeling you're talking about Japanese and/or Chinese woman.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Though technically "Asian", India is on a different tectonic plate and is generally referred to be on the "sub continent". Indian culture has very little relation to other "Asian" countries and, in many ways, could be considered a great influence on others; Siddartha Gautama (who then became the Buddha) was an Indian prince.

So basically: Indians are technically Asian but informally we don't consider them such.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
This is Asia:

I have a hard time thinking that you "generally" are not attracted to any of the female types held within. Maybe I'm just a skeptic. Although, I have a feeling you're talking about Japanese and/or Chinese woman.
I know what Asia includes, and most of the people from those areas were included in my blanket statement. I like white women and Latinas.

@ Evan - Olaf is by far the best scaling jungler in the game, he's just not as safe as WW in jungle. Also, least rune dependent jungler is Cho'Gath :)

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Vietnamese girls can get pretty beautiful. Koreans do alright too. And I believe this one particularly attractive girl I know is Taiwanese.

Anyway. Cho'Gath is stupid good in solo lane. I know everybody else already knows this, but I tried it for the first time the other day. Lots of fun.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
Though technically "Asian", India is on a different tectonic plate and is generally referred to be on the "sub continent". Indian culture has very little relation to other "Asian" countries and, in many ways, could be considered a great influence on others; Siddartha Gautama (who then became the Buddha) was an Indian prince.

So basically: Indians are technically Asian but informally we don't consider them such.
I would say that you are formally , informally, and technically wrong if you do not refer to India as an Asian country. If by subcontinent you mean "South Asia" maybe I could concede, though that's hardly a "sub anything" but a semantic and geographic identifier within a very large body.

I happen to have a Pakistani in my family. They very much, technically and formally, consider themselves to be Asian. Though the term "Pakistani" is more suiting to them as the "Asian" continental identifier is cumbersome. This is probably due to us American's thinking of Japanese school girls every time we hear the word.

I look forward to discussing this further.



Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
I've honestly never heard of the distinction lol. My best friend is Chinese as well!

I honestly do not know a single Sri lankan, Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi person that wouldn't refer to themselves as ''Asian''. It seems weird for one group of peple to claim monopoly on the word just because they look a little different.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I would say that you are formally , informally, and technically wrong if you do not refer to India as an Asian country. If by subcontinent you mean "South Asia" maybe I could concede, though that's hardly a "sub anything" but a semantic and geographic identifier within a very large body.

I happen to have a Pakistani in my family. They very much, technically and formally, consider themselves to be Asian. Though the term "Pakistani" is more suiting to them as the "Asian" continental identifier is cumbersome. This is probably due to us American's thinking of Japanese school girls every time we hear the word.

I look forward to discussing this further.

I do find it interesting on your map of "this is Asia", you leave out Southwest Asia and Russia. Are they not considered Asian? Similarly to what I said about India being Asian (I said technically because that is what the country is considered), their cultures are varied enough that they are informally viewed as another place (just as Guatemala, Panama, etc. consider themselves Central American, for most intents and purposes, though they are technically North American but, because America and Canada dominate the North, they aren't typically associated). This is because they are on a different tectonic plate; when their plate collided with the Asian mainland some millions of years ago, the ridges of the collision formed a large mountain range (Himalayas) that geographically separated it and a few other countries from Eastern Asias influence. The "Indian Subcontinent" is synonymous with South Asia in terms of geography (Proof on page 344)

The Asian continental identifier is more cumbersome than "Pakistani"? In the English language, it most certainly isn't.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
I do find it interesting on your map of "this is Asia", you leave out Southwest Asia and Russia. Are they not considered Asian? Similarly to what I said about India being Asian (I said technically because that is what the country is considered), their cultures are varied enough that they are informally viewed as another place (just as Guatemala, Panama, etc. consider themselves Central American, for most intents and purposes, though they are technically North American but, because America and Canada dominate the North, they aren't typically associated). This is because they are on a different tectonic plate; when their plate collided with the Asian mainland some millions of years ago, the ridges of the collision formed a large mountain range (Himalayas) that geographically separated it and a few other countries from Eastern Asias influence. The "Indian Subcontinent" is synonymous with South Asia in terms of geography.

The Asian continental identifier is more cumbersome than "Pakistani"? In the English language, it most certainly isn't.
I find your argument from tectonic theory a bit out of place. We're talking about proper terminology and association, not theory of geographical formation.

