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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Only need to kill 6 for a legendary kill. Don't really see how they could get back there in time w/o revive and teleport and them trickling in one at a time, though.
Trickling + Two revives, actually. One person was smart enough not to come after me.

It was also at summoner level 12, but hey!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
why is she so famous again?
besides the cute asian girl part of course
Because...oh wait jpak beat me to it.
Eh... I guess? I don't find voices "cute" so much as mannerisms. As long as they don't sound like a dude, their voice is fine.

Everyone has different tastes :)
Her mannerisms are fairly cute, I would say
when I was younger I liked Asians a lot, but then I realized none of them have curves =3.

In other, mostly unrelated news, I'll just leave this here:
Bout 2-3 days too late bro :p
I had a lol.
Gosh, I would hate to learn the game now as opposed to learning it a year ago. So many more champs and items. And you'd have the gay metagame from day 1. Then again, the metagame is ALWAYS gay and always will be gay.
'Scuse me? This is far from the gay metagame.

The gay metagame was sunfire stacking Garen.
The gay metagame was "Protect the Supercarry" a la MF, Twitch, and Kog'Maw.
The gay metagame was that horribad push patch where minions won games.
The gay metagame was the complete domination of tanky DPS, even more so than now.
The gay metagame was jungle Eve. *shudder*
The gay metagame was Amumu/Morgana/Galio/Fiddlesticks/Karthus/Kennen/MF/Sona/Twitch/Vladimir AoE **** every game.

I'd say the meta right now is one of the least gay since I started playing back in September

In other news, as sexy as my old avatar was (you shall be missed Lux), I just can't resist my true allegiance anymore. Ryze all day baby


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Why did Vocal switch to Ryze after he finally stopped using that ugly *** Lux avatar?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Why did Vocal switch to Ryze after he finally stopped using that ugly *** Lux avatar?
You are mistaken; first I switched to the lovely lovely Chinese Lux art. Then, as I don't play her much anymore and Ryze has become both my most played and favorite, I decided it was time for a change.

edit@Brettster: Yea, they are pretty strong in solo queue right now. Good thing I play Ryze :troll:


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
can someone give me a lecture post on how to team comp?
i have a full 30 premade (me and IRL friends) and theyre pretty decent, but i notice that we never win teamfights. basically the only way we win is from pushing inhibs. its really silly
last game was vlad mid (me), kat top, shaco jungle, and nocturne/malphite bot. I got two kills in my lane against a pretty defensive karthus, but top fed a little and bot was pretty bad. I definately know that theyve played better than this, and im pretty sure its our team comp.

soooo, someone please teach me what kind of team comps there are and what are good picks



Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
can someone give me a lecture post on how to team comp?
i have a full 30 premade (me and IRL friends) and theyre pretty decent, but i notice that we never win teamfights. basically the only way we win is from pushing inhibs. its really silly
last game was vlad mid (me), kat top, shaco jungle, and nocturne/malphite bot. I got two kills in my lane against a pretty defensive karthus, but top fed a little and bot was pretty bad. I definately know that theyve played better than this, and im pretty sure its our team comp.

soooo, someone please teach me what kind of team comps there are and what are good picks

Vlad- slows (pool, and rylai's)
Kat- 0 CC
Shaco- fear/single target slow
Malphite- lift/single target slow
Nocturne- ult/fear

You've got 2 characters with absolutely no hard CC, 1 who's fear (jitb) can be stopped, and 2 ults.

Plus, it's 5s, so you need the generic AD/AP/support/jungler/tank setup if you want to succeed without being the top players in the world, so you're missing a GOOD AD carry, and the support.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
can someone give me a lecture post on how to team comp?
i have a full 30 premade (me and IRL friends) and theyre pretty decent, but i notice that we never win teamfights. basically the only way we win is from pushing inhibs. its really silly
last game was vlad mid (me), kat top, shaco jungle, and nocturne/malphite bot. I got two kills in my lane against a pretty defensive karthus, but top fed a little and bot was pretty bad. I definately know that theyve played better than this, and im pretty sure its our team comp.

soooo, someone please teach me what kind of team comps there are and what are good picks

There are a few team comps that work adequately, some better in certain situations than others.

The Balanced Team
1 Ranged DPS
1 AP Carry
1 Tank
1 Support
1 Jungler

This team composition is basically the most well rounded that you can attain. Your DPS and AP carry farm up and deal the majority of damage, the tank and jungler meat shield for them, and the support keeps them alive. This works well at higher elos and in Premade 5s, but can sometimes be risky in solo queue at lower elos as not everyone at those levels understands that the ad and ap carries must be protected.