I believe that my point, as well as SuperBowser's, is that India IS a part of Asia and is thus an Asian country. This is a true statement, both in the accepted geography of the world, as well as in the understanding of the people group "in question."

"Russia" is better known as "Russia" and is also an Asian country, yes. My point was the mass of Asia, and thus the folly of using a phrase like "Asian woman" to describe a people group we have an accurate descriptive phrase for, i.e. "Korean woman", "Chinese woman", "Japanese woman" etc.

Perhaps in recognizing them in their details we exhibit a higher respect?


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
hi guys alistar amumu ashe blitz cho jarvan malz renekton ryze teemo urgot are op. may be mundo too. not going to explain though


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
of course you know i will be acquiring that skin as soon as i sign on.

then i'll have all the medical ninjas



also jpak. plz explain why teemo is OP.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I find your argument from tectonic theory a bit out of place. We're talking about proper terminology and association, not theory of geographical formation.

I believe that my point, as well as SuperBowser's, is that India IS a part of Asia and is thus an Asian country. This is a true statement, both in the accepted geography of the world, as well as in the understanding of the people group "in question."

"Russia" is better known as "Russia" and is also an Asian country, yes. My point was the mass of Asia, and thus the folly of using a phrase like "Asian woman" to describe a people group we have an accurate descriptive phrase for, i.e. "Korean woman", "Chinese woman", "Japanese woman" etc.

Perhaps in recognizing them in their details we exhibit a higher respect?
The reason I first mentioned tectonics was because that was how India was formed; a geographical addendum to mainland Asia. It was the cause of their cultural isolation, which is why I say "informally" and said that both formally and technically they are Asian.

I would say it is an accurate description; the continent of Asia is so large and varied that it's impossible to cover the entire spectrum of people under the same description, especially when subregions begin to form. "Middle Eastern Women", "Indian Women", "Russian Women" all look remarkably different from the ones you listed (at least to the foreign eye, which is how we all are viewing this). It makes sense that they are grouped separately, while those with more similarities are put under one roof from a philological point of view. This happens to be "Asian". When I say one person looks Indian and the other looks Asian, there really isn't any confusion for any of us; we all know what I'm saying, which is the purpose of communication. It's an example of a synecdoche; Asian colloquially (or as I said, informally) stands for Western Asian. Part stands for the whole.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
I do find it interesting on your map of "this is Asia", you leave out Southwest Asia and Russia.
You will find these groups of people rarely refer to themselves as ''Asian''. They prefer to call themselves middle eastern, Arab or, uhh, russian. On the other hand, people from the "Indian subcontinent" will always refer to themselves as "Asian". Never "South Asian". I know you are making this distinction based on tectonic plates but I don't think it's particularly relevant to this topic.

Culturally, I don't believe there is a stark difference on one side of the tectonic plate and the other. I think you will observe a gradual shift if you look.

When I say one person looks Indian and the other looks Asian, there really isn't any confusion for any of us; we all know what I'm saying, which is the purpose of communication.
Not to be difficult, but I actually wouldn't know what you are saying. I might even be a little annoyed if you told me I'm not asian.

If we want to get technical, most academics would tell you there is no such thing as ''race''.

edit: to summarise, i think the distinctions you make and terms you using to describe them are culturally insensitive.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Not to be difficult, but I actually wouldn't know what you are saying. I might even be a little annoyed if you told me I'm not asian.

If we want to get technical, most academics would tell you there is no such thing as ''race''.
I think your missing the point. Virg isn't saying your not Asian. In terms of looking at this as a foreign body. Here are two easy examples:

This woman is Asian.

This woman is Indian.

I would think for the MAJORITY of people, at least in the West we would associate this as a woman from China/Japan/Korea as opposed to India.

Just like the MAJORITY of people would associate the bottom statement as people from India, even though in America there is a much closer culture (IE Native Americans are Indians). But even the majority of North Americans would first consider India over Native Americans in this case.

It has nothing to do with what your "official status" or "politically correct" definition is. It's simple majority rules.

TL/DR: I understand perfectly that people from India are Asian. But my first association to Asian people are Chinese/Japanese/Korea/Phillipines etc.

The only thing I don't really understand about the whole argument is why you would want to be associated as Asian, but that's a completely different matter and I'm not saying that China or any other "Asian culture" has a right to be called Asian over another. Simply I would think India would have more to gain by being known seperately as a culture as opposed to being lumped with a bunch of other cultures regardless of title.
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