The Tanky Team
5 Tanky DPS/Tanks
4 Tanky DPS/Tanks + 1 long range squishy

This team composition relies on outlasting the other teams initial burst long enough to eliminate their major damage dealers and pick off the rest afterwards. The downside to being very tanky is that over time an actual dedicated AD or AP carry will deal more damage. Due to this, this composition doesn't always work in higher elos or arranged 5s (though I hear some team called WHALE has been having success with this); however, in lower elos and in solo queue it can do quite well. The reason for this is because teams will be much less organized, allowing the team to eliminate the squishies from the fight due to poor focus and kiting from the other team.

The AoE Team

This idea doesn't have a firm set of roles attached to it, but the idea is to do large amounts of AoE damage. This was once a lot stronger than it is now, but can still be used to good results depending on the team's compoition.

On an ending note, the support in the Balanced Team is the least important role; if you're in solo queue and no one's playing a support but another role needs filled as well, go for support last. Unless you play Janna, in which case she just might be better anyways.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
what are some examples of popular team comps?

My dream comp would look something like

Tank: Shen
Ranged DPS: Ashe
AP Carry: Anivia (Second choice: Annie or Kassadin)
Jungler: Warwick, Trundle, or Udyr
Support: Zilean or Janna

Just an example of course. There are plenty of good characters for each role, though Ashe and Corki are pretty much the best for Ranged DPS (same for Janna and Zil in support). I was tempted to list Ryze under AP Carry but I can't tell if my own experiences are biased or not.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
"At the 15min mark I walk up to Baron and he kills himself for me."
"Players can't surrender until I want them to."
"[During a 1v6] I get up and make some tea"



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I've decided to go for my second ever first page of wins, using Ryze of course. I'm 3 wins in so far :)

One thing I certainly have to say is that playing Ryze has made me a lot more map aware. Since I know how much crazy damage I can deal out, especially once I hit 6, I'm looking for gank opportunities a lot more often.

And I do hope they actually release Lee; he seems like quite a cool character.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@vox pretty good description of team comps. Why do you call kass an ap carry he isn't at all imo. Kass is strictly for counter picking ap carries. But I digress; dude sub ww for nunu. Nunu #1. Played against udyr today. By the time he got done with wolves and went to the other side of his jungle all he had left was his red buff. I'm sitting behind his red watching via my ward as soon as he backs I run in, take it and get out before he gets back from base. I then proceed to give px (jarvan) our red resulting in our team having 3/4 of the buffs and gimping udyr at level 3 while the rest of us are nearly all 5 or 6.

That game was so funny
Px:"ffs dan can we back now!!!??"


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
@vox pretty good description of team comps. Why do you call kass an ap carry he isn't at all imo. Kass is strictly for counter picking ap carries. But I digress; dude sub ww for nunu. Nunu #1. Played against udyr today. By the time he got done with wolves and went to the other side of his jungle all he had left was his red buff. I'm sitting behind his red watching via my ward as soon as he backs I run in, take it and get out before he gets back from base. I then proceed to give px (jarvan) our red resulting in our team having 3/4 of the buffs and gimping udyr at level 3 while the rest of us are nearly all 5 or 6.

That game was so funny
Px:"ffs dan can we back now!!!??"
Eh, i'll admit that you can't classify him as a standard AP carry, but chances are that if you pick him to counter someone on the other team he'll end up serving that role anyhow. I remember CLG using him a couple tourneys back, so I think he can fill the role with the right champions on his team.

As for Nunu, yea I should've had him in there, consider him added :)

Btw, just an update guys: 4 wins into my full win page, would be 6 if I hadn't gotten matched with 2 complete feeders during my second game.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
boring patch next one should be interesting. The urgot nerf is necessary.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Omfg those ****ing *******s.


* Fixed a bug where Ezreal's Arcane Shot could target unseen minions such as wards
That wasn't a ****ing bug, that was ****ing high level playing/being good at the ****ing game. ****ing *****. all of them.
****ing burn riot.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I don't say "ffs" I say "god damnit" >: (

Haha, in the above game we played against Shaco and he was level 1 in jungle while I was 4. We popped all his boxes all the time.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
[collapse=I'll just leave this here...]

5 wins into my mission. No significant problems so far :troll: Seriously, people just do not realize how powerful Ryze is. He just might be...no, I dare not say it. Let's just say I hope it's a good long while before Riot nerfs him :awesome:


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Nothing like playing Ryze when you see yourself jump over that 5K mana hump in the late game and slam like 650 damage Q's around like a boss :cool:


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Nothing like playing Ryze when you see yourself jump over that 5K mana hump in the late game and slam like 650 damage Q's around like a boss :cool:
I'm actually not sure if I ever reach that much mana but that might be because I opt for a Void Staff after finishing Frozen Heart and Banshee's. After Void I'll get an RoA, but most games don't last that long
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